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- Reported by Michael Erlinger/Micro Technology
- Minutes of the Remote LAN Monitoring Working Group (rmonmib)
- The Group congratulated itself on the acceptance of the RMON MIB as a
- Proposed Standard and its having been published as RFC 1271.
- Inter-Operation Testing
- The Group discussed the possible venues for testing of various RMON MIB
- implementations. There seemed to be at least four possibilities:
- 1. Internet - RMON MIB implementations could be made available via the
- Internet. Those wishing to make available a particular
- implementation could do so by announcing via the RMON mailing list
- the location of the RMON device. Those wishing to test that device
- could access it via the Internet. The discussion centered on the
- possible Internet load created by such devices. It was concluded
- that this load should be minimal as this is only a test
- environment, not a management environment.
- 2. IETF - It might be possible to create a RMON test environment at
- the next IETF. The Chair will look into the possibilities of using
- CERFNet or USD facilities for creation of such a test environment
- which would be open to all those wishing to test RMON tools.
- 3. RMON Meeting - Although token ring had not been discussed, it was
- suggested that if there are any token ring meetings outside of the
- IETF meeting, then an RMON testing environment could be staged at
- the same time. The Chair indicated that this would be considered
- in the scheduling of any such meetings.
- Discovery
- There had been a BOF the prior evening associated with device discovery.
- At the BOF there seemed to be a consensus that the RMON Working Group
- should investigate device discovery as a possible RMON MIB extension.
- Much discussion ensued as to the definition of discovery, current MIBs
- associated with discovery, and priority within RMON. It was decided that
- the Chair should get together with Fred Baker and come to a better
- understanding of what is being requested. In particular, detail
- requirements need to be created.
- Token Ring
- It was decided that creating RMON token ring extensions should be the
- top priority for the Group. The current mailing list would continue to
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- serve the RMON group (no separate token ring mailing list would be
- created). It was decided that before January 1, 1992, the Chair would
- publish a proposed Charter and a proposed schedule which would include a
- meetng prior to the March IETF.
- Other
- Other RMON issues were discussed. In particular row creation. It was
- suggested that the row creation reference within the RMON specification
- be clarified by adding additional examples, (e.g., what happens when a
- row contains a read only value?).
- Attendees
- Robert Austein sra@asylum.sf.ca.us
- Steve Bostock steveb@novell.com
- Jeffrey Buffum buffum@vos.stratus.com
- Lida Carrier lida@apple.com
- James Codespote jpcodes@tycho.ncsc.mil
- James Davin jrd@ptt.lcs.mit.edu
- Michael Erlinger mike@lexcel.com
- Jeff Erwin
- Bill Fardy fardy@ctron.com
- Darrell Furlong
- Shawn Gallagher gallagher@quiver.enet.dec.com
- Robin Iddon robini@spider.co.uk
- Ronald Jacoby rj@sgi.com
- Mark Kepke mak@cnd.hp.com
- Ron Lau rlau@synoptics.com
- Jim McQuaid
- David Perkins dperkins@synoptics.com
- Jonathan Saperia saperia@tcpjon.enet.dec.com
- Timon Sloane peernet!timon@uunet.uu.net
- Bruce Taber taber@interlan.com
- Kaj Tesink kaj@nvuxr.cc.bellcore.com
- Mark Therieau markt@python.eng.microcom.com
- Maurice Turcotte dnmrt@interlan.com
- Steven Waldbusser waldbusser@andrew.cmu.edu
- Jeremy Wilson
- June-Kang Yang natadm!yang@uunet.uu.net
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