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Text File | 1997-01-30 | 183.7 KB | 6,782 lines |
- Editor's note: These minutes have not been edited.
- ONC RPC (ONCRPC) Working Group Minutes,
- San Jose IETF, December 1996, reported by Steve Nahm (Sun Microsystems)
- The working group met in one session on Monday. Ted Tso (MIT) and
- Steve Nahm co-chaired the meeting.
- There are three RFCs currently at Proposed Standard:
- RFC1831: RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol
- Specification Version 2
- RFC1833: Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2
- RFC1832: XDR: External Data Representation Standard
- Each of these were requested to be elevated to Draft Standard in
- September. After review by IESG, the core RPC specifications were held
- to be incomplete because they did not include a strong authentication
- mechanism. IESG required that such a mechanism be submitted prior to
- advancing the core RPC specifications. This requirement does not apply
- to XDR, and that document is currently pending advancement to Draft
- Standard.
- Other documents currently active:
- draft-ietf-oncrpc-remote-02.txt (RPC)
- draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcbind-01.txt (RPC Binding)
- These are revisions to RFC1831 and RFC1833 based on Montreal WG input.
- There are no known outstanding WG issues with these documents, which
- was the specifications which were submitted for advancement to Draft
- Standard. IESG offered to recycle these specifications as Proposed
- Standards. The concensus of the working group was that this was not
- necessary, and the drafts would be resubmitted when the security
- specification is ready, unblocking the core RPC specifications for
- advancement to Draft Standard.
- draft-ietf-oncrpc-auth-02.txt (Authentication Mechanisms)
- There are no known outstanding issues with this document. It too is
- being withheld pending progress on the IESG requirement. This draft is
- intended to be submitted as an Informational RFC.
- draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt (RPCSEC_GSS)
- Mike Eisler, Editor
- This draft is the basis for satisfying the IESG's requirement. It is
- discussed further below.
- The charter of this working was revised since the last meeting. The
- primary change was the addition of language to include work on
- developing a security mechanism which satisfies the IESG requirement.
- The working group believes that the RPCSEC_GSS mechanism satisfies this
- requirement, and the new timetable reflects this. Refer to the ONC RPC
- WG Charter for additional details.
- Mike Eisler presented a summary of the issues raised via the mailing
- list on draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt (RPCSEC_GSS). His slides
- are included in the proceedings.
- The issues which Mike considers as RESOLVED are:
- 1) Clarify description of Context Management (section to
- emphasize "that the integrity check on an incoming message is to be
- validated before adjusting the receive window in response to the
- incoming message's sequence number."
- 2) Rename RPCSEC_GSS_NOCRED and RPCSEC_GSS_FAILED error code names to
- avoid confusion with GSS API's GSS_NO_CRED and GSS_FAILURE. Mike also
- agreed to try to define the mapping between specific GSS-level major
- status codes and the corresponding RPC layer error codes.
- 3) Clarify section language regarding generation of session
- handles. Mike omitted a "not" in the confusing sentence. He proposed
- that the offending sentence be deleted from section; the
- working group consensus agreed with this.
- 4) Clarify section 6.2 to explain that there is an attack possible
- where the attacker sends fake requests above the sequence number
- window, which will not be rejected by the sequence number check, but
- will force the server to validate the header checksum and fail. Mike
- agreed to clarify this section.
- Ted Tso led the review and discussion of the unresolved issues, using Mike's
- slides as the starting point.
- 1) John Linn had observed on the mailing list that there is no facility
- within RPCSEC_GSS to negotiate what GSS-API mechanism to use, so
- mechanism selection must be a) static; b) performed out-of-band or c)
- negotiated within the GSS layer. An anonymous commenter wrote to Mike
- Eisler that without a means to negotiate quality of protection (QOP) of
- authentication flavor, ONC RPC will not meet his needs.
- Marc Horowitz stated that negotiation of mechanism should be done
- within the GSS layer. John Linn clarified that he didn't mean to imply
- through his comment that there had to be a negotiation mechanism in the
- proposal. Ted stated that the CAT working group believes there is a
- potentially useful means to negotiate mechanism being implemented
- within GSS and that free code is available.
- The concensus of the working group was to not hold back draft due to
- this issue.
- 2) Several issues were raised regarding specification of QOP and
- service values. The initialization phase of RPCSEC_GSS allows the
- client to specify a QOP and service. John Linn asked on the mailing
- list whether the RPC layer is expected to choose these, or whether the
- relevant GSS mechanism ID will be reflected up to the
- user/application/caller of the RPC layer to allow it to select a QOP
- suitable to the prevailing mechanism. Mike explained that the API is
- expected to provide mechanism selection input/output to the client and
- server. He is willing update the draft to reflect this.
- Further discussion questioned the benefit of specifying the QOP and
- service in the init request. A simplifying proposal was made by Marc
- to drop QOP and service specification from rpc_gss_init_arg and to
- integrity protect seq_window using the "default" QOP in the final
- (GSS_S_COMPLETE) rpc_gss_init_res response. This addresses Barry
- Jaspan's suggestion that the seq_window be protected to avoid denial of
- service attacks that would use that field.
- The consensus was to do this.
- 3) Marc stated in mail to the list that the version negotiation
- procedure seems complex. He proposed to delete it. Mike supported
- this stating that we could invent a negotiation mechanism later when/if
- additional versions of RPCSEC_GSS are defined.
- Concensus was to do delete version negotiation.
- 4) Marc suggested in mail to the list that gss_wrap() be used for both
- integrity and encryption, rather than using gss_get_mic() for integrity
- and gss_wrap() for encryption. Mike stated that gss_get_mic() was used
- for integrity to avoid an unnecessary byte copy. Marc conceded the
- efficiency issue and was willing to drop this issue.
- 5) Marc stated in mail to the list that section 5.2.1 text is
- misleading and should be corrected. After discussion with those
- present, Mike agreed to correct the wording, dropping the phrase "for
- those mechanisms that require context creation messages."
- 6) Marc asked why gss_proc is not an enum. Mike agreed that it should
- be an enum.
- 7) Marc stated in mail to the list that V2 GSS-API names should be used
- by this draft. Mike queried Allison Mankin about the status of the
- GSS-API V2 draft. She said that it's in the queue, and that since the
- RPCSEC_GSS draft would be behind GSS-API in the RFC queue, it would be
- safe to use the V2 names.
- 8) Allison asked whether the working group believed that the issues
- raised by Keith Moore are resolved. Keith believes that the
- specification should state that certain mechanisms must be supported in
- order to be compliant.
- Marc felt that each RPC application will need to determine what is
- appropriate for it. What's right for one RPC application might not be
- right for everything else. John Linn said that the mechanism to use
- largely falls out of the operation environment in which the application
- is running.
- Allison said that she thinks we should specify a minimum level of
- security.
- Marc observed that we can't prevent insecurity at user's sites.
- Putting such a requirement into the specification may have an effect on
- vendors, but user don't have to use it.
- Ted proposed that we put a statement in the core RPC specs that
- implementation of RPCSEC_GSS standard is required. Allison asked if
- this meant specifying the actual mechanism to use (Kerberos, or public
- key, or something else).
- John stated that he would like to see statement like: "For Internet
- Standard purposes, implementation of RPCSEC_GSS under one or more
- GSS-API standard mechanisms."
- Allison asked, shouldn't we give specific advice to implementors as to
- how to approach this area? Ted said that this is largely an
- infrastructure issue. How can we give advice when we don't know what
- infrastructure is supported?
- Mike said that NFS would have to define the security mechanism it can
- use in its own specification.
- John asked how this issue has this been handled before? Ted said that
- IMAP POP3 use of GSS-API was specified in a separate RFC that made no
- statements about requirements.
- Roland Schemers asked if CAT could be requested to develop a
- lightweight GSS mechanism to avoid the infrastructure issue.
- Allison wants a statement in the core RPC specification that RPCSEC_GSS
- is required to be implemented. Then, the RPCSEC_GSS specification
- should state that when you reference it, you must also state what
- mechanism you support. Brent Callaghan, who is holding an NFS BOF
- later in IETF, agreed to raise this issue at the NFS BOF.
- Ted observed that even having a base set of mechanisms, you still may
- not have parties sharing a mechanism. He said that IESG should
- consider specifying what mechanisms are to be used within the
- Internet. Allison agreed that this would be a good idea.
- ----------
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- 2 2 SJ
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- 520 1561 50 (\226) 50 SB
- 614 1561 291 (Mar 97) 291 SB
- 1 6 SJ
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- 614 1705 291 (Mar 97) 291 SB
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- x0 y1 x0 y0 r2 arcto 4{pop}repeat x0 y0 x1 y0 r2 arcto 4{pop}repeat
- m sm cp}ifelse}ifelse}bd/PP{{rlt}repeat}bd/OB{gs 0 ne{7 3 roll/y ed
- /x ed x y translate ULesc rotate x neg y neg translate x y 7 -3 roll}if
- sc B fill gr}bd/B{M/dy ed/dx ed dx 0 rlt 0 dy rlt dx neg 0 rlt cp}bd
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- ErrHandler
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- { countdictstack oldDictCnt lt { Win35Dict begin }
- {1 1 countdictstack oldDictCnt sub {pop end } for } ifelse } if
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- }stopped
- { countdictstack oldDictCnt lt { Win35Dict begin }
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- 1 F
- n
- gr
- 0 lc
- 0 lj
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- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
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- S
- n
- gr
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- 0 0 0 fC
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- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
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- 376 1020 61 (/9/96) 61 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 44 44 0 0 0 39 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 497 481 420 (ONC RPC WG Agenda) 420 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 341 574 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 4 4 SJ
- 374 574 366 (Assign scribe for this meeting) 366 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 341 616 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 374 616 695 (Introductions, Background, New Charter. Agenda Changes) 695 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 385 658 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 1 2 SJ
- 412 658 350 (Steve Nahm <sxn@sun.com>) 350 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 341 700 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 2 3 SJ
- 374 700 458 (Summary of RPCSEC_GSS discussion) 458 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 385 742 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 1 2 SJ
- 412 742 398 (Mike Eisler <mre@eng.sun.com>) 398 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 341 785 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 3 4 SJ
- 374 785 535 (Progress on outstanding RPCSEC_GSS items) 535 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 385 827 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 1 2 SJ
- 412 827 309 (Ted Tso <tytso@mit.edu>) 309 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 341 869 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 2 4 SJ
- 374 869 399 (Discussion of possible XDR work) 399 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 385 911 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 1 2 SJ
- 412 911 512 (Keith Sklower <sklower@cs.berkeley.edu>) 512 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 341 953 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 415 CB
- 1 1 SJ
- 374 953 127 (Next Steps) 127 SB
- gr
- 255 255 255 fC
- /fm 256 def
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 879 661 1281 416 B
- 1 F
- n
- gr
- 6 7 SP
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 763 544 1339 467 B
- S
- n
- gr
- 0 0 0 fC
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 2056 1020 15 (2) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1360 1020 30 (12) 29 SB
- 1389 1020 61 (/9/96) 61 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 44 44 0 0 0 39 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1547 472 345 (ONCRPC WG Info) 345 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1361 515 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 3 6 SJ
- 1394 515 626 (Charter: Standardize ONC RPC protocols \(TSV area\)) 626 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1361 557 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1394 557 183 (WG Co-Chairs:) 183 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1 4 SJ
- 1625 557 278 (Steve Nahm & Ted Tso) 278 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1405 599 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1432 599 181 (Area Directors:) 181 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1625 599 417 (Allison Mankin & Allyn Romanow) 417 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1361 642 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1394 642 218 (Outstanding drafts) 218 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1405 677 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- -1 1 SJ
