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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu soc.penpals:4389 news.answers:4491
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!news
- From: gomes@tamu.edu (Carlos Macedo Gomes)
- Newsgroups: soc.penpals,news.answers
- Subject: Email-Pal Address Book [US list][A-M]
- Followup-To: soc.penpals
- Date: 8 Dec 1992 17:42:03 GMT
- Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- Lines: 732
- Approved: new-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Message-ID: <1g2mpbINNftj@tamsun.tamu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: neuron.tamu.edu
- Summary: This is the first of two parts of an email address book of people
- living in the United States who would like to start a correspondence
- with other people through email. This part contains the states
- alphabetically ordered from Alabama to Missouri.
- Archive-name: address-book/US-list/part1
- Last-modified: 1992/12/05
- The Email-Pal Address Book [both lists] is updated about every week and posted in the UseNet newsgroups soc.penpals and news.answers.
- It can also be found at the following anonymous FTP sites:
- pit-manager.mit.edu /pub/usenet/soc.penpals/Email-Pal...
- tamu.edu /newsroups/soc.penpals/Email-Pal...
- The email addresses below have been validated and are current as of the date of
- this posting. Let me know of any problems encountered in trying to contact the
- people listed below.
- If you'd like to be listed in the Address Book send me [gomes@tamu.edu] the
- following information in the following format (examples can be found below):
- NAME:userid@machine:SEX:YYYY/MM/DD:LANGS:
- .. KEY: --NAME is your real full name (aliases aren't very usefull and I don't
- think it's a good idea to accept them); --userid@machine is your email
- address;--SEX should be either male or female;--YYYY/MM/DD is the
- year/month/day of birth (this is included so people can find others of same
- experiences/likes/etc);--LANGS are languages that you can read, ie for your
- email;--COMMENTS can be a 'short' description like major, occupation,
- interests or something similar [please try to keep this to under 6 lines].
- Feel free to email me with any questions or comments.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- _United States_
- +ALABAMA+ -Auburn/Opelika-
- Robin Caswell:rcaswell@eng.auburn.edu:male:1963/07/25:Engl,~Span,~Jap:
- Electronic Tech, enjoy sports, outdoors, video games, autos,
- art, design work, flying: Married, w/ one child,one on the way.
- Free spirited, and love to correspond with ANYONE. :#%
- +ALABAMA+ -Huntsville-
- Bob Ellington:ellingrw@cis14.b10.ingr.com:male:1964/08/13:Engl
- Enjoy sports, photography, travelling, and video games.
- Married, no kids, one cat.Like action movies, Godzilla movies,
- music of most all types:#%
- +ALASKA+ -Anchorage-
- +ALASKA+ -Palmer-
- Curtis Jewell:ascsj@acad2.alaska.edu:Male:1974/08/12:Engl,~Germ:
- Computer Science major and Education minor at the University
- of Alaska Anchorage. I also enjoy bicycling, writing,
- reading, computers, German, Spanish, and Esperanto. (want to
- learn the last two):#%
- +ARIZONA+ -Pheonix-
- Jerry Geronimo Bastida:jbas@geronimo.az.stratus.com:male:1968/M9/D2:
- Engl:interests.humor and talking to people:#%
- +ARIZONA+ -Tempe-
- Vikrant Chaudhry:vikc@digital.sps.mot.com:male:1967/12/01:Engl:
- A Phoenix SUNS fan, I enjoy, reading,writing,outdoor
- activities, fitness and travelling. Very interested in making
- new friends all around this small world:#
- Jason Hutchins:Hutchins@envmsa.eas.asu.edu:male:1972/06/04:
- Engl,~Span,~Russ:Electrical Engineering major at
- Ariz. State U. Enjoy most kinds of music, and most sports:#%
- +ARIZONA+ -Tucson-
- Tim Mcmanus:MCMANUS@oolong.hacks.arizona.edu:male:1965/09/25:Engl,
- ~Germ:University Bussiness Student;
- interest.computer,karate,travel:#%
- +ARKANSAS+ -Little Rock-
- Pamela R. Williams:PRWILLIAMS@UALR.EDU:female:1974/01/19:Engl,~Fren:
- SBF who likes to write poetry, sing and read. I love to attend
- cultural events and do things that are really crazy to others,
- but fun to me. I am a freshman at the University of Arkansas
- at Little Rock and I graduated from the historic Little Rock
- Central High. write me!!:#
- Cindy Langley:cllangley@ualr.edu:female:1974/06/27:Engl
- I enjoy reading, movies, all music except heavy metal and most
- hard rock. My major is secondary education in English and
- Spanish. I love the mountains and romance.:#
- Clark B. Wierda:cbwierda@ar14darlrk.er.usgs.gov:male:1965/12/14:Engl:
- BS-Computer Science, Communications Specialist, ACM, SCA
- (Treabius Bjornsen of Meridies), Amateur Radio (N5QGA), Science
- Fiction and Fantasy, Cons, reading (own ~3000 books), travel
- (lots), rugby, canoeing, mountains, spelunking, music
- (classical, new age, and light rock), and many others:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Alameda-
- Rick Shrum:shrum@eos.arc.nasa.gov:male:1959/04/03:Engl:
- Job: Psychology Research Asst.Tennis,windsurfing,
- bicycling,working out,reading,movies,martial arts,
- amusement parks,the beach,music:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Berkeley-
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Carson-
- Nick Ozgun:cis27001_03@dhvx20.csudh.edu:male:1971/02/03:Engl,Turkish:
- I hope to aquire a pen pal from europe,canada or mexico.I
- enjoy Auto racing e.g Rallies,Formula 1. I like martial arts
- Tae Kwon DO, I enjoy riding my CBR, I enjoy night life and
- I am a business major:#
- Angel Lopez:cis27001_20@dhvx20.csudh.edu:male:1971,06/26:English:
- I like all kinds of sports activities. Baseball, football, and
- basketball are my favorite. I am an easy going guy that will
- try anything once:#
- Lori Lockrem:cis27001_19@DHVX20.CSUDH.EDU:Female:1970/07/30:English:
- Looking for a penpal from anywhere. I am interested in culture,
- music traveling, and having fun conversation! :#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Davis-
- Kari Kaarna:sami@charles.ucdavis.edu:male:1956/02/29:
- Engl,Finn,Germ,Swed~Fren,~Span,~Ital:I'm a Finnish
- musician(Singer,teacher,conductor) interested in everything
- and beyond:#
- Sean Matheis:samatheis@ucdavis.edu:male:1970/10/28:Engl,Span,~Latin:
- History Major, medieval. I love role playing games
- music, racquetball, mudding. I enjoy nice fall evenings
- under the stars on a lake :):#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Dominguez Hills-
- Lori Gary:CIS27001_31@dhvx20.csudh.edu:female:YYYY/MM/DD:Engl:
- I am a junior at dh in public admin and a minor in computers
- I like reading, sports, movies, travel. I am in need of a
- penpal and thought this might help:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Gardena-
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Irvine-
- Debra Grossman:zen@dhw68k.cts.com:female:1976/10/14:Engl,Fren,Mandarin:
- Writing, books, Dr.Who, languages, linguistics, poetry, Celtic
- music, Truffaut films, Monty Python, travel.#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -La Jolla-
- Hal Duncan:hduncan@cs.ucsd.edu:male:1963/12/06:English:
- Graduate student in Computer Science and Cognitive Science;
- interests include languages (natural, artificial, and formal),
- philosophy, conversation, reading, writing, running, bicycling,
- rowing, hiking, music, movies, travel, good food and fine beer,
- and making and keeping friends:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Livermore-
- Ruben Perez:izzyoa1@mvs.oac.ucla.edu:male:1971/28/11:
- Engl,Span,~Germ,~Fren: Exercise, moviemaking, languages,
- friends, sabre fencing (l'escrime), ju jit su, comedy:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Long Beach-
- Stephanie Baxter:hra360b1@beach.csulb.edu:Female:1971/04/17:Engl:
- enjoys mountain biking,reading,and L.A. Kings hockey:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Los Angeles-
- Sushil K.Madhogarhia:sushilm@amgen.com:male:1967/9/17:Engl:
- Would like to make penpals all over the world. My profession is
- engineer:#
- Ben Laus:bclaus@apollo.adcom.uci.edu:male:1943/08/22:Engl,
- Pilipino:Love music, especially jazz and classical; movies,
- lots and lots of it; sports (tennis); reading; and
- corresponding with other people about any subject.
- Work for a university doing accounting.:#
- Matthew Lee:lee@physics.ucla.edu:male:1967/2/5:Engl:
- interests.jazz and classical music,humor,tennis,astronomy,and
- writting incomplete sentences:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Palo Alto-
- G. Ramkumar:ramkumar@cs.stanford.edu:male:1970/01/02:Engl,Hindi,Telugu:
- A CS PhD student at Stanford University. Interests in reading,
- music, sports, and listening to international shortwave radio
- stations, solving puzzles (esp. math, physics), reading science
- fiction and non-fiction:#
- Manfred Pfluegl:pfluegl@tss.com:male:1966/10/10:Engl,Germ:
- sports, travelling, Nat'l Parks, interested in meeting
- local people, not interested in long distance friendships:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Pomona-
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Redwood City-
- +CALIFORNIA+ -San Diego-
- Anand Rao:arao@sdcc13.ucsd.edu:male:1973/06/23:Engl:
- Computer Engineering major, 2nd year. I enjoy hiking, many
- aspects of computers,cross-country running, badmitton,
- reading,and scientific and/or general discussion:#
- Bob Wilde:wilde@magik.ucsd.edu:male:1973/02/14:Engl:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -San Jose-
- Michael Maine:maineman@connection.sun.com:male:1964/26/06:Engl:
- I like the beach and water. I like to also go out dancing too.
- I also am a very fun and funny guy. I am interested in meeting
- a girl from 21-31 and slender:#
- Sudhakar Jilla:jilla@compass-da.com:male:1968/01/20:Engl:
- Design Engineer, I like sports, reading, listening to some
- light music, movies, sci-fi, travelling, trekking, making
- new friends, gymming, etc. etc.:#
- Raghu Sakleshpur:raghu@hal.com:male:196403/12:English:
- I'm originally from India. Have been in the US for the past 4
- years. Some of the things I do are: roller skating, biking and
- chatting. I like to correspond on any issue in the world:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -San Francisco-
- Stan Tsu:tsu@cup.hp.com:male:1962/09/02:Engl:
- San Franciscan and S/W engr into running/working out, hiking,
- dancing, investments, travel (Europe, Canada, Florida), AA
- issues, relationships, organizing events, networking. Would
- like to meet others for travel and would consider mutual
- hosting.:#
- Johnny Chow:jchow@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu:male:1972/02/25:Engl,Cantonese,
- Mandarin:Soccer, classical music, unix.:#
- Brian Gaon:bgaon@netcom.com:male:1966/06/06:Engl:
- Interest.camping/outdoors - music (I write my own) bicycling &
- photography. I try to sneak in a good jog when I can find the
- time:#
- Jason Huang:af378@yfn.ysu.edu:male:1968/03/16:Chinese,Engl,Taiwanese:
- Computer Science, Student, movie, story...etc.:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Santa Clara-
- Max Brodesky:mbrodesky@sc9.intel.com:male:1965/11/11:Engl:
- Rock Climbing, cycling, scuba diving, surfing, hiking, Modern
- museums, radio Dj at a mordern music station, motorcycling,
- cooking, baking, shopping at thrift stores, Roller coasters,
- backpacking, walking on the wild side, hot springs, skiing,
- fixing things, inventing things to make life more fun:#
- John J. Lucena:lucena@verity.com:male:1969/01/18:Engl,Potuguese,French:
- Born/Raised in NYC. Travel in Europe often. Play Rugby, Piano.
