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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.lists:2144 news.groups:57878 news.announce.newusers:925 news.answers:3570
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!bcm!cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!gatech!purdue!spaf
- From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
- Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.announce.newusers,news.answers
- Subject: List of Moderators for Usenet
- Message-ID: <spaf-moderate_719471717@cs.purdue.edu>
- Date: 19 Oct 92 05:15:19 GMT
- Expires: 18 Dec 92 17:15:17 GMT
- Followup-To: news.groups
- Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
- Lines: 675
- Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
- Supersedes: <spaf-moderate_716962665@cs.purdue.edu>
- Archive-name: moderator-list/part1
- Original-author: Gene Spafford (spaf@cs.purdue.edu)
- Last-change: 18 Oct 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- A number of moderated groups exist on the net. These are groups which
- usually have one or more individuals (acting as editors and/or
- moderators) who must approve articles before they are published to the
- net. In general, these groups fall into one of five categories:
- 1) Groups with postings of an informative nature not suited to
- discussion and always originating from the same (very small) group
- of posters. Groups within this category include news.lists,
- news.announce.newusers, and comp.mail.maps.
- 2) Groups derived from regular groups with such a high volume that
- it is hard for the average reader to keep up. The moderated
- versions of these groups are an attempt to provide a lower volume
- and higher quality version of the same forum. An example of
- this category is news.announce.newgroups (a reduced form of
- news.groups).
- 3) Groups derived from regular groups which have often been abused.
- That is, the regular groups often received postings of items which
- were not germane to the stated topic of the group (or sometimes even
- within the realm of politeness for the net). This also includes
- groups suffering from an annoying number of duplicate postings and
- inappropriate followups. Moderated groups in this category include
- comp.sources.unix.
- 4) Groups designed to serve also as direct feedback to an off-the-net
- group. The discussion in comp.std.mumps is an example of this.
- 5) Groups which are gatewayed into the Usenet from an Internet
- mailing list. These groups are moderated by someone on the Internet
- side but are shared with the Usenet population. Submissions mailed
- to the proper addresses, given below, will appear in both the group
- on Usenet, and the Internet list. This includes some groups in
- the "inet" distribution which are listed here for completeness:
- comp.ai.vision and rec.mag.fsfnet.
- To post to a moderated group, write your article and mail it to the
- listed SUBMISSION address. The moderator will then do the actual
- posting of the article. The news software on the Usenet will not allow
- direct posting to moderated newsgroups, nor will it forward
- unauthorized articles to other sites. The only way to post to a
- moderated group is to mail it to the moderator. If you are running
- 2.11 news or later, your news software will automatically mail your
- article to the moderator if you attempt to post it. Thus, posting to a
- moderated newsgroup should appear the same as posting to any other
- group (except you don't see the posting right away).
- Depending on the newsgroup involved, if the moderator feels that your
- article is inappropriate for the group, s/he will return the article to
- you with a suggestion for other newsgroups in which to post it, and/or
- an explanation of why it is not appropriate for the moderated group.
- You may still post such articles to the regular groups as you currently
- do, if such groups exist.
- If you have questions or complaints about the way a moderated group is
- run, contact the moderator by mail. Alternatively, you can send mail
- to the mailing list "moderators@cs.purdue.edu" and it will be
- rebroadcast to all of the current Usenet-only newsgroup moderators.
- Below is a list of the current moderated groups and the moderators of
- those groups. Included in that list are the addresses to use if you
- have questions of comments about the groups. After that is given a
- list of addresses for submissions of articles to those groups. These
- addresses can be used to build the "moderators" file so that
- "postnews" can automatically mail an article to the correct moderator.
- Note that many of the aliases at the end of this file are for
- newsgroups in hierarchies other than the "main Usenet." These aliases
- have been collected from a number of different sources, including the
- alias file at uunet.uu.net, and they may not be completely accurate
- over time. You may wish to trim some of these aliases if you don't
- get the newsgroups indicated.