- 1432 677 233 (Proposed Standards) 233 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1449 719 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 2 3 SJ
- 1471 719 235 (RFC1831 - RPC V2) 235 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1449 761 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 2 6 SJ
- 1471 761 559 (RFC1832 - XDR \(Submitted as Draft Standard\)) 559 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1449 803 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 3 4 SJ
- 1471 803 263 (RFC 1833 - RPC Bind) 263 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1361 845 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- -1 1 SJ
- 1394 845 135 (Online info) 135 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1405 888 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1432 888 30 (on) 29 SB
- 1461 888 97 (crpc-wg) 96 SB
- 1557 888 38 (@s) 39 SB
- 1596 888 30 (un) 29 SB
- 1625 888 40 (roo) 39 SB
- 1664 888 166 (f.eng.sun.com) 166 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Bold /font29 ANSIFont font
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1405 930 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1432 930 517 (oncrpc-wg-request@sunroof.eng.sun.com) 517 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- 1405 972 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 415 CB
- -2 2 SJ
- 1432 972 533 (Archives at playground.sun.com:/pub/oncrpc) 533 SB
- gr
- 255 255 255 fC
- /fm 256 def
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 879 661 268 1286 B
- 1 F
- n
- gr
- 6 7 SP
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 763 544 326 1337 B
- S
- n
- gr
- 0 0 0 fC
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 1043 1890 15 (3) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 347 1890 30 (12) 29 SB
- 376 1890 61 (/9/96) 61 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 44 44 0 0 0 39 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 457 1351 499 (New ONCRPC WG Charter) 499 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 341 1429 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 2 5 SJ
- 374 1429 585 (Standardize ONC RPC protocols existing practice) 585 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 341 1471 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 3 8 SJ
- 374 1471 655 (Create security mechanism for ONC RPC that provides ) 655 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Italic /font31 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 1032 1471 23 (at) 23 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 374 1506 116 (minimum ) 116 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 490 1506 248 (strong authentication) 248 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 385 1549 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 3 7 SJ
- 412 1549 630 (Core RPC specification blocked until submitted as PS) 630 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 385 1591 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 1 5 SJ
- 412 1591 602 (RPCSEC_GSS provides auth, integrity and privacy) 602 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 341 1633 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 374 1633 119 (Timetable) 119 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 385 1675 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 412 1675 81 (Feb 97) 81 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 2 4 SJ
- 517 1675 527 (Submit RPCSEC_GSS as Proposed Standard) 527 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 385 1717 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 412 1717 86 (Mar 97) 86 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 3 6 SJ
- 517 1717 497 (Submit core RPC specs as Draft Standards) 497 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 385 1759 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 412 1759 86 (Mar 97) 86 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 517 1759 486 (WG need not meet; mailing list monitors ) 486 SB
- gr
- gs 879 660 267 1285 CB
- 517 1794 336 (balance of std track progress) 336 SB
- gr
- 255 255 255 fC
- /fm 256 def
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 879 661 1281 1286 B
- 1 F
- n
- gr
- 6 7 SP
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 763 544 1339 1337 B
- S
- n
- gr
- 0 0 0 fC
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 2056 1890 15 (4) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1360 1890 30 (12) 29 SB
- 1389 1890 61 (/9/96) 61 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 44 44 0 0 0 39 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1523 1347 393 (ONC RPC WG Drafts) 393 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1354 1407 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1387 1407 25 (dr) 24 SB
- 1411 1407 120 (aft-ietf-on) 119 SB
- 1530 1407 71 (crpc-r) 70 SB
- 1600 1407 52 (pcse) 53 SB
- 1653 1407 28 (c_) 27 SB
- 1680 1407 37 (gss) 38 SB
- 1718 1407 10 (-) 9 SB
- 1727 1407 68 (01.txt) 68 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1398 1449 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1 2 SJ
- 1425 1449 225 (Mike Eisler, Editor) 225 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1354 1491 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1387 1491 25 (dr) 24 SB
- 1411 1491 120 (aft-ietf-on) 119 SB
- 1530 1491 71 (crpc-r) 70 SB
- 1600 1491 97 (emote-0) 96 SB
- 1696 1491 30 (2.t) 31 SB
- 1727 1491 15 (x) 14 SB
- 1741 1491 8 (t) 8 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1398 1534 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 2 3 SJ
- 1425 1534 312 (No outstanding WG issues) 312 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1398 1576 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 3 2 SJ
- 1425 1576 396 (Blocked; awaiting RPCSEC_GSS) 396 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1354 1618 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1387 1618 25 (dr) 24 SB
- 1411 1618 120 (aft-ietf-on) 119 SB
- 1530 1618 71 (crpc-r) 70 SB
- 1600 1618 81 (pcbind) 80 SB
- 1680 1618 40 (-01) 39 SB
- 1719 1618 7 (.) 8 SB
- 1727 1618 23 (tx) 22 SB
- 1749 1618 8 (t) 9 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1398 1660 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 2 3 SJ
- 1425 1660 312 (No outstanding WG issues) 312 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1398 1702 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 3 2 SJ
- 1425 1702 396 (Blocked; awaiting RPCSEC_GSS) 396 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1354 1744 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1387 1744 25 (dr) 24 SB
- 1411 1744 120 (aft-ietf-on) 119 SB
- 1530 1744 89 (crpc-au) 88 SB
- 1618 1744 63 (th-02) 62 SB
- 1680 1744 7 (.) 8 SB
- 1688 1744 23 (tx) 22 SB
- 1710 1744 8 (t) 9 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1398 1787 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 2 3 SJ
- 1425 1787 312 (No outstanding WG issues) 312 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 1398 1829 15 (\226) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 880 660 1279 1285 CB
- 2 5 SJ
- 1425 1829 431 (Plan to submit as Informational RFC) 431 SB
- gr
- 255 255 255 fC
- /fm 256 def
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 879 661 268 2155 B
- 1 F
- n
- gr
- 6 7 SP
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 763 544 326 2206 B
- S
- n
- gr
- 0 0 0 fC
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 1043 2759 15 (5) 15 SB
- gr
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 347 2759 30 (12) 29 SB
- 376 2759 61 (/9/96) 61 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 44 44 0 0 0 39 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 610 2220 192 (Next Steps) 192 SB
- gr
- 32 0 0 29 29 0 0 0 26 /Times-Roman /font32 ANSIFont font
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 341 2298 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 2 7 SJ
- 374 2298 652 (Publish current core RPC specs as recycle-in-grade PS?) 652 SB
- gr
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 341 2340 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 1 5 SJ
- 374 2340 492 (Publish Auth draft as Informational RFC?) 492 SB
- gr
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 341 2382 10 (\225) 10 SB
- gr
- gs 879 659 267 2155 CB
- 2 6 SJ
- 374 2382 539 (Submission of RPCSEC_GSS draft by Feb 97) 539 SB
- gr
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- /papersizedict 14 dict def
- papersizedict begin
- /papername /unknown def
- /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
- /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen
- /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen
- /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
- /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen
- /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen
- /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen
- /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen
- /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen
- /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen
- /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen
- /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen
- end
- } def
- /papersize {
- papersizedict begin
- /Letter {lettertray letter} def
- /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def
- /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def
- /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def
- /Legal {legaltray legal} def
- /Statement {statementtray statement} def
- /Executive {executivetray executive} def
- /A3 {a3tray a3} def
- /A4 {a4tray a4} def
- /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def
- /B4 {b4tray b4} def
- /B5 {b5tray b5} def
- /unknown {unknown} def
- papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
- end
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- statusdict begin stopped end
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- } def
- /manualpapersize {
- papersizedict begin
- /Letter {letter} def
- /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def
- /Tabloid {11x17} def
- /Ledger {ledger} def
- /Legal {legal} def
- /Statement {statement} def
- /Executive {executive} def
- /A3 {a3} def
- /A4 {a4} def
- /A4Small {a4small} def
- /B4 {b4} def
- /B5 {b5} def
- /unknown {unknown} def
- papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
- end
- stopped
- } def
- /desperatepapersize {
- statusdict /setpageparams known
- {
- paperwidth paperheight 0 1
- statusdict begin
- {setpageparams} stopped pop
- end
- } if
- } def
- /savematrix {
- orgmatrix currentmatrix pop
- } bind def
- /restorematrix {
- orgmatrix setmatrix
- } bind def
- /dmatrix matrix def
- /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform
- dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def
- /freq dpi 18.75 div 8 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul dpi exch div def
- /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def
- /DiacriticEncoding [
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl
- /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft
- /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one
- /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
- /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K
- /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash
- /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h
- /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar
- /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute
- /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis
- /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis
- /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve
- /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex
- /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet
- /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute
- /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown
- /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef
- /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde
- /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright
- /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis
- /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl
- /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand
- /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute
- /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve
- /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron
- /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
- ] def
- /ReEncode {
- dup
- length
- dict begin
- {
- 1 index /FID ne
- {def}
- {pop pop} ifelse
- } forall
- 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if
- currentdict
- end
- } bind def
- /graymode true def
- /bwidth FMLOCAL
- /bpside FMLOCAL
- /bstring FMLOCAL
- /onbits FMLOCAL
- /offbits FMLOCAL
- /xindex FMLOCAL
- /yindex FMLOCAL
- /setpattern {
- /bwidth exch def
- /bpside exch def
- /bstring exch def
- /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def
- freq sangle landscape {90 add} if
- {/y exch def
- /x exch def
- /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
- /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
- bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get
- 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne
- {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1}
- {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0}
- ifelse
- }
- setscreen
- {} settransfer
- offbits offbits onbits add div FMsetgray
- /graymode false def
- } bind def
- /grayness {
- FMsetgray
- graymode not {
- /graymode true def
- orgxfer cvx settransfer
- orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen
- } if
- } bind def
- /Colors FMLOCAL
- FMPrintInColor
- {
- /HUE 0 def
- /SAT 0 def
- /BRIGHT 0 def
- % array of arrays Hue and Sat values for the separations [HUE BRIGHT]
- /Colors
- [[0 0 ] % black
- [0 0 ] % white
- [0.00 1.0] % red
- [0.37 1.0] % green
- [0.60 1.0] % blue
- [0.50 1.0] % cyan
- [0.83 1.0] % magenta
- [0.16 1.0] % comment / yellow
- ] def
- /K {
- Colors exch get dup
- 0 get /HUE exch store
- 1 get /BRIGHT exch store
- HUE 0 eq BRIGHT 0 eq and
- {1.0 SAT sub setgray}
- {HUE SAT BRIGHT sethsbcolor}
- ifelse
- } def
- /FMsetgray {
- /SAT exch 1.0 exch sub store
- HUE 0 eq BRIGHT 0 eq and
- {1.0 SAT sub setgray}
- {HUE SAT BRIGHT sethsbcolor}
- ifelse
- } bind def
- }
- {
- /FMsetgray {setgray} bind def
- /K {
- pop
- } def
- }
- ifelse
- /normalize {
- transform round exch round exch itransform
- } bind def
- /dnormalize {
- dtransform round exch round exch idtransform
- } bind def
- /lnormalize {
- 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop
