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Internet Message Format  |  1995-01-01  |  25.2 KB

  1. Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.announce.newgroups:2783 news.groups:62110 news.answers:4424
  2. Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!paperboy.osf.org!hsdndev!purdue!haven.umd.edu!uunet!bounce-back
  3. From: jik@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan I. Kamens)
  4. Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,news.answers
  5. Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: *.answers moderated newsgroups
  6. Message-ID: <1fofrgINNjp6@news.UU.NET>
  7. Date: 4 Dec 92 20:42:23 GMT
  8. Sender: tale@news.UU.NET
  9. Reply-To: mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu
  10. Followup-To: poster
  11. Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  12. Lines: 394
  13. Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu, tale@uunet.uu.net
  14. NNTP-Posting-Host: news.uu.net
  16. Archive-name: news-answers/administrivia
  18.   This is a repeat call for votes and a mass vote acknowledgement for
  19. the vote to create new *.answers newsgroups.  The first section below
  20. is a copy of the original CFV text.  The second section is a list of
  21. people whose votes have been received so far.
  23.               *************************
  25.             What the vote is about
  27.   This is a CALL FOR VOTES on the proposal to create the following
  28. moderated newsgroups:
  30.     comp.answers
  31.     misc.answers
  32.     rec.answers
  33.     sci.answers
  34.     soc.answers
  35.     talk.answers
  37. The charters of these newsgroups will be identical to the charter of
  38. news.answers, with the addition that each of these newsgroups will
  39. contain only periodic informational postings that are also posted to
  40. other newsgroups in the same hierarchy (e.g., the "comp.answers"
  41. newsgroups would contain only postings that appear in at least one
  42. other "comp" newsgroup).
  44.   The charter of news.answers, from the "Introduction to the
  45. news.answers newsgroup" posting, is as follows:
  47. >            What is news.answers?
  48. >
  49. >  The news.answers newsgroup serves as a repository in which periodic
  50. >informational postings (a.k.a "Frequently Asked Questions" postings,
  51. >or "FAQs") from other newsgroups are posted.
  52. >
  53. >  Although it's difficult to say exactly what qualifies as an FAQ that
  54. >belongs in news.answers, the basic description is, "any posting which
  55. >answers common questions and is meant to be read by humans beings."
  56. >Furthermore, FAQs cross-posted in news.answers should have meaningful
  57. >subject lines.  For example, an FAQ for rec.chess should have a
  58. >subject line saying something like "chess Frequently Asked Questions
  59. >(FAQ)," rather than just "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)."
  60. >
  61. >  For example, the comp.unix.questions "Frequently Asked Questions
  62. >about Unix - with Answers [Monthly posting]" and the
  63. >news.announce.newusers "Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on
  64. >Netiquette" belong in news.answers, as does the README file from
  65. >comp.mail.maps.  However, the comp.mail.maps map postings and the
  66. >readership statistics from news.lists do not.
  67. >
  68. >  FAQ postings from any hierarchy that travels using "USENET
  69. >mechanisms" can be cross-posted to news.answers (i.e. news.answers is
  70. >not limited to postings from the comp, sci, misc, soc, talk, news and
  71. >rec hierarchies).  If an FAQ maintainer feels that his (and I mean
  72. >that "his" in a completely politically correct, gender-neutral way, so
  73. >don't bother complaining about it) posting is of interest only to
  74. >people in its home hierarchy, then he can (try to) restrict the
  75. >distribution of the FAQ using the Distribution mechanism; if he feels
  76. >that it is of more general interest, he can avoid any Distribution
  77. >restrictions, in which case the FAQ might receive a wider distribution
  78. >that most postings in the hierarchy.  This is a pretty reasonable
  79. >thing, considering that FAQs are often considered the "distilled
  80. >wisdom" of a newsgroup or group of newsgroups, so a single FAQ from a
  81. >hierarchy might be of wider interest than the hierarchy as a whole.
  82. >
  83. >  Where there is an ambiguity, I will decide whether or not a posting
  84. >belongs in the newsgroup.
  85. >
  86. >  There are several reasons why this newsgroup exists.  They include:
  87. >
  88. >* It is easier for site administrators to keep FAQs around for a long
  89. >  time if they are all cross-posted to one newsgroup....
  90. >  Administrators can make the maximum expire time for news.answers
  91. >  very long, instead of making every newsgroup with FAQs in it have a
  92. >  long maximum expire time.
  93. >
  94. >* It is easier for sites that archive FAQs to generate their archives,
  95. >  since they will need to watch just one newsgroup rather than
  96. >  scanning the entire news spool.
  97. >
  98. >* It provides a "quick reference" for users, in several different
  99. >  respects.  Users who want to browse through the various FAQs that
  100. >  the USENET has to offer can do so in just one newsgroup.  Users who
  101. >  want to find an FAQ from a particular newsgroup but don't know its
  102. >  subject can search for that newsgroup in the headers of the articles
  103. >  in news.answers.
