Internet Info 1997 December
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Reported by Urs Eppenberger/SWITCH
Minutes of the X.400 Operations Working Group (X400OPS)
o Introduction
o Action List Review
o Liaison Reports
o Review Charter
o GO-MHS Community Document
o Review X.400 Operations Documents
o Presentation by Jeroen Houttuin on ``Mail based servers''
o Presentation by Marko Kaittola on ``Table Distribution''
o AOB and Plan for next meeting in Amsterdam
The Minutes do not follow the Agenda but provide two main sections,
liaison reports and document status. All Agenda items have been grouped
into these two sections. A list of actions is appended to make it
easier for the Working Group Chairs to track Action Items. The Minutes
of the last X400OPS meeting in Washington, DC were approved.
Review Charter
The Goals in the Charter of the X400OPS Group need to be reviewed. The
references to OPS-* should be replaced by the names of the documents in
the Internet-Drafts Directory. The title and time scale of
draft-ietf-x400ops-tbl-dist-00.txt (OPS-6) is not realistic.
Liaison Reports
o IETF MHSDS Working Group.
The main focus is on the establishment of a pilot by adding routing
information to the directory to gain operational experience. The
Group hopes to have something to demonstrate at the next IETF in
o RARE WG-MSG Working Group on Mail and Messaging.
A task force works on a number of documents on X.400(88)
A lot of other documents have been sent for comments to both
X400OPS and WG-MSG.
WG-MSG is not a working group in the IETF sense, it is more like an
IETF Area since it covers all mail protocols and is an ongoing
Group which may split off chartered task forces.
WG-MSG has been approached by Allan to see if the postmaster
document would be appropriate to be published as RARE Technical
Report (RTR). The chairman of WG-MSG, Harald T. Alvestrand, is
positive about it. It might be bundled with the GO-MHS
o Electronic Mail Association (EMA).
Nothing was reported.
o European Electronic Mail Association (EEMA).
Jim Romaguera reported from EEMA. He has been approached by some
ADMD service providers with questions concerning the connection of
their services to the Internet. He will forward the questions to
the X400-OPS list.
The most interesting activities are in the EEMA PRMD operators
group and in the EEMA ADMD operators group. The problem is that
they do not have electronic mailing lists for their discussions but
rather use paper mail. Perhaps the X400OPS Group could offer to
host distribution lists and archives for them?
o COSINE-MHS Project.
The new service is called MHS Coordination Service. SWITCH got a
contract by RARE to provide the staff and the required facilities.
RARE is the umbrella organisation for research and academic
networks in Europe. The contract will be moved to the Operational
Unit, once they have started operation. The European members
contribute to cost based on a cost key which is not fully decided
yet, but key elements are the number of served organisations within
a network and if the network uses the mapping tables or has
registered a mapping. 50% of the total cost will be covered by the
Commission of the European Countries. It is possible that networks
which use the MHS Coordination Service outside Europe will be asked
for a contribution as well.
There was consensus that the Group support migrating the Cosine MHS
community to the GO-MHS Community, in principle.
Jim pointed out, and others agreed, that this migration must be
thought out. Urs has to revise the Cosine MHS documents anyway, so
he volunteered to write up a list of issues that are involved in
the transition and send it to the list.
There was a discussion about the relationship between the GO-MHS
community and the MHS Coordination Service. People felt that a
community is not ``open'' in the Internet sense if one must pay to
join it. Erik Huizer pointed out that a GO-MHS coordination
service must provide global coordination, regardless of financial
contributions. He pointed out that there are U.S. Internet
coordination services which provide international services but are
funded solely by the U.S., including the NIC and the IANA (naming
authority). There was a discussion that there is a difference
between providing coordination and providing consulting and
technical support. Erik was going to work to see that the MHS
Coordination service is able to provide coordination for the GO-MHS
community regardless of financial contributions. However,
consulting and technical assistance may be limited to contributing
members of the service.
o Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).
Erik Huizer, IESG Application Area Director, reported on the
decision to create an Application Area Directorate which will
investigate overall concepts for networked applications. Priority
is set for email and the character set issue.