- } bind def
- /H {
- lnormalize setlinewidth
- } bind def
- /Z {
- setlinecap
- } bind def
- /fillvals FMLOCAL
- /X {
- fillvals exch get
- dup type /stringtype eq
- {8 1 setpattern}
- {grayness}
- ifelse
- } bind def
- /V {
- gsave eofill grestore
- } bind def
- /N {
- stroke
- } bind def
- /M {newpath moveto} bind def
- /E {lineto} bind def
- /D {curveto} bind def
- /O {closepath} bind def
- /L {
- /n exch def
- newpath
- normalize
- moveto
- 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for
- } bind def
- /Y {
- L
- closepath
- } bind def
- /rad FMLOCAL
- /R {
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- x1 y1
- x2 y1
- x2 y2
- x1 y2
- 4 Y
- } bind def
- /RR {
- /rad exch def
- normalize
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- normalize
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- newpath
- x1 y1 rad add moveto
- x1 y2 x2 y2 rad arcto
- x2 y2 x2 y1 rad arcto
- x2 y1 x1 y1 rad arcto
- x1 y1 x1 y2 rad arcto
- closepath
- 16 {pop} repeat
- } bind def
- /C {
- grestore
- gsave
- R
- clip
- } bind def
- /FMpointsize FMLOCAL
- /F {
- FMfonts exch get
- FMpointsize scalefont
- setfont
- } bind def
- /Q {
- /FMpointsize exch def
- F
- } bind def
- /T {
- moveto show
- } bind def
- /RF {
- rotate
- 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if
- } bind def
- /TF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- show
- grestore
- } bind def
- /P {
- moveto
- 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
- } bind def
- /PF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
- grestore
- } bind def
- /S {
- moveto
- 0 exch ashow
- } bind def
- /SF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 exch ashow
- grestore
- } bind def
- /B {
- moveto
- 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
- } bind def
- /BF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
- grestore
- } bind def
- /G {
- gsave
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath fill
- grestore
- } bind def
- /A {
- gsave
- savematrix
- newpath
- 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch
- normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- restorematrix
- stroke
- grestore
- } bind def
- /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL
- /FMoptop FMLOCAL
- /FMdicttop FMLOCAL
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- /FMoptop count 4 sub def
- /FMsaveobject save def
- userdict begin
- /showpage {} def
- 3 index neg 3 index neg translate
- } bind def
- count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- FMsaveobject restore
- } bind def
- /gn {
- 0
- { 46 mul
- cf read pop
- 32 sub
- dup 46 lt {exit} if
- 46 sub add
- } loop
- add
- } bind def
- /str FMLOCAL
- /cfs {
- /str sl string def
- 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for
- str def
- } bind def
- /ic [
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
- 0
- {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx}
- {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx}
- {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12}
- {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh}
- {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh}
- {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl}
- {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl}
- {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl}
- {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl}
- ] def
- /val FMLOCAL
- /len FMLOCAL
- /pos FMLOCAL
- /ms {
- /sl exch def
- /val 255 def
- /ws cfs
- /im cfs
- /val 0 def
- /bs cfs
- /cs cfs
- } bind def
- 400 ms
- /ip {
- is
- 0
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop
- } bind def
- /wh {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
- pos len
- } bind def
- /bl {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
- pos len
- } bind def
- /s1 1 string def
- /fl {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def
- pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for
- pos len
- } bind def
- /hx {
- 3 copy getinterval
- cf exch readhexstring pop pop
- } bind def
- /bitmapsave FMLOCAL
- /wbytes {
- dup
- 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- /r exch def
- /d exch def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /lb w d wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- r
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- {ip} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- /r exch def
- /d exch def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- r
- /is w d wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- {cf is readhexstring pop} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /proc1 FMLOCAL
- /proc2 FMLOCAL
- /newproc FMLOCAL
- /Fmcc {
- /proc2 exch cvlit def
- /proc1 exch cvlit def
- /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def
- newproc 0 proc1 putinterval
- newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval
- newproc cvx
- } bind def
- /ngrayt 256 array def
- /nredt 256 array def
- /nbluet 256 array def
- /ngreent 256 array def
- /gryt FMLOCAL
- /blut FMLOCAL
- /grnt FMLOCAL
- /redt FMLOCAL
- /indx FMLOCAL
- /cynu FMLOCAL
- /magu FMLOCAL
- /yelu FMLOCAL
- /colorsetup {
- currentcolortransfer
- /gryt exch def
- /blut exch def
- /grnt exch def
- /redt exch def
- 0 1 255 {
- /indx exch def
- /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def
- /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def
- /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def
- /k cynu magu min yelu min def
- /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def
- nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put
- ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put
- nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put
- ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put
- } for
- {255 mul cvi nredt exch get}
- {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get}
- {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get}
- {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get}
- setcolortransfer
- {pop 0} setundercolorremoval
- {} setblackgeneration
- } bind def
- /tran FMLOCAL
- /fakecolorsetup {
- /tran 256 string def
- 0 1 255 {/indx exch def
- tran indx
- red indx get 77 mul
- green indx get 151 mul
- blue indx get 28 mul
- add add 256 idiv put} for
- currenttransfer
- {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div}
- exch Fmcc settransfer
- } bind def
- /d 8 def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- colorsetup
- /is w d wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /d 8 def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /lb w d wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- colorsetup
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is w string def
- ws 0 w getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- {ip} {gip} {bip} true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is w string def
- /gis w string def
- /bis w string def
- /cf currentfile def
- w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- { cf is readhexstring pop }
- { cf gis readhexstring pop }
- { cf bis readhexstring pop }
- true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is w string def
- ws 0 w getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- {ip gip bip w gray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /gray {
- /ww exch def
- /b exch def
- /g exch def
- /r exch def
- 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul
- b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for
- r
- } bind def
- gsave
- translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is w string def
- /gis w string def
- /bis w string def
- /cf currentfile def
- w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h]
- { cf is readhexstring pop
- cf gis readhexstring pop
- cf bis readhexstring pop w gray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP
- } bind def
- 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc
- } bind def
- } bind def
- end
- /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop
- /StartALD {
- /ALDsave save def
- savematrix
- ALDmatrix setmatrix
- } bind def
- /InALD {
- restorematrix
- } bind def
- /DoneALD {
- ALDsave restore
- } bind def
- %%EndProlog
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- 21 0.1 FMFILL
- 22 0.03 FMFILL
- 23 0 FMFILL
- 24 <f0e1c3870f1e3c78> FMFILL
- 25 <f0783c1e0f87c3e1> FMFILL
- 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL
- 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL
- 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL
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- V
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- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt) 98.98 678 T
- (Summary of discussion and issues) 94.93 582 T
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- (mre@Eng.Sun.Com) 227.45 390 T
- %%EndPage: "1" 2
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- (Slide 2) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (Negotiation of mechanism - unresolved) 108 640 T
- (\245) 90 595 T
- (Specification of QOP/Service values - unresolved) 108 595 T
- (\245) 90 550 T
- -2.23 (Denial of service of attacks using sequence numbers) 108 550 P
- (- unresolved) 108 521 T
- (\245) 90 476 T
- (Clarify integrity check wording - resolved) 108 476 T
- (\245) 90 431 T
- (RPCSEC_GSS vs. GSS errors - resolved) 108 431 T
- (\245) 90 386 T
- (Generation of session handles - resolved) 108 386 T
- (\245) 90 341 T
- (Version negotiation - unresolved) 108 341 T
- (\245) 90 296 T
- (gss_get_mic\050\051 vs. gss_wrap\050\051 - unresolved) 108 296 T
- %%EndPage: "2" 3
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- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
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- 7 X
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- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 3) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 90 686 T
- (section 6.2 - flooding attacks - resolved) 108 686 T
- (\245) 90 641 T
- (section 5.2.1 - context creation messages -) 108 641 T
- (unresolved) 108 612 T
- (\245) 90 567 T
- (data type of gss_proc - resolved) 108 567 T
- (\245) 90 522 T
- (GSS-API V1 references vs. GSS-API V2 - unresolved) 108 522 T
- %%EndPage: "3" 4
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- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 4) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (Negotiation of mechanism) 246.06 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (John Linn: \322no facility at the rpcsec_gss layer to) 108 640 T
- (transport or negotiate GSS-API mechanism) 108 611 T
- (identifiers, mechanism selection must either \050a\051 be) 108 582 T
- (static, \050b\051 be performed out-of-band, or \050c\051 be) 108 553 T
- (negotiated within the GSS layer\323) 108 524 T
- (\245) 90 479 T
- (Anonymous: \322... ONC RPC model doesn't stretch) 108 479 T
- -0.95 (very well to include models such as negotiated QOS) 108 450 P
- (or authentication flavor.... if you don't add such) 108 421 T
- (improvements to ONC RPC, there's little attracting) 108 392 T
- (me to ONC over the alternatives.\323) 108 363 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 318 T
- (Are the above issues serious enough to hold back) 108 318 T
- (the ID?) 108 289 T
- %%EndPage: "4" 5
- %%Page: "5" 5
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 5) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (Specification of QOP/SERVICE values) 180.05 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (John: \322is it expected that any such QOP values will) 108 640 T
- -0.05 (be sourced within the RPC layer, or instead that the) 108 611 P
- (relevant GSS mechanism ID will be reflected up to) 108 582 T
- -0.75 (the RPC caller so that it's equipped to undertake the) 108 553 P
- (responsibility of selecting QOPs suitable to the) 108 524 T
- (prevailing mechanism?\323) 108 495 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 450 T
- -1.4 (The API is expected to provide mechanism selection) 108 450 P
- (input/output to the client and server. The ID can be) 108 421 T
- (updated to reflect this.) 108 392 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 90 347 T
- (John: \322Use of \322default\323 would be simplifying here,) 108 347 T
- (and is probably to be preferred where/if possible\323) 108 318 T
- %%EndPage: "5" 6
- %%Page: "6" 6
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 6) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 2 24 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 90 686 T
- -1.98 (Proposal: When the client doesn\325t know what QOP to) 108 686 P
- (use, \322default\323 should be specified in the ID) 108 657 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 90 612 T
- -2.35 (Marc Horowitz: Method of imposing QOP/service has) 108 612 P
- (problems:) 108 583 T
- 3 22 Q
- (-) 126 545.33 T
- (\322client has to \322guess\323 in rpc_gss_init_arg\323) 144 545.33 T
- (-) 126 510.33 T
- (\322field is not protected in any way\323) 144 510.33 T
- (-) 126 475.33 T
- (proposes: \322including the required qop and service values) 144 475.33 T
- (in the final \050GSS_S_COMPLETE\051 rpc_gss_init_res, and) 144 451.33 T
- (using gssapi to protect this information.\323) 144 427.33 T
- 2 24 Q
- (\245) 90 386 T
- -0.53 (The intent of feature in the ID was that clients would) 108 386 P
- -1.39 (pick the QOP from an out-of-band name service. The) 108 357 P
- (server \050e.g. NFS\051 may not know what the right QOP) 108 328 T
- (is until the client accesses a specific resource.) 108 299 T
- %%EndPage: "6" 7
- %%Page: "7" 7
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 7) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 2 24 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 90 686 T
- (Is including the required QOP in the response) 108 686 T
- (redundant? If GSS-API is used to protect the data,) 108 657 T
- (then the QOP is encoded in the results of the GSS-) 108 628 T
- (API operation.) 108 599 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 90 554 T
- (Marc: \322why have the service/QOP\323 in the protocol?) 108 554 T
- (\245) 90 509 T
- (Marc: \322it seems more and more to me like dropping) 108 509 T
- -0.72 (the QOP/service stuff from the init phase is the right) 108 480 P
- (answer.\323) 108 451 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 406 T
- (It may be possible to remove this from the protocol) 108 406 T
- (and still achieve the desired effect. However, the) 108 377 T
- (next discussion point from Barry Jaspan raises an) 108 348 T
- (issue, leaving this still a point of contention.) 108 319 T
