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- From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
- Newsgroups: comp.ai,news.answers
- Subject: FAQ: Artificial Intelligence Bibliography 2/3 [Monthly posting]
- Summary: Bibliography of AI introductory texts, overviews and references
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- Date: 13 Dec 92 08:02:38 GMT
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- ;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz
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- This part of the AI FAQ provides a bibliography of good introductory
- texts and overviews of AI and specific subfields of AI. If you feel
- that there is a reference or set of references which should be added
- to this FAQ, or references which should be removed, please send email
- to mkant+ai-faq@cs.cmu.edu. When suggesting references to be
- included in a particular subfield, only suggest the best two or three
- references (or a particularly well-written overview). It is NOT the
- intention of this listing to be a comprehensive AI bibliography.
- Part 2 (Bibliography):
- Bibliography of introductory texts, overviews and references
- Outline:
- [1] AI in general (Introductions, Overviews)
- [2] Search
- [3] Knowledge Representation
- [4] Logic
- [5] Planning
- [6] Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- [7] Connectionism and Neural Nets
- [8] Machine Learning
- [9] Case-Based Reasoning
- [10] Genetic Algorithms
- [11] Production Systems, Expert Systems and Match Algorithms
- [12] Integrated AI Architectures
- [13] Fuzzy Logic
- [14] Artificial Life
- [15] Qualitative Physics and Model Based Reasoning
- [16] Task-specific Architectures for Problem Solving
- [17] Automated Deduction
- [18] Probabilistic Reasoning
- [19] Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- [20] Robotics and Computer Vision
- [21] Distributed AI
- [22] Philosophy of AI
- [23] Miscellaneous
- [24] Videotapes and Magazines
- Search for [#] to get to question number # quickly.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [1] AI in general (Introductions, Overviews)
- Introductory texts:
- Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight, "Artificial Intelligence", 2nd edition,
- McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. ISBN 0-07-052263-4
- Patrick Henry Winston, "Artificial Intelligence", Third Edition,
- Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1992, ISBN 0-201-53377-4.
- Matthew L. Ginsberg, "Essentials of AI", Morgan Kaufmann
- Publishers, 1993.
- Overviews and References:
- Shapiro, Stuart C. (ed), "Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence",
- 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992. (1st ed, 1987)
- Alan Bundy, editor, "Catalogue of Artificial Intelligence
- Techniques", 3rd Edition, Springer Verlag, 1990, ISBN 0-387-52959-4.
- Avron Barr and Edward A. Feigenbaum, "The Handbook of Artificial
- Intelligence", volumes 1-4, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1986.
- Sundermeyer, K., "Knowledge-Based Systems: Terminology and References",
- Wissenschaftverlag, 1991. ISBN 3-411-14941-8
- Jerry M. Rosenberg, "Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and
- Robotics", Wiley, New York, 1986, 203 pages.
- Bonnie Lynn Webber and Nils J. Nilsson, "Readings in Artificial
- Intelligence", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1981.
- Raoul N. Smith, editor, "The Facts on File Dictionary of Artificial
- Intelligence", Facts on File, New York, 1989, 211 pages.
- Older general introductions and overviews:
- Nils J. Nilsson, "Principles of Artificial Intelligence", Tioga
- Publishing Company, Palo Alto, CA, 1980.
- Eugene Charniak and Drew V. McDermott, "Introduction to Artificial
- Intelligence", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1985.
- Firebaugh, Morris W., "Artificial Intelligence: A Knowledge-Based
- Approach", PWS-Kent, Massachusetts, 1989. ISBN 0-87835-325-9
- Emphasis on the role of knowledge in the design of intelligent
- systems. Includes intro to AI programming languages, extensive
- discussion of expert systems and robotics, survey of parallel
- machine architectures, and identification of bottlenecks in
- the implementation of useful AI systems.
- Phonebooks:
- The AAAI membership directory is updated annually and contains
- addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for many members of AAAI
- and other AI societies. Contact info@aaai.org for information on
- getting a copy of the directory (you should get a free copy if you are
- a member of one of the listed societies).
- Surveys:
- Howard E. Shrobe, editor, "Exploring Artificial Intelligence",
- Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, CA, 1988.
- (Survey talks from the AAAI 1986 and 1987 conferences.)
