Internet Info 1997 December
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Reported by Lee LaBarre/MITRE
The OIM WG met at the Florida IETF meeting for one morning. The meeting
was primarily for dissemination of information and to seek feedback on
the OIM activities. Topics discussed were:
o CMOT Agreements on CMIS/P IS
o Interoperability Lab at DEC's NSL
o Testing of CMOT Implementations
o The Internet MIB and MIB-II
o Management Functions for event reporting and logging
CMOT Agreements on CMIS/P IS
Brian Handspicker provided an overview of the draft agreements for
amending the CMOT RFC in accordance with the International Standard for
CMIS and CMIP. The OIM will reference the agreements coming out of the
OSI Implementors Workshop NMSIG for CMIS and CMIP. We are requesting
review of those NMSIG agreements so that we may provide input to the
NMSIG meeting the week of 12 March. Comments should be in to Brian and
Lee by 6 March. Of course you will need a copy of the agreements to
comment on. We will send a copy to the distribution list ASAP. It is
important that these agreements be in final form for the March meeting
since a request will be made to put them into the OIW stable agreements.
Once there, they cannot be changed without great difficulty. We need
stable agreements on which to base stable implementations.
The agreements will cover CMIS/P, the underlying services required for
use with TCP/IP (CMOT) and for use with OSI protocols, and policy on the
use of associations.
Agreements will be developed in two phases: Phase I will include
agreements on CMIP IS and its use with MIB-I. The current RFC 1095 rules
for identifying MIB instances will be rertained. Phase II will include
agreements on the use of the Phase I agreements on CMIP, agreements on
the use of MIB-II and the OSI SMI, and agreements on the management
functions. Again we will seek alignment with agreements developed by
the OIW - where appropriate.
Interoperability Lab at NSL
Dave Crocker described the NSL Lab that has been set up for the purpose
of interoperability testing - called OpenLab. The lab will provide
space, power, air conditioning, etc. only. Access to the lab is
convenient - no escort is needed. Room is currently available for 5 to
10 people to work in the lab. The area can be quickly expanded to
accomodate 30 - 50 people. The lab will be open on 15 March, but Dave
says that anyone wishing to use it before that date may do so by making
arrangements with him. Currently no charge is required. But that may
Although the lab space is being provided by DEC, DEC will not control or
oversee the operations of the lab. Security for the lab will be
provided by a guard who controls access to the facilities by authorized
For further information contact Dave Crocker at dcrocker@nsl.dec.com or
dcrocker@decwrl.dec.com or call (415) 688-6820.
Brian Handspicker will be developing a plan for use of the lab to test
CMOT implementations. The plan will allow for testing of current CMOT
implementations based on RFC1095 as well as CMIP IS based
implementations. Contact Brian for more information especially if you
want to do testing of RFC 1095 implementations. Brian is at
Tom Halcin of HP is developing a test plan for interoperability testing
of CMOT implementations. Phase I testing will include the MIB I defined
in RFC 1066, and RFC 1095 CMOT and IS based CMOT. Essential for this
testing are agreements on marching rules for MIB-I objects, as discussed
Lee LaBarre provided an overview of the OIM MIB-II Internet-Draft which
is available at the NIC. The draft recasts the proposed MIB-II into the
OSI SMI in accordance with the ISO DP 10165-4 Guidelines for Managed
Objects. Attributes are added to align with the ISO requirement to
assign distinguished attributes to every managed object class.
Inheritance from the object "top" is specified. SNMP traps are included
in the MIB as events assigned to specific objects.
The OIM MIB-II draft specifies matching rules to each attribute in the
MIB for the purpose of applying CMIS Filtering. Such specification is
also required for MIB-I attributes (subset of MIB-II) for the purpose of
phase I agreements and interoperability testing. Comments are requested
ASAP on the Matching Rules specified for the MIB-I subset of attributes
specified in the OIM MIB-II draft. Please send comments to Tom Halcin
(halcinLee LaBarre (cel@mbunix.mitre.org).
Management Functions
Lee Labarre has written a tutorial (specification) on event reporting,
logging, and alarm management functions. It describes the objects
required by ISO for these functions, and the models by which the
functions were developed. The Internet Alertman WG effort on event flow
control is incorporated into the paper. The paper will be submitted as