- %%EndPage: "7" 8
- %%Page: "8" 8
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 8) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (Denial of service of attacks using) 206.04 686 T
- (sequence numbers) 286.69 640 T
- (\245) 90 594 T
- (Barry Jaspan: suggests \322the seq_window also be) 108 594 T
- (protected when communicated to the client\323) 108 565 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 520 T
- (This is reasonable. However, if we delete QOP/) 108 520 T
- (integrity negotiation from the protocol, what QOP) 108 491 T
- (and what service does the server use to protect) 108 462 T
- (seq_window?) 108 433 T
- (\245) 90 388 T
- (Proposal: leave QOP/service in the protocol, and) 108 388 T
- (protect the service/seq_window when) 108 359 T
- (communicated back to the client with GSS-API) 108 330 T
- %%EndPage: "8" 9
- %%Page: "9" 9
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 9) 689.45 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (Clarify integrity check wording) 220.72 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (John: description of Context Management \050sec.) 108 640 T
- (\051 should emphasize: \322that the integrity check) 108 611 T
- (on an incoming message is to be validated before) 108 582 T
- (adjusting the receive window in response to the) 108 553 T
- (incoming message's sequence number\323) 108 524 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 479 T
- -1.09 (Agreed, though if the sequence number is below the) 108 479 P
- (window, the request can be dropped without the) 108 450 T
- (integrity check.) 108 421 T
- %%EndPage: "9" 10
- %%Page: "10" 10
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 10) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (RPCSEC_GSS vs. GSS errors) 227.36 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (John: RPCSEC_GSS_NOCRED and) 108 640 T
- (RPCSEC_GSS_FAILED are similar in name to GSS-) 108 611 T
- (GSS-API major statuses GSS_NO_CRED and) 108 582 T
- -0.3 (GSS_FAILURE, but apparently different in meaning.) 108 553 P
- (Should the RPCSEC_GSS_* codes be renamed?) 108 524 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 479 T
- (They will be renamed since they definitely mean) 108 479 T
- (different things.) 108 450 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 90 405 T
- (John: \322is it possible and useful to define the) 108 405 T
- (mapping between specific GSS-level major status) 108 376 T
- (codes and the corresponding RPC layer error?\323) 108 347 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 302 T
- (An attempt will be made to define these mappings.) 108 302 T
- %%EndPage: "10" 11
- %%Page: "11" 11
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 11) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (Generation of session handles) 221.38 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (Marc: Regarding sec., it states: The server) 108 640 T
- (must generate handles such that they will be) 108 611 T
- (generated again for the same pair of client and) 108 582 T
- (server principals.) 108 553 T
- 3 18 Q
- (-) 126 520 T
- (\322What if there are two simultaneous connections from the same client) 144 520 T
- (to the same server?\323) 144 500 T
- (-) 126 472 T
- (\322GSSAPI requires that mechanisms protect context setup against) 144 472 T
- (replay attacks\323) 144 452 T
- 2 24 Q
- (\245) 90 412 T
- (There should have been a \322not\323 between \322will\323 and) 108 412 T
- (\322be\323.) 108 383 T
- (\245) 90 338 T
- (Proposal: for simplicity, delete the offending) 108 338 T
- (sentences from section 108 309 T
- %%EndPage: "11" 12
- %%Page: "12" 12
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 12) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (Version negotiation) 284.04 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (Marc: \322The version negotiation procedure seems) 108 640 T
- (unnecessarily complex.\323) 108 611 T
- (\245) 90 566 T
- (Marc: \322In the case when the client and server both) 108 566 T
- (support the same protocol version \050which will be) 108 537 T
- -0.44 (most of the time\051, it would be useful to be able to do) 108 508 P
- (an aggressive setup, where instead of asking for a) 108 479 T
- -2.13 (protocol version, the first message for that version is) 108 450 P
- (sent.\323) 108 421 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 376 T
- -1.03 (Agreed. Since the server-side of version negotiation) 108 376 P
- (must be stateless, the server doesn\325t care.) 108 347 T
- (\245) 90 302 T
- (Proposal: Since version negotiation is contentious,) 108 302 T
- (and since we at only verison1, delete version) 108 273 T
- %%EndPage: "12" 13
- %%Page: "13" 13
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 13) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 2 24 Q
- 0 X
- -2.17 (negotiation from the specification, reserve version 0,) 108 686 P
- (and if versions are added in the future, re-visit) 108 657 T
- (version negotiation then.) 108 628 T
- %%EndPage: "13" 14
- %%Page: "14" 14
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 14) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (gss_get_mic\050\051 vs. gss_wrap\050\051) 228.7 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- -1.09 (Marc: The protocol in the ID uses \322gss_get_mic\050\051 for) 108 640 P
- -0.39 (integrity, and gss_wrap\050\051 for encryption. it would be) 108 611 P
- (simpler... to use gss_wrap in both cases, with the) 108 582 T
- (conf_req flag set accordingly\323) 108 553 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 508 T
- (This will introduce an unnecessary byte copy that) 108 508 T
- (gss_wrap will incur when conf_req is zero.) 108 479 T
- %%EndPage: "14" 15
- %%Page: "15" 15
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 15) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 90 686 T
- (Marc: Perhaps both modes should be allowed, as) 108 686 T
- (there is talk about extending GSS-API to use an) 108 657 T
- (application buffer.) 108 628 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 583 T
- (This extension won\325t eliminate the byte copy. Have) 108 583 T
- (two ways to do integrity is protocol bloat and by) 108 554 T
- (consequence, ONCRPC-API bloat. Why would an) 108 525 T
- (ONC-RPC programmer pick a \322wrapped-integrity\323) 108 496 T
- (service if the documentation warned that this) 108 467 T
- (consumed a byte copy?) 108 438 T
- %%EndPage: "15" 16
- %%Page: "16" 16
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 16) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (section 6.2 - flooding attacks) 231.38 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (Marc: \322Section 6.2 goes through some effort to) 108 640 T
- (demonstrate that there are no flooding attacks) 108 611 T
- (possible. There is a trivial attack where the attacker) 108 582 T
- (sends fake requests above the window. These will) 108 553 T
- -1.38 (not be rejected due to the sequence number \050since it) 108 524 P
- (must increase\051, forcing the server to validate the) 108 495 T
- (header checksum and fail.\323) 108 466 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 421 T
- (The ID does, albeit not clearly, acknowledge this.) 108 421 T
- (\245) 90 376 T
- (Proposal: Clarify section 6.2.) 108 376 T
- %%EndPage: "16" 17
- %%Page: "17" 17
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 17) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (section 5.2.1 - context creation messages) 159.37 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- -1.09 (Marc: Section 5.2.1 says: The first RPC request from) 108 640 P
- (the client to the server initiates context creation for) 108 611 T
- (those mechanisms that require context creation) 108 582 T
- (messages. \322All mechanisms will generate at least) 108 553 T
- (one token requiring a context creation message\323) 108 524 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 479 T
- (The GSS-API v2 specification \050draft-ietf-cat-gssv2-) 108 479 T
- (08.txt\051 seems to imply that an initial call to) 108 450 T
- (GSS_Init_sec_context can return) 108 421 T
- (GSS_S_COMPLETE. Is there a problem with calling) 108 392 T
- (GSS_Accept_sec_context\050\051 on a token created with) 108 363 T
- (a GSS_Init_sec_context call returning) 108 334 T
- (GSS_S_COMPLETE?) 108 305 T
- %%EndPage: "17" 18
- %%Page: "18" 18
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 18) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (data type of gss_proc) 272.04 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (Marc: \322gss_proc is an unsigned int instead of an) 108 640 T
- (enum. Why?\323) 108 611 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 566 T
- -0.53 (Proposal: redefine gss_proc as an enumerated type.) 108 566 P
- %%EndPage: "18" 19
- %%Page: "19" 19
- 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE
- 72 746 720 756 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 1 10 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 241.32 749.33 T
- (Slide 19) 683.89 749.33 T
- 72 212.67 720 222.67 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 331.58 216 T
- 72 234 720 711 18 RR
- 7 X
- 4 K
- V
- 0.5 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 90 252 702 702 R
- 7 X
- 0 K
- V
- 0 24 Q
- 0 X
- (GSS-API V1 references vs. GSS-API V2) 174.03 686 T
- (\245) 90 640 T
- (Marc: \322the draft should use [GSS-API] v2 function) 108 640 T
- (names, not v1 function names\323) 108 611 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 90 566 T
- (It wasn\325t clear if referencing another ID was) 108 566 T
- (appropriate.) 108 537 T
- (\245) 90 492 T
- (Proposal: change the names to use GSS-API V2) 108 492 T
- -0.5 (function names. Change them back to V1 if the GSS-) 108 463 P
- (API V2 is not an RFC by the time the rpcsec_gss ID) 108 434 T
- (is published as its own RFC.) 108 405 T
- %%EndPage: "19" 20
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- %
- % Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer
- % or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The
- % following flag, if set to true, forces all non-white colors to print as pure
- % black. This has no effect on bitmap images.
- /FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack false def
- %
- % Frame products can either set their own line screens or use a printer's
- % default settings. Three flags below control this separately for no
- % separations, spot separations and process separations. If a flag
- % is true, then the default printer settings will not be changed. If it is
- % false, Frame products will use their own settings from a table based on
- % the printer's resolution.
- /FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen true def
- /FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen true def
- /FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen false def
- %
- % For any given PostScript printer resolution, Frame products have two sets of
- % screen angles and frequencies for printing process separations, which are
- % recomended by Adobe. The following variable chooses the higher frequencies
- % when set to true or the lower frequencies when set to false. This is only
- % effective if the appropriate FMUseDefault...SeparationScreen flag is false.
- /FMUseHighFrequencyScreens true def
- %
- % The following is a set of predefined optimal frequencies and angles for various
- % common dpi settings. This is taken from "Advances in Color Separation Using
- % PostScript Software Technology," from Adobe Systems (3/13/89 P.N. LPS 0043)
- % and corrolated with information which is in various PPD (4.0) files.
- %
- % The "dpiranges" figure is the minimum dots per inch device resolution which
- % can support this setting. The "low" and "high" values are controlled by the
- % setting of the FMUseHighFrequencyScreens flag above. The "TDot" flags control
- % the use of the "Yellow Triple Dot" feature whereby the frequency id divided by
- % three, but the dot function is "trippled" giving a block of 3x3 dots per cell.
- %
- % PatFreq is a compromise pattern frequency for ps Level 2 printers which is close
- % to the ideal WYSIWYG pattern frequency of 9 repetitions/inch but does not beat
- % (too badly) against the screen frequencies of any separations for that DPI.
- /dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def
- /CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def
- /YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def
- /KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def
- /CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def
- /MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def
- /YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def
- /CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def
- /YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def
- /KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def
- /CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def
- /MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def
- /YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def
- /PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def
- %
- % PostScript Level 2 printers contain an "Accurate Screens" feature which can
- % improve process separation rendering at the expense of compute time. This
- % flag is ignored by PostScript Level 1 printers.
- /FMUseAcccurateScreens true def
- %
- % The following PostScript procedure defines the spot function that Frame
- % products will use for process separations. You may un-comment-out one of
- % the alternative functions below, or use your own.
- %
- % Dot function
- /FMSpotFunction {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt
- {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub }
- {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse } def
- %
- % Line function
- % /FMSpotFunction { pop } def
- %
- % Elipse function
- % /FMSpotFunction { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add
- % sqrt 1 exch sub } def
- %
- %
- /FMversion (5.0) def
- /fMLevel1 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt def
- /FMPColor
- fMLevel1 {
- false
- /colorimage where {pop pop true} if
- } {
- true
- } ifelse
- def
- /FrameDict 400 dict def
- systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def
- errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if
- % The readline in PS 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk
- FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put
- errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put
- FrameDict /bug false put
- mark
- % Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together!
