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- Reported by Greg Minshall/Novell
- Minutes of the IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts Working Group
- Thanks to Pierre Dupont for taking notes for these minutes.
- Greg Minshall provided opening remarks and a brief history of the
- MOBILEIP Working Group.
- Charlie Kunzinger gave a short presentation on the current Mobile IP
- Draft. A question and answer session followed the presentation.
- o Q: Why not two IP addresses for MH?
- A:(Charlie Kunsinger) No need for two addresses
- A:(Steve Deering) MH can acquire pop-up address to act as its own
- FA
- o Q:(Tony LI) Does FA decrement TTL in IP header before forwarding
- message to MH? Will this interfere with traceroute and MH location
- privacy?
- A: general discussion ensued on security requirements and the
- pors/cons of TTL being decremented by FA. Issue was left for
- further discussion on mailing list.
- o Q: How do two hosts with same subnet address communicate (one
- local, other mobile)?
- A: Proxy-ARP can be used to resolve addresses
- o Q: why not use source routing instead of tunneling?
- A: too many problems with source routing, so it was agreed in NJ to
- use encapsulation
- o Q:(Phil Karn) Can an MH be registered with more than one FA at the
- same time? This would allow MH to use either FA, and prevent
- continuous registration flip/flop between FAs when MH is on a cell
- boundary.
- A: general discussion followed, with no clear consensus on whether
- this would be beneficial. For further discussion on mailing list?
- o Q:(Yakov Rekhter) Draft document should be clear about how mobile
- IP breaks the IP subnet model.
- A: Deferred for later discussion.
- o Q: Why use IP for registration protocol? why not use UDP?
- A: Discussion on 'architectural purity' vs ease of implementation
- followed. Some IP implementations do not provide an IP interface,
- while all have a UDP interface. Deferred for further discussion.
- o Q: Can Yakov expand on subnet model question?
- A:(Yakov Rekhter) The IP over Shared Media draft addresses similar
- problem. The traditional model assumes that only hosts with same
- subnet address can talk directly to each other. Mobile IP means
- that some hosts with same subnet ID cannot communicate directly.
- Also, how do mobile hosts with different subnet IDs but on same
- physical subnet communicate?
- o Q: Request that an authorization type be included before all
- authorization fields in mobile IP messages.
- A: Agreed.
- o Q:(Tony Li) Question on Incarnation number in Agent Advertisement
- message. Some MH may not have non-volatile storage. Also, how is
- it used?
- A:(Dave Johnson) It is so that visiting MH can tell if FA has
- crashed, an therefore if it must re-register with FA.
- o Q: Why not use Internet Security Protocol?
- A: No decision has been reached on this yet. Adopt a wait and see
- attitude with respect to IP security. It is not the mobile-ip wg's
- job to solve IP security problems. A suggestion was made to not
- include any security fields in mobile IP messages.
- o Q: Are timer values defined?
- A: The units and field sizes are defined, but not the recommended
- values. There may be dependancies between timers that need to be
- considered.
- o Q: How and when does HA advertise reachability by proxy-arp?
- A:(Andrew Myles) HA should never advertise unless its a router
- also. A HA that is not a router uses proxy-ARP to intercept
- messages for MH. A discussion followed on whether the HA should
- always be a router.
- o Q: Would like to see characteristics and behavior of HA included in
- draft.
- A: Agreed.
- o Q:(Steve Deering) When tunneling to FA, what happens when the MH is
- not being served by the FA? Does packet go back to HA?
- A: IMHP deals with this.
- o Q: If address resolution mechanism is not ARP, there may be a
- problem using proxy-ARP.
- o Q: Why wait for a Home-Foreign confirm before sending notification
- to the prior foreign agent?
- A: The new FA is not authorized to serve the MH until it receives
- the confirm message from the HA. A message to the prior FA may not
- be required in this case, since the HA will direct messages to the
- new FA as soon as it has authorized it, therefore there is no need
- for the old FA to inform prior FA (the HA can inform the prior FA,
- after it has authorized the new FA).
- IMHP Draft
- Andew Myles gave a presentation on the IMHP draft. Topics included:
- o A definition of the MH, FA and HA elements.
- o The HA configuration (i.e., HA is not necessarily a router).
- o A new element, the cache agent, which keeps track of [MH, FA]
- bindings.
- o Security (rationale for weak security).
- o Home subnet communication (performance requirements, routing
- options).
- o Notification to the prior FA.
- On this final point it was mentioned that notification to the prior FA
- must be fast so that it does not become a black hole for packets. The
- protocol should allow the new FA to accept packets from the prior FA
- before the MH is authorized to use the new FA. The MH must inform the
- prior FA as soon as it moves to a new FA. A period of questions and
- answers followed.
- o Q:(Steve Deering) How are loops eliminated?
