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- Attendees of the MOBILEIP session(s) at the 34th IETF in Dallas,
- Texas, 4-8 December 1995.
- Robert Adams adams@ibeam.intel.com
- Juha-Pekka Ahopelto juha-pekka.ahopelto@ntc.nokia.com
- Edward Allen eallen@baynetworks.com
- Susie Armstrong sarmstrong@qualcomm.com
- David Arneson arneson@mtnms.att.com
- Yoshifumi Atarashi atarashi@ebina.hitachi.co.jp
- Joe Balboa balboa@apple.com
- Billy Barron billy@utdallas.edu
- Jim Binkley jrb@cs.pdx.edu
- Robert Breinig rbreinig@melpar.esys.com
- Brett Chappell bchappe@relay.nswc.navy.mil
- Greg Christy gchristy@cisco.com
- Robert Ciampa robc@synnet.com
- David Cong cong@eis.comm.mot.com
- Alex Conta conta@zk3.dec.com
- Ken Crocker kcrocker@microsoft.com
- Dan Croghan dcroghan@eworld.com
- Joe Cutrell jwcutrel@fedex.com
- James Davidson jdavidson@networth.com
- Barbara Denny denny@erg.sri.com
- James Ding ding@asiainfo.com
- Naganand Doraswamy naganand@ftp.com
- Michael Duckett mduckett@bellsouth.net
- Chris Dunphy cmd@wugate.wust1.edu
- Theodore Dzik dzikt@ain3.monmouth.army.mil
- Hiroshi Esaki hiroshi@ctr.columbia.edu
- Hsin Fang hfang@nist.gov
- Dennis Finn dfinn@msmail4.hac.com
- Robert Fish bfish@hprpcd.rose.hp.com
- Daniel Fox dfox@xylogics.com
- Michael Garwood mwg@npr.legent.com
- John Gawf gawf@compatible.com
- Larry Gerhardstein lh_gerhardstein@pnl.gov
- William Gilliam wag@cup.hp.com
- Robert Gilligan Gilligan@eng.sun.com
- Steven Glass glass@ftp.com
- Patrick Guelat patg@imp.ch
- Katsuhiko Hachino savan@pfu.fujitsu.co.jp
- Kenji Hayashi hayashi@ebina.hitachi.co.jp
- Tom Herbert tom.herbert@eng.sun.com
- Mark Hollinger myth@ucx.lkg.dec.com
- David Horton d.horton@citr.uq.oz.au
- Dave Johnson dbj@cs.cmu.edu
- Tony Johnson johnstm@anubis.network.com
- Vivek Kapil vkapil@bnr.ca
- Frank Kastenholz kasten@ftp.com
- Bettina Kauth kauth@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
- Ed King eek@atc.boeing.com
- Steven Klein stevek@digii.com
- Robert Knauerhase knauer@ibeam.jf.intel.com
- Timo Knuutila timo.knuutila@research.nokia.com
- Vladimir Ksinant ksinant@dassault-elec.fr
- William Lenharth whl@unh.edu
- Tony Li tli@real-routers.com
- E. Paul Love epl@sover.net
- James Luciani luciani@baynetworks.com
- Cheryl Madson cmadson@baynetworks.com
- Gary Malkin gmalkin@xylogics.com
- Eric Mannie mannie@helios.iihe.rlt.be
- David Marquardt marquard@austin.ibm.com
- Ham Mathews hamm@dgii.com
- Naoki Matsuhira matsu@flab.fujitsu.co.jp
- Ryotaro Matsunaga ryotaro@flab.fujitsu.co.jp
- Jack McCann mccann@zk3.dec.com
- Mark McFadden 73740.1101@compuserve.com
- John McHugh mchugh@cs.pdx.edu
- Michael McMahon mmcmahon@arinc.com
- William Medlin billmd@cup.hp.com
- David Messent dmessent@csc.com
- Larry Messina messina@afc4a.safb.af.mil
- Cleveland Mickles cmickles@mci.net
- Gregory Mirsky gmirsky@baynetworks.com
- Gabriel Montenegro Gabriel.Montenegro@eng.sun.com
- Akitoshi Morishima ohm@kyoto.wide.ad.jp
- John Moy jmoy@casc.com
- Russ Mundy mundy@tis.com
- Sandra Murphy murphy@tis.com
- Paul Mylotte mylottps@btlip11.bt.co.uk
- Sri Myneni myneni@phx.sectel.mot.com
- Kazuhiko Nakahara nakarhara@ccs.mt.nec.co.jp
- Erik Nordmark nordmark@eng.sun.com
- Kazuhiro Okanoue okanoue@sics.se
- Joerg Ott jo@cs.tu-berlin.de
- Baiju Patel baiju@watson.ibm.com
- Michael Patton map@bbn.com
- Charles Perkins perk@watson.ibm.com
- Burjiz Pithawala bpithaw@cisco.com
- Barry Poole bjpoole@fedex.com
- Yanick Pouffary pouffary@taec.enet.dec.com
- Carl Rigney cdr@livingston.com
- Dave Roberts david.roberts@amd.com
- Kathy Royce kroyce@baynetworks.com
- Krister Sallberg eusksg@exu.ericsson.se
- Dallas Scott dscott@mitre.org
- Atsushi Shimbo shimbo@isl.rdc.toshiba.co.jp
- Byungcheol Shin bcshin@winlab.rutgers.edu
- Jasdip Singh jasdips@internic.net
- Henry Sinnreich hsinnreich@mcimail.com
- Kenneth Smith kensmith@bnr.ca
- Jim Solomon solomon@comm.mot.com
- Hiroshi Suzuki hiroshi@nwk.cl.nec.co.jp
- Osamu Tabata tabata@ftd.trd.tmg.nec.co.jp
- Osamu Takada takada@sdl.hitachi.co.jp
- Cheng Tang ctang@cup.hp.com
- Jim Thompson jim@smallworks.com
- Thuan Tran thuan@xylogics.com
- Keisuke Uehara kei@wide.ad.jp
- Scott Wasson sgwasson@eng.xyplex.com
- Bernd Weise weise@deteberkom.d400.de
- Ellis Wong ewong@baynetworks.com
- Shin Yoshida yoshida@sumitomo.com
- Stefek Zaba stefek_zaba@hplb.hpl.hp.com