- Follow soccer. Software Engineer:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Saratoga-
- ChoonPiaw Na:piaw@pure.com:male:1969/09/12:English,Chinese,Japanese:
- Software Engineer, Interests: Bicycling, Reading/Writing,
- Movies, Travelling.:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Sunnyvale-
- Steve Ispas:sispas@lsil.com:male:1969/04/10:Engl,Romanian:
- Design Engr. Interests: out of the ordinary; meditation,
- telepathy, mind power, extraterrestrial. Also science: time
- travel, paradoxes, black holes, parallel universes, times.
- Other:sports(karate,yoga), travelling, cultural diversity
- like asian cultures/people, ent., modeling, showbiz:#%
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Walnut-
- +CALIFORNIA+ -Hayward-
- Rob Stivers:stivers@etec.com:male:1960/02/29:Engl,~Germ,~Span:Software
- Development; Interests include Bicycle touring, Reading,
- Flying (student pilot), chess, movies, volleyball, humor
- music; 6-1, 210lbs, brown hair & eyes:#%
- +COLORADO+ -Boulder-
- Doug Wedman:wedman@ucsu.colorado.edu:male:1966/MM/DD:Engl:
- PhD student in Analytical Chemistry;married & epecting
- first child;Freelance nature photographer;cyclist:#%
- +COLORADO+ -Denver-
- Jeet Rao:satrao@auto-trol.com:male:1965/06/27:Engl,Hindi:
- M.S. (Computer Science), Associate Engineer, Auto-trol
- Technology Corporation, Orig. from India. Love movies,
- Rock n Roll, Soft Rock & Classical, outdoors, computers,
- making new friends:#%
- +COLORADO+ -Loveland-
- Bill Buse:wjb@hpisla.lvld.hp.com:male:1955/11/03:Engl
- My favorites are outdoor things such as snow skiing,
- swimming, volleyball, bicycle riding, horseback riding,
- hiking/camping in the mountains. I also enjoy cooking
- and trying new recipes, movies, and music of all types.#%
- +CONNECTICUT+ -Hartford-
- Timur Y. Ruban:ruban@hartford.bitnet:male:1972/09/18:Russ,Ukr,Engl:
- Political Economy and Criminal Justice majors, minor in
- Astronomy at University of Hartford; Soviet in America;
- Hobbies: soccer, chess, new age music (play and write), space
- exploration and colonization, sci-fi, computers (both Mac and
- IBM) and friends all over the world:#%
- +CONNECTICUT+ -Storrs-
- Rishi Kumar:kumar@eng2.uconn.edu:male:1967/09/09:Engl,Hindi,
- Sanskrit,Marathi:Grad student from India. Doing Ph.D in
- Mechanical Engineering. Love talking to people..making good
- friends.Love music,movies, travelling.Mails fromall over the
- world welcome!:#%
- +DELAWARE+ -Newark-
- Mazen Masri:Mazen.Masri@f421.n109.z1.fidonet.org:male:1969/09/01:Engl,
- Fren,Arabic:I enjoy reading and meeting people. I am into
- biking and sports in general. I also love other cultures:#
- Kevin Grobman:KG1694a@american.edu:male:1973/04/21:English:
- Physics major; like debating about political and educational
- philosophy, enjoy taking long walks:#
- Prasad Dharmasena:pkd@fed.FRB.GOV:male:1965/05/13:Engl,Sinhalese:
- interests are si-fi, photography, driving, frisbee, football,
- humor, traveling; born in Sri Lanka; a systems analyst:#%
- +FLORIDA+ -Boca Raton-
- Dave Schulman:capsalad@uful07.phys.ufl.edu:male:1967/08/30:Engl:
- Programmer/musician/village wizard: enjoy cooking, juggling,
- writing, stage magic, metalworking, physics, VERY BAD MOVIES,
- and gadget-hacking, in no particular order. Am equally happy
- reading SF, scientific biographies, or Norse sagas. Currently
- working on a novel which ought to show 'em all how it's done.
- Mildly insane, gleefully apolitical; will talk to anyone:#%
- +FLORIDA+ -Coconut Creek-
- Alex Toth:alexandr@cybernet.cse.fau.edu:male:1960/10/05:Engl;Rom:
- Love to travel,outdoors,scuba diving,computers,blues:#%
- +FLORIDA+ -Gainesville-
- Chen Gu:Galen@maple.circa.ufl.edu:male:1972/10/05:English,Chinese:
- Electrical Engineering, Electronics specialization, pre-med.
