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- Reported by Eve Schooler/ISI
- Minutes of the Multiparty Multimedia Session Control Working Group
- An on-line copy of the minutes and the accompanying slides may be found
- in the directory venera.isi.edu:confctrl/minutes as files ietf.7.93 and
- slides.7.93.ps.
- The MMUSIC Working Group met officially for the first time in Amsterdam.
- We held two sessions that were multicast over the MBONE. The first
- meeting was used to set the context and to discuss the progress made
- since the BOFs held at the last IETF. During the second session, we
- began to lay the groundwork for a strawman MMUSIC protocol.
- First Session: Context and Progress
- After review of the modified charter, we discussed proposals for a set
- of common terminology, an end-system architecture, the MMUSIC protocol
- requirements, implementation considerations and conference styles. To
- narrow the scope of the discussion, we emphasized the need to think in
- terms of a ``version 0'' negotiation protocol.
- Terminology, Framework, Requirements
- Highlights from Lakshman's (lakshman@ms.uky.edu) proposed session
- control glossary were presented (slides 4-8). The key points were:
- o The differentiation between a ``session'' (an association of
- members for control) and a ``conference'' (a logical abstraction
- among multiple participants for multimedia real-time communication
- that consists not only of a control session) but also of related
- media associations and conference policies.
- o The identification of the main system components for an end-system
- teleconferencing architecture as being the conference session
- manager, media agents and a resource manager.
- Since ``media'' is an overloaded word, we are open to suggestions for a
- better term than ``media association,'' which is currently defined as
- the encapsulation of the transport (point-to-point or multipoint) in a
- single medium.
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- Some clarification was needed for the term ``reflector participant,'' a
- participant who neither generates nor terminates data but acts as a
- go-between. It is one of several participant types that arise out of
- policy choices. Julio Escobar commented that it is somewhat of a
- misnomer since a reflector implies the ``reflecting back'' of data, and
- a reflector participant may be used in a variety of fashions (e.g., it
- may translate or combine data). A reflector might be considered a
- service access point.
- In a change since last time, we emphasized that the conference session
- manager is not necessarily the central system component, as shown in the
- slide ``Framework 1,'' but that we think of it more as in the
- ``Framework 2'' slide. However, to a large extent the relationship
- among the various components is immaterial and implementation-specific.
- For instance, a third approach, where the conference session manager is
- part of one monolithic application, is equally valid. The working group
- focus is somewhat separate from the specifics of the framework choices,
- since we are primarily interested in the interaction between the MMUSIC
- negotiation protocol and the conference session manager.
- Since the last meeting, we refined the session control protocol
- requirements (slide 11). They encompass several functions: those for
- distributed session management, dynamic membership management, session
- policy management, and domain specific tasks (e.g., media associations
- and configurations). These groups of functions reflect the management
- of a ``conference'' itself, and the management of its control, policy
- and media elements.
- In addition, we need to distinguish between the policies that are
- carried by the protocol and those understood by the protocol. Does the
- protocol simply carry policy in the same way that it simply carries
- media information, as a payload or ``bag of bits''? While session
- policy is not meant as an optional characteristic, since it is what
- defines the session type, policy enforcement is probably outside the
- scope of the protocol. However, policy enforcement will impact the
- degree to which we can provide session privacy and security.
- The idea of advance reservation was a recurring topic, and one which
- needs further scrutiny. We expect the protocol to provide hooks for
- pre-scheduling sessions, though the conference session manager has no
- direct effect on reservations in the network, nor reservation strategies
- (optimistic versus pessimistic). Ambiguities remain about the
- definition of resources, since they occur at a number of levels (e.g.,
- people, rooms, hardware devices, workstation capabilities, network
- bandwidth), and about how different policies will cause different
- outcomes for resource scheduling and contention resolution. One
- suggestion was to create a proper session MIB to assist with end-system
- management of configuration, capabilities and policies.
- There was also speculation about the interaction between the session
- manager and media agents, for instance when the transport for a media
- agent fails but the control path is still functioning. Although the
- end-system architecture is somewhat outside the venue of the MMUSIC
- protocol, we expect that some system component implementations will
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- enable up-calls from (down-calls to) media agents and that are conveyed
- to (from) the session manager either directly or indirectly. The
- session manager (media agents) may issue modifications as a consequence.