- currentfile 5 string readline
- 00
- 0000000000
- cleartomark
- errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put
- FrameDict /bug get {
- /readline {
- /gstring exch def
- /gfile exch def
- /gindex 0 def
- {
- gfile read pop
- dup 10 eq {exit} if
- dup 13 eq {exit} if
- gstring exch gindex exch put
- /gindex gindex 1 add def
- } loop
- pop
- gstring 0 gindex getinterval true
- } bind def
- } if
- /FMshowpage /showpage load def
- /FMquit /quit load def
- dup = flush
- FMshowpage
- /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
- 72 200 moveto show
- 72 220 moveto show
- FMshowpage
- FMquit
- } def
- FMversion ne {
- (Frame product version does not match ps_prolog! Check installation;)
- (also check ~/fminit and ./fminit for old versions) FMFAILURE
- } if
- } def
- (Adobe's PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition, section H.2.4)
- (says your EPS file is not valid, as it calls X )
- dup dup (X) search pop exch pop exch pop length
- 5 -1 roll
- putinterval
- } def
- /fmConcatProcs
- {
- /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def
- newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx
- }def
- FrameDict begin [
- /ALDsave
- /FMdicttop
- /FMoptop
- /FMpointsize
- /FMsaveobject
- /b
- /bitmapsave
- /blut
- /bpside
- /bs
- /bstring
- /bwidth
- /c
- /cf
- /cs
- /cynu
- /depth
- /edown
- /fh
- /fillvals
- /fw
- /fx
- /fy
- /g
- /gfile
- /gindex
- /grnt
- /gryt
- /gstring
- /height
- /hh
- /i
- /im
- /indx
- /is
- /k
- /kk
- /landscape
- /lb
- /len
- /llx
- /lly
- /m
- /magu
- /manualfeed
- /n
- /offbits
- /onbits
- /organgle
- /orgbangle
- /orgbfreq
- /orgbproc
- /orgbxfer
- /orgfreq
- /orggangle
- /orggfreq
- /orggproc
- /orggxfer
- /orgmatrix
- /orgproc
- /orgrangle
- /orgrfreq
- /orgrproc
- /orgrxfer
- /orgxfer
- /pagesave
- /paperheight
- /papersizedict
- /paperwidth
- /pos
- /pwid
- /r
- /rad
- /redt
- /sl
- /str
- /tran
- /u
- /urx
- /ury
- /val
- /width
- /width
- /ws
- /ww
- /x
- /x1
- /x2
- /xindex
- /xpoint
- /xscale
- /xx
- /y
- /y1
- /y2
- /yelu
- /yindex
- /ypoint
- /yscale
- /yy
- ] { 0 def } forall
- /FmBD {bind def} bind def
- systemdict /pdfmark known {
- /fMAcrobat true def
- /FmPD /pdfmark load def
- /FmPT /show load def
- currentdistillerparams /CoreDistVersion get 2000 ge {
- /FmPD2 /pdfmark load def
- /FmPA { mark exch /Dest exch 5 3 roll
- /View [ /XYZ null 6 -2 roll FmDC exch pop null] /DEST FmPD
- }FmBD
- } {
- /FmPD2 /cleartomark load def
- /FmPA {pop pop pop}FmBD
- } ifelse
- } {
- /fMAcrobat false def
- /FmPD /cleartomark load def
- /FmPD2 /cleartomark load def
- /FmPT /pop load def
- /FmPA {pop pop pop}FmBD
- } ifelse
- /FmDC {
- transform fMDefaultMatrix itransform cvi exch cvi exch
- }FmBD
- /FmBx {
- dup 3 index lt {3 1 roll exch} if
- 1 index 4 index lt {4 -1 roll 3 1 roll exch 4 1 roll} if
- }FmBD
- /FMnone 0 def
- /FMcyan 1 def
- /FMmagenta 2 def
- /FMyellow 3 def
- /FMblack 4 def
- /FMcustom 5 def
- /fMNegative false def
- /FrameSepIs FMnone def
- /FrameSepBlack 0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 0 def
- /FrameSepRed 1 def
- /FrameSepGreen 1 def
- /FrameSepBlue 1 def
- /FrameCurGray 1 def
- /FrameCurPat null def
- /FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] def
- /FrameColorEpsilon .001 def
- /eqepsilon {
- sub dup 0 lt {neg} if
- FrameColorEpsilon le
- } bind def
- /FrameCmpColorsCMYK {
- 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon {
- 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon {
- 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon {
- 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon
- } {pop pop false} ifelse
- }{pop pop false} ifelse
- } {pop pop false} ifelse
- } bind def
- /FrameCmpColorsRGB {
- 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon {
- 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon {
- 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon
- }{pop pop false} ifelse
- } {pop pop false} ifelse
- } bind def
- /RGBtoCMYK {
- 1 exch sub
- 3 1 roll
- 1 exch sub
- 3 1 roll
- 1 exch sub
- 3 1 roll
- 3 copy
- 2 copy
- le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
- 2 copy
- le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
- dup dup dup
- 6 1 roll
- 4 1 roll
- 7 1 roll
- sub
- 6 1 roll
- sub
- 5 1 roll
- sub
- 4 1 roll
- } bind def
- /CMYKtoRGB {
- dup dup 4 -1 roll add
- 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add
- 4 1 roll add
- 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll
- 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch
- 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch
- } bind def
- /FrameSepInit {
- 1.0 RealSetgray
- } bind def
- /FrameSetSepColor {
- /FrameSepBlue exch def
- /FrameSepGreen exch def
- /FrameSepRed exch def
- /FrameSepBlack exch def
- /FrameSepYellow exch def
- /FrameSepMagenta exch def
- /FrameSepCyan exch def
- /FrameSepIs FMcustom def
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /FrameSetCyan {
- /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 0.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMcyan def
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /FrameSetMagenta {
- /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 1.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /FrameSetYellow {
- /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 1.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMyellow def
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /FrameSetBlack {
- /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 0.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMblack def
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /FrameNoSep {
- /FrameSepIs FMnone def
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /FrameSetSepColors {
- FrameDict begin
- [ exch 1 add 1 roll ]
- /FrameSepColors
- exch def end
- } bind def
- /FrameColorInSepListCMYK {
- FrameSepColors {
- exch dup 3 -1 roll
- FrameCmpColorsCMYK
- { pop true exit } if
- } forall
- dup true ne {pop false} if
- } bind def
- /FrameColorInSepListRGB {
- FrameSepColors {
- exch dup 3 -1 roll
- FrameCmpColorsRGB
- { pop true exit } if
- } forall
- dup true ne {pop false} if
- } bind def
- /RealSetgray /setgray load def
- /RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def
- /RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def
- end
- /setgray {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSetgray }
- {
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- { RealSetgray }
- { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq
- FrameSepRed 0 eq and
- FrameSepGreen 0 eq and
- FrameSepBlue 0 eq and {
- RealSetgray
- } {
- 1 RealSetgray pop
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- end
- } bind def
- /setrgbcolor {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSetrgbcolor }
- {
- 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ]
- FrameColorInSepListRGB
- {
- FrameSepBlue eq exch
- FrameSepGreen eq and exch
- FrameSepRed eq and
- { 0 } { 1 } ifelse
- }
- {
- FMPColor {
- RealSetrgbcolor
- currentcmykcolor
- } {
- } ifelse
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
- {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
- {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
- {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub }
- {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
- } ifelse
- RealSetgray
- }
- ifelse
- end
- } bind def
- /sethsbcolor {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSethsbcolor }
- {
- RealSethsbcolor
- currentrgbcolor
- setrgbcolor
- }
- ifelse
- end
- } bind def
- FrameDict begin
- /setcmykcolor where {
- pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def
- } {
- /RealSetcmykcolor {
- 4 1 roll
- 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat
- RealSetrgbcolor pop
- } bind def
- } ifelse
- userdict /setcmykcolor {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSetcmykcolor }
- {
- 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ]
- FrameColorInSepListCMYK
- {
- FrameSepBlack eq exch
- FrameSepYellow eq and exch
- FrameSepMagenta eq and exch
- FrameSepCyan eq and
- { 0 } { 1 } ifelse
- }
- {
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
- {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
- {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
- {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub }
- {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
- } ifelse
- RealSetgray
- }
- ifelse
- end
- } bind put
- fMLevel1 {
- /patScreenDict 7 dict dup begin
- <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> [ 45 { pop } {exch pop} .5 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> [ 135 { pop } {exch pop} .5 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <cccccccccccccccc> [ 0 { pop } dup .5 2 ] FmBD
- <ffff0000ffff0000> [ 90 { pop } dup .5 2 ] FmBD
- <8142241818244281> [ 45 { 2 copy lt {exch} if pop} dup .75 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <03060c183060c081> [ 45 { pop } {exch pop} .875 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <8040201008040201> [ 135 { pop } {exch pop} .875 2 sqrt] FmBD
- end def
- } {
- /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin
- <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke
- 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def
- <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke
- 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def
- <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
- -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def
- <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke
- 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def
- <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke
- 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def
- end def
- /patDict 15 dict dup begin
- /PatternType 1 def
- /PaintType 2 def
- /TilingType 3 def
- /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def
- /XStep 8 def
- /YStep 8 def
- /PaintProc {
- begin
- patProcDict bstring known {
- patProcDict bstring get exec
- } {
- 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask
- } ifelse
- end
- } bind def
- end def
- } ifelse
- /combineColor {
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- {
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace
- FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor
- } {
- FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge {
- FrameCurGray RealSetgray
- } {
- fMAcrobat not FMPColor graymode and and {
- 0 1 3 {
- FrameCurColors exch get
- 1 FrameCurGray sub mul
- } for
- RealSetcmykcolor
- } {
- 4 1 6 {
- FrameCurColors exch get
- graymode {
- 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub
- } {
- 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse
- } ifelse
- } for
- RealSetrgbcolor
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } {
- FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload
- FrameColorInSepListCMYK {
- FrameSepBlack eq exch
- FrameSepYellow eq and exch
- FrameSepMagenta eq and exch
- FrameSepCyan eq and
- FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and
- { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
- {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
- {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
- {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub }
- {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
- } ifelse
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace
- FrameCurPat setcolor
- } {
- graymode not fMLevel1 and {
- dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if
- } if
- RealSetgray
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } bind def
- /savematrix {
- orgmatrix currentmatrix pop
- } bind def
- /restorematrix {
- orgmatrix setmatrix
- } bind def
- /fMDefaultMatrix matrix defaultmatrix def
- /fMatrix2 matrix def
- /dpi 72 0 fMDefaultMatrix dtransform
- dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def
- /freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def
- /sangle 1 0 fMDefaultMatrix dtransform exch atan def
- sangle fMatrix2 rotate
- fMDefaultMatrix fMatrix2 concatmatrix
- dup 0 get /sflipx exch def
- 3 get /sflipy exch def
- /screenIndex {
- 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for
- } bind def
- /getCyanScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse
- screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load
- } bind def
- /getMagentaScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse
- screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load
- } bind def
- /getYellowScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse
- screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div
- {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat
- FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse
- 0.0 exch
- } bind def
- /getBlackScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse
- screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load
- } bind def
- /getSpotScreen {
- getBlackScreen
- } bind def
- /getCompositeScreen {
- getBlackScreen
- } bind def
- /FMSetScreen
- fMLevel1 { /setscreen load
- }{ {
- 8 dict begin
- /HalftoneType 1 def
- /SpotFunction exch def
- /Angle exch def
- /Frequency exch def
- /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def
- currentdict end sethalftone
- } bind } ifelse
- def
- /setDefaultScreen {
- FMPColor {
- orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer
- }
- {
- orgxfer cvx settransfer
- } ifelse
- orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen
- } bind def
- /setCurrentScreen {
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq {
- FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen {
- setDefaultScreen
- } {
- getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen
- } ifelse
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMcustom eq {
- FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen {
- setDefaultScreen
- } {
- getSpotScreen FMSetScreen
- } ifelse
- } {
- FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen {
- setDefaultScreen
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {
- getCyanScreen FMSetScreen
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {
- getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {
- getYellowScreen FMSetScreen
- } {
- getBlackScreen FMSetScreen
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } bind def
- end
- array /FMfonts exch def
- /#copies exch def
- FrameDict begin
- 0 ne /manualfeed exch def
- /paperheight exch def
- /paperwidth exch def
- 0 ne /fMNegative exch def
- 0 ne /edown exch def
- /yscale exch def
- /xscale exch def
- fMLevel1 {
- manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- /FMoptop count def
- setpapername
- manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse
- {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse
- {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse
- {papersizefailure} if
- count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- }
- {2 dict
- dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight] put
- manualfeed {dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put} if
- {setpagedevice} stopped {papersizefailure} if
- }
- ifelse
- FMPColor {
- currentcolorscreen
- cvlit /orgproc exch def
- /organgle exch def
- /orgfreq exch def
- cvlit /orgbproc exch def
- /orgbangle exch def
- /orgbfreq exch def
- cvlit /orggproc exch def
- /orggangle exch def
- /orggfreq exch def
- cvlit /orgrproc exch def
- /orgrangle exch def
- /orgrfreq exch def
- currentcolortransfer
- fMNegative {
- 1 1 4 {
- pop { 1 exch sub } fmConcatProcs 4 1 roll
- } for
- 4 copy
- setcolortransfer
- } if
- cvlit /orgxfer exch def
- cvlit /orgbxfer exch def
- cvlit /orggxfer exch def
- cvlit /orgrxfer exch def
- } {
- currentscreen
- cvlit /orgproc exch def
- /organgle exch def
- /orgfreq exch def
- currenttransfer
- fMNegative {
- { 1 exch sub } fmConcatProcs
- dup settransfer
- } if
- cvlit /orgxfer exch def
- } ifelse
- end
- } def
- FrameDict begin
- /pagesave save def
- 3.86 setmiterlimit
- /landscape exch 0 ne def
- landscape {
- 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop
- }{
- pop /pwid exch def
- } ifelse
- edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if
- 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto
- 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill
- xscale yscale scale
- /orgmatrix matrix def
- gsave
- } def
- grestore
- pagesave restore
- end
- showpage
- } def
- FrameDict begin
- findfont
- ReEncode
- 1 index exch
- definefont
- FMfonts 3 1 roll
- put
- end
- } def
- FrameDict begin dup
- array /fillvals exch def
- dict /patCache exch def
- end
- } def
- FrameDict begin
- fillvals 3 1 roll put
- end
- } def
- newpath
- 1 setlinewidth
- 0 setlinecap
- 0 0 0 sethsbcolor
- 0 setgray
- } bind def
- end
- /FMEPSF save def
- /showpage {} def
- % See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714.