- If your system is running a version of news more recent than B news
- 2.10 -- including C News and INN -- posting to moderated newsgroups is
- done by mailing your submission to well-defined aliases at a nearby
- well-connected site. The mail path to that site should be in your
- news library, in the file "mailpaths" -- there is no need to update a
- moderators file with the information in this article. Information on
- how to construct the paths in the "mailpaths" file are posted in a
- companion article.
- If you are NOT runninga recent version ofg news, you are *STRONGLY*
- advised to upgrade to it so as to take advantage of this feature, as
- well as the numerous bug fixes and other enhancements.
- The addresses below are given in Internet/domain form. If you are a
- UUCP-only site, you can mail to an Internet (EDU, GOV, etc.)-only site
- by mailing through the gateways using a uucp-style path, e.g.:
- ...!{mcnc,rutgers,ucsd,uunet,uw-beaver,watmath}!site.domain!address
- Gene Spafford
- 19 Oct 1992
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Group
- Moderator or Coordinator Requests, Comments, etc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
- Christopher Welty nl-kr-request@cs.rpi.edu
- comp.ai.vision
- Tod Levitt vision-list-request@ads.com
- comp.archives
- Edward Vielmetti comp-archives@msen.com
- comp.binaries.acorn
- Jason Williams &
- Edouard Poor cba@acorn.co.nz
- comp.binaries.amiga
- Michael 'Moose' Dinn amiga-request@uunet.uu.net
- comp.binaries.atari.st
- Steven Grimm atari-binaries@hyperion.com
- comp.binaries.ibm.pc
- Brian O'Neill cbip-request@cs.ulowell.edu
- comp.binaries.mac
- Roger Long macintosh-request%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
- comp.binaries.os2
- Michael D. Kretzer os2bin-request@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
- comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes
- Keith Bostic ucb-fixes-request@okeeffe.berkeley.edu
- comp.compilers
- John Levine compilers-request@iecc.cambridge.ma.us
- comp.dcom.telecom
- Patrick Townson telecom-request@eecs.nwu.edu
- comp.doc
- Brian Kantor comp-doc@ucsd.edu
- comp.doc.techreports
- Richard Golding compdoc-techreports-request@ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
- comp.graphics.research
- John R. Murray graphics-request@scri1.scri.fsu.edu
- comp.internet.library
- Yoshiyasu Takefuji takefuji@axon.cwru.edu
- comp.lang.sigplan
- Stu Feldman sigplan-request@bellcore.com
- comp.laser-printers
- Richard Furuta furuta@cs.umd.edu
- comp.mail.maps
- Mel Pleasant pleasant@noc.rutgers.edu
- comp.newprod
- Ron Heiby newprod-request@chg.mcd.mot.com
- comp.org.eff.news
- Christopher Davis &
- Helen Rose eff@eff.org
- comp.org.fidonet
- Tim Pozar pozar@hop.toad.com
- comp.os.ms-windows.announce
- Todd J. Derr infidel+query@pitt.edu
- comp.os.research
- Darrell Long darrell@cse.ucsc.edu
- comp.parallel
- Dennis Stevenson hypercube-request@hubcap.clemson.edu
- comp.patents
- Peter John Treloar pjt@cs.su.oz.au
- comp.protocols.kermit
- Frank da Cruz info-kermit-request@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
- comp.research.japan
- Rick Schlichting rick@cs.arizona.edu
- comp.risks
- Peter G. Neumann risks-request@csl.sri.com
- comp.simulation
- Paul A. Fishwick simulation-request@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu
- comp.society
- Greg Welsh socicom@auvm.american.edu
- comp.society.cu-digest
- Jim Thomas &
- Gordon Meyer tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu
- comp.society.folklore
- Eric Raymond eric@snark.thyrsus.com
