Internet Info 1997 December
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Please read this file first! It will save you a great deal of time
in locating the information you are seeking. Many directories in
the InfoGuide have a document called "About This Directory" listed
first. These documents describe the directories and documents
contained within that directory. They are invaluable for quickly
locating the information you are seeking.
The InfoGuide also has a World Wide Web interface. It is available at
Directory Structure of the InterNIC InfoGuide
About the InfoGuide:
Information about this database. Instructions on how to access it,
how to submit files, how to offer suggestions, and plans for the future.
About InterNIC Information Systems:
All about InterNIC Information Systems.
About the Internet:
Information about the Internet itself, such as statistics, history,
other Internet organizations, and archived material.
Getting Connected to the Internet:
Our latest information on Internet access from all over the world.
Beginners: Start Here:
Information intended for the first time Internet user. Definitions,
glossaries, Internet overviews, brief descriptions of Internet tools,
and lists of books about the Internet.
Using the Internet:
This is one of the primary directories in the InfoGuide.
Comprehensive information about everything related to the Internet,
from Email to Usenet to WWW.
Internet Resources:
A select collection of subject-oriented documents and pointers to
other subject-oriented gopher sites.
Advanced Users:
Intended for Systems Administrators, NIC Staff, Network Programmers,
and others with an interest in the technical side of the Net.
Frequently Asked Questions at InterNIC IS:
Some of our most requested documents.
Scout Report:
The latest from the InterNIC Infoscout.
Search InfoGuide by keyword:
We have WAIS indexed the gopher for your convenience.
We welcome your suggestions for any of these areas! Send your comments
to guide@is.internic.net.
-InterNIC Information Services