The document on Mail Based Servers is considered of broader
interest and will be taken out of the X400OPS Group to be worked on
by email experts for the SMTP and X.400 protocols. However, the
current version will be used as a requirements document by the MHS
Coordination Service.
Document Status
Editor's Note (md): A detailed listing of the status of the documents
of the X400OPS Working Group is available via ftp under
x400ops-minutes-93mar.txt. Refer to Section 1.2 of the Proceedings for
retrieval instructions.
Action List
Jim Romaguera To forward the questions from the ADMD
operators to the X400OPS list.
To update his document after a final call for
comments and send it to the RFC Editor for
consideration as an Informational RFC.
Erik Huizer To work out the possibility of basing the
coordination point for the GO-MHS community on
a sound political basis.
To make sure that documents from other groups
(esp., RARE working groups) will have the
appropriate group name in the ID filename
instead of the author's surname.
MHS Coordination Service To work out procedures for new members of
the GO-MHS community to join the coordination
Alf Hansen To send
draft-ietf-x400ops-mgtdomains-ops-05.txt to
the IESG secretariat with a copy to the Area
Director, Erik Huizer, for consideration of
the document as an Informational RFC.
Claudio Allocchio To report to the X400OPS Group on the results
of the discussion with IAB/IESG on the usage
of DNS for mapping/routing tables.
To update the documents
draft-ietf-x400ops-dnsx400maps-02.txt and
according to the results of the preceding
To write a document on the implementation of
the two proposals from the preceding action.
Urs Eppenberger To wait for the decision of the IESG on his
document, do the final modifications and send
it to the RFC Editor.
Harald T. Alvestrand To send
draft-ietf-x400ops-charactersets-01.txt to the
IESG with a copy to the Area Director, Erik
Huizer for consideration of the document as a
Proposed Standard.
Marko Kaittola To update his document according to the
comments received, choose a new title and
prepare a new version for the next IETF
meeting in Amsterdam.
Einar Stefferud To integrate the final comments to the
document draft-ietf-x400ops-admd-01.txt and
then send it to the IESG for consideration as
an Informational RFC.
Allan Cargille To send draft-ietf-x400ops-postmaster-01.txt
to the IESG with a copy to the Area Director,
Erik Huizer for consideration of the document
as a Proposed Standard.
All Group Members To send comments to the mapping authority
paper in a timely fashion to the list or to
Jeroen Houttuin to allow him to create a new
version for the next RARE WG-MSG meeting at
JENC 93 in Trondheim.
Tony Genovese/Alf Hansen To propose a revised version of the Charter.
Claudio Allocchio Claudio.Allocchio@elettra.trieste.it
Harald Alvestrand Harald.Alvestrand@delab.sintef.no
C. Allan Cargille allan.cargille@cs.wisc.edu
Kevin Carosso kvc@innosoft.com
George Chang gkc@ctt.bellcore.com
Robert Cooney cooney@wnyose.nctsw.navy.mil
Thomas DeWitt tdewitt@osi.ncsl.nist.gov
Urs Eppenberger eppenberger@switch.ch
Jeroen Houttuin houttuin@rare.nl
Erik Huizer huizer@surfnet.nl
Barbara Jennings bjjenni@sandia.gov
Kevin Jordan Kevin.E.Jordan@cdc.com
Marko Kaittola Marko.Kaittola@funet.fi
John Klensin klensin@infoods.unu.edu
Mary La Roche maryl@cos.com
Sylvain Langlois Sylvain.Langlois@exp.edf.fr
Bruce Mackey brucem@cinops.xerox.com
Ignacio Martinez martinez@rediris.es
Judy Nasar jdnasar@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Edward Reed eer@cinops.xerox.com
Jim Romaguera romaguera@cosine-mhs.switch.ch
Yzhak Ronen y.ronen@homxa.att.com
Gary Rowe gjrowe@attmail.com
Sue Smith smiths.es.net
Einar Stefferud stef@nma.com
Catherine Summers cfs@cos.com
Louisa Thomson louisa@whitney.hac.com
Panos-Gavriil Tsigaridas Tsigaridas@fokus.berlin.gmd.dbp.de
Russ Wright wright@lbl.gov