- comp.society.privacy
- Dennis G. Rears comp-privacy-request@pica.army.mil
- comp.sources.3b1
- David H. Brierley dave@galaxia.network23.com
- comp.sources.acorn
- Jason Williams &
- Edouard Poor cba@acorn.co.nz
- comp.sources.amiga
- Michael 'Moose' Dinn amiga-request@uunet.uu.net
- comp.sources.apple2
- Jonathan Chandross jac@paul.rutgers.edu
- comp.sources.atari.st
- Steven Grimm atari-sources@hyperion.com
- comp.sources.games
- Bill Randle games-request@saab.cna.tek.com
- comp.sources.hp48
- Chris Spell spell@seq.uncwil.edu
- comp.sources.mac
- Roger Long macintosh-request%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
- comp.sources.misc
- Kent Landfield & sources-misc-request@uunet.uu.net
- Alec David Muffett
- comp.sources.reviewed
- Andrew Patrick csr@calvin.dgbt.doc.ca
- comp.sources.sun
- Charles McGrew mcgrew@aramis.rutgers.edu
- comp.sources.unix
- Paul Vixie, Mike Stump
- and Nick Lai unix-sources-moderator@pa.dec.com
- comp.sources.x
- David C. Martin x-sources-request@msi.com
- comp.std.announce
- John C. Klensin klensin@infoods.mit.edu
- comp.std.mumps
- Hokey std-mumps-request@pfcs.com
- comp.std.unix
- Sean Eric Fagan std-unix-request@uunet.uu.net
- comp.sys.acorn.announce
- Alan Glover announce-request@acorn.co.uk
- comp.sys.amiga.announce
- Dan Zerkle zerkle@cs.ucdavis.edu
- comp.sys.amiga.reviews
- Daniel J. Barrett amiga-reviews@math.uh.edu
- comp.sys.concurrent
- Brian Carlton concurrent-request@bdcsys.suvl.ca.us
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest
- Gregory Hicks info-ibmpc-request@simtel20.army.mil
- comp.sys.m68k.pc
- Mike Meyer info-68k-request@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- comp.sys.mac.announce
- Werner Uhrig werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu
- comp.sys.mac.digest
- Bill Lipa info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- comp.sys.next.announce
- Todd Nathan csn-announce-request@liveware.com
- comp.sys.sun.announce
- Dave Taylor sun-announce-request@sunworld.com
- comp.theory.info-retrieval
- ?? engle@cmsa.berkeley.edu
- comp.virus
- Kenneth van Wyk krvw@cert.org
- comp.windows.x.announce
- Bob Scheifler xannounce-request@expo.lcs.mit.edu
- misc.activism.progressive
- Rich Winkel map-request@pencil.cs.missouri.edu
- misc.handicap
- Bill McGarry wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
- misc.news.southasia
- Surekha Gaddam surekha@nyx.cs.du.edu
- news.admin.technical
- Scott Hazen Mueller natech-request@zorch.sf-bay.org
- news.announce.conferences
- Dennis Page denny@tekbspa.tss.com
- news.announce.important
- Mark Horton announce@stargate.com
- news.announce.newgroups
- Dave Lawrence tale@uunet.uu.net
- news.announce.newusers
- Gene Spafford spaf@purdue.edu
- news.answers
- Jonathan I. Kamens news-answers-request@mit.edu
- news.lists
- Rick Adams, Brian Reid &
- Gene Spafford news-lists-request@cs.purdue.edu
- news.lists.ps-maps
- Brian Reid reid@decwrl.dec.com
- rec.arts.cinema
- Manavendra Thakur thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu
- rec.arts.comics.info
- Brian V. Hughes hades@dartmouth.edu
- rec.arts.erotica
- Evan Leibovitch erotica@telly.on.ca
- rec.arts.movies.reviews
- Evelyn C. Leeper movies-request@mtgzy.att.com
- rec.arts.sf.announce
- Scott Hazen Mueller scott@zorch.sf-bay.org
- rec.arts.sf.reviews
- Michael C. Berch, Dan'l Danehy-Oakes,
- Evelyn Leeper, Wayne Throop,
- Alan Wexelblat, &
- Bill Wisner sf-reviews@presto.ig.com
- rec.arts.startrek.info
- Jim Griffith trek-info-request@dweeb.fx.com
- rec.audio.high-end