- 2nd year senior at University of Florida. Interest: just
- about everything except sports. I am a student of all science
- and even New Age Magic, but I like to talk to someone with
- a bigger ego than mine:#%
- +FLORIDA+ -Melbourne-
- +FLORIDA+ -Miami-
- +FLORIDA+ -Ft. Lauderdale-
- +FLORIDA+ -Orlando-
- Quan Zhang:quz@phys.physics.ucf.edu:male:1969/01/30:English,Chinese:
- Bachelor from china, Master from canada, working toward Ph.D.
- in the field of optics and lasers, like to make international
- penpals:#
- Ganesh Krishnaswamy:gmk@scarcity.engr.ucf.edu:male:1969/05/01:Engl:
- Master's student, University of Central Florida, Orlando,
- working towards an M.S. in Computer-Integrated-Manufacturing:#%
- +GEORGIA+ -Athens-
- Scott Wells:wells@athena.cs.uga.edu:male:1969/07/02:Engl:
- Interests: popular culture from around the world,Christian
- (particularly Unitarian and Reformed) and comparitive
- theology,cooking, history:#%
- +GEORGIA+ -Atlanta-
- Chuck Chapman:cchapman@matd.gatech.edu:male:1956/12/27:English:
- I am a research engineer at Georgia Tech and also a graduate
- student in EE. I enjoy working with computers, ham radio,
- listening to music (rock, jazz, classical), and exchanging
- email with interesting people:#
- Mark J Lane:gt7027a@prism.gatech.edu:male:1973/07/19:Engl:
- Interests include "Downeaster Alexa" (song and substance),
- soccer/non-american footbal (goal keeper and field),
- sailing (both cruising and racing), Janis Joplin, and
- snowskiing (downhill):#
- Sumit Rao:gt0138d@prism.gatech.edu:male:1970/02/05:Engl:
- Sports esp.Baseball, Cricket and Soccer. Enjoy travelling and
- reading. Like listening to Classical music and discussing
- politics, religions and different cultures. Am fascinated by
- German women:#
- David Snyder:gt0031e@prism.gatech.edu:male:1974/01/25:Engl:
- Comp Sci student; Interests: Billy Joel, sailing, windsurfing,
- great animations (Beauty & Beast favorite), sci-fi (Dr Who and
- Red Dwarf), sex, raking leaves (at same time?):#
- Brian King:gt6851a@prism.gatech.edu:male:1971/12/18:Engl:
- ElectEngineer. MIDI(guitarist/singer of progressive band),
- also reading great literature and politics:#
- Eric McCann:gt1576c@hydra.gatech.edu:male:1971/09/02:Engl:
- Fourth-year undergraduate engineering student at Georgia Tech.
- Interests: sailing, hiking, rafting, baseball, reading
- (SF,fantasy,horror):#
- Chris Simser:gt7478c@prism.gatech.edu:male:1972/04/06:Engl,~Fren:
- Biology major; interests include reading history, philosophy,
- alternative music and some sports:#
- Takahito Torimoto:gt0154a@prism.gatech.edu:male:1973/03/31:Engl,Jap:
- Elec/Comp Engineer; soccer, tennis, skiing, ping-pong, guitar,
- dancing, music (pop/top40 and light), nature/animals, poems,
- pencil-drawing, etc.:#%
- +HAWAII+ -Honolulu-
- Eugene Hugun Yi:eyi@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu:male:1970/02/09:Korean,
- Engl,Japanese: Majoring in the Inforamtion & Computer Science
- at the University of Hawaii: I'm especially interested in
- doing a penpal with anybody from the Korea Advanced Institute
- of Sci. & Tech. (KAIST) or Sungshin Women's University...:#%
- +ILLINOIS+ -Champaign/Urbana-
- Frank Wang:ftw33616@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu:male:1972/12/10:Engl:
- Chatting, Meeting people, classical guitar, fantasy and
- sci fi, computers, comic books, lots of small little
- things:#
- Greg Tao:gtao@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu:male:1971/01/09:Engl:
- just trying to get my B.S. in computer science at the u of i...
- i love working out, amusement parks, beaches, and camping...
- oh yeah, i'm 21, and i normally live in hoffman estates (it's
- a chicago suburb):#%
- +ILLINOIS+ -Chicago-
- Chip Ach:r-ach@uchicago.edu:male:1974/07/08:Engl,~Fren,~Span:
- First year student at Univ. of Chicago. Will probably study
- philosophy, social sciences, or political science. I'm a
- helpless romantic who still sleeps with stuffed animals.
- (That's the kind of person I am!) I like to do a lot of things
- in life, and like to write people! :=)%#
- Frank Esquivel:frank@delphi.bsd.uchicago.edu:male:1970/07/04:Engl:
- Enjoy sports, cars, camping, video games, movies, computers,
- and receiving e-mail. Love animals, got 1 dog, 2 cats and 2
- tropical fish tanks. Currently studying to be an Automotive
- Technician. Very Friendly:#
- Vincent Williamson:vinc@uicvm.uic.edu:male:1963/03/12:Engl,Dutch,Germ:
- Former German major; had begun the study of architecture-now
- taking a break. Likes: art (photography, ceramics, some
- construction), music (especially jazz & *alternative*), The
- Netherlands, alternatives to the *norm*, etc.etc:#
- Paul Echavez:u13672@uicvm.uic.edu:male:1970/06/12:English:
- hobbies incl. poetry, reading, chess, riflery, basketball,
- volleyball, having fun. major: electrical engr. occupation:
- full-time student:#
- Qingchun Guo:qc-guo@nwu.edu:male:1963/03/24:Engl,Japanese,Chinese:
- Born in China, got BS and MS in Japan, currently PhD student at
- Northwestern Univ.(Civil Eng.) Interests: light music,
- movies(some but not all), travelling by car, reading books,
- solving math puzzles, computers, languages, cultures, etc:#
- Mark Nowak:markn@comm.mot.com:male:1966/12/21:Engl:
- Electrical Engineer/Software Developer:Part-time PhD student,
- enjoy meeting new people,conversations,reading,dancing,
- running,bicycling,traveling,trying new things,cats:#%
- +ILLINOIS+ -Dekalb-
- Jeff Swanson:t901096@mp.cs.niu.edu:male:1970/11/25:Engl:
- HEY!!! Can I get your Attention OUT there in Cyberspace!
