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- Reported by Robin Iddon/AXON Networks and Jeanne Haney/Bay Networks
- Minutes of the Remote LAN Monitoring Working Group (RMONMIB)
- An interim meeting of the RMONMIB Working Group was held in Santa Clara,
- CA on 15-17 May. The meeting was sponsored by cisco Systems.
- Agenda
- o Protocol directory
- o Protocol distribution
- o Address mapping
- o Network layer host/matrix
- o Seven-layer host/matrix
- o Relative offset filtering
- o Time filter
- o Probe capabilities
- o Generic control table issues
- - dropped packet counter
- - lastActivationTime
- - lastDeleteTime elimination
- - tableSizeRequested/Granted
- o Seven-layer topN/history
- o RMON1 additions
- o User history
- o Probe config MIB
- o Dynamic protocol discovery
- o Channel as dataSource
- The following notes are intended to provide a overview of the issues
- discussed at the meeting. Refer to the upcoming draft for detailed
- changes.
- Protocol Directory
- Issues involving the protocol identifier format were discussed.
- Concerns over OID tree data explosion led to a new ID format using an
- OID to represent the protocol layering and an octet string to represent
- the attributes or parameters associated with each protocol layer.
- OID tree data explosion issues:
- (1) Reference document explodes.
- (2) protocolDirectoryTable grows by same factor.
- (3) Agent code grows potentially.
- (4a) The number of stats/host/matrix rows may grow also.
- (4b) The number of filter entries grows also.
- Agreed to add some kind of protocolDirType to indicate whether or not
- this node could be (user) extended.
- Adopted proposal:
- protocolDirEntry
- protocolDirID -- OID { ip.udp.tftp }
- protocolDirOptions -- OCTET STRING, 8-bit per sub ID
- INDEX { protocolDirID, protocolDirOptions }
- There must be exactly one 8-bit option per sub ID in protocolDirID. The
- intent is that all protocol defs have exactly one option -- those that
- need none use zero; those that need one or more must define how to
- combine their values into a single 8-bit.
- For WANs in particular, there is real concern that there is no way to
- handle the multitude of link layer encapsulations. Previously we hoped
- to allow vendors to insert their own subtrees; we can still do the same
- thing provided we identify the places where it will occur in advance and
- provide for vendor-extension bit.
- Agreed to remove protocolDirParentID pending further discussion.
- Agreed to add an ``unknown network layer protocol enumeration'' which
- handles all cases where absolutely nothing could be determined about a
- packet (except, its mac addresses and length.)
- Protocol Distribution
- A proposal came up to add size distribution to this table. Discussion
- over the granularity of the buckets led to a proposal to use three
- buckets: < media-min, >= media-min, and > media-max. Agreement could
- not be reached and size distribution was dropped from consideration.
- Proposal to use protocolDirIndex (aka local integer) in the
- protocolDistTable INDEX { protocolDistControlIndex, protocolDirIndex }.
- Agreed that if there was no other use for the protocolDirIndex then this
- table will revert to its original use of protocolDirID.
- Discussion of fragmentation and whether we are interested in monitoring
- higher layer fragmentation (i.e., whether we want to try and provide
- counters which instrument fragmentation at all layers) -- generally the
- group appears not to be interested in directly counting fragmentation at
- any layer.
- Address Mapping
- Much discussion was made of whether to include the addressMapIfIndex in
- the INDEX (and hence to differentiate rows on different interfaces that
- are otherwise the same).
- There was discussion on how much effort it is for the NMS to utilize
- this table. Possible problems include:
- o How the NMS maps RMON1 host addresses through this table without
- totally uploading the table?
- o Whether the NMS uses the random access capability.
- o Should ifIndex be replaced by an OID to allow it to point to a
- repeater port? Data source still tells you which network the data
- came from.
