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- Reported by Joyce K. Reynolds
- Announcements_
- Steve Crocker (TIS), IETF Security Area Director and Rich Pethia (CERT)
- briefly presented to the USWG new plans for a Security WG, chaired by
- Rich. Steve and Rich discussed possible activities to be pursued
- jointly by the USWG and the new Security WG. The USWG will work with
- Steve and Rich in whatever endeavors they feel we could make
- contributions.
- The NISI WG has been reinstated per Craig Partridge, our Area Director.
- The new Chair will be Dana Sitzler, MERIT.
- RFC:_F.Y.I._Series_of_Notes_
- The USWG progressed further on this topic from the last IETF meeting in
- Hawaii. There are five points that are now considered "well known" and
- define the initial plan for the information series:
- o F.Y.I. is part of the RFC series of notes.
- o Expansion of the "Status of this Memo" section will further depict
- the inclusion of F.Y.I. in the RFC scheme.
- o Documents for F.Y.I. consideration will be submitted to USWG for
- review and approval via the RFC Editor.
- o RFC: F.Y.I. is a NEW process, starting in 1990.
- o Previously published "informational" RFCs will be gathered up in an
- F.Y.I. RFC that points to the old RFCs, "capturing" the history of
- informational RFCs prior to 1990.
- Repository for F.Y.I. Memos will be in parallel with the current
- repository for RFCs. The F.Y.I. Memos will have their own separate
- index. This will be organized further with the RFC Editor.
- The premier of the F.Y.I. Memos will be an RFC: F.Y.I. entitled, "F.Y.I.
- on F.Y.I." in the same spirit of RFC 1111, "Request for Comments on
- Request for Comments".
- Discussion of F.Y.I. topics:
- o F.Y.I. RFC
- o NOCTools Catalog
- o User-Doc Bibliography
- o Q/A results (quarterly publication) (aka commonly asked questions
- and answers)
- o Other concepts/ideas from USWGers:
- - How to Connect to the Internet (general procedures)
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- - Connection Checklist (technical considerations)
- - Network Information and Information Services Currently
- Available
- ACM_Conference_Paper_Participation_
- Deadline for paper submission: 5-March-90. Contributors include: NNSC
- - Internet Resource Guide, ISI - Request for Comments Documents,
- ISI/NNSC - Internet Monthly Report and CNRI - Video Teleconferencing.
- A tentative working group has been proposed to our Area Director - DAWG:
- Distribution and Announcement Working Group, to be chaired by Robert
- Enger and assisted by Karen Bowers. Its intent:
- o recommend procedures on how to get information out.
- o use existing methods and begin to address long term distribution
- methods.
- o Note: this will be a follow-on effort of the Distribution and
- Announcement session facilitated by Martyne Hallgren at the
- Stanford IETF.
- Current avenues to "get the word out" should include:
- o The Internet Numbers and Assigned Numbers Process and RFCs
- o "Hello" New User Text Servers
- o Vendor Packages to Be Distributed with Hardware/Software
- The concept of designing "Intro Packages" for new Internet users was
- discussed at great length. The purpose of publishing "Intro Packages"
- is to determine what information new users need immediately when they
- begin their connection to or begin to use the Internet.
- Research will be done and reported at the next IETF on:
- o what the information is going to be
- o what already exists
- o what needs to be written
- Mary Stahl, Pat Smith, and Karen Roubicek volunteered to research and
- report.
- Q/A_List_
- The Q/A mailing lists/box will be set up at Proteon and maintained by
- Gary Malkin.
- They will include:
- quail: This is a discussion mailing list. Its primary use is for
- pre-release (to the USWG) review of the Q/A FYIs.
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- quail-request: This is how you join the quail mailing list. The USWG
- members will not be added by default (except those which have already
- volunteered to monitor mailing lists).
- quail-box: This is where the questions (and hopefully answers) will be
- forwarded-and-stored. It is not necessary to be on the quail mailing
- list to forward to the quail-box.
- Electronic mailing lists will be monitored for pertinent questions.
- James Van Bokkelen, Berlin Moore, Gary Malkin, and Joyce Reynolds
- voluteered to monitor particular lists. Any USWGer who routinely reads
- public mailing lists should keep an eye out for the types of questions
- relevant to the Q/A list, and is encouraged to contribute their
- findings.
- We are specifically looking for commonly asked, or significant
- questions. Gary Malkin will send a message to the USWG mailing list
- with further details, once the mailing lists are set up.
- It is projected that approximate every three months, an F.Y.I. RFC will
- be published with the Q/A results.
- User-Doc_Bibliography_Update_
- Karen Roubicek briefly presented the User-Doc's current work and the
- status of their Bibliography.
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- Armstrong, Karen armstrong@sds.sdsc.edu
- Bennett, Derek xndmis14@servax.bitnet
- Bowers, Karen L. kbowers@nri.reston.va.us
- Crocker, Steve crocker@tis.com
- Enger, Robert M. enger@sccgate.scc.com
- Fidler, Mike ts0026@ohstvma.ircc.ohio-state.edu
- Finkelson, Dale dmf@westie.unl.edu
- Hallgren, Martyne martyne@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
- Jacobsen, Ole ole@csli.stanford.edu
- Malkin, Gary gmalkin@proteon.com
- Moore, Berlin prepnet@andrew.cmu.edu
- Morris, Don morris@ucar.edu
- Oattes, Lee oattes@utcs.utoronto.ca
- Pace, Donald pace@fsu1.cc.fsu.edu
- Perkins, Dave dave_perkins@3com.com
- Pokorney, Dave poke@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu
- Robertson, Jim jar@bridge2.3com.com
- Roubicek, Karen roubicek@nnsc.nsf.net
- Sheridan, Jim jsherida@ibm.com
- Shue, Chi chi@osf.org
- Smith, Pat psmith@merit.edu
- Stahl, Mary stahl@nisc.sri.com
- Stine, Bob stine@sparta.com
- Sturtevant, Allen sturtevant@ccc.nmfecc.gov
- Van Bokkelen, James jbvb@ftp.com
- Van Wyk, Ken krvw@sei.cmu.edu
- Ward, Carol cward@spot.colorado.edu
- Wobus, John jmwobus@suvm.acs.syr.edu
- Woodburn, Robert woody@saic.com
- Yuan, Aileen aileen@gateway.mitre.org
- Zimmerman, David Paul dpz@convex.com
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