- Thomas Krueger info-high-audio-request@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
- rec.aviation.announce
- Geoff Peck aviation-announce-request@peck.com
- rec.aviation.answers
- Geoff Peck aviation-announce-request@peck.com
- rec.aviation.stories
- Geoff Peck aviation-announce-request@peck.com
- rec.food.recipes
- Mary Shafer shafer@rigel.dfrf.nasa.gov
- rec.games.cyber
- Joshua Levy joshua@veritas.com
- rec.games.frp.announce
- Coyt D. Watters cwatters@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- rec.games.frp.archives
- Mitchell Gold goldm@rpi.edu
- rec.games.mud.announce
- Scott Goehring rgm-announce-request@glia.biostr.washington.edu
- rec.guns
- Jim Purtilo gun-control@flubber.cs.umd.edu
- rec.humor.funny
- Maddi Hausmann funny-request@clarinet.com
- rec.humor.oracle
- Steve Kinzler oracle-admin@cs.indiana.edu
- rec.hunting
- Tim Rigg hunting-request@osnome.che.wisc.edu
- rec.mag.fsfnet
- John White white@duvm.bitnet
- rec.music.gaffa
- Bill Wisner love-hounds-request@uunet.uu.net
- rec.music.info
- Leo Breebaart leo@ph.tn.tudelft.nl
- rec.music.reviews
- Stewart Evans stewarte@sco.com
- rec.radio.broadcasting
- Bill Pfeiffer rrb-mod@gagme.chi.il.us
- rec.sport.cricket.scores
- K. Sankara Rao ksrao@power.eee.ndsu.nodak.edu
- sci.astro.hubble
- Paul A. Scowen scowen@wfpc3.la.asu.edu
- sci.math.research
- Daniel R. Grayson dan@math.uiuc.edu
- sci.med.aids
- Dan Greening aids-request@cs.ucla.edu
- sci.military
- Bill Thacker military-request@att.att.com
- sci.nanotech
- J. Storrs Hall (JoSH) josh@aramis.rutgers.edu
- sci.psychology.digest
- Stevan Harnad psyc-request@phoenix.princeton.edu
- sci.space.news
- Peter Yee yee@atlas.arc.nasa.gov
- sci.virtual-worlds
- Bob Jacobson virtual-worlds-request@milton.u.washington.edu
- soc.feminism
- Muffy Barkocy,
- Miriam Nadel, &
- Cindy Tittle Moore feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu
- soc.politics
- Charles McGrew poli-sci-request@rutgers.edu
- soc.politics.arms-d
- Herb Lin arms-d-request@xx.lcs.mit.edu
- soc.religion.bahai
- Aaron Nabil Eastlund, srb-mods@oneworld.wa.com
- Babak Kashef,
- Mark Towfiq, &
- Rick Troxel
- soc.religion.christian
- Charles Hedrick christian-request@aramis.rutgers.edu
- soc.religion.eastern
- Aaron Nabil & sre-request@cse.ogi.edu
- Toshi Takeuchi
- soc.religion.islam
- D. Salman Azhar, religion-islam-request@ncar.ucar.edu
- Hanan Lutfiyya,
- Asim Mughal, Basalat Ali Raja
- alt.atheism.moderated
- mathew atheism-request@mantis.co.uk
- alt.gourmand
- Brian Reid recipes-request@decwrl.dec.com
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d
- Laurence Leff mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics
- Laurence Leff mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized
- Laurence Leff mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
- bionet.announce
- Kenton Hoover biosci-announce-moderator@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.molbio.embldatabank.updates
- Kenton Hoover embl-updates@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.molbio.ddbj.updates
- Kenton Hoover ddbj-updates@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.software.sources
- Rob Harper software-sources@genbank.bio.net
- bit.listserv.big-lan
- John Wobus jmwobus@suvm.acs.syr.edu
- bit.listserv.edtech
- bit.listserv.gaynet
- Bill Cattey gaynet-request@athena.mit.edu
- bit.listserv.hellas
- Spyros D. A. Antoniou sda106@psuvm.psu.edu
- bit.listserv.l-hcap
- Bill McGarry wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
- bit.listserv.libres
- Diane Kovacs DKOVACS@KentVM.Kent.edu
- bit.listserv.new-list