- I am a 22 year old computer science major. I love horror
- movies! Role playing games (AD&D D&D and Chthulu), computers,
- ,star trek, astronomy, and meeting interesting girls. I am
- 5'6", kind to others and good looking (if you like long
- hair):#%
- +ILLINOIS+ -Naperville-
- +ILLINOIS+ -Peoria-
- Ivelisse Atiles:ivy@camelot.bradley.edu:1972/03/15:Engl,Span,Fren:
- I'm a senior psychology major at Bradley U.. My interests
- include music (just listening), Star Trek (TNG), saving the
- earth, tennis, dancing, reading fantasy/sci-fi, cute, furry
- things, and making people think I'm weirder than I really am.
- 8) My favorite color is pink. I'm originally from Puerto
- Rico. Oh, and I have this obsession with chocolate you
- wouldn't believe!:#
- David Vessell:dave@bradley.bradley.edu:M:1968/04/13:Engl:
- Primary interests include music (industrial and technopop);
- songwriting and recording; computer simulations; sports--
- baseball (Cardinals) US football (Buccaneers) hockey (Blues,
- Lightning); libertarian politics; and general pleasant
- discussion of items of culture. Occupation: programmer:#
- Ryan Gerald:rye@camelot.bradley.edu:male:1973/08/23:Engl,Span:
- sophomore studying biochemistry;interests: singing, role
- playing;hobbies: waterskiing, lite brite, and crying in public
- (ahem...sarcasm...=)):#%
- +INDIANA+ -Bloomington-
- Kalina White:medsci04@silver.ucs.indiana.edu:female:YYYY/06/06:Engl:
- I like birds,classical music,sci-fi,fantasy,nonfiction of some
- sorts.College is still ok for me.I'm considered intelligent(I
- don't know why!!! I still act five and a half) I'm about 5'8
- female, long brown hair, blue eyes framed by silver glasses
- Supposedly pretty(from the same people that think I'm
- intelligent):#%
- +INDIANA+ -Greenwood-
- John Wilson:wilsonjc@expert.cc.purdue.edu:male:1972/10/10:Engl,
- ~French:music major looking to talk to anyone enjoy
- skydiving, bungee jumping, other dangers looking for
- the ultimate thrill in life, always searching for a good
- time.:#%
- +INDIANA+ -Indianapolis-
- ??NAME??:pbohannon@npal.rn.com:male:1980/25/09:Engl:
- LIKES to read, work with electronics. Have been computing for
- over 4 years.. Play all sports! Would really like to talk with
- someone!!:#%
- +INDIANA+ -Lafayette-
- +INDIANA+ -Muncie-
- Emma Said:00E0SAID@LEO.BSUVC.BSU.EDU:female:1972/01/16:Engl,~Fren,
- ~Malaysian: Landscape Architecture major/Sculpture minor.
- INTERESTS=drawing, photography modelling (with my clothes on!),
- clubbing, yoga, horoscopes, travelling (Asia, Europe, the
- Carribean, etc.), fashion, and mostly any type of music except
- Kuber Maharjan:maharjan@bsu-cs.bsu.edu:male:1957/12/01:Eng,Russ,Germ:
- MSME,MACS. Science and Technology, sports, meeting people.
- Originally from NEPAL. If you want to know more about me
- you'll have to write to me!!!:#%
- +INDIANA+ -Notre Dame-
- Melissa Dieckmann:mdieckma@newton.ce.nd.edu:female:1968/10/15:
- Engl,Span:Environmental Engineering graduate student; I enjoy
- reading fiction, and SF (including fantasy); I would like to
- learn more about Hispanic culture and politics; married, no
- children (yet); can carry on a conversation on just about any
- topic.:#%
- +INDIANA+ -West Lafayette-
- Jennifer Hayes:moridd@mentor.cc.purdue.edu:female:1972/12/14:Engl,
- Span,~Russ,~Greek:I'm an English Education major at Purdue
- University hoping to get back to Australia (I was an exchange
- student there 2 years ago) after I graduate. I am interested
- in corresponding with anyone, from all walks of life, who is
- interested in having interesting conversations (y'know, the
- ones that leave you witha warm feeling inside?)on just about
- any topic. Please write, andif you can excuse my broken
- language, I promise to write as often as I can (being in
- college is hectic at times! :) ):#%
- Chien-Hung Lin:lin1974@sage.cc.purdue.edu:male:1974/01/15:Chinese,
- English:Freshman at Purdue University, Asian, lived in Saudi
- Arabia for 8 years, went to NMH in MA for 3 yrs, hoping to be
- an EE or CEE or CS or MED major Favorite sports include :
- badminton, table tennis, and a variety of other sports:#
- Scott C. Kramer:esquire@sage.cc.purdue.edu:male:1967/04/19:Engl:
- Accounting major at Purdue University. Enjoy most kinds of
- music ...except heavy metal and a few others... Love sports,
- music, cooking, having good ole fun, reading when it's not for
- a grade, and many other things. Am very friendly and get along
- well with people. Single:#
- Scott Broderick:rsnxprt@mentor.cc.purdue.edu:male:1973/03/24:Engl:
- Like to travel and meet new friends from anywhere. Have been
- to many countries in Asia, Europe, and the Pacific. Interests
- are languages, outdoors, cultures, sports, etc:#
- Ken Loo:loo@math.purdue.edu:male:1967/06/02:Engl:I am trying to do a
- Ph.D in math and hope to be a fulltime math prof. one day.