- Include controlIndex instead of ifIndex as (a) ifIndex is being replaced
- and (b) do not want to keep port histories (which would happen if a
- device moved from one port to another and the OID was part of the
- Agreed to INDEX { protocol, address, controlIndex }
- Agreed to incorporate portOID into addressMapEntry -- intent to point at
- point of origin of this device (best guess of agent).
- After much discussion about NMS control of agent resource utilization it
- was agreed that the protocolDirectory should contain a set of flags to
- control usage of this protocol. At a minimum this should control
- whether or not a protocol is used in maintaining the address mapping
- (hence it appears in this section of the agenda). Ideally we would also
- have a few more flags to enable usage in the protocolDistribution and
- the host/matrix tables.
- Network Layer Host/Matrix
- Discussion of using an enumerated value vs. protocol dir index led to
- further discussion of protocol directory `counting' issues and the need
- to control which protocols are counted in which tables:
- o One idea is to turn on/off a protocol via the protocol dir table.
- This means you collect the same protocols for all interfaces and
- all application tables. This seems very restrictive.
- o The second idea is to define the protocol channel which defines a
- set of protocols that a control entry points to, to determine which
- protocols it is collecting. The control tables would still have a
- separated data source value (i.e. not tie with protocol channel,
- so protocol channel can be shared across several control tables).
- This serves two purposes. It allows the NMS to give the agent help
- in conserving its resources. It also makes the tables smaller to
- retrieve so it helps the NMS.
- o The final choice was to turn the protocol on/off on a per
- application (Net Map, Matrix, Host, etc.). You cannot control it
- on a per interface basis. You cannot control it on a per control
- table basis. This is the one that most people voted for.
- The counters within the nlHostTable were discussed:
- o nlHostOutErrors discussion -- agreed object removed.
- o nlHostOutMACNUCastPkts agreed to replace nlHostOutBroadcastPkts,
- nlHostOutMulticastPkts.
- o nlHostOutFragmentPkts agreed not to implement this class of
- counter.
- nlHostEntry creation was discussed. Certainly do not insert on MAC
- error packets; do insert on new source address. There was some
- discussion on whether or not to insert on destination address. It was
- finally agreed to insert on good source and destination addresses but
- that the agent may need to use an improved aging technique to eliminate
- the host destination addresses generated by programs which ping
- sequential addresses in an attempt to discover which hosts exist.
- Agreed to drop hlMatrix[SDjDS]Errors.
- Agreed to keep both DS and SD tables (despite their being good reasons
- not to). It was deemed (a) too complex to dismiss the NMS's inability
- to easily know of some classes of uni-directional conversations and (b)
- the overheads on the agent are not severe enough to make the pain of
- pushing this through worth doing).
- Agreed to not do subnet aggregation because there was no standardizable
- proposal and no one volunteered to do one.
- Seven-Layer Host/Matrix
- Three models were discussed based on nl/sl host tables:
- 1. Merge them
- 2. Keep them separate but closely related so that the agent can be
- efficient
- 3. Keep them totally independent
- Long discussion over the product class<->mib group mapping followed.
- Eventually the group came to a vote on:
- 1. Single control table causing a nlHostTable and slHostTable to be
- constructed (related solution 1' recognizes that within the single
- control table entry will be parameters specific to the nl and sl
- tables, e.g., rm2HostControlNlMaxDesired and
- rm2HostControlSlMaxDesired).
- 2. Merge both tables (voted out 1 for merge, 16 against).
- 3. Split control tables but slHostControlTable depends on an instance
- of nlHostControlTable. Notice that this is also the same functions
- as 1'.
- 4. No sharing of data, hence duplicate memory requirements!
- (Deleted.)
- Proposal 1' was accepted over 3.
- Steve will add a straw proposal for the combined sl/nlHostControlTable
- in the next draft.
- slHostEntry will contain only inPkts/outPkts and inOctets/outOctets.
- slHostEntry will not contain slHostAddress, instead INDEX will reference
- nlHostAddress, and words will be added to ensure that for each
- slHostEntry there must be an nlHostEntry with the same address and hence
- deleting an nlHostEntry will cause deletion of the associated
- slHostEntries.