- Similar mechanisms are needed for a session chair to be able to turn on
- and off media agent data flows.
- Implementation for the Internet
- What are the building blocks needed for implementation and operation of
- a MMUSIC protocol in the Internet (slide 12)? Perhaps the biggest
- questions were:
- o What transport platform is needed to support a general purpose
- negotiation service?
- o To what degree do we need reliable multicast?
- o How reliable does reliable have to be?
- A critical, near term action item is to find an individual or a
- collection of individuals who can advise us on our options and recommend
- a solution. It was noted that INRIA is planning to make a reliable
- multicast solution available to the public shortly. Regardless of the
- approach taken, it was agreed that the interface to MMUSIC should be
- designed so that the requirements for the underlying service are clearly
- stated and that the actual choice may vary. Different transport
- implementations might be differentiated on their port number. The
- requisite comment was made that the goals of reliable delivery and
- scalability of sessions conflict with each other.
- In addition, it was suggested that we investigate the universal
- identifier naming infrastructure already used in the WorldWide Web
- (WWW). Another correlation was noted between synchronous and
- asynchronous group negotiation, for instance for mailing list
- coordination. Yet the timing characteristics for conferee interactions
- differ by an order of magnitude between real-time conference session
- control and mailing list management.
- Conversation Styles
- Pre-IETF, we posted to the mailing list some musings on the relationship
- between conversation styles and their requirements on the underlying
- communication infrastructure. It was agreed that a number of other
- dimensions, besides size, need to be considered to describe the list of
- session types more completely. The question was raised about whether it
- is easier to move from tight to loose or loose to tight schemes when
- devising an approach, since the complicated scenarios occur somewhere in
- the middle of the continuum (slide 13).
- There also was debate about the existence of an upper bound on the
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- number of conferees generating media (actively participating). The
- united-nations model and the distributed simulation model are good
- counterexamples to an upper bound. A criticism about the original
- assumption is that we need to be careful not to introduce artifacts of
- the capabilities of the current generations of tools into our
- interaction model. Although a preliminary document on the range of
- conversation styles has been drafted, further details are needed.
- Second Session: Outline for a Protocol
- The foundations for the strawman protocol were discussed (slides 14-20)
- and included proposals for the definition of session state and for
- naming conference components. After thorough descriptions were given of
- the main protocol assumptions, we delved into the basic message types,
- examples of how they might be used and default session policies. A
- lively discussion ensued that helped us compile a list of outstanding
- issues and action items (slides 22 and 23).
- Session State and Naming
- There were no strong opinions about whether or not naming should be
- opaque or structured; in other words whether or not names should be
- based on arbitrary identifiers, or structured around common identifiers
- already in use, such as login ids, host addresses, port numbers and
- timestamps. In any event, the identifiers must be unique. The
- inclusion of a sequence number was felt to be overkill. There are no
- side effects if the session_id is based on the initiator's member_id and
- the initiator drops out of the session; the incorporation of the
- initiator's member_id is simply a technique to make the session_id
- unique. Aliases were deemed useful from an application standpoint, but
- not necessary for the operation of the session control protocol itself.
- The idea behind the aliases were to provide RTCP-like support, though
- there are other textual pieces of information that RTCP carries in
- addition to conferee names and the session name.
- However, there are broader privacy concerns if we tie the member_id and
- session_id to identifiable naming structures. Also, should naming be
- any different if the conference session manager acts on behalf of a an
- individual user, conference room of participants, reflector participant
- (the proxy), or an automated service (the virtual user)?
- We also need to think about naming for mobility, both at session setup
- (to forward requests when you have multiple addresses) and during
- long-lived sessions (to allow users to move around), for example, were
- individuals equipped with locator badges? Can we leverage off of the
- location services for naming transparency being designed in the MOBILEIP
- Working Group?