- Hobbies:what ever suits me at the moment, varies like the
- weather:#%
- +IOWA+ -Ames-
- David Willmore:willmore@iastate.edu:male:1971/03/17:Engl,Span,teach me:
- Willing to converse with just about anyone. I'm a student in
- computer engineering, but I have various interests:#
- Ronak Vyas:ronie@iastate.edu:male:1970/09/05:Engl,Hindi:
- major Electrical engineering. I'd like to
- chat and make friends with people from different
- parts of the world. Interests : reading, music,
- dance, basketball, football, cricket and for that
- matter any sport, like being outdoors too:#%
- +IOWA+ -Cedar Falls-
- Michelle Black:BLACK2764@ISCSVAX.UNI.EDU:female:1970/04/18:
- Engl,Fren:Junior majoring in Public Relations. I plan to work
- in the abuse prevention field. That includes all areas of
- abuse. I love to collect cows and to talk. I am an unique
- individual. I welcome all replies:#
- Ajay Das:DAS3370@iscsvax.uni.edu:male:1956/MM/DD:Engl:
- graduating MBA Fall'92, University of Northern Iowa;looking to
- do my Ph.D. in Business management;interest.women and whisky(in
- that order).Am looking for likeminded souls from all around:#%
- +KANSAS+ -Lawrence-
- Shelly Brewer:shelly25@aol.com:female:1966/07/10:Engl:
- literature,life,human nature:#%
- +KANSAS+ -Manhattan-
- Jerry J. Visser:vissman@matt.ksu.edu:male:1968/09/20:Engl
- Sr. Industrial Engr;sports,people from other cultures;
- interested in what makes people tick:#%
- +KANSAS+ -Wichita-
- Faisal Rahman:DEBUG@WSUHUB.UC.TWSU.EDU:male:1971/12/07:Engl,Bangla:
- I enjoy music, sports, making firends:#%
- +KENTUCKY+ -Bowling Green-
- +KENTUCKY+ -Lexington-
- Sanjay Kaul:skaul@ms.uky.edu:male:1969/03/12:Engl,Hindi
- Like meeting/talking to people from different cultures.
- Wanna share thoughts about nature, music(light rock, classical)
- and other good things in life. Hey Computers is my forte too.
- So how 'bout hooking up this connection.:#
- Frankie Vui Min Chung:vmchun00@mik.uky.edu:male:1971/M7/11:
- Engl,Mandarin,Malay:International student from Malaysia;
- Chinese;Psychology major;Sophomore Like reading,corresponding,
- table tennis(ping-pong),cycling(biking),driving,music.:#
- Jeffrey T. Hazelwood:uk02757@mik.uky.edu:male:1967/02/14:
- Engl,Germ,Span:Interests travelling, cultures, music(all kinds
- rave, techno, dance) reading, humor, biking, politics:#%
- +LOUISIANA+ -New Orleans-
- Jeff Wang:hjiwa@gruc19.nor.chevron.com:male:1964/02/17:Engl,Germ,
- Mandarin:Geophysical/Geological Applications. Graduated from
- Univers. of Texas-Austin Interests: painting, drawing, playing
- guitar, world music, travel, nature, cats, mountain biking,
- computers, and email-chatting with anyone anywhere (esp. from
- England and Germany) about anything-life, politics, thoughts:#%
- +LOUISIANA+ -Saint Landry-
- Brittany Veltos: bes8577@usl.edu:female:1971/03/09:Engl,Fren:
- Anne Rice.Pisces.Single but in love.Rap.Patsy Cline.Sisters of
- Mercy.Peter Tosh :Legalize it:) Angels are real. Bee Pollen is
- Good for you. Suicidal. Schizophrenic and basically mental
- altogether.:#%
- +MAINE+ -Old Town-
- Denise:io20594@maine.maine.edu:female:English,French:
- My interests are good friends, Melissa Etheridge, pubs with
- local bands, tennis, feminism, people with honesty and a sense
- of humor, graphic design, like dudley moore and James Bond
- movies, the beach, skiiing when I can afford it,
- woman-oriented.#%
- +MAINE+ -Orono-
- Salim Mohammed:salimm@maine.maine.edu:1965/01/01:male:Engl,Hindu,Urdu,
- French: doing grad work. love reading, outdoors, writing poems,
- doing email. languages: english, hindi/urdu, french. love old
- hindi songs. discussing international politics, bit of an
- environmentalist. like plants:#
- Geoff Davis:spinalt@gandalf.umcs.maine.edu:male:1967/M7/28:Engl:
- B.S. Comp. Sci. @University of Maine:#%
- +MARYLAND+ -Baltimore-
- Robert D. Davis:rdavis@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu:male:1963/08/23:Engl:
- Computers, especially PERQ graphics workstations and UNIX.