- Publisher Phone Numbers:
- Morgan Kaufmann Publisher's order number is 800-745-7323
- (415-578-9911), fax is 415-578-0672, and their email address is
- morgan@unix.sri.com. You can also write to Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
- Inc., Department E4, 2929 Campus Drive, Suite 260, San Mateo, CA
- 94403. Their "Readings in X" series is a good source of information
- on various AI topics. (Many of them are listed below.)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [2] Search
- [See also the Barr and Feigenbaum's Handbook of AI, chapter 1;
- Nilsson's Principles of AI, sections 2.4.1 through 2.4.4 (A*),
- sections 3.1 and 3.2 (AND/OR trees and AO*); and the Mackworth paper
- in Readings in Artificial Intelligence.]
- Pearl, J. and Korf, R. E., "Search techniques", Annual Review of
- Computer Science, volume 2, J.F. Traub, B.J. Grosz, B.W. Lampson and
- N.J. Nilsson, editors, pages 451-467, Annual Reviews Inc., Palo
- Alto, CA, 1987.
- L. Kanal and V. Kumar, "Search in Artificial Intelligence",
- Springer-Verlag, 1988.
- Hans J. Berliner, "The B* Tree Search Algorithm: A Best-First Proof
- Procedure", Artificial Intelligence, 12(1):23-40, May 1979. Also
- appears in "Readings in Artificial Intelligence".
- Pearl, J., "Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer
- Problem Solving", Addison-Wesley, 1984.
- Kirkpatrick, S. Gelatt, CD, and Vecchi, MP, "Optimization by Simulated
- Annealing", Science 220(4589):671-680, 1983.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [3] Knowledge Representation
- [Several papers in "Readings in Artificial Intelligence" are relevant,
- including S. Amarel "On Representations of Problems on Reasoning about
- Actions" and P.J. Hayes "The Frame Problem and Related Problems in AI".]
- Brachman, Ronald J. and Levesque, Hector J., editors,
- "Readings in Knowledge Representation", Morgan Kaufmann
- Publishers, 1985.
- Ronald J. Brachman and James G. Schmolze, "An overview of the
- KL-ONE knowledge representation system", Cognitive Science,
- 9:171-216, 1985.
- Ronald J. Brachman, Richard E. Fikes, and Hector J. Levesque,
- "KRYPTON: A functional approach to knowledge representation",
- IEEE Computer, 16:67-73, 1983.
- Ronald J. Brachman, "On the epistemological status of semantic
- networks", in N.V. Findler, editor, Associative Networks, pp. 318-353.
- New York: Academic Press, 1979.
- Allen Newell, "The Knowledge Level", Artificial Intelligence,
- 18:87-127, 1982.
- Allen Newell and Herb Simon, "Computer Science as Empirical
- Enquiry: Symbols and Search", Communications of the ACM,
- 19(3):113-126, 1976.
- Penny Nii, "Blackboard Systems", AI Magazine 7(3), 1986.
- Ronald J. Brachman, " ``I lied about the trees'', or, defaults and
- definitions in knowledge representation", AI Magazine 6(3):80-93, 1985.
- W.A. Woods, "What's in a link: Foundations for semantic networks", In
- D.G. Bobrow & A. Collins (Eds.), "Representation and Understanding",
- Academic Press, New York, 1975. Reprinted in "Readings in Cognitive
- Science", Collins & Smith (eds.), section 2.2.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [4] Logic
- Genesereth, M.R. and Nilsson, N.J., "Logical Foundations of Artificial
- Intelligence", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Los Altos, CA, 1987.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [6] Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- General:
- Gazdar, G. and Mellish, C., "Natural Language Processing in Lisp:
- An Introduction to Computational Linguistics", Addison-Wesley,
- Reading, Massachusetts, 1989. (There are three different editions
- of the book, one for Lisp, one for Prolog, and one for Pop-11.)
- Grosz, B.J., Sparck-Jones, K., and Webber, B.L., "Readings in
- Natural Language Processing", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Los
- Altos, CA, 1986.
- Robert C. Berwick, "Computational Linguistics", MIT Press,
- Cambridge, MA, 1989, ISBN 0262-02266-4.
- Brady, Michael, and Berwick, Robert C., "Computational Models
- of Discourse", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983.
