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- Reported by Joyce Reynolds/ISI
- Minutes of the User Services Working Group (USWG)
- Announcements
- o New Working Group - Internet School Networking (ISN)
- o New Working Group - Internet Anonymous FTP Archives (IAFA)
- o New Working Group - User-Doc Revised
- - DISI - met Monday afternoon - 4:00-6:00pm
- - NISI - met Tuesday morning, 9:30-12:00N
- - ISN - met Tuesday afternoon, 1:30-3:30pm
- - IAFA - met Tuesday afternoon, 4:00-6:00pm
- - User-Gloss - met Wednesday afternoon, 1:30-3:30pm
- - NOCTools - meets Wednesday evening, 7:00-10:00pm
- Discussions/Reports
- 1. Report on the RARE WG3 meetings held in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Reported by Joyce K. Reynolds.
- The RARE WG3 USIS Working Group and the IETF User Services Working
- Group are working in parallel. Jill Foster, Chair of USIS,
- concurs. The RARE WG3 Working Group provides first level services
- to end users. The IETF User Services Working Group have
- traditionally provided second level services (i.e., providing
- documentation to people who provide services to end users). RARE
- WG3 will continue to provide first level services, while IETF User
- Services will provide ``information packets'' and other user
- services documentation. RARE will delegate their members to
- actively work on IETF working groups.
- 2. Revision of User-Doc Working Group - Presented by Lenore Jackson &
- Ellen Hoffman, User-Doc Co-chairs.
- Discussion focused on the revision of its charter, establishing
- procedures on updating the bibliography, additional objectives, and
- future goals.
- 3. QUAIL - presented by Gary Malkin.
- Brief discussion and comments of an updated Quail document for
- ``new Internet users''. The updating of this document is necessary
- due to the transition of DDN NIC services from SRI to GSI. The
- current structure/formatting of the document was also discussed.
- 4. SIGUCCS draft - Martyne Hallgren. Written by ACM Siguccs
- Networking Taskforce.
- Martyne's taskforce intends to submit this draft into the
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- ``Internet-Drafts'' process, with the end result being an FYI/RFC.
- She brought this document into the USWG forum for comments and
- feedback.
- Document title - ``Connecting to the Internet - what connecting
- institutions should anticipate''
- Abstract: This memo outlines the major issues an institution
- should consider in the decision and implementation of a campus
- connection to the Internet. The list of issues is not exhaustive
- but rather this document should alert decision makers to major
- concerns to be addressed in the critical phases of an institution's
- full participation in the Internet community.
- Martyne received positive comments on this draft. This draft is
- akin to the "INCH" task on the USWG list of "things to do".
- Attendees
- Robert Blokzijl K13@nikhef.nl
- Vinton Cerf vcerf@nri.reston.va.us
- Peter Deutsch peterd@cc.mcgill.ca
- Alan Emtage bajan@cc.mcgill.ca
- Robert Enger enger@seka.scc.com
- Hans Eriksson hans@sics.se
- John Gong jgong@us.oracle.com
- Martyne Hallgren martyne@nr-tech.cit.cornell.edu
- Ellen Hoffman esh@merit.edu
- J. Paul Holbrook holbrook@cic.net
- Alton Hoover hoover@nis.ans.net
- Geoff Huston g.huston@aarnet.edu.au
- Lenore Jackson jackson@dftnic.gsfc.nasa.gov
- Ole Jacobsen ole@csli.stanford.edu
- Scott Kaplan scott@ftp.com
- Darren Kinley kinley@crim.ca
- Carol Lambert cjlx@cornella.cit.cornell.edu
- Ruth Lang rlang@nisc.sri.com
- Peter Liebscher plieb@sura.net
- Gary Malkin gmalkin@ftp.com
- April Marine april@nisc.sri.com
- Marsha Perrott mlp+@andrew.cmu.edu
- Joyce Reynolds jkrey@isi.edu
- Karen Roubicek roubicek@faxon.com
- Tom Sandoski tom@concert.net
- Dana Sitzler dds@merit.edu
- Patricia Smith psmith@merit.edu
- Joanie Thompson joanie@nsipo.nasa.gov
- Chris Weider clw@merit.edu
- Wengyik Yeong yeongw@psi.com
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