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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.radio.amateur.misc:28970 news.answers:4322
- Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc,rec.radio.info,rec.answers,news.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!yale.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!cs.utexas.edu!usc!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!news.unomaha.edu!cwis!pschleck
- From: pschleck@cwis.unomaha.edu (Paul W Schleck KD3FU)
- Subject: Amateur Radio Elmers List Info and Administrivia
- Message-ID: <elmers/admin-1-723211204@unomaha.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Summary: A documentation file for the Elmers Resource Directory,
- a list of mentors, experts, and gurus for the various
- technical subjects that come up in this newsgroup.
- Keywords: ham amateur radio ftp elmer
- Sender: news@news.unomaha.edu (UNO Network News Server)
- Supersedes: <elmers/admin-1-720619205@unomaha.edu>
- X-Posting-Frequency: posted on the 1st of each month
- Reply-To: elmers-request@unomaha.edu (Elmers List Administrivia Mailbox)
- Organization: ACM Student Chapter, University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1992 12:02:20 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 06:00:00 GMT
- Lines: 145
- Posted-By: auto-faq script
- Archive-name: elmers/admin
- Revision: 1.2 10/03/92 05:48:17
- Changes: SAC: 1947-1992, RIP
- This administrivia file and the companion Amateur Radio Elmers Resource
- Directory are intended for non-commercial distribution via Usenet. Any
- other uses, please E-mail for permission.
- A Brief Historical Overview:
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- If there is any one constant in the changing state of the communications
- art, it is that "Hams" (Amateur Radio Operators) have always been on
- the forefront of it. Rumors abound where the term "Ham" came from.
- Some of the more amusing are described at the end of this article.
- Regardless of origin of the name, a "Ham" is universally recognizable as
- one who experiments in radio and communications.
- Whether it be constructing a low-power CW radio with vacuum tubes, or
- designing TCP/IP packet networks, such experimentation has historically
- spilled over into the mainstream such as was the case with Edwin
- Armstrong, who developed the regenerative oscillator and FM radio, or
- General Curtis LeMay (W6EZV) who was instrumental in making Single-
- Sideband the communications standard for the Strategic Air Command
- (1947-1992, now reorganized into a joint command called StratComm) and
- eventually the U.S. Air Force. Although packet-switching techniques
- originated from DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and
- the ARPANet, no one can deny the tremendous influence that amateurs
- have had in demonstrating the viability of TCP/IP and AX.25
- communications via radio links. The efforts of AMSAT (the Amateur
- Satellite Corporation) including the development of many ham satellites
- and the low-orbiting Microsats (communications satellites no bigger than
- a breadbox that use store-and forward packet techniques) have certainly
- advanced the state-of-the-art in communications, one of the defined
- purposes of the Amateur Radio Service, as recognized by international
- treaty.
- Since in many cases hams are writing "the book", there is often no
- "book" or other established reference for a beginner to refer to.
- Traditionally, information has been passed on from ham to ham via word-
- of-mouth. Like many of the traditional crafts, a variation of the
- Master-Apprentice system has emerged, the Elmer-Novice relationship.
- Called "Elmers" because they are usually older and wiser, having the
- benefit of many years in the hobby, including several failed projects,
- and an electric shock or two, they have traditionally been the mainstay
- of amateur radio, and the source of many new hams, particularly those
- interested in working on emerging technologies.
- Even more importantly, Elmers provided an outlet for the impatient
- newcomer who wanted "to know everything, and right away." Faced with
- such a request, a good Elmer will smile and proceed to lead the novice
- through some project or operating experience. Several hours, days, or
- weeks later, the novice would have his answers, but would have earned
- them. Even better, the sense of accomplishment would boost the novice's
- confidence and nudge him or her down the road to being a model,
- experienced ham operator.
- Many present hams feel that such an experience is missing today. In
- today's hustle-bustle world, the response to such natural curiosity and
- desire to learn is, more often than not, "I'm too busy" or "RTFM." As a
- result, the quality of new hams declines and the knowledge and operating
- habits they develop in their first formative months and years leave much
- to be desired. And the very same hams who claim that they "can't
- understand the new generation" also, in almost the same breath, lament
- about the "decline of amateur radio."
- What is an Elmer today?
- +++++++++++++++++++++++
- An Elmer today is of any age, male or female, who has some expertise and
- is willing to share it with beginners. Elmers don't even need to be
- licensed amateurs, just people with knowledge in some area of
- electronics or communications technology.
- What is a Usenet Elmer?
- +++++++++++++++++++++++
- With the ever-widening scope of the Internet, and the amateur radio
- newsgroups on Usenet, the potential for Elmers to share their
- knowledge to a wide audience has never been greater. To that end, I
- have started to maintain a list of such Elmers. Volunteers need only
- send me their name, E-mail address, and area of expertise.
- Those desiring a more extensive list, or who need more specific
- assistance, are encouraged to contact Rosalie White, WA1STO, Educational
- Services Manager at the American Radio Relay League, 225 Main St.,
- Newington, CT 06111 or via electronic mail addressed to
- rwhite@arrl.org.
- The latest version of the list can be found in the companion posting to
- this message, "Amateur Radio Elmers Resource Directory." If you sent me
- mail and are not on it, please resend as it may have been lost on the
- way or once it reached my host, or I am waiting on further revisions to
- your entry (with the list's increasing size, I like to keep the entries
- as descriptive as possible).
- (Note to readers of Info-Hams Digest: Because of its size, the
- companion list is not (yet) sent via the mailing list. The latest copy
- can be obtained via anonymous FTP or FTP mail server from ftp.cs.buffalo.edu
- under file ~/pub/ham-radio/elmers_list or from pit-manager.mit.edu under
- directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/elmers.)
- Currently, the list is over 40 Elmers strong, is cross-posted to the
- news.answers newsgroup, and has become an invaluable resource for many,
- as well as an opportunity for the volunteers to share their knowledge.
- Thanks to all the volunteer Elmers, as well as courteous list users, for
- making this service a success.
- --
- 73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU
- pschleck@unomaha.edu (personal mail)
- elmers-request@unomaha.edu (Elmers List administrivia)
- * Possible origins of the word HAM:
- The acronym "Home Amateur Mechanic" or...
- from the Cockney pronunciation of "L'amateur" or...
- the initals of the founder of the American Radio Relay League, Hiram
- Maxim, W1AW (his actual middle name being Percy apparently
- notwithstanding) or...
- from the call letters of one of the first amateur stations at Harvard,
- H.A.M. (please, no flames from W1XM at MIT)
- (Dale Mosby, N7PEX, offers the explanation that HAM must stand for "Hardly
- Any Money," considering the investment one could make in the hobby.)
- Knowledgable individuals from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL),
- and other radio historians, seem to agree that the terms "Ham" and "Lid"
- (an inept operator) both originated with landline telegraphy. A "Ham"
- was a show-off and a "Lid" was a telegraph operator so inexperienced, he
- had to use a pot or can lid to rest his telegraph sounder on to properly
- copy the code.
- As an interesting historical footnote, early telegraph operators may
- have been the first to experience the infamous curse of our
- communications age, Repetitive Stress (or "Carpal Tunnel") Syndrome
- (called "Glass Arm" in those days, which encouraged the invention of the
- semi-automatic or "bug" key).