- Klaus K. Obermeier, "Natural Language Processing Technologies
- in Artificial Intelligence: The Science and Industry Perspective",
- John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989.
- Allen, James F., "Natural Language Understanding", The
- Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Menlo Park, California,
- (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts),
- 1988, ISBN 0-8053-0330-8.
- Terry Winograd, "Language as a Cognitive Process", Addison-Wesley,
- Reading, MA, 1983.
- Terminology:
- David Crystal, "A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics", 3rd Edition,
- Basil Blackwell Publishers, New York, 1991.
- Parsing:
- Tomita, M. (Editor), "Current Issues in Parsing Technology",
- Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, 1991.
- Tomita, M., "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm",
- Computational Linguistics 13:31-46, 1987.
- Probabilistic Parsing:
- Wright, J., "LR Parsing of Probabilistic Grammars with Input
- Uncertainty for Speech Recognition", Computer Speech and Language
- 4:297-323, 1990.
- Ted Briscoe and John Carroll, "Generalised Probabilistic LR Parsing of
- Natural Language (Corpora) with Unification-based Grammars",
- University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, Technical Report Number
- 224, 1991.
- Natural Language Understanding:
- E. Charniak, "Passing Markers: A Theory of Contextual Influence in
- Language Comprehension", Cognitive Science, 7:171-190, 1983.
- Bertram C. Bruce, "Case systems for natural language", Artificial
- Intelligence 6:327-360, 1975.
- Yorick Wilks, "A Preferential, Pattern-Seeking, Semantics For
- Natural Language Inference", Artificial Intelligence, 6:53-74, 1975.
- Natural Language Interfaces:
- Raymond C. Perrault and Barbara J. Grosz, "Natural Language
- Interfaces", Annual Review of Computer Science, volume 1, J.F. Traub,
- editor, pages 435-452, Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, CA, 1986.
- Natural Language Generation:
- McKeown, Kathleen R. and Swartout, William R., "Language
- Generation and Explanation", in Zock, M. and Sabah, G.,
- editors, Advances in Natural Language Generation, Volume 1, Pages
- 1-51, Ablex Publishing Company, Norwood, NJ, 1988. (Overview of
- the state of the art in natural language generation.)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [5] Planning
- Intros, Overviews, Paper Collections:
- James Allen, James Hendler and Austin Tate, editors,
- "Readings in Planning", Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 1990.
- James Hendler, Austin Tate and Mark Drummond, "AI Planning:
- Systems and Techniques", AI Magazine, May, 1990. (Review article.)
- Georgeff, M. P., "Planning," in Annual Review of Computer Science,
- Annual Reviews Inc., pages 359-400, 1987.
- Drew McDermott, "Robot Planning", AI Magazine 13:2, Summer
- 1992, pp. 55-79.
- William R. Swartout, "DARPA Workshop on Planning", AI Magazine,
- 9(2):115-131, Summer, 1988. (Survey of current work and issues in
- planning.)
- [See also Waldinger's "Achieving several goals simultaneously", in
- "Readings in Artificial Intelligence".]
- Fikes, R.E. and Nilsson, N.J., "STRIPS: A new approach to the
- application of theorem proving to problem solving", Artificial
- Intelligence 2:189-208, 1971.
- Sacerdoti, E. D., "Planning in a Hierarchy of Abstraction Spaces,"
- Artificial Intelligence, 5:115-135, 1974.
- Conjunctive Goals:
- Chapman, D., "Planning for Conjunctive Goals", Artificial Intelligence
- 32:333-377, 1987.
- Sacerdoti, E., "A Structure for Plans and Behavior", Artificial
- Intelligence, pages 1-65, American Elsevier, New York, 1977.
- Sacerdoti, E. D., "The Nonlinear Nature of Plans," Proc. of the Fourth
- Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, 1975, 206-214.
- Reactive Planning:
- Agre P.E. and Chapman, D., "Pengi: An Implementation of a Theory of
- Activity", in Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on
- Aritificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, July 1987.
- Georgeoff, M.P. and Lansky, A.L., "Reactive Reasoning and
- Planning", in Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on
- Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, pages 677-682, July 1987.
- Simmons, R.G., "A theory of debugging plans and interpretations", in
- Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial
- Intelligence (AAAI-88), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Palo Alto,
- CA, pages 94-99, 1988.