- A: A number of alternative mechanisms exist to break routing loops.
- o Q:(Steve Deering) How does routing work when a FA crashes? (Black
- Hole)
- A: A timeout will occur on cache entries, causing polling to the
- destination FA (the Cache Agent polls the FA every timeout secs)
- o Q: How does Cache Agent get bindings?
- A: Snooping can be used for dumb hosts. This can be turned off in
- the Cache agent is desired.
- o Q:What if MH moves from an authorized FA to an unauthorized FA? The
- MH will be temporarily using an unauthorized FA.
- A: During discussion it was pointed out that the FA may want to
- bill someone (HA) for the service to the MH. Therefore the new FA
- may not want to provide service to the MH until it is authorized to
- do so by the HA.
- o Q: The Cache Agent may send redirect packets to any host. This
- could compromise security/privacy (e.g., location information).
- A: A flag could be used to prohibit route forwarding
- o Q: What about ad-hoc networking?
- A: for further study
- o Q: The cache timeout/polling mechanism may generate too much
- network traffic.
- A: Polling would only occur when the route is "active".
- Outstanding Issues
- Charlie Kunzinger presented a list of outstanding issues for discussion.
- o Encapsulation method. Generic or Home-grown?
- We need at least one required method. Steve Deering argued against
- negotiation. Tony Li mentioned there already exists an
- Internet-Draft on encapsulation (Generic Routing Encapsulation).
- Dave Johnson stated that it had a large overhead and may not be
- compatible with ICMP (in terms of header size). Yakov Rekhter
- stated that GRE was already implemented and being deployed. Steve
- Deering stated that generic encapsulation can be used with a reason
- encoding (e.g., Mobile IP host). Greg Minshall recommended that
- the group continue discussion on the mailing list and pick an
- encapsulation method later.
- o Foreign Agent receives forwarded message to MH for which it has no
- binding. What does it do with the message? This issue was
- discussed at the last session.
- o Should address fields be expanded to include address type and
- length?
- Steve said that it may depend on how often packets are sent. Dave
- said the protocol is IP specific, address must fit into 64 ICMP
- bits and Tony recommends addresses be TLV fields to support multi
- protocols (e.g., Mobile appletalk). No consensus was reached.
- o Do we need to control the number or frequency of registration
- requests?
- A discussion followed on whether to allow MH to register in
- multiple cells (i.e., with more than one FA) and have HA duplicate
- messages to both FAs. Steve suggested that protocol should not
- disallow this, but recommended it be deferred to the advanced
- functionality issue list. This issue was left unresolved.
- o Is there a need for a retransmission timer on a registration
- request by the MH?
- It was suggested that the MH be allowed to retransmit a request and
- that the FA could respond with an in-progress message if it is
- awaiting a response from the HA on a previous request for the MH.
- o State diagrams in draft document?
- This will be included in the next revision.
- o Should the protocol allow a hierarchy of HA?
- Should not preclude this option in draft.
- o Can TOS bit in IP header be used to identify mobile hosts?
- Dave stated that RFC 1122 suggests this is not possible.
- o Why can an FA terminate service to an MH? Also, HA can deregister
- MH.
- It was suggested that there is no need to include FA to MH
- deregistration since it will time out eventually.
- o Several comments were made on the style, packet format and byte
- alignment in the draft.
- o Should ICMP or UDP be used for registration protocol?
- After some discussion, a poll was taken on the preferred method and
- UDP was selected by a majority of those responding.
- o Weak security: definition needs to be included in the draft.
- o To what degree do we break the subnet model?
- This is similar to the problem with large public data networks
- (e.g., ATM). Yakov volunteered to communicate to the IAB how Mobile
- IP will break the subnet model (and write an Internet-Draft?).
- Cache Agent Model
- A discussion on the pros and cons of the intermediate Cache Agent model
- followed, with no consensus being reached on how to proceed. Some
- argued it should be left out of the initial draft while others argued
- the group should continue with plans to merge IMHP into the draft.
- Documentation and Implementation Milestones
- The group needs a specification which can be used to implement test
- systems (would like the specification before Christmas). Charlie will
- continue work as the document editor.
- Interim Meeting
- An Interim meeting of the Mobile IP Working Group was proposed for
- January at Xerox PARC. It was suggested that implementors and
- specification writers convene for two days.