- % "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours)
- /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def
- /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def
- /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def
- /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def
- /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def
- /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def
- /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def
- /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def
- /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def
- /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def
- /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def
- /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def
- /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def
- /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def
- /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def
- /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def
- /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def
- /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def
- /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def
- /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def
- /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def
- /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def
- /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def
- /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def
- /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def
- /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def
- /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def
- /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def
- /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def
- [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall
- fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate
- rotate
- fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate
- fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale
- llx neg lly neg translate
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- /FMoptop count def
- } bind def
- count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- FMEPSF restore
- FrameDict begin
- } bind def
- FrameDict begin
- /setmanualfeed {
- %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True
- statusdict /manualfeed true put
- %%EndFeature
- } bind def
- /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def
- /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def
- /inch {72 mul} def
- /pagedimen {
- paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch
- paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and
- {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse
- } bind def
- /setpapername {
- /papersizedict 14 dict def
- papersizedict begin
- /papername /unknown def
- /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
- /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen
- /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen
- /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
- /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen
- /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen
- /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen
- /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen
- /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen
- /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen
- /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen
- /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen
- end
- } bind def
- /papersize {
- papersizedict begin
- /Letter {lettertray letter} def
- /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def
- /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def
- /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def
- /Legal {legaltray legal} def
- /Statement {statementtray statement} def
- /Executive {executivetray executive} def
- /A3 {a3tray a3} def
- /A4 {a4tray a4} def
- /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def
- /B4 {b4tray b4} def
- /B5 {b5tray b5} def
- /unknown {unknown} def
- papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
- end
- statusdict begin stopped end
- } bind def
- /manualpapersize {
- papersizedict begin
- /Letter {letter} def
- /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def
- /Tabloid {11x17} def
- /Ledger {ledger} def
- /Legal {legal} def
- /Statement {statement} def
- /Executive {executive} def
- /A3 {a3} def
- /A4 {a4} def
- /A4Small {a4small} def
- /B4 {b4} def
- /B5 {b5} def
- /unknown {unknown} def
- papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
- end
- stopped
- } bind def
- /desperatepapersize {
- statusdict /setpageparams known
- {
- paperwidth paperheight 0 1
- statusdict begin
- {setpageparams} stopped
- end
- } {true} ifelse
- } bind def
- /papersizefailure {
- FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch not
- {
- (The requested paper size is not available in any currently-installed tray)
- (Edit the PS file to "FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch true" to use default tray)
- } def
- /DiacriticEncoding [
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl
- /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft
- /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one
- /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
- /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K
- /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash
- /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h
- /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar
- /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute
- /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis
- /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis
- /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve
- /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex
- /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet
- /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute
- /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown
- /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef
- /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde
- /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright
- /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis
- /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl
- /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand
- /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute
- /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve
- /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron
- /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
- ] def
- /ReEncode {
- dup
- length
- dict begin
- {
- 1 index /FID ne
- {def}
- {pop pop} ifelse
- } forall
- 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if
- currentdict
- end
- } bind def
- FMPColor
- {
- }
- {
- }
- ifelse
- /K {
- FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack {
- dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not
- {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if
- } if
- FrameCurColors astore
- pop combineColor
- } bind def
- /graymode true def
- fMLevel1 {
- /fmGetFlip {
- fMatrix2 exch get mul 0 lt { -1 } { 1 } ifelse
- } FmBD
- } if
- /setPatternMode {
- fMLevel1 {
- 2 index patScreenDict exch known {
- pop pop
- patScreenDict exch get aload pop
- freq
- mul
- 5 2 roll
- fMatrix2 currentmatrix 1 get 0 ne {
- 3 -1 roll 90 add 3 1 roll
- sflipx 1 fmGetFlip sflipy 2 fmGetFlip neg mul
- } {
- sflipx 0 fmGetFlip sflipy 3 fmGetFlip mul
- } ifelse
- 0 lt {exch pop} {pop} ifelse
- fMNegative {
- {neg} fmConcatProcs
- } if
- bind
- systemdict /setscreen get exec
- /FrameCurGray exch def
- } {
- /bwidth exch def
- /bpside exch def
- /bstring exch def
- /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def
- freq sangle landscape {90 add} if
- {/ypoint exch def
- /xpoint exch def
- /xindex xpoint 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
- /yindex ypoint 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
- bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get
- 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne fMNegative {not} if
- {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1}
- {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0}
- ifelse
- }
- setscreen
- offbits offbits onbits add div fMNegative {1.0 exch sub} if
- /FrameCurGray exch def
- } ifelse
- } {
- pop pop
- dup patCache exch known {
- patCache exch get
- } {
- dup
- patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put
- patDict
- 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale
- makepattern
- dup
- patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put
- } ifelse
- /FrameCurGray 0 def
- /FrameCurPat exch def
- } ifelse
- /graymode false def
- combineColor
- } bind def
- /setGrayScaleMode {
- graymode not {
- /graymode true def
- fMLevel1 {
- setCurrentScreen
- } if
- } if
- /FrameCurGray exch def
- combineColor
- } bind def
- /normalize {
- transform round exch round exch itransform
- } bind def
- /dnormalize {
- dtransform round exch round exch idtransform
- } bind def
- /lnormalize {
- 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop
- } bind def
- /H {
- lnormalize setlinewidth
- } bind def
- /Z {
- setlinecap
- } bind def
- /PFill {
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore
- } if
- } bind def
- /PStroke {
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore
- } if
- stroke
- } bind def
- /X {
- fillvals exch get
- dup type /stringtype eq
- {8 1 setPatternMode}
- {setGrayScaleMode}
- ifelse
- } bind def
- /V {
- PFill gsave eofill grestore
- } bind def
- /Vclip {
- clip
- } bind def
- /Vstrk {
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
- /N {
- PStroke
- } bind def
- /Nclip {
- strokepath clip newpath
- } bind def
- /Nstrk {
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
- /M {newpath moveto} bind def
- /E {lineto} bind def
- /D {curveto} bind def
- /O {closepath} bind def
- /L {
- /n exch def
- newpath
- normalize
- moveto
- 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for
- } bind def
- /Y {
- L
- closepath
- } bind def
- /R {
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- x1 y1
- x2 y1
- x2 y2
- x1 y2
- 4 Y
- } bind def
- /rarc
- {rad
- arcto
- } bind def
- /RR {
- /rad exch def
- normalize
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- normalize
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- mark
- newpath
- {
- x1 y1 rad add moveto
- x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc
- x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc
- x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc
- x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc
- closepath
- } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if
- cleartomark
- } bind def
- /RRR {
- /rad exch def
- normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def
- normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def
- normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
- normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
- newpath
- normalize moveto
- mark
- {
- x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc
- x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc
- x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc
- x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc
- closepath
- } stopped
- {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if
- cleartomark
- } bind def
- /C {
- grestore
- gsave
- R
- clip
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /CP {
- grestore
- gsave
- Y
- clip
- setCurrentScreen
- } bind def
- /F {
- FMfonts exch get
- FMpointsize scalefont
- setfont
- } bind def
- /Q {
- /FMpointsize exch def
- F
- } bind def
- /T {
- moveto show
- } bind def
- /RF {
- rotate
- 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if
- } bind def
- /TF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- show
- grestore
- } bind def
- /P {
- moveto
- 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
- } bind def
- /PF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
- grestore
- } bind def
- /S {
- moveto
- 0 exch ashow
- } bind def
- /SF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 exch ashow
- grestore
- } bind def
- /B {
- moveto
- 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
- } bind def
- /BF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
- grestore
- } bind def
- /G {
- gsave
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- PFill fill
- grestore
- } bind def
- /Gstrk {
- savematrix
- newpath
- 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch
- normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- restorematrix
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
- /Gclip {
- newpath
- savematrix
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- clip newpath
- restorematrix
- } bind def
- /GG {
- gsave
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- PFill
- fill
- grestore
- } bind def
- /GGclip {
- savematrix
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- clip newpath
- restorematrix
- } bind def
- /GGstrk {
- savematrix
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- restorematrix
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
- /A {
- gsave
- savematrix
- newpath
- 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch
- normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- restorematrix
- PStroke
- grestore
- } bind def
- /Aclip {
- newpath
- savematrix
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- strokepath clip newpath
- restorematrix
- } bind def
- /Astrk {
- Gstrk
- } bind def
- /AA {
- gsave
- savematrix
- newpath
- 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch
- normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- restorematrix
- PStroke
- grestore
- } bind def
- /AAclip {
- savematrix
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- strokepath clip newpath
- restorematrix
- } bind def
- /AAstrk {
- GGstrk
- } bind def
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- /FMoptop count 7 sub def
- /FMsaveobject save def
- userdict begin
- /showpage {} def
- 3 index neg 3 index neg translate
- } bind def
- count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- FMsaveobject restore
- } bind def
- /gn {
- 0
- { 46 mul
- cf read pop
- 32 sub
- dup 46 lt {exit} if
- 46 sub add
- } loop
- add
- } bind def
- /cfs {
- /str sl string def
- 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for
- str def
- } bind def
- /ic [
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
- 0
- {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx}
- {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx}
- {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12}
- {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh}
- {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh}
- {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl}
- {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl}
- {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl}
- {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl}
- ] def
- /ms {
- /sl exch def
- /val 255 def
- /ws cfs
- /im cfs
- /val 0 def
- /bs cfs
- /cs cfs
- } bind def
- 400 ms
- /ip {
- is
- 0
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop
- } bind def
- /rip {
- bis ris copy pop
- is
- 0
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- ris gis copy pop
- dup is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- gis bis copy pop
- dup add is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop
- } bind def
- /rip4 {
- kis cis copy pop
- is
- 0
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- cis mis copy pop
- dup is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- mis yis copy pop