- Misconfiguring the protocolDirectory such that slHost function is
- enabled for a protocol but nlHost function is not enabled for its
- network layer protocol causes no data to be collected in either table
- for this protocol (because there are no nlHostEntries to relate
- slHostEntries to).
- Proposal adopted:
- INDEX { controlIndex, protDirIndex(addrType), nlHostAddress,
- protDirIndex(protocolType) } and that the slHostTable contain neither an
- address nor a MACNUCastPkts counter.
- A proposal was adopted to include a bit/enum in the protocolDirectory to
- indicate whether or not a network layer address is available for this
- protocolDirectoryEntry (it would not make sense to set this bit for
- ip.udp, for instance, but it could be set for both the ip entry and the
- ip.udp.appleTalk entry; an agent would set the bit if it supports the
- protocol as a network layer protocol and not if it supports it only as
- an application protocol). Ideally we would incorporate this into the
- nodeType object. This is not something to be placed in the parameters
- object because it can only relate to the final protocol of the OID, not
- all of them).
- Proposal for slMatrix is:
- INDEX { controlIndex, protDirIndex(addrType), sa, da, protDir(protType) }
- Agreed to let Steve apply results of the nl/sl host table discussions to
- the matrix and so avoid long discussions over basically the same
- subject.
- Agreed to move forward to the topN/history on host/matrix tables out of
- order because we want to discuss it in the context of the host/matrix
- tables.
- Discussion of data table columns:
- o Issue of error counters. What does it include? Why count L2
- errors by protocol. Errors can propagate up to this table. It is
- too hard to make it meaningful to count network layer errors.
- Therefore we will leave it out.
- o Bcast and mcast? Could there be permutation of bcast/mcast at the
- L2 level and bcast/mcast at the L3 level. Is a broadcast to MAC
- addresses with a multicast IP address counted as bcast or mcast.
- Robin believes that the impact on the net is the fact that it is
- bcast, i.e., everyone received and processed it. We decided that
- we are merging the bcast and mcast counts into one counter. We are
- still counting L2 counters with an NLHostOutNUcastPkts (not
- unicast). Get rid of Broadcast, Multicast, and Errors.
- o Robin proposes an OutFragment counter that only bumps up when
- fragments are detected from a particular SA. Most people abstained,
- so it is a closed issue. Fragments are not counted.
- o We discussed not adding entries to the Host Table based on DA, so
- that the table does not get filled up with erroneous addresses from
- MIB sweeps, etc. On the other hand there are L3 broadcast
- addresses in video multicast addresses that will never appear in
- the source. Maybe we can use a different aging algorithm so
- entries without out pkts, get deleted sooner. But then would you
- be deleting these interesting mcast and bcast pkt as frequently as
- these bogus sweep addresses.
- o Good packets for this table is defined as good MAC packets.
- o Drop the Matrix error counters, do not add the bcast counter, they
- can get them from the host table. Remove nlMatrixSDAddressType.
- Discussion of encapsulated network layers (e.g., IP in IP):
- o The problem of NL layer protocols being wrapped on other NL
- protocols, causes some problem in the how to count the pkt and what
- the NL address is. How do you record both NL address. Do you
- consider the encapsulated protocol to be application? There is no
- place to save the encapsulated NL address.
- o Steve proposes an address structure that encode what the protocol
- is so that we can model both NL protocols and NL protocols
- encapsulated in other NL protocols. Should we try to solve this
- problem? (Vote: 8-2-5.) Now the NL tables could have entries
- that count a pkt twice, since the NL table accounts for all NL
- protocols, not just the NL usage at this particular probe in the
- network. Not all probes need to implement this, but all NMSs need
- to be aware of this anomaly. I.e., if you take all the entries for
- a particular NL Host, they could total up to more than 100% of the
- Net utilization for that Host. How does this affect the protocol
- distribution table. There would be a protocol directory entry for
- AppleTalk with IP and it would be counted in the prot distribution.
