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- Reported by Joyce K. Reynolds/Information Sciences Institute
- Minutes of the User Services Working Group (USWG)
- A current report on the IETF User Services Area activities, including
- working groups coming to closure, new working groups starting up, new
- publications, and current user services-related Internet-Drafts was
- presented at the start of the session.
- It was reported that the IAFA Working Group will soon conclude; Pat
- Smith (NISI co-chair) and Ellen Hoffman (USERDOC2 co-chair) have
- resigned as working group chairs; and Mark Prior has become co-chair of
- TRAINMAT, along with Jill Foster.
- New FYI RFCs:
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- | | | | |
- | FYI 23 | RFC 1580 |``Guide to Network Resource Tools'' | March 1994 |
- | | | | |
- | FYI 22 | RFC 1578 |``FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers | February 1994 |
- | | |to Commonly Asked `Primary and Secondary | |
- | | |School Internet User' Questions'' | |
- | | | | |
- | FYI 4 | RFC 1594 |``FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers | March 1994 |
- | | |to Commonly asked `New Internet User' | |
- | | |Questions'' | |
- |________|__________|_________________________________________|_______________|
- New Internet-Drafts:
- draft-ietf-iafa-howftp-01.txt
- draft-ietf-ids-catalog-02.txt
- draft-ietf-isn-aup-00.txt
- draft-ietf-isn-k12-guide-00.txt
- draft-ietf-nir-status-report-03.txt
- draft-ietf-nisi-nics-00.txt
- draft-ietf-userdoc2-fyi-biblio-00.txt
- A short review of a proposed draft, ``A Primer on Internet and TCP/IP
- Tools,'' was conducted. The working group consensus of this draft is
- that it is not a primer, but rather, a document for a first-time systems
- engineer. It is not broad enough, and not for a novice user. The table
- of contents was considered useful, but most participants felt that the
- document should start with Chapter 4 and go forward. It was deemed more
- appropriate that this draft could be worked on and submitted as the
- update to FYI 7 (``FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to Commonly
- Asked `Experienced Internet User' Questions``), if the authors would
- agree to this suggestion.
- Scott Williamson and Mark Kosters gave a slide presentation on Referral
- WHOIS Protocol (RWHOIS). (The slides follow these minutes.) The
- presentation included discussion of what is RWHOIS, why build RWHOIS,
- how is RHOIS different from X.500 and WHOIS++, and the complimentary
- existence of RWHOIS and WHOIS++. The proposed protocol development of
- RWHOIS will be nested in Tim Howes' Access and Synchronization of the
- Internet Directory Working Group (ASID) (currently a BOF in the
- Applications Area), and functionality, requirements, informational
- document developments, etc., in the User Services Area.
- Joyce K. Reynolds was renominated to serve on the Internet Engineering
- Steering Group (IESG) as User Services Area Director for the next two
- years. Joyce opened the rest of the session to discussion and focus of
- where the USWG and the User Services Area would like to proceed in the
- next two years.
- The User Services Area Council (USAC) proposed and presented six points
- that they felt were important to focus on in the next two years (listed
- as most important first):
- 1. Tighten/clarify the mission
- 2. Higher visibility for the activities
- 3. Getting more people involved (i.e., a target audience)
- 4. Why should they come
- 5. How to spread the word (USV-Web)
- 6. Make better use of existing facilities
- A message will be sent to the us-wg list for continued input and
- discussion about this USWG discussion. It was noted that the us-wg list
- is not very active. It should be used as a forum for continued input on
- the scope of the User Services Area. We ran out of time to fully define
- and analyze the points noted above. The list presented below identifies
- the USWG Seattle participants that have volunteered to work with Joyce
- in continuing to define, develop, and implement the ideas put forward
- for the following tasks:
- Tightening and clarifying the mission Jodi Chu
- April Marine
- Susan Calcari
- Investigating a home server for a USV-Web page Susan Calcari
- Simon Spero
- FYI RFC formatting concerns with the RFC Editor Joyce K. Reynolds
- HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) for FYI RFCs, etc. Simon Spero
- Janet L. Marcisak
- Bringing in other disciplines Michael McLay
- Advertising on other lists to get the word out about Sally Hambridge
- the User Services Area
- Attendees
- Sepideh Boroumand sepideh@jacks.gsfc.nasa.gov
- Lloyd Brodsky lbrodsky@rocksolid.com
- Susan Calcari susanc@internic.net
- Jodi-Ann Chu jodi@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu
- Ann Cooper cooper@isi.edu
- Robert Enger enger@seka.reston.ans.net
- Sheryl Erez erez@cac.washington.edu.
- Jan Eveleth eveleth@nwnet.net
- Arlene Getchell getchell@es.net
- Anders Gillner awg@sunet.se
- Martyne Hallgren mh16@cornell.edu
- Sally Hambridge sallyh@ludwig.intel.com
- Deborah Hamilton debbieh@internic.net
- Alisa Hata hata@cac.washington.edu
- Lenore Jackson jackson@nsipo.arc.nasa.gov
- Barbara Jennings bjjenni@sandia.gov
- Dale Johnson dsj@merit.edu
- Mark Kosters markk@internic.net
- Gary Malkin gmalkin@xylogics.com
- Glenn Mansfield glenn@aic.co.jp
- Janet L. Marcisak jlm@ftp.com
- April Marine april@atlas.arc.nasa.gov
- Marilyn Martin martin@netcom.ubc.ca
- Laura McCarty lmccarty@pmel.noaa.gov
- Michael McLay mclay@eeel.nist.gov
- George Phillips phillips@cs.ubc.ca
- Joyce K. Reynolds jkrey@isi.edu
- Deb Rodgers deb@cac.washington.edu
- Patricia Smith psmith@merit.edu
- Simon Spero ses@tipper.oit.unc.edu
- Scott Williamson scottw@nic.ddn.mil