- Marty Hoag INFO@VM1.NoDak.EDU
- bit.listserv.pacs-l
- bit.listserv.valert-l
- Kenneth R. van Wyk krvw@cert.org
- biz.sco.binaries
- Stuart Lynne sl@wimsey.bc.ca
- biz.sco.sources
- Micheal P. Deignan kd1hz@anomaly.sbs.risc.net
- gnu.*
- Leonard H. Tower Jr. info-gnu-request@prep.ai.mit.edu
- ieee.tcos
- Darrell Long tcos-request@cse.ucsc.edu
- resif.oracle
- Christophe Wolfhugel oracle@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
- vmsnet.announce
- Terry Poot tp@mccall.com
- vmsnet.announce.newusers
- Terry Poot tp@mccall.com
- vmsnet.sources
- Mark Berryman vmsnet-sources-request@mvb.saic.com
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Group Submissions
- :-----------------------------------------------------------------
- comp.ai.nlang-know-rep nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
- comp.ai.vision vision-list@ads.com
- comp.archives comp-archives@msen.com
- comp.binaries.acorn cba@acorn.co.nz
- comp.binaries.amiga amiga@uunet.uu.net
- comp.binaries.atari.st atari-binaries@hyperion.com
- comp.binaries.ibm.pc cbip@cs.ulowell.edu
- comp.binaries.mac macintosh%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
- comp.binaries.os2 os2bin@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
- comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes ucb-fixes@okeeffe.berkeley.edu
- comp.compilers compilers@iecc.cambridge.ma.us
- comp.dcom.telecom telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
- comp.doc comp-doc@ucsd.edu
- comp.doc.techreports compdoc-techreports@ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
- comp.graphics.research graphics@scri1.scri.fsu.edu
- comp.internet.library library@axon.cwru.edu
- comp.lang.sigplan sigplan@bellcore.com
- comp.laser-printers laser-lovers@brillig.umd.edu
- comp.mail.maps uucpmap@rutgers.edu
- comp.newprod newprod@chg.mcd.mot.com
- comp.org.eff.news effnews@eff.org
- comp.org.fidonet pozar@hop.toad.com
- comp.os.ms-windows.announce infidel+win-announce@pitt.edu
- comp.os.research osr@ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
- comp.parallel hypercube@hubcap.clemson.edu
- comp.patents patents@cs.su.oz.au
- comp.protocols.kermit info-kermit@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
- comp.research.japan japan@cs.arizona.edu
- comp.risks risks@csl.sri.com
- comp.simulation simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu
- comp.society socicom@auvm.american.edu
- comp.society.cu-digest tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu
- comp.society.folklore folklore@snark.thyrsus.com
- comp.society.privacy comp-privacy@pica.army.mil
- comp.sources.3b1 comp-sources-3b1@galaxia.network23.com
- comp.sources.acorn cba@acorn.co.nz
- comp.sources.amiga amiga@uunet.uu.net
- comp.sources.apple2 jac@paul.rutgers.edu
- comp.sources.atari.st atari-sources@hyperion.com
- comp.sources.games games@saab.cna.tek.com
- comp.sources.hp48 hp48@seq.uncwil.edu
- comp.sources.mac macintosh%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
- comp.sources.misc sources-misc@uunet.uu.net
- comp.sources.reviewed csr@calvin.dgbt.doc.ca
- comp.sources.sun sun-sources@topaz.rutgers.edu
- comp.sources.unix unix-sources-moderator@pa.dec.com
- comp.sources.x x-sources@msi.com
- comp.std.announce klensin@infoods.mit.edu
- comp.std.mumps std-mumps@pfcs.com
- comp.std.unix std-unix@uunet.uu.net
- comp.sys.acorn.announce announce@acorn.co.uk
- comp.sys.amiga.announce announce@cs.ucdavis.edu
- comp.sys.amiga.reviews amiga-reviews-submissions@math.uh.edu
- comp.sys.concurrent concurrent@bdcsys.suvl.ca.us