- o The upshot of the vote to handle protocols that may be encapsulated
- within other protocols, how you might represent the addressing.
- Can we change the network address mapping table to record this
- information that we have learned from encapsulated NL protocols.
- Add pDir Index as last index to the slHostTable (and slMatrix) NL
- -- address object nonUnicasts, SL -- pDirIndex on end Add a
- bit/boolean to pDirTable that defines whether addresses are
- recognized for that protocol.
- Relative Offset Filtering
- There was a lot of discussion of various filtering related topics. In
- the end it was agreed to treat the channels as data source issue
- elsewhere.
- Agreed to pursue filterLogicTable and mod to filterChannelIndex
- 0..65535. Robin to write up proposal (15 for, 0 against, 2 abstain).
- Time Filter
- After an example and some discussion it was agreed to implement time
- filter as proposed (15 for, 0 against, 1 abstain).
- It was also agreed that the timeMark goes in between the control index
- and the rest of the index.
- Probe Capabilities
- We discussed probe classes and the nl/sl split. We finally closed with
- nl/sl remain different tables (7 for, 3 against, 3 abstain).
- Next we voted on whether or not any kind of capabilities object was
- needed; in favour (11 for, 1 against, 2 abstain).
- Next we discussed per-interface vs. per-device capabilities. First
- vote on scalar only (per-device) (7 for, 2 against, 4 abstain). Scalar
- adopted.
- Generic Control Table Issues
- A) Dropped Packet Counter
- There was a lot of discussion about how the counters work and what
- they are (and are not) intended to do. In the end it was agreed
- that these counters are not intended to enable the agent to do
- statistical sampling/scaling. Indeed the notion of scaled data in
- the RMON2 tables is explicitly precluded (the group cannot define a
- scaling algorithm that is universally appropriate). Finally there
- was debate over whether statistical sampling and scaling were
- really the only solution to the 10x media speed increases, and
- while there was no agreement the discussion polarized between those
- that felt that the current agent technology would enable 100MBit
- and those that did not.
- It was agreed that there would be one droppedFrame counter per
- control entry by default but that for some groups/functions we may
- decide to use a scalar should that prove more appropriate.
- It was agreed that the [etherjtokenRingP]StatsDropEvents would
- continue to exist in RMON2 agents and that its semantics would be
- unchanged. The following rules define how the fooDropFrame counter
- (from the fooControlEntry) relates to the
- [etherjtokenRingP]StatsDropEvents counter and
- [etherjtokenRingP]StatsPkts counter for the same interface:
- 1. For each time the agent recognizes that one or more packets
- have been missed without it knowing exactly how many were
- missed it must increment the dropEvents counter for that
- interface. This is the only time that the dropEvents counter
- is incremented.
- 2. Whenever the agent chooses not to update a table/data
- collection function based on the contents of a packet which it
- knows was present on the network it must increment the
- droppedFrames counter for that table/function.
- 3. For all packets which are not lost in (1) above or dropped in
- (2) above the agent must update tables/data collection
- functions accurately.
- Two results of applying these rules are:
- 1. The sum of all packet counters in a table or data collection
- function (e.g., the hostOutPkt counter) plus the associated
- droppedFrame counter should be exactly equal to the sum of the
- [etherjtokenRingP]StatsPkts and [etherjtokenRingP]DroppedFrames
- counters for the same data source. Of course this assumes that
- the there are enough resources in the agent such that the table
- is not being LRU'd.
- 2. For all agents where the dropEvent counter is zero the sum of
- the droppedFrame and Pkt counters in a given table or function
- on the same interface should be exactly equal to the number of
- packets that there were on the network.
- It was agreed that there should be strong recommendations for RMON2
- agents to utilize the droppedFrame counters as a means of
- accurately reporting the number of frames missed and that if at all
- possible the dropEvents counters should never be incremented -- in
- this way an NMS can use the data with much higher confidence.
