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- Reported by George Clapp/Ameritech
- SMDS Minutes
- Review of Draft Document
- The IP over Switched Multi-megabit Data Service (SMDS) Working Group met
- for three half-day sessions. The majority of the time was spent
- reviewing the text of a draft document, A Proposed Standard for the
- Transmission of IP Datagrams over SMDS, written by Dave Piscitello and
- Joe Lawrence. The configuration assumed in the document was that of a
- Logical IP Subnet (dubbed an LIS), in which a virtual private network
- supported by SMDS was treated as an IP network/subnet. The following
- are the requirements for an LIS configuration:
- o All members have the same IP network/subnetwork number.
- o All stations within an LIS are accessed directly over SMDS.
- o All stations outside of the LIS are accessed via a router.
- o For each LIS, a single SMDS group address (smds$ip_ga) has been
- configured that identifies all members of the LIS.
- The protocol stack is assumed to be that depicted below in figure 1.
- ---------------------------------------------
- | IP/ARP |
- ---------------------------------------------
- | Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) |
- ---------------------------------------------
- | IEEE 802.2 LLC Type 1 |
- ---------------------------------------------
- |SMDS Interface Protocol (SIP) Level 3 (MAC)|
- ---------------------------------------------
- | SIP Level 2 |
- ---------------------------------------------
- | SIP Level 1 |
- ---------------------------------------------
- Figure 1
- In addition to the SMDS individual address associated with the
- Subscriber Network Interface (SNI), and to the SMDS group address
- associated with the LIS, the document referred to a third SMDS group
- address, the SMDS ARP Request Address (smds$arp_req). This group
- address is set to smds $ip_ga, but latter implementations may set the
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- address to a subset of the addresses in the LIS to deal with scaling
- issues.
- The dynamic mapping of 32 bit Internet addresses to 60 bit SMDS
- addresses is done via Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). ARP requests
- will be multicast to the smds$arp_req address. The ARP parameters which
- require specification are the following:
- ar$hrd 16 bits hardware type code <to be determined>
- ar$pro 16 bits protocol type code decimal 2048 for IP
- ar$hln 8 bits octets in hardware address decimal 8 for 64 bits
- ar$pln 8 bits octets in protocol address decimal 4 for 32 bits
- ar$op 16 bits operation code 1: request
- 2: reply
- Dave Piscitello volunteered to contact Joyce Reynolds to obtain a value
- for the hardware type code.
- An issue arose during the discussion of ARP over SMDS concerning the
- encoding of the SMDS address in the ARP reply message. Following the
- precedence of the IP over FDDI Working Group, the document specified
- that the SMDS address will be carried in ``canonical'' format, which is
- the format specified in the IEEE P802.1A/D10 draft standard, in which
- the least significant bit of the most significant octet is transmitted
- first. The encoding of the 60 bit address within the SIP L_3 PDU does
- not conform to the canonical format, and the bits of each octet would
- have to be reversed. The use of the canonical format is important in
- transparent bridging, when LANs of a similar address space but of
- dissimilar address encoding schemes may be bridged. However, the group
- questioned the utility of transparent bridging between 802 LANs with a
- 48 bit address space and SMDS with a 60 bit address space. This
- questionable utility was compared with the potential for confusion
- caused by the reversal of bits in the SMDS address. In the end, the
- group decided not to use the canonical format, but instead to use the
- format specified for the SMDS ``MAC'' header.
- No unresolved issues remained with the document and the group asked Joe
- Lawrence to incorporate the suggested modifications and to release the
- document to the email group for confirmation. Joe indicated that he
- might be able to release the document by mid-August.
- Public Connectivity
- It was felt that the draft document was adequate to define the operation
- of IP over small virtual private networks supported by SMDS. Discussion
- then turned to the issue of ``public connectivity,'' in which an SMDS
- device may communicate directly with any other SMDS device. The
- question was asked of this model ``What breaks?'', and the following
- items were listed:
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- o ARP
- o Routing: cost, traffic volume, table sizes
- o Address management
- The group was then asked whether there was any interest in pursuing this
- problem, and discussion led to an offer by Manoel Rodrigues and George
- Clapp to draft an ``issues'' document to attempt to clarify the issues
- left unresolved by the draft document.
- Support of Other Protocols
- Vicki Ralls pointed out that other protocols such as DECNET and XNS also
- need a specification to operate over SMDS, and asked whether this was of
- interest to the group. The group felt that IP was the appropriate topic
- for their work and suggested that Bellcore might be approached
- concerning these other protocols.
- Network Management
- Dave Piscitello distributed copies of three papers on network management
- relevant to SMDS.
- o Experimental Definitions of Managed Objects for the SMDS Interface
- Protocol (sip) Interface Type, Kaj Tesink
- o Experimental Definitions of Managed Objects for the t3-carrier
- Interface Type, Tracy Cox, Kaj Tesink
- o Internet Draft of T1-Carrier objects, Kaj Tesink, Tracy Cox
- These documents were distributed to the Working Group on an
- informational basis to the. The first two documents had been submitted
- for consideration by the TransMIB Working Group; the third had not been
- submitted since the points raised in the document had already been
- addressed by the TransMIB group.
- Future Work
- The work remaining for the group will be to review and possibly approve
- the draft document. The group may be able to approve the document at
- the upcoming meeting in December and, if possible, begin the process of
- submitting the document to become an RFC. At the same meeting, the group
- may review the document to be written by Manoel Rodrigues and George
- Clapp.
- During the IETF Plenary of Friday morning, August 3rd, Bob Hinden
- announced the formation of a new Working Group within the routing area,
- Address Resolution and Routing over SMDS and X.25 Public Data Networks.
- This group will be chaired by George Clapp and may investigate some of
- the issues left unresolved by the IP over SMDS Working Group.
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- Attendees
- Douglas Bagnall bagnall_d@apollo.hp.com
- Chet Birger cbirger@bbn.com
- Roger Boehner Roger.Boehner@StPaul.NCR.COM
- Caralyn Brown cbrown@ENR.Prime.com
- Asheem Chandna ac0@mtuxo.att.com
- George Clapp meritec!clapp@bellcore.bellcore.com
- Tracy Cox tacox@sabre.bellcore.com
- Caroline Cranfill rcc@bss.com
- Kevin Fall kfall@Berkeley.EDU
- Michael Fidler ts0026@ohstvma.ircc.ohio-state.edu
- James Forster forster@cisco.com
- Craig Fox foxcj@nsco.network.com
- Eugene Geer bcr!nvmxr!ewg
- Neil Haller nmh@bellcore.com
- Dave Kaufman dek@proteon.com
- Alex Koifman akoifman@bbn.com
- Joseph Lawrence jcl@sabre.bellcore.com
- Walter Lazear lazear@gateway.mitre.org
- Alan Menezes afm@cup.portal.com
- David Piscitello dave@sabre.bellcore.com
- Vicki Ralls ralls@cisco.com
- Michael Reilly reilly@nsl.dec.com
- Ron Roberts roberts@jessica.stanford.edu
- Manuel Rodrigues
- Jim Showalter gamma@mintaka.dca.mil
- Frank Slaughter fgs@shiva.com
- Zaw-Sing Su zsu@tsca.istc.sri.com
- Gregory Vaudreuil gvaudre@nri.reston.va.us
- Chris Weider clw@merit.edu
- Steve Willis swillis@wellfleet.com
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