- Case-based Planning:
- Hammond, K., "Case-based Planning: Viewing Planning as a Memory Task",
- Academic Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989.
- Miscellaneous:
- Stefik, M.J., "Planning with Constraints", Artificial Intelligence
- 15:111-140 and 16:141-170, 1981.
- Wilkins, D.E., "Domain-Independent Planning: Representation and Plan
- Generation", Artificial Intelligence 22:269-301, 1984.
- R. Wilensky, "Meta-Planning: Representing and Using Knowledge About
- Planning in Problem Solving and Natural Language Understanding",
- Cognitive Science 5:197-233, 1981. Reprinted in Readings in Cognitive
- Science, Collins & Smith (eds.), section 5.6.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [7] Connectionism and Neural Nets
- Introductions and Overviews:
- Geoffrey E. Hinton, "Connectionist Learning Procedures",
- Artificial Intelligence 40(1-3):185-234, 1989. Reprinted in
- J. Carbonell, editor, "Machine Learning: Paradigms and Methods",
- MIT Press, 1990. Also appears as Technical Report CMU-CS-87-115
- (version 2), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, December 1987.
- Kevin Knight, "A gentle introduction to subsymbolic
- computation: Connectionism for the AI researcher". Technical Report
- CMU-CS-89-150, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science,
- Pittsburgh, PA, May 30, 1989.
- Scott Fahlman and Geoffrey Hinton, "Connectionist Architectures for
- Artificial Intelligence", IEEE Computer 20(1):100-109, January 1987.
- Hertz, J., Krogh, A., and Palmer, R.G., "Introduction to the Theory of
- Neural Computation", Addison-Wesley, 1991.
- Paper Collections:
- Rumelhart, D.E, and McClelland, J.L., editors, "Parallel Distributed
- Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition" (Vol. 1:
- Foundations; Vol. 2: Psychological and Biological Models), Cambridge,
- MA: MIT Press, 1986.
- Waltz, D., and Feldman, J.A., "Connectionist Models and their Implications:
- Readings from _Cognitive Science_", Ablex, 1988.
- Mark Watson, "Common Lisp Modules -- Artificial Intelligence in the
- Era of Neural Networks and Chaos Theory", Springer-Verlag, 1991.
- Includes code written in Macintosh Common Lisp and uses the Mac
- graphical interface (the modules are portable to other Common Lisp
- implementations, but without the graphics).
- Anderson, J.A., and Rosenfeld, E., editors, "Neurocomputing: Foundations
- of Research", Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1988. Also "Neurocomputing
- Vol. 2: Directions for Research", Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1991.
- Hinton, G.E., and Anderson, J.A., editors, "Parallel Models of
- Associative Memory" (updated edition), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989.
- Hinton, G.E., editor, "Connectionist Symbol Processing", MIT Press, 1990.
- [Was a special issue of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 46, nos. 1-2.]
- Touretzky, D.S., editor, "Neural Information Processing Systems", volumes
- 1-4 (1988-1991), Morgan Kaufmann. [Proceedings from the premier
- conference on neural networks.]
- Connectionist Language Processing:
- See the special issue of _Connection Science_, Volume 2 Numbers 1-2, 1990.
- Also the Hinton collection "Connectionist Symbol Processing", above.
- Connectionist Cognitive Science:
- Barnden, J.A., and Pollack, J.B., "Advances in Connectionist and Neural
- Computation Theory Vol. 1: High-Level Connectionist Models", Ablex, 1991.
- Quinlan, P., "Connectionism and Psychology: A Psychological Perspective on
- New Connectionist Research", University of Chicago Press, 1991.
- Waltz, D., and Feldman, J.A., editors, "Connectionist Models and their
- Implications: Readings from _Cognitive Science_", Ablex, 1988.
- Philosophical Foundations:
- Pinker, S., and Mehler, J, editors, "Connections and Symbols", MIT Press,
- 1988. [Was Cognition special issue Volume 28, 1988]
- Clark, A., "Microcognition: Philosophy, Cognitive Science, and Parallel
- Distributed Processing", MIT Press, 1989.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [8] Machine Learning
- General:
- J. G. Carbonell, editor, "Machine Learning: Paradigms and Methods", MIT
- Press, Cambridge, MA 1990.