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest info-ibmpc@simtel20.army.mil
- comp.sys.m68k.pc info-68k@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- comp.sys.mac.announce csma@rascal.ics.utexas.edu
- comp.sys.mac.digest info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- comp.sys.next.announce csn-announce@liveware.com
- comp.sys.sun.announce sun-announce@sunworld.com
- comp.theory.info-retrieval ir-l%uccvma.bitnet@berkeley.edu
- comp.virus krvw@cert.org
- comp.windows.x.announce xannounce@expo.lcs.mit.edu
- misc.activism.progressive map@pencil.cs.missouri.edu
- misc.handicap handicap@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
- misc.news.southasia surekha@nyx.cs.du.edu
- news.admin.technical natech@zorch.sf-bay.org
- news.announce.conferences nac@tekbspa.tss.com
- news.announce.important announce@stargate.com
- news.announce.newgroups announce-newgroups@uunet.uu.net
- news.announce.newusers spaf@cs.purdue.edu
- news.answers news-answers@mit.edu
- news.lists news-lists-request@cs.purdue.edu
- news.lists.ps-maps reid@decwrl.dec.com
- rec.arts.cinema cinema@zerkalo.harvard.edu
- rec.arts.comics.info info_comic@dartmouth.edu
- rec.arts.erotica erotica@telly.on.ca
- rec.arts.movies.reviews movies@mtgzy.att.com
- rec.arts.sf.announce sf-announce@zorch.sf-bay.org
- rec.arts.sf.reviews sf-reviews@presto.ig.com
- rec.arts.startrek.info trek-info@dweeb.fx.com
- rec.audio.high-end info-high-audio@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
- rec.aviation.announce aviation-announce@peck.com
- rec.aviation.answers aviation-answers@peck.com
- rec.aviation.stories aviation-stories@peck.com
- rec.food.recipes recipes@mthvax.cs.miami.edu
- rec.games.cyber cyberrpg@veritas.com
- rec.games.frp.announce rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- rec.games.frp.archives frp-archives@rpi.edu
- rec.games.mud.announce rgm-announce@glia.biostr.washington.edu
- rec.guns magnum@flubber.cs.umd.edu
- rec.humor.funny funny@clarinet.com
- rec.humor.oracle oracle-mod@cs.indiana.edu
- rec.hunting hunting@osnome.che.wisc.edu
- rec.mag.fsfnet white@duvm.bitnet
- rec.music.gaffa love-hounds@uunet.uu.net
- rec.music.info rec-music-info@ph.tn.tudelft.nl
- rec.music.reviews music_reviews@sco.com
- rec.radio.broadcasting rrb@airwaves.chi.il.us
- rec.sport.cricket.scores cricket@power.eee.ndsu.nodak.edu
- sci.astro.hubble sah@wfpc3.la.asu.edu
- sci.math.research sci-math-research@uiuc.edu
- sci.med.aids aids@cs.ucla.edu
- sci.military military@att.att.com
- sci.nanotech nanotech@aramis.rutgers.edu
- sci.psychology.digest psyc@phoenix.princeton.edu
- sci.space.news sci-space-news@news.arc.nasa.gov
- sci.virtual-worlds virtual-worlds@milton.u.washington.edu
- soc.feminism feminism@ncar.ucar.edu
- soc.politics poli-sci@rutgers.edu
- soc.politics.arms-d arms-d@xx.lcs.mit.edu
- soc.religion.bahai srb@oneworld.wa.com
- soc.religion.christian christian@aramis.rutgers.edu
- soc.religion.eastern sre@cse.ogi.edu
- soc.religion.islam religion-islam@ncar.ucar.edu
- alt.atheism.moderated atheism@mantis.co.uk
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
- alt.comp.acad-freedom.news caf-news@eff.org
- alt.dev.null /dev/null
- alt.gourmand recipes@decwrl.dec.com
- alt.hackers /dev/null
- alt.hindu editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
- alt.hotrod hotrod@dixie.com
- alt.materials.simulation alt-materials-simulation@engin.umich.edu
- alt.politics.democrats news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
- alt.politics.democrats.clinton news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