- Music from classical to hard rock.Electronics.Cars.Prefer dogs
- to cats.British literature and history.Old haunted houses:#
- Kuntal Sanghvi:kuntal@algol.cs.umbc.edu:male:1967/03/19:Engl:
- am a computer science grad student. interested in penpals from
- the scandinavia and western europe:#%
- +MARYLAND+ -Bethesda-
- +MARYLAND+ -Bowie-
- David M. Herbert:herbert@wam.umd.edu:male:1967/12/05:Engl, ~Germ:
- I am a student at the University of MD in Colloege Park,
- studying computer science and economics. I enjoy skiing in the
- winter, the beach in the summer. I also enjoy talking about
- anything from politics and the econmoy to the weather:#%
- +MARYLAND+ -College Park-
- Nick Chang:nich@wam.umd.edu:male:1967/01/07:Engl,Chinese,~Span:
- MS student in Computer Eng. with diverse interest. Major
- ones are traveling and meeting mew people. Hope: travel around
- the world. I believe in that there are no strangers but friends
- to be known in the world:#
- Manas Saksena:manas@cs.umd.edu:male:1967/03/06:English,
- Hindi:Grad Student, computer science, from India.
- reading,movies,sports,psychology,other cultures:#%
- +MARYLAND+ -Gaithersburg-
- John Tze-Chang Wu:highway@wam.umd.edu:M:05/25/69:English:
- Single, love movies, romantic walks, sunsets/sunrises,
- fireplace, etc. Avid fan of Monty Python, animes,
- and loves Sci-Fi:#%
- +MARYLAND+ -Glenelg-
- Jeff Sturgess:stur@tis.com:male:1966/12/28:Engl:
- Systems Analyst,single,Eagle Scout,Ex-Navy,traveled the world
- on an aircraft carrier,firefighter,Emergency Medical
- Technician,loves fishing,skiing,volleyball,photography,SCUBA
- diving,archery,country music,animals,being outdoors,and having
- fun:#%
- +MARYLAND+ -Olney-
- Karen King:ke19@umail.umd.edu:female:1965/05/11:Engl:
- Interests: books, puzzles, humor, Gilligan's Island, cats. I
- work for the National Public Broadcasting Archives and am
- married to a computer programmer. Looking for email friends
- from all over:#%
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -Amherst/Worcester-
- Adam Johnson:pfloyd@titan.ucc.umass.edu:Male:1971/1/23:English,German,
- ~French,~Japanese:Engineering student; Interests: RPGs,
- reading, writing, martial arts, ordnance, guitar, classic rock,
- FurryMUCK; Will respond to all email.:#%
- Frank Wittenauer:wittenauer@wit.acad.edu:Male:1971/12/02:Engl:
- Enjoy all sports, travelling, Movies, anything funny
- CS major, home state is Maine. I would like to here
- from people all over.#
- Kiran srini:kiran@dworkin.ccs.northeastern.edu:male:1969/11/16:
- Engl,Hindi,Kannada,Tamil,Telugu,~Spanish:Pursuing Master's in
- CS, although majoring in computer Networks;my major interests
- are spread among Movies,Badminton Making new friends,shopping,&
- more...:#
- Carol Botteron:botteron@gnu.ai.mit.edu:female:YYYY/MM/DD:Engl:
- Interests:environment,science,genealogy,science fiction:#
- Pramod Gollapudi:gollapudi@sky.dnet.teradyne.com:male:1967/11/14:Engl:
- Computer Engineer; Play Cricket, Softball, Ping Pong, Chess.
- Soft Rock, corresponding, traveling:#%
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -Burlington-
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -Cambridge-
- Kenneth Nollett:kmnollet@athena.mit.edu:male:1972/09/06:Engl,~Germ:
- physics major, originally from rural Nebraska; enjoy all
- types of reading; music, history, Monty Python:#
- Manavendra Thakur:thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu:male:1965/04/29:
- Engl,Hindi:interests.include exploring other cultures,
- electronic music, international politics, physics,cinema as a
- serious art form, and computers (not necessarily in that
- order). I would be particularly interested in talking with
- people in other countrieswho are knowledgeable about their
- native filmindustry. I'd also like to hear from people who
- live or travel in Europe, since I'm moving to England real
- soon.:#%
- Bob Wilde:wilde@husc.harvard.edu:male:1973/02/14:Engl::#%
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -Framingham-
- Jim Hautala:hautala@process.com:male:1966/05/09:Engl:
- Like Cars, music, planes, sports, fun, camping:#%
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -Shresbury-
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -South Hadley-
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -Weymouth-
- Tom Martin:twm@world.std.com:male:1947/03/31:English,~Span,~Greek:
- American Sign Language: grad. student in clinical psychology,
- enjoy hiking, cooking from different cultures, vegetable
- gardening, rock and folk music, cats and other animals,
- writings of Albert Camus, drama, soccer and basketball, Mac
- computers, Unitarianism, and getting to know people from
- around the world. Married and have one son who is 10 yrs old:#%
- +MASSACHUSETTS+ -Worcester-
- Matthew Strumpf:matthew@wpi.wpi.edu:male:1971/5/28:Engl::#%
- +MICHIGAN+ -Ann Arbor-
- Jeff Traigle:traigle@venus.phar.umich.edu:male:1968/10/06:Engl:
- University of Michigan employee, Interests: country music,
- computers, science fiction, books, movies:#