- Tom Mitchell, Jaime G. Carbonell, and Ryszard S. Michalski,
- "Machine Learning: A guide to current research", Kluwer Academic
- Publishers, Boston, 1986.
- J. W. Shavlik and T. D. Dietterich, editors, "Readings in
- Machine Learning", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1990.
- [See also the article on Machine Learning from the Encyclopedia of
- Artificial Intelligence, pages 464-485.]
- Decision Trees:
- Quinlan, J. Ross, "Induction of Decision Trees", Machine Learning
- 1:81-106, 1986.
- Quinlan, J. Ross, "C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning", Morgan Kaufmann
- Publishers, 1992. ISBN 1-55860-238-0. $44.95 US, $49.45 International.
- For a slight additional charge ($25), the book comes with software (ISBN
- 1-55860-240-2). For software only, (ISBN 1-55860-239-9) $34.95 US,
- $38.45 International.
- Probabilistic Clustering:
- Fisher, D.H., "Knowledge Acquisition Via Incremental Conceptual
- Clustering", Machine Learning 2:139-172, 1987. (Probabilistic
- clustering methods.)
- Clancey, W.J., "Classification Problem Solving", Proceedings of the
- National Conference on Aritificial Intelligence, 49-55, Los Altos, CA,
- Morgan Kaufmann. 1984.
- Version Spaces:
- Tom M. Mitchell, "Generalization as Search", Artificial Intelligence
- 18:203-226, 1982.
- Machine Discovery:
- Langley, P., and Zytkow, J. M., "Data-driven approaches to empirical
- discovery", Artificial Intelligence 40:283-312, 1989.
- Langley, P., Simon, H.A., Bradshaw, G.L., and Zytkow, J.M.,
- "Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative
- Processes", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987.
- Langley, P., Simon, H.A. and Bradshaw, G.L., "Heuristics for
- Empirical Discovery", in L. Bolc, editor, Computational Models
- of Learning, Springer-Verlag, 1987. Also appears as CMU CS
- Tech Report CMU-CS-84-14.
- Chunking:
- Laird J.E., Rosenbloom, P.S. and Newell, A., "Chunking in SOAR: The
- Anatomy of a General Learning Mechanism", Machine Learning
- 1:1-46, 1986.
- Explanation-Based Learning:
- Mitchell, Tom M., Keller, R. M., and Kedar-Cabelli, S. T.,
- "Explanation-based learning: A unified view", Machine Learning
- 1:47-80, 1986.
- Derivational Analogy:
- Carbonell, J. G., "Derivational analogy: A theory of
- reconstructive problem solving and expertise acquisition." In R.S.
- Michalski, Jaime G. Carbonell, and Tom M. Mitchell, editors, Machine
- Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach, Morgan Kaufmann
- Publishers, San Mateo, CA, 1986.
- Theoretical Results:
- Leslie G. Valiant, "A theory of the learnable", Communications
- of the ACM, 27(11):1134--1142, 1984.
- Haussler, D., "Quantifying Inductive Bias: AI Learning
- Algorithms and Valiant's Learning Framework", Artificial Intelligence,
- 36:177-221, 1988.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [9] Case-Based Reasoning
- Roger C. Schank, "Dynamic Memory: A Theory of Reminding and
- Learning in Computers and People", Cambridge University Press, New
- York, NY, 1982.
- Roger C. Schank and C. Riesbeck, "Inside Case-Based Reasoning",
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1989.
- Craig Stanfill and David Waltz, "Toward Memory-Based
- Reasoning", Communications of the ACM, 29(12):1213-1228,
- December 1986. (Memory-based reasoning.)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [10] Genetic Algorithms
- Overviews:
- L. B. Booker, D.E. Goldberg and J.H. Holland, "Classifier Systems and
- Genetic Algorithms", Artificial Intelligence 40(1-3):235-282,
- September 1989.
- David E. Goldberg, "Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and
- Machine Learning", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989, 412 pages.
- See also the July 1992 issue of Scientific American.
- Collections:
- Davis, L., editor, "Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing", Morgan
- Kaufmann, 1989.
- Rawlins, G., editor, "Foundations of Genetic Algorithms", Morgan Kaufmann,
- 1991.
- See also the Proceedings of the First/Second/Third/Fourth International
- Conference on Genetic Algorithms, published by Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Miscellaneous:
- Holland, J.H. "Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems", University
- of Michigan Press, 1975. Reprinted by MIT Press, 1992.