- alt.politics.democrats.governors news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
- alt.politics.democrats.house news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
- alt.politics.democrats.senate news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
- alt.security.index kyle@uunet.uu.net
- alt.society.ati gzero@tronsbox.xei.com
- alt.sources.index kyle@uunet.uu.net
- austin.eff eff-austin-moderator@tic.com
- ba.announce ba-announce@zorch.sf-bay.org
- bionet.announce biosci-announce-moderator@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.biology.computational comp-bio-moderator@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.molbio.ddbj.updates ddbj-updates@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.molbio.embldatabank.updates embl-updates@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.molbio.genbank.updates lear@genbank.bio.net
- bionet.software.sources software-sources@genbank.bio.net
- bit.listserv.big-lan big-req@suvm.acs.syr.edu
- bit.listserv.edtech 21765EDT%MSU@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
- bit.listserv.gaynet gaynet@athena.mit.edu
- bit.listserv.hellas sda106@psuvm.psu.edu
- bit.listserv.l-hcap wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
- bit.listserv.libres librk329@KentVMS.Kent.edu
- bit.listserv.new-list NU021172@VM1.NoDak.EDU
- bit.listserv.pacs-l LIBPACS%UHUPVM1@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
- bit.listserv.valert-l krvw@cert.org
- biz.dec.decnews decnews@mr4dec.enet.dec.com
- biz.sco.announce scoannmod@xenitec.on.ca
- biz.sco.binaries sl@wimsey.bc.ca
- biz.sco.sources kd1hz@anomaly.sbs.risc.net
- biz.zeos.announce kgermann@zeos.com
- can.canet.d canet-d@canet.ca
- can.uucp.maps pathadmin@cs.toronto.edu
- comp.protocols.iso.x400.gateway ifip-gtwy-usenet@ics.uci.edu
- comp.security.announce cert@cert.org
- ddn.mgt-bulletin nic@nic.ddn.mil
- ddn.newsletter nic@nic.ddn.mil
- de.admin.lists de-admin-lists@hactar.hanse.de
- de.admin.submaps maps@flatlin.ka.sub.org
- de.comp.sources.amiga agnus@amylnd.stgt.sub.org
- de.comp.sources.misc sources@watzman.quest.sub.org
- de.comp.sources.os9 fkk@stasys.sta.sub.org
- de.comp.sources.st sources-st@watzman.quest.sub.org
- de.comp.sources.unix de-comp-sources-unix@germany.sun.com
- de.mag.chalisti ccc@sol.ccc.de
- de.newusers newusers@jattmp.nbg.sub.org
- de.org.dfn org-dfn@dfn.de
- de.org.eunet news@germany.eu.net
- de.org.sub vorstand@smurf.sub.org
- de.sci.ki hein@damon.irf.uni-dortmund.de
- de.sci.ki.mod.ki hein@damon.irf.uni-dortmund.de
- fj.announce fj-announce@junet.ad.jp
- fj.binaries fj-binaries@junet.ad.jp
- fj.binaries.x68000 fj-binaries-x68000@junet.ad.jp
- fj.guide.admin fj-guide-admin@junet.ad.jp
- fj.guide.general fj-guide-general@junet.ad.jp
- fj.guide.newusers fj-guide-newusers@junet.ad.jp
- fj.map fj-map@junet.ad.jp
- gnu.announce info-gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.bash.bug bug-bash@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.emacs.announce info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.emacs.bug bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.g++.announce info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.g++.bug bug-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.g++.lib.bug bug-lib-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.gcc.announce info-gcc@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.gcc.bug bug-gcc@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.gdb.bug bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.ghostscript.bug bug-ghostscript@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.groff.bug bug-groff@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.smalltalk.bug bug-gnu-smalltalk@prep.ai.mit.edu