- Sheri Muntz:smuntz@caen.engin.umich.edu:female:1973/01/24:Engl,Span:
- Computer Science major:likes smiles;cats;rabbits;running:#
- Charles D. Noveloso:noveloso@caen.engin.umich.edu:M:1972:05:22:Engl:
- Electrical Engineer and a wonderful dedicated friend to all
- from University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.:#%
- +MICHIGAN+ -Berrien Springs-
- Frank Dauns:dauns@andrews.edu:male:1971/08/20:Engl:
- Interested in making net-friends.Interested in Astronomy,
- books of all kinds, people, computers, and funny hats:#%
- +MICHIGAN+ -Detroit-
- Michael Marlow:marlow@frith.egr.msu.edu:male:YYYY/MM/DD:Engl:
- Electrical Engineer(BS Grad)/Computer Engineer(Senior) at
- Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
- Meeting people with intersts in Computers,Electronics,History,
- Global Environmental & Ecconomic Issues,History,Weapons&Modern
- Warfare,interested in corresponding with students/people from
- around the world to learn about different cultures&countries:#%
- +MICHIGAN+ -East Lansing-
- Chris Blakeley:blakeley@studentb.msu.edu:Male:1974/11/13:English,
- Spanish:Comments: I like sci-fi, science, paleontology &
- dinosaurs, reading (EVERYTHING!!!), Celtic music (Scottish,
- Irish, Breton, etc.), video games, paranormal & the unknown,
- Monty Python, Douglas Adams, HUMOR, Mystery Science Theater
- 3000, stuff like that.... :#%
- +MICHIGAN+ -Flint-
- +MICHIGAN+ -Houghton-
- Mariusz S. Jurgielewicz:msjurgie@mtu.edu:male:1969/07/25:Engl,Polish:
- Exchange student from Poland. Major interest in computers,
- Sci-fi, fantasy books, RPG, photography, travels, exchange
- of views, music, animals (dogs). Open for suggestions.#%
- +MICHIGAN+ -Kalamazoo-
- Danny Hendarmin:x91hendarmin@gw.wmich.edu:Male:1972/04/14:Indonesian,
- English:I like to travel, watch action movies, listen to the
- music (except heavy metal), sports (badminton, table tennis,
- soccer, basketball, volleyball) industrial engineering major,
- prefer to have SWF penpals younger than me. If possible, I
- prefer to correspondence by mail (not by e-mail):#%
- +MINNESOTA+ -Duluth-
- Andrew West:awest@ub.d.umn.edu:male:1970/05/23:Eng,~Ger,~French:
- Struggling MUSICIAN interested in fitness, movies, out-of-body
- experiences, eastern philosophy, MC Escher and Salvidore
- Dali.:#%
- +MINNESOTA -Mankato-
- Aamir Bashir:AMR7969@VAX1.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU:male:1969/07/09:Engl:
- I am a junior in computer science. My major interests are heavy
- metal music, poetry, sports and computers and computer
- gaming:#%
- +MINNESOTA+ -Minneapolis-
- Edward Bertsch:eab@msc.edu:male:1966/04/02:Engl:198 cm tall,100Kg,
- renaissance kind of guy (many different interests). I like to
- skateboard, downhill ski, and swim. I am active in "Mensa."
- work with Supercomputers, and do computer consulting and sales.
- I would like to correspond with single females regardless of
- location.:#%
- +MINNESOTA+ -Northfield-
- Andrea Hakari:hakari@stolaf.edu:female:1973/09/12:Engl,Norwegian,~Span:
- triple major in vocal ed., instrumental ed., and creative
- worship; in St. Olaf Band (bass/contra clarinets); low clarinet
- specialist;MUD junkie - Woody in Albanian MUD;hobbies-sports
- cards, parliamentary procedure (almost registered!):#%
- +MINNESOTA+ -Rochester-
- Jeffery A. Bechdol:bechdol@vnet.ibm.com:male:1965/01/10:English:
- Programmer, toastmaster, award winning speaker, story teller,
- writer, single, 5'10" 130lbs (thin), learning to play piano,
- single, member of the National Council for Self-Esteem, AAAI,
- Toastmasters International, single, BetterSex Institute Faculty
- Member, learning to cross country ski, and oh, did I mention...
- single? :#%
- +MINNESOTA+ -St. Paul-
- Gregory Youngblood:srcsip!tcscs!zeta:male:1969/09/22:Engl:
- computer programming, computers in general, communications
- including cellular telephoney (main occupation) and radio
- work in general. learning ham radio now. married, no kids.
- know pascal, basic and learning c, c++.:#
- Noah Cole:NCOLE@MACALSTR.EDU:male:1974/07/11:Engl:
- Interests include: e-mail, Macintosh, French, Travel,
- Commerical Avation, Phish, U2, DJ On AOR (Rock) Radio:#%
- +MISSISSIPPI+ -Starkville-
- +MISSOURI+ -Kansas City-
- Kenneth Michael Wilson:KMWILSON@VAX1.UMKC.EDU:male:YYYY/01/31:
- Engl,~Latin:I'm a psychology major. I work as the night
- programmer at the University of Missouri -- Kansas City. I
- enjoy music, writing, reading, philosophizing, children, people
- with quick wits, and old movies. Yes, my parents raised me in
- "The Old School".:#%
- +MISSOURI+ -Rolla-
- Jeff Dalton:jsd@isc.umr.edu:Male:1962/02/07:Engl:
- I am a grad student in Electrical Engineering. I like
- playing volleyball, watching college basketball, nature
- photography, and I play guitar/sing Christian music:#
- Michael Kees Bosch:mbosch@cs.umr.edu:male:1972/09/29:Engl:
- Student(Engineering or Teaching):Sports - Tennis, golf, soccer,
- and cycling: Other - Most types of Music, candlelit dinners,
- walks by the moonlight, and a fire on a cold night.#%