- Holland, J.H., Holyoak, K.J., Nisbett, R.E., and Thagard, P.R., "Induction:
- Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery", MIT Press, 1988.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [11] Production Systems, Expert Systems and Match Algorithms
- Overviews:
- Bruce G. Buchanan and Edward H. Shortliffe, "Rule-Based Expert
- Systems: The MYCIN Experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming
- Project", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1985. The Davis and King
- paper (chapter 4, "An overview of production systems") provides
- a good overview.
- Frederick Hayes-Roth, "The knowledge based expert system: A tutorial",
- IEEE Computer 17(9):11-28, 1984.
- Bruce G. Buchanan and R.O. Duda, "Principles of Rule-Based Systems",
- Tech Report HPP-82-14, 1982. (Discusses the design of expert
- systems, including representation, inference, and uncertainty
- management. Examples from numerous specific systems, and discusses
- which problems are suitable for attack by rule-based systems.)
- OPS5:
- Charles L. Forgy, "OPS5 User's Manual", Technical Report
- CMU-CS-81-135, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer
- Science, Pittsburgh, PA 1981.
- Charles L. Forgy, "RETE: A fast algorithm for the many
- pattern/many object pattern match problem", Artificial
- Intelligence 19(1):17-37, September 1982.
- Daniel P. Miranker, "TREAT: A better match algorithm for AI
- production systems". In Proceedings of the Sixth National
- Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87), pages 42-47,
- August 1987.
- MatchBox:
- Mark Perlin, "The match box algorithm for parallel production
- system match", Technical Report CMU-CS-89-163, Carnegie Mellon
- University, School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh,
- Pennsylvania, May 1989.
- Michael A. Kelly and Rudolph E. Seviora, "An evaluation of DRETE
- on CUPID for OPS5 matching", in Proceedings of the Eleventh
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-89),
- pages 84-90, Detroit MI, August 1989, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [12] Integrated AI Architectures
- Kurt VanLehn, editor, "Architectures for Intelligence",
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1991.
- John E. Laird, Allen Newell, and Paul S. Rosenbloom, "SOAR: An
- Architecture for General Intelligence", Artificial
- Intelligence, 33(1):1-64, 1987.
- Steven Minton, Jaime G. Carbonell, Craig A. Knoblock,
- Daniel R. Kuokka, Oren Etzioni, and Yolanda Gil.
- "Explanation-based learning: A problem solving perspective".
- Technical Report CMU-CS-89-103, Carnegie Mellon University,
- School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA, 1989.
- Tom M. Mitchell, J. Allen, P. Chalasani, J. Cheng, Oren Etzioni,
- Marc Ringuette, and Jeffrey Schlimmer, "THEO: A Framework for
- Self-Improving Systems", in Kurt VanLehn, editor, Architectures for
- Intelligence, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1991.
- Subsumption Architectures:
- Brooks, R., "A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot",
- IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, RA-2, pages 14-23, April 1986.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [13] Fuzzy Logic
- Zadeh, L.A., "Fuzzy Sets," Information and Control, 8, 338-353, 1965.
- Klir, George J. and Folger, Tina A., "Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and
- Information", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.
- Zimmermann, Hans J., "Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications",
- Boston, MA, Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1985.
- Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, and Ronald R. Yager, editors,
- "Readings in Fuzzy Systems", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1992.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [14] Artificial Life
- The best source for information is the proceedings of the
- Artificial Life conferences. The proceedings were edited by
- Christopher G. Langton and published by Addison-Wesley.
- ISBN 0-201-09356-1 and 0-201-52751-2.
- Langton, C.G., editor, "Artificial Life" (Proceedings of the First
- International Conference), Addison-Wesley, 1989.
- Langton, C.G., Taylor, C., Farmer, J.D., and Rasmussen, S., editors,
- "Artificial Life II", Addison-Wesley, 1991.
- Forrest, S., editor, "Emergent Computation", MIT Press, 1991.
- Levy, S. "Artificial Life", 1992. [A popularization]
- Jean-Arcady Meyer and Stewart W. Wilson, "From animals to animats:
- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of
- Adaptive Behavior (1990, Paris, France)", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
- 1991.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [15] Qualitative Physics and Model Based Reasoning
- QP Theory:
- Forbus, K. D., Qualitative Process Theory, Artificial Intelligence,
- 24:85-168, 1984.