- B) lastActivationTime
- Proposal to have this object set to sysUpTime at the point in time
- this control row's status transitioned from not active to active.
- This lets the NMS notice that another NMS restarted data collection
- (without picking a new control index) and so deltas will be
- invalid. It also gives an indication of the age of the table (but
- may not be used to rate the first ever poll -- the data counters
- still do not have to start from zero and so you do not know the
- delta over the interval).
- Agreed to adopt proposal (13 for, 3 abstain, 0 against). Notice
- that we will decide later which tables and functions to apply this
- to.
- C) lastDeleteTime Elimination
- Discussion -- it was agreed that lastDeleteTime was easy to
- implement, but it is also agreed that it was designed specifically
- for creationOrder which no longer exists.
- Proposal is to replace tableSize and lastDeleteTime with
- insertCount and deleteCount (where insertCount - deleteCount ==
- tableSize).
- Agreed unanimously to adopt.
- D) tableSizeRequested/Granted
- Proposal to implement a maxDesired (i.e., a ceiling) per
- controlEntry. 0 implies consume as much memory as is
- required/available. > 0 instructs the agent to create at most this
- many data table entries associated with this control entry -- once
- this ceiling is reached the agent should delete old resources
- (associated with this control entry) in order to create new rows.
- Agreed to adopt proposal (16 for, 0 against, 1 abstain).
- Notice that we later had a discussion which suggested a valid use
- of zero would be for the new hostTable where the control entry
- creates both nlHostTable and slHostTable; a user who did not want
- an slHostTable on an interface might use 0 to indicate that.
- Perhaps we should use -1 to imply unlimited rather than zero.
- Seven-Layer topN/history
- Agreed to do any kind of topN in addition to the RMON1 stuff (8 for, 0
- against, 7 abstain).
- Agreed to do slMatrixTopN (7 for, 0 against, 0 abstain) Marginally
- agreed to do nlMatrixTopN (5 for, 1 against, 5 abstain) Agreed to not do
- slHostTopN and nlHostTopN (1 for, 5 against, 7 abstain and 0 for, 4
- against, 7 abstain respectively).
- Agreed not to support TopN by protocol (1 for, 10 against, 4 abstain).
- A real proposal bringing together all the best ideas of how to do TopN
- on the nl/sl matrix tables is needed -- Steve, Matt and Shay to get
- together on producing this proposal.
- RMON1 Additions
- 1. netUtilization
- Etherstats gives you the number of octets seen. Robin proposes
- that we provide a count of the number of bits and include interpkt
- gap and the preamble. This gives you a better approximation of
- utilization. Bytes seems like a better unit to use, then the
- counter will not wrap as readily. It still is the same way another
- analyzer would calculate utilization. We still run the risk that
- RMON gets compared with these analyzers and is not identical. So
- the question is, is the esterStatsOctets value a good enough
- approximation to get utilization or do we want to provide a new
- object that counts more of the overhead. People seem to favor just
- sticking with the original counter and obtaining an approximation
- to utilization for thresholding via Alarms.
- The group voted to use the octets approximation and not add any new
- bandwidth utilization indicators.
- 2. filterDescr
- Proposal withdrawn without opposition.
- 3. [filter changes]
- Robin to make proposal on the list based on what was discussed at
- the meeting (i.e. the filterLogicTable with m:1 relation
- reversed).
