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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.editors:7148 news.answers:4096
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- From: buboo@alf.uib.no (Ove Ruben R Olsen)
- Subject: comp.editors - Frequently Asked Questions
- Message-ID: <Ruben-FAQ1-0003@alf.uib.no>
- Followup-To: poster
- Supersedes: <Ruben-FAQ1-0002@alf.uib.no>
- Reply-To: Ruben@Uib.no
- Organization: University of Bergen, Norway
- Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 19:02:41 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Fri 17 Dec 92 19:02:05 GMT
- Lines: 269
- Archive-name: editor-faq/The_FAQ
- The following file is a set of Frequently Asked Questions for the group
- comp.editors. Certain questions get asked time and again, and this is
- an attempt to reduce the bandwidth taken up by these posts and their
- associated replies. If you have a question, please check this file
- before you post. It may save a lot of peoples time.
- This FAQ tends to ignore emacs related questions, as they tend to be
- answered adequately in the comp.emacs FAQ.
- Please send all comments, discussion, suggestions for new questions and
- so on to me, Ove Ruben R Olsen <Ove.R.Olsen@ubb.uib.no>. I'll try to
- answer everything I get. I especially need more 'where to get sources'
- answers. I'd like some Anonymous UUCP sites, if at all possible.
- 01) What is comp.editors?
- 02) Where can I get the latest release of GNU emacs/elvis/crisp/joe/...?
- 03) Someone has just posted 'my editor is better than your editor'. What
- 04) Can I get hold of the source code for VI?
- 05) I have a Emacs question. Should I ask it in comp.editors, or in
- 06) Someone just mentioned the 'buffer gap method'. What do they mean?
- 07) How do I reformat paragraphs in vi?
- 08) Has anyone got a simple editor for Unix?
- 09) Are there any vi archive sites around?
- 10) Where can I get vi for VMS?
- 11) How do I edit binary files with VI ?
- 12) Why does vi sometimes tell me 'Too much macro text'?
- 13) Is there a list of bugs in vi?
- 14) Whats a folding editor?
- 15) Where can I get the DEC editor EDT for UNIX.
- 01) What is comp.editors?
- Comp.editors is an INET group for the discussion of editors, editing
- interfaces and internals generally. For discussion of what an INET
- group is, please see the regular postings in news.announce.newusers.
- There was discussion some time back about making comp.editors into a
- regular usenet group, but so far nothing has come of it.
- Almost anything editor-related is acceptable in comp.editors, with a few
- caveats (see question 05).
- 02) Where can I get the latest release of GNU emacs/elvis/crisp/joe/...?
- You should check out the companion posting on this issue. The companion
- post contains info on the following editors:
- ADAMI (TED) AE - Another Editor ALand's Editor Ant's Editor.
- Bingo BatMaster BOXER CADET - The CAD Text
- calvin (Free VI) ce CEDIT Crisp
- cse dte Easy Editor Text EDIT
- E Elvis FE - Fred's Editor foldED
- FPTED GNU Emacs JOE's editor. Jstevie
- KAMAS MAT Editor (C) Mutt Editor 2 Microemacs
- Mined Origami PC-Point E2 - Rand editor
- pico Ravitz Editor REDT Sedt Editor
- SLIM Stevie supered TECO
- TERSE Useful Editor Unity Vile
- Vision Edit
- 03) Someone has just posted 'my editor is better than your editor'. What
- should I do?
- Ignore it. Don't post a reply to comp.editors, whatever you do. These
- flame wars tend to go on for ages and they never change anyones mind.
- If you really must reply use email, or alt.religion.emacs.
- 04) Can I get hold of the source code for VI?
- Not without a AT&T source license. VI is a direct descendent of ed(1),
- and is therefore subject to AT&T licensing. Even if you were to get
- hold of the code, to remove all of the AT&T code would be impractical.
- There are, however a lot of public domain clones of vi around, Elvis and
- Stevie being two. You may also want to check out Vile, which is a vi
- feelalike, based on Microemacs.
- 05) I have a Emacs question. Should I ask it in comp.editors, or in
- comp.emacs/gnu.emacs.help?
- If the question is specifically about an emacs variant, no. You would
- probably get more joy from one of comp.emacs or gnus.emacs.help.
- Gnu.emacs.help is specifically for GNU Emacs, whereas comp.emacs
- encompasses all variants of emacs (Yes, there is more than one type of
- Emacs - there are over 50 in fact).
- However, If the question is about an emacs in relation to another type
- of editor, then its probably ok to post it here.
- 06) Someone just mentioned the 'buffer gap method'. What do they mean?
- An editor can hold text in memory in a number of ways. If you use the
- buffer gap, the file is split into two buffers, with the cursor always
- between the two buffers, ie:
- [ first buffer ][ second buffer ]
- ^ cursor is here
- When the cursor is moved, a character is just copied from one buffer to
- the other (depending on direction). This method makes inserting &
- deleting and string searching easy. Insertion just requires extending
- the first buffer by one character. Deletion is just removing the last
- character of the first buffer. For string searching the file can just
- be treated as a single string, with care only needing to be taken when
- the match straddles the gap. Disadvantages include difficulty with line
- based operations, and problems with page faults when the second buffer
- is large. It's also quite hard to implement properly on some segmented
- architectures. This is the method used by GNU Emacs.