- dup dup add is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- yis kis copy pop
- 3 mul is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop
- } bind def
- /wh {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
- pos len
- } bind def
- /bl {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
- pos len
- } bind def
- /s1 1 string def
- /fl {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def
- pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for
- pos len
- } bind def
- /hx {
- 3 copy getinterval
- cf exch readhexstring pop pop
- } bind def
- /wbytes {
- dup dup
- 8 gt { pop 8 idiv mul }
- { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- /cvtProc exch def
- /depth exch def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- cvtProc
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {ip} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- /cvtProc exch def
- /depth exch def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- cvtProc
- /is width depth wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {cf is readhexstring pop} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /ngrayt 256 array def
- /nredt 256 array def
- /nbluet 256 array def
- /ngreent 256 array def
- fMLevel1 {
- /colorsetup {
- currentcolortransfer
- /gryt exch def
- /blut exch def
- /grnt exch def
- /redt exch def
- 0 1 255 {
- /indx exch def
- /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def
- /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def
- /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def
- /kk cynu magu min yelu min def
- /u kk currentundercolorremoval exec def
- % /u 0 def
- nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put
- ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put
- nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put
- ngrayt indx 1 kk currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put
- } for
- {255 mul cvi nredt exch get}
- {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get}
- {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get}
- {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get}
- setcolortransfer
- {pop 0} setundercolorremoval
- {} setblackgeneration
- } bind def
- }
- {
- /colorSetup2 {
- [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255
- {dup red exch get 255 div
- exch dup green exch get 255 div
- exch blue exch get 255 div}
- ] setcolorspace
- } bind def
- } ifelse
- /fakecolorsetup {
- /tran 256 string def
- 0 1 255 {/indx exch def
- tran indx
- red indx get 77 mul
- green indx get 151 mul
- blue indx get 28 mul
- add add 256 idiv put} for
- currenttransfer
- {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div}
- exch fmConcatProcs settransfer
- } bind def
- /depth 8 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- fMLevel1 {
- colorsetup
- /is width depth wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
- } {
- colorSetup2
- /is width depth wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- 7 dict dup begin
- /ImageType 1 def
- /Width width def
- /Height height def
- /ImageMatrix [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] def
- /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def
- /BitsPerComponent depth def
- /Decode [0 255] def
- end image
- } ifelse
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 8 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- fMLevel1 {
- colorsetup
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
- } {
- colorSetup2
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- 7 dict dup begin
- /ImageType 1 def
- /Width width def
- /Height height def
- /ImageMatrix [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] def
- /DataSource {ip} bind def
- /BitsPerComponent depth def
- /Decode [0 255] def
- end image
- } ifelse
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 24 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /ris im 0 width getinterval def
- /gis im width width getinterval def
- /bis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 32 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /cis im 0 width getinterval def
- /mis im width width getinterval def
- /yis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- /kis im width 3 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip4 pop cis} {mis} {yis} {kis} true 4 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /gis width string def
- /bis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop }
- { cf gis readhexstring pop }
- { cf bis readhexstring pop }
- true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /mis width string def
- /yis width string def
- /kis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop }
- { cf mis readhexstring pop }
- { cf yis readhexstring pop }
- { cf kis readhexstring pop }
- true 4 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 24 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /ris im 0 width getinterval def
- /gis im width width getinterval def
- /bis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip pop ris gis bis width gray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 32 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /cis im 0 width getinterval def
- /mis im width width getinterval def
- /yis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- /kis im width 3 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip pop cis mis yis kis width cgray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /cgray {
- /ww exch def
- /k exch def
- /y exch def
- /m exch def
- /c exch def
- 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def c i get m i get y i get k i get CMYKtoRGB
- .144 mul 3 1 roll .587 mul 3 1 roll .299 mul add add
- c i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for
- c
- } bind def
- /gray {
- /ww exch def
- /b exch def
- /g exch def
- /r exch def
- 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul
- b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for
- r
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /gis width string def
- /bis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop
- cf gis readhexstring pop
- cf bis readhexstring pop width gray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /yis width string def
- /mis width string def
- /kis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop
- cf mis readhexstring pop
- cf yis readhexstring pop
- cf kis readhexstring pop width cgray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP
- } bind def
- 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc
- } bind def
- } bind def
- end
- /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop
- /StartALD {
- /ALDsave save def
- savematrix
- ALDmatrix setmatrix
- } bind def
- /InALD {
- restorematrix
- } bind def
- /DoneALD {
- ALDsave restore
- } bind def
- /I { setdash } bind def
- /J { [] 0 setdash } bind def
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- 22 0.03 FMFILL
- 23 0 FMFILL
- 24 <f0e1c3870f1e3c78> FMFILL
- 25 <f0783c1e0f87c3e1> FMFILL
- 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL
- 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL
- 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL
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- 7 FrameSetSepColors
- FrameNoSep
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- J
- 27 538.94 301.5 751.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 550.27 276.54 553.73 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 58.19 563.9 270.31 719.86 R
- V
- 0 12.48 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt) 61.29 711.54 T
- (Summary of discussion and issues) 59.89 678.27 T
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 77.93 645 T
- (mre@Eng.Sun.Com) 105.83 611.73 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 538.94 585 751.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 735.11 560.04 738.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 736.27 T
- (Slide 2) 549.45 736.27 T
- 335.45 550.27 560.04 553.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 551.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 557.66 560.04 722.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 563.9 553.81 719.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 341.69 698.38 T
- (Negotiation of mechanism - unresolved) 347.93 698.38 T
- (\245) 341.69 682.78 T
- (Specification of QOP/Service values - unresolved) 347.93 682.78 T
- (\245) 341.69 667.18 T
- -0.79 (Denial of service of attacks using sequence numbers) 347.93 667.18 P
- (- unresolved) 347.93 657.13 T
- (\245) 341.69 641.53 T
- (Clarify integrity check wording - resolved) 347.93 641.53 T
- (\245) 341.69 625.94 T
- (RPCSEC_GSS vs. GSS errors - resolved) 347.93 625.94 T
- (\245) 341.69 610.34 T
- (Generation of session handles - resolved) 347.93 610.34 T
- (\245) 341.69 594.74 T
- (Version negotiation - unresolved) 347.93 594.74 T
- (\245) 341.69 579.15 T
- (gss_get_mic\050\051 vs. gss_wrap\050\051 - unresolved) 347.93 579.15 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 27 289.94 301.5 502.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 486.11 276.54 489.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 487.27 T
- (Slide 3) 265.95 487.27 T
- 51.96 301.27 276.54 304.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 302.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 308.66 276.54 473.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 314.9 270.31 470.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 58.19 465.32 T
- (section 6.2 - flooding attacks - resolved) 64.43 465.32 T
- (\245) 58.19 449.72 T
- (section 5.2.1 - context creation messages -) 64.43 449.72 T
- (unresolved) 64.43 439.67 T
- (\245) 58.19 424.07 T
- (data type of gss_proc - resolved) 64.43 424.07 T
- (\245) 58.19 408.48 T
- (GSS-API V1 references vs. GSS-API V2 - unresolved) 64.43 408.48 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 289.94 585 502.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 486.11 560.04 489.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 487.27 T
- (Slide 4) 549.45 487.27 T
- 335.45 301.27 560.04 304.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 302.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 308.66 560.04 473.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 314.9 553.81 470.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 341.69 449.38 T
- (John Linn: \322no facility at the rpcsec_gss layer to) 347.93 449.38 T
- (transport or negotiate GSS-API mechanism) 347.93 439.32 T
- (identifiers, mechanism selection must either \050a\051 be) 347.93 429.27 T
- (static, \050b\051 be performed out-of-band, or \050c\051 be) 347.93 419.22 T
- (negotiated within the GSS layer\323) 347.93 409.17 T
- (\245) 341.69 393.57 T
- (Anonymous: \322... ONC RPC model doesn't stretch) 347.93 393.57 T
- -0.34 (very well to include models such as negotiated QOS) 347.93 383.52 P
- (or authentication flavor.... if you don't add such) 347.93 373.47 T
- (improvements to ONC RPC, there's little attracting) 347.93 363.42 T
- (me to ONC over the alternatives.\323) 347.93 353.37 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 337.77 T
- (Are the above issues serious enough to hold back) 347.93 337.77 T
- (the ID?) 347.93 327.72 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 27 40.94 301.5 253.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 237.11 276.54 240.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 238.27 T
- (Slide 5) 265.95 238.27 T
- 51.96 52.27 276.54 55.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 53.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 59.66 276.54 224.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 65.9 270.31 221.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 58.19 200.38 T
- (John: \322is it expected that any such QOP values will) 64.43 200.38 T
- -0.03 (be sourced within the RPC layer, or instead that the) 64.43 190.32 P
- (relevant GSS mechanism ID will be reflected up to) 64.43 180.27 T
- -0.27 (the RPC caller so that it's equipped to undertake the) 64.43 170.22 P
- (responsibility of selecting QOPs suitable to the) 64.43 160.17 T
- (prevailing mechanism?\323) 64.43 150.12 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 58.19 134.52 T
- -0.5 (The API is expected to provide mechanism selection) 64.43 134.52 P
- (input/output to the client and server. The ID can be) 64.43 124.47 T
- (updated to reflect this.) 64.43 114.42 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 58.19 98.82 T
- (John: \322Use of \322default\323 would be simplifying here,) 64.43 98.82 T
- (and is probably to be preferred where/if possible\323) 64.43 88.77 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 40.94 585 253.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 237.11 560.04 240.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 238.27 T
- (Slide 6) 549.45 238.27 T
- 335.45 52.27 560.04 55.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 53.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 59.66 560.04 224.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 65.9 553.81 221.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 2 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 341.69 216.32 T
- -0.7 (Proposal: When the client doesn\325t know what QOP to) 347.93 216.32 P
- (use, \322default\323 should be specified in the ID) 347.93 206.27 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 341.69 190.67 T
- (Marc Horowitz: Method of imposing QOP/service) 347.93 190.67 T
- (has problems:) 347.93 180.62 T
- 3 7.62 Q
- (-) 354.17 167.56 T
- (\322client has to \322guess\323 in rpc_gss_init_arg\323) 360.41 167.56 T
- (-) 354.17 155.43 T
- (\322field is not protected in any way\323) 360.41 155.43 T
- (-) 354.17 143.3 T
- (proposes: \322including the required qop and service values) 360.41 143.3 T
- (in the final \050GSS_S_COMPLETE\051 rpc_gss_init_res, and) 360.41 134.98 T
- (using gssapi to protect this information.\323) 360.41 126.67 T
- 2 8.32 Q
- (\245) 341.69 112.34 T
- -0.19 (The intent of feature in the ID was that clients would) 347.93 112.34 P
- -0.49 (pick the QOP from an out-of-band name service. The) 347.93 102.29 P
- (server \050e.g. NFS\051 may not know what the right QOP) 347.93 92.24 T
- (is until the client accesses a specific resource.) 347.93 82.19 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- %%EndPage: "mini" 1
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- 7 FrameSetSepColors
- FrameNoSep
- 27 538.94 301.5 751.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 735.11 276.54 738.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 736.27 T
- (Slide 7) 265.95 736.27 T
- 51.96 550.27 276.54 553.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 551.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 557.66 276.54 722.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 563.9 270.31 719.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 2 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 58.19 714.32 T
- (Is including the required QOP in the response) 64.43 714.32 T
- (redundant? If GSS-API is used to protect the data,) 64.43 704.27 T
- (then the QOP is encoded in the results of the GSS-) 64.43 694.22 T
- (API operation.) 64.43 684.16 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 58.19 668.57 T
- (Marc: \322why have the service/QOP\323 in the protocol?) 64.43 668.57 T
- (\245) 58.19 652.97 T
- (Marc: \322it seems more and more to me like dropping) 64.43 652.97 T
- -0.26 (the QOP/service stuff from the init phase is the right) 64.43 642.92 P
- (answer.\323) 64.43 632.87 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 58.19 617.27 T
- (It may be possible to remove this from the protocol) 64.43 617.27 T
- (and still achieve the desired effect. However, the) 64.43 607.22 T