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- Protocol Assumptions
- Questions about looser styles of conferencing came up. How does someone
- simply tune-in in a loose control fashion, given that we're thinking
- about requiring the participation of at least one member for a session
- to persist? One idea was to create a virtual member to ``own'' the
- session. This virtual member would not only establish the session, but
- also take responsibility to terminate it. The idea of a virtual member
- also could be applied to pre-scheduling sessions (again, this is
- different from reserving the network or other resources), since the
- virtual member would establish the session ahead of time and only
- participate from a control standpoint. Another suggestion was to view
- this as allowing empty membership lists, since the virtual member is not
- an active member.
- Basic Message Types
- The basic message types do not in and of themselves provide a
- negotiation service; they are meant as building blocks. Whether or not
- they are delivered reliably is a separate issue. We proposed a
- three-phase commit handshake (Propose-Reply-Announce) for proposals
- needing negotiations. Suggestions about the messages that are under
- advisement:
- o Add an optional ``reason'' field to the Reply message to make
- informed decisions about initiating another round of proposals
- after receiving a reject. This is useful for handling error
- messages when not in the correct state to receive a Proposal. More
- generally, this optional payload field could be added to both Reply
- and Propose messages:
- - In the Reply message: to allow a reject or an accept response
- to include hints that could assist with renegotiation. This
- results in four types of Replies.
- - In a Propose message: to provide enough information up-front
- to reduce the number of negotiated rounds.
- o Differentiate between an Announce message that:
- - Has been agreed on versus one that a proposer has decided on
- alone.
- - Includes the delta versus the entire state of the conference.
- If the state is large, one may want to send the hash of the
- state. Does an Announce send state, operations, or both?
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- o How to handle/avoid a questionable Announce message? To cut down
- on false Announces, one option is to multicast all messages to all
- members.
- Examples were provided of how the messages might be used, from simple
- scenarios (using an Announce to leave a session or to produce keep-alive
- messages) to session initiation or modification. We assumed that a
- proposal may be comprised of multiple operations. Although many hooks
- were discussed, version 0 may defer using some of them.
- A key open issue is if the protocol requires serializability, i.e., that
- all proposals are acted on in the same order at all conference session
- managers involved in a session. We maintained that a sufficient measure
- of tight control can be enforced without serializability, and without
- requiring absolute global state consistency. To reduce conflicts,
- multicast Propose messages to all others, even if not involved in the
- accept phase.
- Policies
- Slide 20 introduced the main policies we expect to associate with a
- session. Underlined options represent the default choices, should no
- policy be chosen. We clarified that members are always allowed to leave
- a session, regardless of the termination policy. In fact there was a
- motion to replace explicit session termination by implicit termination
- when the membership count drops to zero, or after some duration beyond
- when the membership goes to zero (this would avoid odd behavior caused
- by the non-serializability of proposals). On a similar note, we may
- want to support a policy where one member is able to delete all other
- members in order to terminate a session.
- We discussed the rigidity of session policies and the need to determine
- if different session policies conflict with one another, especially with
- regard to ``static'' sessions (e.g., unchangeable sessions in terms of
- their members, policies and media components).
- The concern was that if there are communication failures that prohibit
- approval for a session change (e.g., when the policy is that all must
- approve), that this would result in a deadlock, a malfunctioning session
- that does not terminate, or a scenario where resources are never
- returned. Clearly, in filling in the protocol details we will need to
- differentiate between the receipt of a reject reply versus no reply at
- all. We will also need to state how policies will be handled (possibly
- become more relaxed) in the event of a communication failure. The
- communication failure may be due to an intermittent lapse in
- connectivity, to a person leaving their workstation unattended and not
- being able to immediately reply to a query, or to the member having left
- the conference at a network failure point and consequently being in the
- wrong state. It was felt that a conference session manager should
- behave like TCP reset after a failure and retain no previous state.
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- Even though we proposed an initially small set of policy choices, the
- richness and completeness of this set needs further scrutiny. To decide
- where version 0 falls on the session style continuum, we solicit input
- on suggested policies and their default values. Additionally, to what
- level of granularity should we institute policies? Do we need to have
- global policies? Per-operation policies? Per-initiator policies? Will
- policies be shared with media agents and other system components?
- A good deal of discussion centered around policies about who may make
- proposals, since non-members may be restricted from initiating
- proposals, and in some cases not all members are proposers. These
- policies apply to changes in general, and are separate from who is
- needed to approve proposals (e.g., coordinate a vote or approve an
- initiation request). The solution proposed was that a non-member find a
- sponsor for a proposal, ensuring the notion of trusted membership.