- gnu.utils.bug bug-gnu-utils@prep.ai.mit.edu
- houston.weather weather-monitor@tmc.edu
- ieee.tcos tcos@cse.ucsc.edu
- info.academic.freedom caf-talk@eff.org
- info.admin usenet@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- info.bind bind@arpa.berkeley.edu
- info.brl.cad cad@brl.mil
- info.bytecounters bytecounters@venera.isi.edu
- info.cmu.tek.tcp cmu-tek-tcp@cs.cmu.edu
- info.convex info-convex@pemrac.space.swri.edu
- info.firearms firearms@cs.cmu.edu
- info.firearms.politics firearms-politics@cs.cmu.edu
- info.gated gated-people@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
- info.ietf ietf@venera.isi.edu
- info.ietf.hosts ietf-hosts@nnsc.nsf.net
- info.ietf.isoc isoc-interest@relay.sgi.com
- info.ietf.njm njm@merit.edu
- info.ietf.smtp ietf-smtp@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- info.isode isode@nic.ddn.mil
- info.jethro.tull jtull@remus.rutgers.edu
- info.labmgr labmgr@ukcc.uky.edu
- info.mach info-mach@cs.cmu.edu
- info.mh.workers mh-workers@ics.uci.edu
- info.nets info-nets@think.com
- info.nsf.grants grants@note.nsf.gov
- info.nsfnet.cert nsfnet-cert@merit.edu
- info.nysersnmp nysersnmp@nisc.nyser.net
- info.osf roma@uiuc.edu
- info.pem.dev pem-dev@tis.com
- info.ph info-ph@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
- info.rfc rfc-request@nic.ddn.mil
- info.snmp snmp@nisc.nyser.net
- info.sun.managers sun-managers@rice.edu
- info.sun.nets sun-nets@umiacs.umd.edu
- info.theorynt theorynt@vm1.nodak.edu
- info.unix.sw unix-sw-request@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- maus.gatebau jc@hb.maus.de
- mi.map uucpmap@rel.mi.org
- opinions.supreme-court opinions@uunet.uu.net
- relcom.infomarket.quote relcom-infomarket-quote@news.ussr.eu.net
- relcom.infomarket.talk relcom-infomarket-talk@news.ussr.eu.net
- relcom.jusinf relcom-jusinf@news.ussr.eu.net
- relcom.postmasters relcom-postmasters@news.ussr.eu.net
- relcom.renews relcom-renews@news.ussr.eu.net
- resif.oracle oracle@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
- sfnet.atk.flpf.tiedotukset flpf@nic.funet.fi
- sfnet.csc.tiedotukset netmgr@csc.fi
- sfnet.funet.tiedotukset toimitus@funet.fi
- sfnet.fuug.tiedotukset sfnet-fuug-tiedotukset@fuug.fi
- sfnet.harrastus.astronomia pvtmakela@cc.helsinki.fi
- sfnet.harrastus.mensa jau@cs.tut.fi
- sfnet.lists.sunflash flash@sunvice.East.Sun.COM
- sfnet.opiskelu.ymp.kurssit hoffren@cc.Helsinki.FI
- sfnet.tiede.tilastotiede.jatkokoulutus til_tied@cc.helsinki.fi
- sura.announce sura-announce@darwin.sura.net
- sura.noc.status sura-noc-status@darwin.sura.net
- sura.security sura-security@darwin.sura.net
- tamu.religion.christian shetler@eemips.tamu.edu
- tx-thenet-managers themgr-moderator@nic.the.net
- tx.maps texas-uucpmaps@tmc.edu
- uiuc.org.men uiuc-men-ml@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- uunet.alternet asp@uunet.uu.net,postman@uunet.uu.net
- uunet.announce postman@uunet.uu.net
- uunet.products postman@uunet.uu.net
- uunet.status postman@uunet.uu.net
- uunet.tech postman@uunet.uu.net
- vmsnet.announce vmsnet-announce@mccall.com
- vmsnet.announce.newusers vmsnet-announce-newusers@mccall.com
- vmsnet.sources vmsnet-sources@mvb.saic.com
- --
- Gene Spafford
- Software Engineering Research Center & Dept. of Computer Sciences
- Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
- Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu phone: (317) 494-7825