  104. >
  105. >* Software for retrieving FAQs can also be simplified to use
  106. >  news.answers as the basis for FAQ searches.
  108. These newsgroups are being proposed in order to make it easier for
  109. users to choose which FAQs they will and will not read, and to make it
  110. easier for administrators to choose which FAQs will be fed to their
  111. sites and which will not.
  113.   Initially, these newsgroups will be moderated by the moderator of
  114. news.answers (i.e., by me).  Eventually, I hope to find others to
  115. moderate some of the newsgroups -- I will develop a mechanism for the
  116. multiple moderators working together to keep the *.answers newsgroups
  117. consistent while dividing the labor between them.
  119.   Note that news.answers will continue to exist in its current form,
  121. even the ones that are cross-posted to other *.answers newsgroups as
  122. well.
  124.   In addition to the newsgroups being voted on here, other *.answers
  125. newsgroups will probably be created in some alternative and regional
  126. hierarchies (for example, alt.answers).  However, those groups are not
  127. being considered here because new groups in other hierarchies are not
  128. created using the guidelines under which this vote is being held.
  131.                  How to vote
  133.   In order to vote for or against this newsgroup, you must send a mail
  134. message to the address mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu (if you reply
  135. via mail to this message, your mail will be directed to that address).
  136. If your site does not understand that address, you might try:
  138.     mail-server%pit-manager.mit.edu@athena.mit.edu
  139.     mit-athena!pit-manager.mit.edu!mail-server
  140.     uunet!pit-manager.mit.edu!mail-server
  142. If none of these addresses works, talk to someone at your site who can
  143. help you address the mail properly.  Posted votes will not be counted.
  144. Votes mailed to the poster of this message will not be counted.
  146.   Your mail should contain in its body one line for each vote you want
  147. to cast.  The line should be in the format "vote newsgroup myvote",
  148. where "newsgroup" is the name of the newsgroup for which you are
  149. voting and "myvote" is either "yes", "no" or "abstain".  To vote
  150. easily, you can cut-and-paste the following lines and replace the
  151. string MYVOTE at the end of each with the vote you want to cast:
  153.     vote comp.answers MYVOTE
  154.     vote misc.answers MYVOTE
  155.     vote rec.answers MYVOTE
  156.     vote sci.answers MYVOTE
  157.     vote soc.answers MYVOTE
  158.     vote talk.answers MYVOTE
  160. A vote of "yes" indicates approval of the newsgroup.  A vote of "no"
  161. indicates opposition to it.  A vote of "abstain" cancels any previous
  162. vote for or against it.
  164.   Multiple votes from the same person should be sent from the same
  165. address, although they do not have to be sent in one E-mail message.
  166. If multiple votes for a particular group are received from the same
  167. person, the last vote received for that group is the only one counted.
  169.   You should receive a response to your vote, acknowledging its
  170. receipt, within two days.  If you do not, or if you have some other
  171. problem with voting, you can get help by sending mail to
  172. postmaster@pit-manager.mit.edu.
  175.                  When to vote
  177.   Votes received between the date in the header of this message and
  178. Sat Dec 20 23:59:59 GMT 1992 will be counted.  At least one mass
  179. acknowledgement and repeat call for votes will be posted during the
  180. voting period.
  182.               *************************
  184.   The following is a list of people for whom votes have been received
  185. as of 10PM GMT on December 2.  On the left of each line is the address
  186. from which votes were received, and on the right is a series of dots
  187. indicating which votes. 
  189.                                                             talk.answers------+
  190.                                                             soc.answers------+|
  191.                                                             sci.answers-----+||
  192.                                                             rec.answers----+|||
  193.                                                             misc.answers--+||||
  194.                                                             comp.answers-+|||||
  195.                                      vvvvvv
  196. a_rubin@dsg4.dse.beckman.com (Arthur Rubin)                              .. .
  197. adams@spss.com (Steve Adams)                                             ......
  198. al@cs.brown.edu (Andre Lehovich)                                         ......
  199. alan@nabeth.cxo.dec.com (Alan Rollow - Alan's Home for Wayward Tumbleweeds.)......
  200. alanb@vexcel.com (Alan Baxter)                                           ......
  201. allan@sunk.hc.ti.com (Allan Poindexter)                                  ......
  202. Anders.Hallberg@eua.ericsson.se (Anders Hallberg)                        ......
  203. andy@homebase.vistachrome.com                                            ......
  204. Gary Ansok <ansok@STSCI.EDU>                                             ......
  205. anson@akb.in-berlin.de                                                   ......
  206. archer@frmug.fr.mugnet.org (Vincent Archer)                              ......
  207. Arne Henrik Juul <arnej@kari.fm.unit.no>                                 ......
  208. arromdee@blaze.cs.jhu.edu                                                ......
  209. <aultj@rpi.edu>                                                          ......
  210. aw1@stade.co.uk                                                          ......