- 4. Control table additions
- The group considered four additions and how they applied to each
- control table:
- (a) insert, delete counters
- (b) maxDesired
- (c) activationTime
- (d) droppedFrames
- EtherStatsTable+TokenRingPStats+TokenRingMLStats
- activationTime, droppedFrames
- HistoryControlTable
- Nothing
- EtherHistoryTable+TokenRingPHistoryTable+TokenRingMLHistoryTable
- droppedFrames
- AlarmTable
- Nothing
- HostControlTable
- maxDesired, activationTime and droppedFrames
- (maxDesired needs note in implementors guide, apparently)
- HostTable/HostTimeTable
- Nothing
- HostTopNControlTable
- Nothing
- HostTopNTable
- Nothing
- MatrixControlTable
- Same as hostControlTable
- MatrixSD/DSTable
- Nothing
- FilterTable/ChannelTable/BufferTable
- Nothing
- EventControlEntry + LogTable
- Nothing
- RingStationControlTable
- activationTime, droppedFrames
- SourceRoutingStatsControlTable
- activationTime, droppedFrames
- 5. Storage type
- Steve to propose an object which is per-control row and indicates
- what NVRAM processing an agent has performed on that row (ROM,
- will-write, wont-write, written). (7 for, 0 against, 4 abstain).
- 6. Alarms enhancements
- Make it robust when monitored OID disappears.
- It was agreed that Steve would produce a draft based on an
- alarmValueStatus object which defines whether the agent managed to
- get the value last interval, an alarmValueUnavailable event/trap,
- an alarmUnavailableEventPollThreshold (i.e. the number of
- unavailable intervals before generating the event).
- 7. WAN status bits
- It was agreed that bit6 will be supported in the pktStatus bitmask
- as the packet direction bit. Further study of bit7 (other physical
- errors) will be done, but this bit needs to be more clearly defined
- before it can be adopted.
- User History
- Get rid of objectsGranted. BucketsRequested cannot be changed after row
- goes valid. Otherwise it stands as is.
- Probe Config MIB
- In this section OK means that we accepted to do it -- there were no
- votes as such, just a call for objections.
- o probeID, probeFirmwareRev, probeHardwareRev OK. Discussion on
- converting probeDateAndTime from ASCII into v2 DateAndTime TC
- (except we will do our own TC which is length 0 or 8 or 11 to allow
- optionality) OK.
- o probeResetControl OK.
- o probeDownloadFile, etc. (5 for, 0 against, 7 abstain) OK.
- o serialConfigTable: Agreed to keep serialIP and serialSubnet.
- o The agent might need to implement the two tables that contain line
- speed and flow control objects, but we will try to get away without
- doing it; should it be rejected elsewhere we will have to adopt
- usage of the appropriate serial MIBs instead (charPortTable and
- portTable).
- o Modify serialConfigProtocol slip(1), ppp(2), other(3).
- o Take all modem string DEFVALs and make them comments instead.
- o Rename serialTrapTimeout to serialDialoutTimeout OK.
- o netConfigIpAddress/netConfigSubnetMask OK. Remove netConfigIfSpeed
- and
- netConfigIfRingNumber.
- o trapDestIndex, trapDestCommunity, trapDestIpAddress, trapDestOwner,
- trapDestStatus OK (8 for, 0 against, 2 abstain).
- o serialConnect: index, dest ip, connection type (direct, modem,
- switch, switch-and-modem), dial/connect strings, owner, status.
- OK.
- Dynamic Protocol Discovery
- Populate the prot directory that is sensible at startup. Then the agent
- could add some protocols that it discovers existing on the net. The
- assumption is that the agent was capable to decode those protocols all
- along, but there is such large set of them and they may never appear on
- the net. It is OK that these added protocols grow more than a single
- level, as originally thought. It is up to the probe whether to turn it
- on or not for collection. How do we document these in the protocol
- document and provide options for these fields?
- Further discussion on the mailing list is needed.
- Channel as dataSource
- There was a vote on how many people violently object to using channel as
- data source (2).
- Those that wanted the standard to be changed to mandate that an agent
- must allow channel as data source (3).
- Those that want to leave the standard as is (and accept that there will
- continue to be proprietary extensions) and that the behaviour of any
- other kind of data source value is undefined (11).
- We voted to modify the text that states ifIndex is the only recognized
- dataSource that all should support, but that other values are not
- illegal -- just considered out of scope.