- Kuipers, B., Qualitative Reasoning with Causal Models in
- Diagnosis of Complex Systems, In D. S. Weld & J. deKleer, editors,
- Readings in Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems,
- pages 257-274, chapter 10, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1989.
- MBR-based Diagnosis:
- Davis, R., Diagnostic Reasoning Based on Structure and Behavior,
- Artificial Intelligence, 24:347-410, 1984.
- Function-based MBR:
- Sticklen, J., Chandrasekaran, B., & Bond, W.
- Distributed Causal Reasoning. Knowledge Acquisition, 1:139-162, 1989.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [16] Task-specific Architectures for Problem Solving
- Generic Tasks:
- Chandrasekaran, B., Towards a Functional Architecture for
- Intelligence Based on Generic Information Processing Tasks, In
- IJCAI-87, pages 1183-1192, Milan, 1987.
- Components of Expertise:
- Steels, L., The Components of Expertise. AI Magazine, Summer, 1990.
- Breuker, J., & Wielinga, B., Models of Expertise in Knowledge
- Acquisition, in G. Guida & C. Tasso, editors, Topics in
- Expert Systems Design: Methodologies and Tools, Amsterdam:
- North Holland Publishing Company, 1989.
- Role-limiting Methods:
- McDermott, J., Preliminary Steps Toward a Taxonomy of
- Problem-Solving Methods, in S. Marcus, editor, Automating
- Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems, pages 225-255,
- Boston: Kluver Academic Publishers, 1988.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [17] Automated Deduction
- C. Chang and R.C. Lee, "Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem
- Proving", Academic Press, 1973.
- Alan Bundy, "The Computer Modelling of Mathematical Reasoning",
- Academic Press, 1983.
- David Duffy, "Principles of Automated Theorem Proving", John
- Wiley and Sons, 1991.
- Larry Wos and Ross Overbeek and Ewing Lusk and Jim Boyle,
- "Automated Reasoning. Introduction and Applications", Second Edition,
- McGraw-Hill, 1992.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [18] Probabilistic Reasoning
- Neapolitan, Richard E., "Probabilistic Reasoning in Expert Systems:
- Theory and Algorithms", John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
- Oliver, Robert M., and Smith, James Q., editors, "Influence Diagrams,
- Belief Nets and Decision Analysis", John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
- Pearl, Judea, "Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems:
- Networks of Plausible Inference", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo,
- California, 1988.
- Shafer, Glenn, and Pearl, Judea, "Readings in Uncertain Reasoning",
- Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California, 1990.
- R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart, and N.J. Nilsson, "Subjective Bayesian Methods
- for Rule-Based Inference Systems", In Proceedings of the 1976 National
- Computer Conference, pages 1075-1082, AFIPS, 1976.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [19] Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- Matthew L. Ginsberg, "Readings in Nonmonotonic Reasoning",
- Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1987.
- Reiter, Ray, "Nonmonotonic Reasoning", Annual Review of Computer
- Science, 2:147-186, 1987. (Appears in Ginsberg.)
- Doyle, J., "Truth Maintenance Systems", Artificial Intelligence,
- 12(3):231-272, 1979.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [20] Robotics and Computer Vision
- John J. Craig, "Introduction to Robotics", Addison-Wesley,
- Reading, MA, 1989.
- Martin A. Fischler and Oscar Firschein, editors, "Readings in
- Computer Vision", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1987.
- J. Michael Brady, "Computational approaches to image understanding",
- ACM Computing Surveys 14(1):3-71, March 1982. (Survey of methods in
- computer vision.)
- David Marr, "Vision: a computational investigation into the human
- representation and processing of visual information", W.H. Freeman,
- San Francisco, CA, 1982.