- However, is this approach too stringent? Because of the premium on
- being a member versus a non-member, there is also interest in making
- assurances that one person isn't impersonating another.
- More specifically, the issue boiled down to the question of joining a
- session. How does one join? Who does one contact? Again, the idea is
- to assign a ``doorman'' or ``doormen.'' For version 0, to support an
- open session in the sd style, a doorman could simply say yes all the
- time. Similarly, is there a more straightforward approach out there?
- Outstanding Issues
- How does floor control interact with session control? Is the notion of
- floor control its own protocol? With its own messages? We are looking
- to other projects, such as MiCE, to advise us on this.
- Could the negotiation protocol be used for other purposes, such as a
- calendar scheduler, booking service, or even to measure agreement over
- topics during an ongoing conference? We are interested in someone
- studying the range of related applications for the MMUSIC protocol.
- Attendees
- George Abe abe@infonet.com
- Chris Adie C.J.Adie@edinburgh.ac.uk
- Axel Belinfante Axel.Belinfante@cs.utwente.nl
- Lou Berger lberger@bbn.com
- Jim Binkley jrb@ibeam.intel.com
- Carsten Bormann cabo@cs.tu-berlin.de
- Robert Braden braden@isi.edu
- Stefan Braun smb@cs.tu-berlin.de
- Michael Brescia
- Les Clyne l.clyne@jnt.ac.uk
- Walid Dabbous Walid.Dabbous@sophia.inria.fr
- Steve DeJarnett steve@ibmpa.awdpa.ibm.com
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- Ed Ellesson ellesson@vnet.ibm.com
- Hans Eriksson hans@sics.se
- Julio Escobar jescobar@bbn.com
- Deborah Estrin estrin@usc.edu
- Osten Franberg euaokf@eua.ericsson.se
- David Ginsburg ginsb@us-es.sel.de
- Ron Greve rgreve@cs.utwente.nl
- Mark Handley mhandley@cs.ucl.ac.uk
- Geert Heijenk heijenk@cs.utwente.nl
- Rune Hjelsvold Rune.Hjelsvold@idt.unit.no
- Frank Hoffmann hoffmann@dhdibm1.bitnet
- Xinli Hou xinli@cs.utwente.nl
- Sascha Ignjatovic sascha@veda.co.at
- Phil Irey pirey@relay.nswc.navy.mil
- John Johnston john@berlioz.nsc.com
- Thomas Kaeppner kaeppner%heidelbg.vnet@ibmpa.ibm.com
- Peter Kirstein P.Kirstein@cs.ucl.ac.uk
- Jim Knowles jknowles@binky.arc.nasa.gov
- John Larson jlarson@parc.xerox.com
- Mark Laubach laubach@hpl.hp.com
- Allison Mankin mankin@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
- David Marlow dmarlow@relay.nswc.navy.mil
- Shehzad Merchant merchant@erg.sri.com
- Donald Merritt don@arl.army.mil
- Topi Miettinen tm86214@cs.tut.fi
- Paul Milazzo milazzo@bbn.com
- Ronny Nilsen Ronny.Nilsen@usit.uio.no
- Zbigniew Opalka zopalka@agile.com
- Jorg Ott jo@cs.tu-berlin.de
- Mark Prior mrp@itd.adelaide.edu.au
- J. Mark Pullen mpullen@cs.gmu.edu
- Eve Schooler schooler@isi.edu
- Henk Sennema sennema@sara.nl
- A. Velu Sinha avsinha@attmail.com
- Kenneth Smith kensmith@bnr.ca
- Kamlesh Tewani ktt@arch2.att.com
- Claudio Topolcic topolcic@cnri.reston.va.us
- Antoine Trannoy trannoy@crs4.it
- Thierry Turletti turletti@sophia.inria.fr
- Guido van Rossum guido@cwi.nl
- Dono van-Mierop dono_van_mierop@3mail.3com.com
- Mario Vecchi mpv@thumper.bellcore.com
- Abel Weinrib abel@bellcore.com
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