- (next discussion point from Barry Jaspan raises an) 64.43 597.17 T
- (issue, leaving this still a point of contention.) 64.43 587.12 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 538.94 585 751.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 735.11 560.04 738.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 736.27 T
- (Slide 8) 549.45 736.27 T
- 335.45 550.27 560.04 553.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 551.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 557.66 560.04 722.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 563.9 553.81 719.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (SEQUENCE NUMBERS) 402.23 698.38 T
- (\245) 341.69 682.43 T
- (Barry Jaspan: suggests \322the seq_window also be) 347.93 682.43 T
- (protected when communicated to the client\323) 347.93 672.38 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 656.78 T
- (This is reasonable. However, if we delete QOP/) 347.93 656.78 T
- (integrity negotiation from the protocol, what QOP) 347.93 646.73 T
- (and what service does the server use to protect) 347.93 636.68 T
- (seq_window?) 347.93 626.63 T
- (\245) 341.69 611.03 T
- (Proposal: leave QOP/service in the protocol, and) 347.93 611.03 T
- (protect the service/seq_window when) 347.93 600.98 T
- (communicated back to the client with GSS-API) 347.93 590.93 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 27 289.94 301.5 502.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 486.11 276.54 489.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 487.27 T
- (Slide 9) 265.95 487.27 T
- 51.96 301.27 276.54 304.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 302.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 308.66 276.54 473.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 314.9 270.31 470.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 58.19 449.38 T
- (John: description of Context Management \050sec.) 64.43 449.38 T
- (\051 should emphasize: \322that the integrity check) 64.43 439.32 T
- (on an incoming message is to be validated before) 64.43 429.27 T
- (adjusting the receive window in response to the) 64.43 419.22 T
- (incoming message's sequence number\323) 64.43 409.17 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 58.19 393.57 T
- -0.39 (Agreed, though if the sequence number is below the) 64.43 393.57 P
- (window, the request can be dropped without the) 64.43 383.52 T
- (integrity check.) 64.43 373.47 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 289.94 585 502.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 486.11 560.04 489.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 487.27 T
- (Slide 10) 547.52 487.27 T
- 335.45 301.27 560.04 304.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 302.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 308.66 560.04 473.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 314.9 553.81 470.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (RPCSEC_GSS VS. GSS ERRORS) 382.57 465.32 T
- (\245) 341.69 449.38 T
- (John: RPCSEC_GSS_NOCRED and) 347.93 449.38 T
- (RPCSEC_GSS_FAILED are similar in name to GSS-) 347.93 439.32 T
- (GSS-API major statuses GSS_NO_CRED and) 347.93 429.27 T
- -0.12 (GSS_FAILURE, but apparently different in meaning.) 347.93 419.22 P
- (Should the RPCSEC_GSS_* codes be renamed?) 347.93 409.17 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 393.57 T
- (They will be renamed since they definitely mean) 347.93 393.57 T
- (different things.) 347.93 383.52 T
- 0 F
- (\245) 341.69 367.93 T
- (John: \322is it possible and useful to define the) 347.93 367.93 T
- (mapping between specific GSS-level major status) 347.93 357.88 T
- (codes and the corresponding RPC layer error?\323) 347.93 347.82 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 332.23 T
- (An attempt will be made to define these mappings.) 347.93 332.23 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 27 40.94 301.5 253.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 237.11 276.54 240.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 238.27 T
- (Slide 11) 264.02 238.27 T
- 51.96 52.27 276.54 55.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 53.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 59.66 276.54 224.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 65.9 270.31 221.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 58.19 200.38 T
- (Marc: Regarding sec., it states: The server) 64.43 200.38 T
- (must generate handles such that they will be) 64.43 190.32 T
- (generated again for the same pair of client and) 64.43 180.27 T
- (server principals.) 64.43 170.22 T
- 3 6.24 Q
- (-) 70.67 158.78 T
- (\322What if there are two simultaneous connections from the same client) 76.91 158.78 T
- (to the same server?\323) 76.91 151.85 T
- (-) 70.67 142.15 T
- (\322GSSAPI requires that mechanisms protect context setup against) 76.91 142.15 T
- (replay attacks\323) 76.91 135.22 T
- 2 8.32 Q
- (\245) 58.19 121.35 T
- (There should have been a \322not\323 between \322will\323 and) 64.43 121.35 T
- (\322be\323.) 64.43 111.3 T
- (\245) 58.19 95.71 T
- (Proposal: for simplicity, delete the offending) 64.43 95.71 T
- (sentences from section 64.43 85.65 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 40.94 585 253.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 237.11 560.04 240.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 238.27 T
- (Slide 12) 547.52 238.27 T
- 335.45 52.27 560.04 55.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 53.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 59.66 560.04 224.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 65.9 553.81 221.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (VERSION NEGOTIATION) 398.99 216.32 T
- (\245) 341.69 200.38 T
- (Marc: \322The version negotiation procedure seems) 347.93 200.38 T
- (unnecessarily complex.\323) 347.93 190.32 T
- (\245) 341.69 174.73 T
- (Marc: \322In the case when the client and server both) 347.93 174.73 T
- (support the same protocol version \050which will be) 347.93 164.68 T
- -0.16 (most of the time\051, it would be useful to be able to do) 347.93 154.62 P
- (an aggressive setup, where instead of asking for a) 347.93 144.57 T
- -0.75 (protocol version, the first message for that version is) 347.93 134.52 P
- (sent.\323) 347.93 124.47 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 108.88 T
- -0.37 (Agreed. Since the server-side of version negotiation) 347.93 108.88 P
- (must be stateless, the server doesn\325t care.) 347.93 98.82 T
- (\245) 341.69 83.23 T
- (Proposal: Since version negotiation is contentious,) 347.93 83.23 T
- (and since we at only verison1, delete version) 347.93 73.18 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- %%EndPage: "mini" 2
- %%Page: "mini" 3
- 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
- [0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
- [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
- [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
- [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
- [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
- [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
- [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
- 7 FrameSetSepColors
- FrameNoSep
- 27 538.94 301.5 751.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 735.11 276.54 738.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 736.27 T
- (Slide 13) 264.02 736.27 T
- 51.96 550.27 276.54 553.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 551.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 557.66 276.54 722.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 563.9 270.31 719.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 2 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- -0.77 (negotiation from the specification, reserve version 0,) 64.43 714.32 P
- (and if versions are added in the future, re-visit) 64.43 704.27 T
- (version negotiation then.) 64.43 694.22 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 538.94 585 751.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 735.11 560.04 738.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 736.27 T
- (Slide 14) 547.52 736.27 T
- 335.45 550.27 560.04 553.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 551.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 557.66 560.04 722.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 563.9 553.81 719.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (GSS_GET_MIC\050\051 VS. GSS_WRAP\050\051) 379.81 714.32 T
- (\245) 341.69 698.38 T
- -0.39 (Marc: The protocol in the ID uses \322gss_get_mic\050\051 for) 347.93 698.38 P
- -0.15 (integrity, and gss_wrap\050\051 for encryption. it would be) 347.93 688.32 P
- (simpler... to use gss_wrap in both cases, with the) 347.93 678.27 T
- (conf_req flag set accordingly\323) 347.93 668.22 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 652.62 T
- (This will introduce an unnecessary byte copy that) 347.93 652.62 T
- (gss_wrap will incur when conf_req is zero.) 347.93 642.57 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 27 289.94 301.5 502.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 486.11 276.54 489.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 487.27 T
- (Slide 15) 264.02 487.27 T
- 51.96 301.27 276.54 304.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 302.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 308.66 276.54 473.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 314.9 270.31 470.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 58.19 465.32 T
- (Marc: Perhaps both modes should be allowed, as) 64.43 465.32 T
- (there is talk about extending GSS-API to use an) 64.43 455.27 T
- (application buffer.) 64.43 445.22 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 58.19 429.62 T
- (This extension won\325t eliminate the byte copy. Have) 64.43 429.62 T
- (two ways to do integrity is protocol bloat and by) 64.43 419.57 T
- (consequence, ONCRPC-API bloat. Why would an) 64.43 409.52 T
- (ONC-RPC programmer pick a \322wrapped-integrity\323) 64.43 399.47 T
- (service if the documentation warned that this) 64.43 389.42 T
- (consumed a byte copy?) 64.43 379.36 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 289.94 585 502.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 486.11 560.04 489.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 487.27 T
- (Slide 16) 547.52 487.27 T
- 335.45 301.27 560.04 304.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 302.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 308.66 560.04 473.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 314.9 553.81 470.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (SECTION 6.2 - FLOODING ATTACKS) 375.65 465.32 T
- (\245) 341.69 449.38 T
- (Marc: \322Section 6.2 goes through some effort to) 347.93 449.38 T
- (demonstrate that there are no flooding attacks) 347.93 439.32 T
- (possible. There is a trivial attack where the attacker) 347.93 429.27 T
- (sends fake requests above the window. These will) 347.93 419.22 T
- -0.49 (not be rejected due to the sequence number \050since it) 347.93 409.17 P
- (must increase\051, forcing the server to validate the) 347.93 399.12 T
- (header checksum and fail.\323) 347.93 389.07 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 373.47 T
- (The ID does, albeit not clearly, acknowledge this.) 347.93 373.47 T
- (\245) 341.69 357.88 T
- (Proposal: Clarify section 6.2.) 347.93 357.88 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 27 40.94 301.5 253.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 237.11 276.54 240.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 238.27 T
- (Slide 17) 264.02 238.27 T
- 51.96 52.27 276.54 55.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 53.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 59.66 276.54 224.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 65.9 270.31 221.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (\245) 58.19 200.38 T
- -0.39 (Marc: Section 5.2.1 says: The first RPC request from) 64.43 200.38 P
- (the client to the server initiates context creation for) 64.43 190.32 T
- (those mechanisms that require context creation) 64.43 180.27 T
- (messages. \322All mechanisms will generate at least) 64.43 170.22 T
- (one token requiring a context creation message\323) 64.43 160.17 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 58.19 144.57 T
- (The GSS-API v2 specification \050draft-ietf-cat-gssv2-) 64.43 144.57 T
- (08.txt\051 seems to imply that an initial call to) 64.43 134.52 T
- (GSS_Init_sec_context can return) 64.43 124.47 T
- (GSS_S_COMPLETE. Is there a problem with calling) 64.43 114.42 T
- (GSS_Accept_sec_context\050\051 on a token created with) 64.43 104.37 T
- (a GSS_Init_sec_context call returning) 64.43 94.32 T
- (GSS_S_COMPLETE?) 64.43 84.27 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 310.5 40.94 585 253.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 335.45 237.11 560.04 240.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 394.11 238.27 T
- (Slide 18) 547.52 238.27 T
- 335.45 52.27 560.04 55.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 425.41 53.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 335.45 59.66 560.04 224.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 341.69 65.9 553.81 221.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (DATA TYPE OF GSS_PROC) 392.98 216.32 T
- (\245) 341.69 200.38 T
- (Marc: \322gss_proc is an unsigned int instead of an) 347.93 200.38 T
- (enum. Why?\323) 347.93 190.32 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 341.69 174.73 T
- -0.2 (Proposal: redefine gss_proc as an enumerated type.) 347.93 174.73 P
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- %%EndPage: "mini" 3
- %%Page: "mini" 4
- 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
- [0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
- [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
- [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
- [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
- [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
- [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
- [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
- 7 FrameSetSepColors
- FrameNoSep
- 27 538.94 301.5 751.06 C
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 51.96 735.11 276.54 738.58 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 1 3.47 Q
- 0 X
- (draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt: summary of discussion and issues) 110.61 736.27 T
- (Slide 19) 264.02 736.27 T
- 51.96 550.27 276.54 553.73 R
- 7 X
- V
- 0 X
- (Mike Eisler, Document Editor) 141.91 551.42 T
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- 51.96 557.66 276.54 722.98 6.24 RR
- 7 X
- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K
- V
- 0.17 H
- 0 Z
- 0 X
- N
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- 58.19 563.9 270.31 719.86 R
- 7 X
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- V
- 0 8.32 Q
- 0 X
- (GSS-API V1 REFERENCES VS. GSS-API V2) 78.96 714.32 T
- (\245) 58.19 698.38 T
- (Marc: \322the draft should use [GSS-API] v2 function) 64.43 698.38 T
- (names, not v1 function names\323) 64.43 688.32 T
- 2 F
- (\245) 58.19 672.73 T
- (It wasn\325t clear if referencing another ID was) 64.43 672.73 T
- (appropriate.) 64.43 662.68 T
- (\245) 58.19 647.08 T
- (Proposal: change the names to use GSS-API V2) 64.43 647.08 T
- -0.19 (function names. Change them back to V1 if the GSS-) 64.43 637.03 P
- (API V2 is not an RFC by the time the rpcsec_gss ID) 64.43 626.98 T
- (is published as its own RFC.) 64.43 616.93 T
- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
- %%EndPage: "mini" 4
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