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- Reported by Keith McCloghrie/cisco Systems
- Minutes of the SNMP Version 2 Working Group (SNMPV2)
- The SNMPv2 Woking Group held an interim meeting in Dallas. The meeting
- ran from 9 am Monday, 13 February, through noon on Friday, 17 February
- 1995 (including some evening sessions).
- The following changes in status were made to the outstanding proposals:
- {6} Set Error Ordering
- The Step 2 error (noCreation) was moved to be immediately after Step 7
- (as proposed in recent discussion on the mailing list). Several other
- clarifications to the wording of other error conditions were also
- agreed.
- {7} Autodiscovery
- Several alternative solutions were discussed but no final resolution was
- achieved.
- {20} Simplify Context and View
- A revised (see {56} below) version was accepted whereby a Acl which
- points to a view with no active subtrees is considered to be a valid Acl
- and the view a valid but empty view.
- To resolve the problem in which two managers collide when each create a
- new view with the same viewIndex, a new read-only scalar object
- viewNextIndex will be added whose value gives a currently unused
- viewIndex; the agent must guarantee that the value is not assigned to
- any in-use value of viewIndex (e.g., every time it is read, its value
- must change). An agent can use values up to 2 billion (and not wrap),
- or wrap the value at a smaller maximum value and ensure that re-used
- values are no longer used (e.g., not pointed to by any other MIB
- object).
- {23} TestAndIncr Cleanup
- The solution for this proposal was amended to require that the value of
- a TestAndIncr variable must be incremented on a reboot (since a reboot
- causes the state of the agent to change).
- {37} MIB-Level Error Code
- It was decided that the consensus on the level of need for this proposal
- was unclear, and that the solution is incomplete. Changing the PDU
- structure was rejected as too problematic. Including a MIB-level error
- code in the MSB bytes of error-status was also rejected as problematic
- (kludgy and leading to interoperability problems).
- {39} Add Auth and Encrypt OIDs
- The potential of CDMF being an exportable encryption algorithm, and the
- effect of its patent was presented, but no definitive status on these
- issues was available. No change will be made at this time; instead, the
- addition of CDMF (or any other) as a new privacy algorithm will be
- considered in the future as and when the export/patent issues become
- clearer.
- {43} NetworkAddress TC
- Due to registration issues and the current non-use of ``unions'' in TCs,
- this proposal was rejected. In the event that MIB objects are needed in
- the future which can take the value of an IPv4 or IPv6 address, the
- relevant working group can make its own decision.
- For consistency, it was also agreed to obsolete the ASN.1 tag for
- NsapAddress and as a replacement, define a Textual Convention for an
- NSAP address.
- {44} IPv6 Transport Mapping
- The use of DISPLAY-HINT for IPv6 addresses was researched. DISPLAY-HINT
- does not have the capability to display every format being discussed on
- the IPng mailing list. However,
- DISPLAY-HINT ``2x:'' -- an IPv6 address
- DISPLAY-HINT ``2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2d''-- for SnmpUdpIPv6TAddress
- were accepted. The transport mapping will also say that
- SnmpUdpIPv6TDomain will possibly become the preferred mapping at some
- future date.
- {49} New Enumeration for StorageType
- The accepted solution was modified to require every usage of StorageType
- to specify the columnar objects which a `permanent' row must at a
- minimum allow to be writable.
- {55} Maintenance Access
- The 0.0 context and the 0.0 party will not be represented in the
- contextTable and partyTable respectively, nor will the corresponding
- view and Acl in their tables. This will prevent them from being
- modified. The view will be partyTable and snmpStats. Creation of new
- entries in the partyTable and contextTable for 0.0 will be prohibited.
- The 0.0 context will be used for maintenance only.
- Use of the (noAuth) 0.0 party will be allowed to do Get/GetNext/GetBulk
- but not Sets (since this would allow an attacker to change the secret
- and reduce the clock value, and then change the secret back to its
- original value, thereby allowing replay attacks).
- It was also agreed that a view is still active if it has one or more
- active view subtrees, even if some of its view subtrees are notReady or
- notInService.
- An agent must return the request-id in a Report-PDU unless it gets an
- ASN.1 decoding error, where an ASN.1 decoding error can result either
- from a malformed message, or when an agent attempts to decode a message
- for which it does not know the destination party and thus attempts to
- decode by assuming it is a noPriv party.
- Dave Perkins proposed edits for specifying the varbinds which must be
- included in the Report-PDU.
- {56} Move viewIndex to aclEntry
- A revised version of this proposal was accepted due to its ability to
- reduce the number of required contexts and Acls. Three new columns will
- be added to the aclEntry: one for a read-view index, one for a
- write-view index, and one for a notify-view index. aclPriviliges will
- be retained. contextViewIndex will also be retained, but now only as an
- indication of whether the context is proxy/non-proxy.
- The use of an Acl to perform access-control was also discussed, and it
- was agreed that: all types of Get requests and Set requests are checked
- on receipt; Trap and Inform requests are checked prior to transmission;
- and Responses are never subject to access-control checking. Each of
- these tests will be performed from a single aclEntry for the
- party/party/context, where aclTarget refers to the party co-resident
- with the context and aclSubject to the other party. (For example,
- consider the noAuth/noPriv parties in 1447: the agent will no longer
- have both a 1/2/1/35 Acl and a 2/1/1/132 Acl; instead, it will have just
- one: a 1/2/1/163 Acl.)
- {65} UInteger32 and INTEGER
- It was agreed to retain UInteger32 for backward compatibility, but
- deprecate its use. A new data type Unsigned32 will be defined to use
- the same ASN.1 tag as Gauge32.