- Attendees
- Kannan Alagappan kannan@dsmail.enet.dec.com
- Kenneth Albanese albanese@icp.net
- Nick Alfano alfano@mpr.ca
- Stephen Batsell batsell@itd.nrl.navy.mil
- Tom Benkart teb@acc.com
- Mark Beyer beyer_mark@tandem.com
- Ram Bhide ram@nat.com
- Steven Blair sblair@us.dell.com
- Jon Boone boone@psc.edu
- Monroe Bridges monroe@cup.hp.com
- Glen Cairns cairns@mprgate.mpr.ca
- Ken Carlberg Carlberg@cseic.saic.com
- Lida Carrier lida@apple.com
- Bill Cash cash@bangote.compaq.com
- Bilal Chinoy bac@sdsc.edu
- Frank Ciotti frankc@telxon.com
- David Clark ddc@lcs.mit.edu
- Thomas Coradetti tomc@digibd.com
- Stephen Deering deering@parc.xerox.com
- Thomas Dimitri tommyd@microsoft.com
- Waychi Doo wcd@berlioz.nsc.com
- Avri Doria avri@locus.com
- Robert Downs bdowns@combinet.com
- Pierre Dupont dupont@mdd.comm.mot.com
- Julio Escobar jescobar@bbn.com
- Craig Fox craig@ftp.com
- Richard Fox rfox@metricom.com
- John Garrett jwg@garage.att.com
- Robert Gilligan Bob.Gilligan@Eng.Sun.Com
- Ramesh Govindan rxg@thumper.bellcore.com
- Darren Griffiths dag@ossi.com
- Robert Grow bob@xlnt.com
- Regina Hain rrosales@bbn.com
- Jari Hamalainen jah@rctre.nokia.com
- Marc Hasson marc@mentat.com
- Cornelius Healy con@icp.net
- Juha Heinanen juha.heinanen@datanet.tele.fi
- Kathryn Hill khill@newbridge.com
- Robert Hinden hinden@eng.sun.com
- Kevin Jackson kjackson@concord.com
- David Jacobson dnjake@vnet.ibm.com
- B.V. Jagadeesh bvj@novell.com
- David Johnson dbj@cs.cmu.edu
- Timo Jokiaho timo.jokiaho@ntc.nokia.com
- Rick Jones raj@cup.hp.com
- Elizabeth Kaufman kaufman@biomded.med.yale.edu
- Byonghak Kim bhkim@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr
- Mark Knopper mak@merit.edu
- Tony Li tli@cisco.com
- Tracy Mallory tracym@3com.com
- Wayne McDilda wayne@dir.texas.gov
- Marjo Mercado marjo@cup.hp.com
- Greg Minshall minshall@wc.novell.com
- William Miskovetz misko@cisco.com
- Randy Miyazaki randy@lantron.com
- Robert Moose rmoose@gateway.mitre.org
- Sandra Murphy murphy@tis.com
- Andrew Myles andrew@mpce.mg.edu.au
- Erik Nordmark nordmark@eng.sun.com
- Masataka Ohta mohta@cc.titech.ac.jp
- Todd Palgut todd@nei.com
- Steve Parker sparker@ossi.com
- Ismat Pasha ipasha@icm1.icp.net
- John Penners jpenners@advtech.uswest.com
- Charles Perkins perk@watson.ibm.com
- Wayne Peters waynep@telxon.com
- Ram Ramanathan ramanath@bbn.com
- Jim Rees Jim.Rees@umich.edu
- Yakov Rekhter yakov@watson.ibm.com
- Mike Ritter mwritter@applelink.apple.com
- Benny Rodrig brodrig@rnd-gate.rad.co.il
- Greg Ruth gruth@gte.com
- Richard Schmalgemeier rgs@merit.edu
- Martin Schulman schulman@smtp.sprint.com
- Dallas Scott scott@fluky.mitre.org
- Isil Sebuktekin isil@nevin.bellcore.com
- Michael See mikesee@vnet.ibm.com
- Satya Sharma ssharma@chang.austin.ibm.com
- William Simpson Bill.Simpson@um.cc.umich.edu
- Henry Sinnreich hsinnreich@mcimail.com
- James Solomon solomon@comm.mot.com
- Michael St. Johns stjohns@arpa.mil
- Martha Steenstrup msteenst@bbn.com
- Robert Stevens robs@join.com
- David Stine dsa@cisco.com
- John Tavs tavs@vnet.ibm.com
- Fumio Teraoka tera@csl.sony.co.jp
- Susan Thomson set@bellcore.com
- Akihiro Tominaga tomy@sfc.wide.ad.jp
- Paul Traina pst@cisco.com
- Hoe Trinh htrinh@vnet.ibm.com
- Keisuke Uehara kei@cs.uec.ac.jp
- John Veizades veizades@ftp.com
- Gerry White gerry@lancity.com
- Steve Willens steve@livingston.com
- Bradley Wilson wilson@ftp.com
- David Woodgate David.Woodgate@its.csiro.au
- Richard Woundy rwoundy@vnet.ibm.com
- Honda Wu honda@nat.com
- Jean Yao yao@cup.hp.com
- Weiping Zhao zhao@nacsis.ac.jp