- [Three papers in the Encyclopedia of Aritificial Intelligence are
- relevant:
- Path planning and obstacle avoidance, pages 708-715
- Mobile robots, pages 957-961
- Sensors, pages 1031-1036]
- The 6.270 Robot Builder's Guide, by Fred Martin. Available by
- anonymous ftp from kame.media.mit.edu ( in
- ~ftp/pub/fredm/README or in cherupakha.media.mit.edu:pub/6270/docs
- []. This directory contains "The 6.270 Robot
- Builder's Guide", the course notes to the 1992 MIT LEGO Robot Design
- Competition. For more information, contact Fred Martin
- <fredm@media-lab.media.mit.edu>.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [21] Distributed AI
- Collections:
- Alan H. Bond and Les Gasser, "Readings in Distributed
- Artificial Intelligence", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1988.
- Michael N. Huhns, ed., "Distributed Artificial
- Intelligence", Morgan Kaufmann, 1987.
- Les Gasser and Michael N. Huhns, eds., "Distributed
- Artificial Intelligence, Volume II", Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.
- (Special Issue on Distributed AI) IEEE Transactions on
- Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan 1981.
- (Special Issue on Distributed AI---10 years later) IEEE
- Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 21,
- No. 6, Nov/Dec 1991.
- Decentralized Artificial Intelligence, Y. Demazeau ed. 1990,
- Decentralized AI 2, Demazeau, Y. & Muller, J-P, eds. 1991,
- Decentralized AI 3, Werner & Demazeau eds. 1992,
- all published by Elsevier Science Publishers .
- [Surveys can be found in the Bond & Gasser book listed above,
- and in: The Handbook of AI volume 4 1989; IEEE Systems, Man,
- and Cybernetics-17(5) 1987; Kluwer Academic's AI Review-6(1)1992.]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [22] Philosophy of AI
- D. McDermott, "Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity," in
- Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, J.
- Haugeland, editor, chapter 5, pp. 143-160, MIT Press, 1981.
- H.A. Simon, "Sciences of the Artificial", 2nd Edition, MIT Press, 1981.
- A.M. Turing, "Computing Machinery And Intelligence," Mind, vol. LIX,
- no. 236, 1950. Reprinted in "Computers and Thought", Feigenbaum &
- Feldman (eds.), 1963. Also reprinted in "The Mind's I", Hofstadter &
- Dennett (eds.). Also reprinted in "Readings in Cognitive Science",
- Collins & Smith (eds.), section 1.1.
- Roger Penrose, "The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning computers,
- minds, and the laws of physics", Oxford University Press, New York,
- 1989, 466 pages, $30.
- Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett, "The Mind's I:
- Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul", Basic Books, New
- York, 1981, 501 pages, $15.50.
- Daniel C. Dennett, "Consciousness explained", 1st edition, Little,
- Brown and Company, Boston, 1991, 511 pages, $27.95.
- John Haugeland, "Artificial Intelligence: The very idea", MIT Press,
- Cambridge, MA, 1985, 287 pages.
- John Haugeland, editor, "Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology,
- Artificial Intelligence", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1981, 368 pages.
- Margaret A. Boden, editor, "The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence",
- Oxford University Press, New York, 1990, 452 pages.
- Hans Moravec, "Mind Children: The future of robot and human intelligence",
- Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988, 214 pages.
- Kirsh, D., editor, "Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Special
- issues of Artificial Intelligence", The MIT Press, 1991. Reprinted
- from Artificial Intelligence 47(1--3), 1991.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [23] Miscellaneous
- Cyc:
- "CYC", AI Magazine 1986, 7(1), 1986.
- Also, be sure to check the proceedings of the various national
- conferences in the area that interests you.
- PhD theses can often be obtained from University Microfilms
- Internatinal, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [24] Videotapes and Magazines
- Videotapes:
- The 4th episode of the PBS series "The Machine That Changed the World" is
- a good introduction to AI. It is available for $90 from Films for the
- Humanities, 1-800-257-5126.
- Morgan Kaufmann also has a good set of tapes of AI-related lectures, but
- it runs on the expensive side.
- AI-related magazines include:
- Miller Freeman, Inc., 600 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
- Subscriptions: 1-800-274-2534 or 303-447-9330
- $42/year (12 issues), $6 extra in Canada and Mexico,
- $15 extra (surface mail) or $40 (air mail) for overseas.
- 3310 West Bell Road, Suite 119, Phoenix, AZ 85023.
- Subscriptions: 602-971-1869, fax 602-971-2321.
- $28/year (6 issues); $54 for two years; $78 for three years.
- $9 extra in Canada and Mexico, $25 extra (air mail) for all
- other countries.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; *EOF*