- {79} Read-Create Access
- Subsumed by {90}.
- {83} BIT STRINGs
- The use of BIT STRING will be removed from the SMI, due to confusion
- over its encoding, and to enhance capability with SNMPv1. As a
- replacement, the OBJECT-TYPE macro will be enhanced to allow:
- SYNTAX BITS { label1(0), label2(1) }
- with identical semantics to BIT STRING. Additional enumerations over
- time will be prohibited. In a v2 to v1 MIB conversion, BITS will be
- converted to an OCTET STRING with the enumerations contained in ASN.1
- comments. The edits for updated OBJECT-TYPE and TEXTUAL CONVENTION
- macros will be written up.
- {90} Conditions on DEFVAL clauses
- Redefining DEFVAL to have ``teeth'' would be problematic for exiting
- MIBs. The potential of adding a new clause with this functionality was
- discussed. The result was not finally resolved.
- The use of read-create will be unchanged. The possibility of defining
- read-create-only as a new value of MAX-ACCESS (and corresponding value
- in other macros) was discussed. The possibility of defining another new
- value, accessible-for-notify, for MAX-ACCESS will also discussed. The
- addition of these new ACCESS values was not finally resolved.
- {104} ASN.1 for MIB Syntax
- The potential of having the SMI use BNF rather than ASN.1 to specify the
- syntax of a MIB was rejected due to its benefit not being worth its
- perceived cost. Instead, additional examples of MIB syntax will be
- included to cover the use of all clauses/etc.
- {108} GetBulk Warning
- The description of GetBulk processing will be clarified to mention the
- potential for requests with many repetitions to require a significantly
- greater amount of processing time. The description will also allow the
- ``local limitation'' due to which an agent can terminate a GetBulk to
- include termination due to time constraint. However, termination for
- this reason will not be allowed prior to one whole repetition.
- {110} Default MIB View
- Three views were defined. An agent must allow one of these to be
- defined as the default set of views:
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- | | Allows |noAuth/noPriv | auth/noPriv | auth/priv |
- | | |--------------|-----------------|-----------------|
- | |Discovery| RO | RW | RO | RW | RO | RW |
- |--------------|---------|--------|-----|--------|--------|--------|--------|
- |minimum-secure| yes |internet| - |internet|internet|internet|internet|
- |semi-secure | yes |system | - |internet|internet|internet|internet|
- | | |partyMIB| | | | | |
- | | | + same | | | | | |
- | | | as 0.0 | | | | | |
- |--------------|---------|--------|-----|--------|--------|--------|--------|
- |very-secure | no |same as | - |internet|internet|internet|internet|
- | | | 0,0 | | | | | |
- |______________|_________|________|_____|________|________|________|________|
- {115} Multiple Logical Entities
- It was agreed that when logical entities are represented by
- contextLocalEntity, all contexts with the same value of
- contextLocalEntity identify the same logical entity. The snmpORTable is
- moved to the system group (and renamed to be sysORTable). All contexts
- must have a system group and a sysORTable. No other framework changes
- are needed to support this proposal, and thus it will be pursued outside
- of the SNMPv2 Working Group (which may also allow the solution to be
- applied to SNMPv1 agents).
- {117} Specifying Destinations
- After much discussion, no consensus was reached on this proposal.
- {118} Reduce Party Table Redundancy
- Mostly subsumed by {56}.
- {120} Variable length secrets in partyTable
- The solution of {122} will provide support for variable-length secrets,
- either by truncation or by extension with zeros. While extension with
- zeros has a weakness from a security viewpoint, it is still stronger
- than the use of community strings. Thus, it is presumed that this
- problem will be subsumed by {122}; as and when {122} is complete, we
- will see whether that is true.
- {121} IMPLIED INDEX Not Last
- Assuming that no standard MIBs use IMPLIED except on the last
- object-type in an INDEX clause, the change to allow its use only on the
- last object-type was accepted. [Reporter's note: a subsequent search
- of existing RFCs and Internet-Drafts revealed no such usage, and thus,
- the proposal is effectively accepted.]
- {122} XOR Weak for Keys
- It was agreed to have a single algorithm for all keys irrespective of
- the value of partyAuthProtocol and partyPrivProtocol. There was
- discussion of whether the agent or the manager should generate the new
- unpredictable value. The exact details of the algorithm are not yet
- resolved.
- {125} Complex Clock Rollover Recovery
- Part of the underlying rationale for {125} was that clock rollover
- caused problems for the sharing of parties. So, with the resolution of
- {126} (see below) the need for {125} is reduced. Thus, {125} should now
- be re-evaluated, and maybe rejected.
- {126} Simplified Configuration Model
- There was much discussion of the sharing of parties, which eventually
- reached a consensus that parties should not be shared. The view was
- expressed that the sharing of parties leads to a number of problems with
- authenticated parties, and a lesser set of problems with unauthenticated
- parties. As a result, SCM was modified to retain the concept of a user
- and a user's capabilities, but to have separate parties and Acls created
- for each activation of the user. These parties and the context that the
- user can access are named (i.e, instanced) through use of an ``agentId''
- (rather than by a network-layer address). The agentId is generated by
- the agent to be globally unique. Further details of this modification
- will be written up.
- {128} Trap Destination
- This proposal was rejected after much discussion.
- {130} Basic Config Model
- Both general usage of this model and its use for bootstrapping was
- discussed, and a significantly modified version of this proposal was
- accepted. Minimum compliance will not require read-create access to the
- partyTable. The details of the modified proposal will be written up.