- Another method is a linked list of lines. This is exactly what it says.
- When you read in the file, you split it up into lines, maintaining
- pointers to the previous & next line. Line-based functions are much
- easier with this method, but searching isn't so easy.
- 07) How do I reformat paragraphs in vi?
- Rather than write a set of macros to do this for you, it's usually
- easier just to use an external program to do it for you. If you have
- fmt(1), then {!}fmt will reformat the paragraph under the cursor. This
- can be fitted into a macro easily enough.
- If you don't have fmt, then you can use nroff(1) similarly (with a few
- caveats about getting rid of trailing blank lines).
- A format program is also to be found inside the EX/VI archives. The
- filename is vi.reformat.tar.Z. It claims to be a WordStar reformat.
- 08) Has anyone got a simple editor for Unix?
- This comes up a lot. The answer is usually Microemacs, or some clone of
- it. Another choice might be joe, crisp or fpted. See question 02 for
- where to get them from.
- 09) Are there any vi archive sites around?
- Ove Ruben R Olsen maintains one of the biggest vi archive sites around.
- His site is mirrored at a number of sites worldwide. See the companion
- posting for more information.
- 10) Where can I get vi for VMS?
- Both TPU and GNU Emacs have vi emulations. You can generally find them
- in ftp archives.
- 11) How do I edit binary files with VI ?
- To do this you need a program that converts you binary file to
- a plain ascii file. In the EX/VI archives there are two programs
- to do this:
- vi.bed.tar.Z - A good frontend.
- vi.bined.tar.Z - Two filters to convert binary files to/from ascii.
- Claims to solve the "Line to long" message.
- 12) Why does vi sometimes tell me 'Too much macro text'?
- When vi starts up, it looks in three places for initialisation commands
- of some description. It first looks in your EXINIT environmental
- variable. If it doesn't find that, then it looks in the current
- directory for a file called .exrc (some vi's do this *as well as*
- looking at EXINIT anyway), and sources that instead. If it doesn't find
- either of these, then it sources $HOME/.exrc.
- The problem is that some vi's source both .exrc files anyway (this is
- wrong - it should only ever source one), and vi's buffers overflow
- giving you the above error message. One more bug found, Mr. Joy.
- 13) Is there a list of bugs in vi?
- Not at the minute. If anyone would like to collect a list of known
- bugs, I'd be happy to post it with this FAQ.
- 14) Whats a folding editor?
- Another word for 'folding editor' is 'outline editor'.
- This is quite a hard concept to explain without having a folding editor
- in front of you to explain with. The idea behind it is to hide text
- behind some sort of descriptive heading. For instance, if you were
- working on some C code, but didn't want to see the millions of C
- headers, you could fold that text away behind the heading 'INCLUDE FILES',
- like:
- In a normal text editor, the file would look like:
- --- begin ---
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <bar/foo/blrufl.h>
- #include <ktb/kick/inside.h>
- #include <mary/had/a/little/lamb.h>
- int heights()
- {
- return wuthering();
- }
- --- end ---
- in a folding editor, it might look something like this:
- --- begin ---
- int heights()
- {
- return wuthering();
- }
- --- end ---
- Of course, the line can be unfolded, and you can see the original text,
- and in editors such as Origami, this folding can be nested.
- 15) Where can I get the DEC editor EDT for UNIX.
- [ Information supplied by Castor Fu (castor@drizzle.stanford.edu) ]
- 1. Using the the GNU Emacs EDT emulator.
- This provides you with the key bindings but doesn't really have
- the look and feel. One of the nicest things about EDT for novices
- is that it really controls a vtxxx terminal competently, and makes
- use of highlighting, keypad, etc. to aid casual users. This
- implementation is designed for the "expert" edt user who has no
- need for such niceties and primarily wants the key bindings for
- his keypad.
- 2. Buy a commercial product. Probably the most widely used such is
- EDT+ from:
- Boston Business Computing
- 3 Dundee Park,
- Andover, MA 01810
- +1 508 470-0444, FAX +1 508 474-8244.
- I used their product a little bit on a Multiflow, but not enough to
- REALLY tell how good it is.
- Their product will probably cost somewhere $500 and $1000. But it
- really looks like EDT to me.
- 3. Wait for DEC to announce it's port of TPU to Ultrix? I heard they
- intend to make this a product.
- 4. We've started using Anker Berg-Sonne's SEDT. It's become the editor
- of choice in our group among those who don't already know vi or
- emacs, because it's very easy to use. I don't know why, but it is
- not widely used/known about in the unix world for some reason.
- (See also question 2 for where to find this editor).
- --
- Ove Ruben R Olsen a Gnarfer and VI user. EMAIL: ruben@uib.no.
- Maintaining the EX/VI-archive and a couple of the Comp.Editors FAQs.
- People that are ignorant tend to live a frustrated life, at least when
- it comes to editing - But I do belive this is a general rule in life