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- Editor's note: These minutes have not been edited.
- 37th IETF, San Jose, CA, December 12, 1996
- Working Group on One-Time Password Authentication (OTP)
- Reported by: Neil Haller (notes recorded by Richard Graveman)
- Report on Interoperability Demonstration
- ----------------------------------------
- Advancing a Proposed Standard to Draft Standard requires demonstrating
- interoperation between two or more independent implementations. A
- demonstration was held on December 10, 1996 using three servers and
- four generators. All systems interoperated. A server and a generator
- were from Rus Rashid (representing Bellcore), Corwin, and Phil Servita.
- And additional generator was supplied by Phil Nesser. All algorithms
- (MD4, MD5, SHA1, and the alternative dictionary) were demonstrated.
- Advancing RFC 1938 to Draft Standard
- ------------------------------------
- The Working Group unanimously agreed that RFC 1938 should be submitted
- to the IESG for advancement to Draft Standard. During the discussion
- Neil Haller announced that all changes discussed on the list will be
- included in the revised document when it is issued as an Internet
- Draft. Denis Pinkas suggested that the Security Considerations section
- be expanded to include the limitations of this technology. Denis
- agreed to write this paragraph and submit it to the mailing list.
- OTP Extended Responses <draft-ietf-otp-ext-01.txt>
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Craig Metz (author of I-D) suggest that for consistency with the keyword
- "init-word", the keyword specifying hexadecimal format be changed from
- "init" to "init-hex". Denis Pinkas suggested that as this response is
- not likely to be manually entered, the 6-word format was unnecessary.
- Ran Atkinson said that having both formats was convenient, and Phil
- Servita said that the implementation of both was straightforward. The
- working group agreed to go with "init-hex" and "init-word".
- Denis Pinkas spoke about the patent status of the part of this Internet
- Draft. A patent application has been filed by his firm on protecting
- re-initialization from certain active attacks. He stated that the IETF
- rules called for fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and openly
- specified terms for licensing. The terms he expected, for which he does
- not have formal approval, would be a royalty-free license subject to the
- terms that would cover use of the patent only in relationship with RFC
- 1938 (the patent was said to include a variant for Kerberos) if the OTP
- Extended Responses follows the standards track, if the requester agrees
- to reciprocate, and if a notice will be placed on the software and
- hardware. Jeff Schiller (Security Area Director) polled the group, and
- the opinion was that this technology should not be included in the draft.
- Ran Atkinson added that the value of this addition to the protocol is
- negligible as the OTP protocol doesn't in general defend against active
- attacks.
- Neil Haller pointed out that a colleague at Bellcore had proposed another
- defense against active attacks during re-initialization on which a patent
- had been filed. There was no "free use" offer, but other reasonable
- terms would be forthcoming. No one wanted to pursue this further and
- the issue was dropped.
- It was agreed that the author of this I-D be asked to re-post the draft
- in January with the patented technology removed. It was agreed that
- if there were no new issues, we would have a working group last call
- late in January for advancing this draft to Proposed Standard.
- OTP Verification Examples <draft-ietf-otp-ver-00.txt>
- -----------------------------------------------------
- It is difficult to verify the correctness of a new OTP implementation
- without using existing code such as the Bellcore reference
- implementation. Phil Nesser's draft provides a rich suite of test
- cases. The current draft contains errors and Phil agreed to post
- a corrected document in early January. The intent is to post a
- working group last call by January 15, and to include the verification
- examples as an appendix to the revised RFC 1938.
- Documents
- ---------
- RFC 1760, N Haller, February 1995
- RFC 1938, N Haller & C Metz, May 1996
- draft-ietf-otp-ver-00.txt
- draft-ietf-otp-ext-01.txt