  211. Tony Zamora <azamora@cs.indiana.edu>                                     ......
  212. babe39@se01.wg2.waii.com (Brian Button)                                  ......
  213. bac@netcom.com (Brian Court)                                             ......
  214. baffa@arcetri.astro.it (Carlo Baffa)                                     ......
  215. baldwin@csservera.usna.navy.mil (J.D. Baldwin)                           ......
  216. bc338569@longs.lance.colostate.edu                                       ......
  217. Bengt Larsson <bengtl@maths.lth.se>                                      ......
  218. bharat@cs.uiuc.edu                                                       ......
  219. BIRMINGH@FNAL.FNAL.GOV (Better than a sharp stick in the eye.)           ......
  220. brian@grot.starconn.com (Brian Smithson)                                 ......
  221. Bruce.Feist@f615.n109.z1.fidonet.org (Bruce Feist)                       ....
  222. Bryan Cardoza <Bryan_Cardoza@Novell.COM>                                 ......
  223. bush@purcell.physics.upenn.edu (Judith Bush)                             ......
  224. Alexander EICHENER <C96@vm.hd-net.uni-heidelberg.de>                     ......
  225. Carl <carlj@cyclone.bt.co.uk>                                            ......
  226. carlton@husc.harvard.edu                                                 ......
  227. Charles Shub <cdash@moet.cs.colorado.edu>                                ......
  228. Chaw@cs.stanford.edu (Sudarshan S. Chawathe)                             ......
  229. chip@tct.com (Chip Salzenberg)                                           ......
  230. Chris Johnston <chris@cs.uchicago.edu>                                   ......
  231. Christophe Wolfhugel <Christophe.Wolfhugel@grasp.insa-lyon.fr>           ......
  232. Christopher Davis <ckd@eff.org>                                          ......
  233. Clive Newall <clive@asis.unimelb.EDU.AU>                                 ......
  234. Chris Marble <CMARBLE@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>                              ......
  235. "Ofer Inbar" <cos@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu>                                 ......
  236. coulman@skdad.usask.ca (Randy Coulman)                                   ......
  237. cuz@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu                                                ......
  238. cwes1@cs.aukuni.ac.nz (Clare West)                                       ......
  239. d-lewart@uiuc.edu (Daniel S. Lewart)                                     ......
  240. dacosta@prl.philips.nl (Paulo da Costa 42147)                            ......
  241. dawn@ca.dynix.com (Dawn Whiteside)                                       ......
  242. devon!paul@vax.cs.pitt.edu                                               ......
  243. dflowers@caltech.edu                                                     . ...
  244. dob@inel.gov (Dave Brooks)                                               ......
  245. dosborn@sis.usc.edu (Doug Osborn)                                        .. .
  246. eastick@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Doug Eastick)                           ......
  247. eduardo.rodriguez@dcc.uchile.cl (Eduardo Rodriguez)                      ......
  248. emcguire@intellection.com (Ed McGuire)                                   ......
  249. Ephraim Vishniac <ephraim@Think.COM>                                     ......
  250. Greg Franklin <F67700241@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU>                               ......
  251. David John Kunz <farif@halcyon.halcyon.com>                              ......
  252. William C Fenner <fenner@cs.psu.edu>                                     ......
  253. follick@jemez.eece.unm.edu                                               ......
  254. frampton@vicuna.ocunix.on.ca                                             ......
  255. frederic@safe.ia.gov (^ILeon Frederick - DSB^I)                          ...
  256. Geoff Allen <geoff@pmafire.inel.gov>                                     . ..
  257. gibbsm@ll.mit.edu (MargAret D. Gibbs)                                    ......
  258. gjb@bullit.void.oz.au (Greg Black)                                       .. .
  259. Gerben 'P' Vos <gpvos@cs.vu.nl>                                          ......
  260. grabiner@math.harvard.edu                                                ......
  261. graham@cs.washington.edu (Stephen Graham)                                ......
  262. gregf@tfs.COM (Greg Faulk)                                               ......
  263. grether@cvtserv1.verfahrenstechnik.uni-stuttgart.de (Bernd Grether (sorescu))......
  264. gritton@byu.edu                                                          ......
  265. heiby@chg.mcd.mot.com (Ron Heiby)                                        ......
  266. heiko@groucho.chemie.fu-berlin.de (Heiko Schlichting)                    ......
  267. heinau@groucho.chemie.fu-berlin.de (Vera Heinau)                         ......
  268. B.J.  19-Nov-1992 1750 <herbison@erlang.enet.dec.com>                    ......
  269. Herve.Schauer@ensta.fr (Herve Schauer)                                   ......
  270. huff@MCCLB0.MED.NYU.EDU (Edward J. Huff)                                 ......
  271. ian@airs.com (Ian Lance Taylor)                                          ......
  272. Ian Rogers <ianr@cogs.sussex.ac.uk>                                      ......
  273. irilyth@FENRIS.CLAREMONT.EDU (Josh Smith)                                ......
  274. Irving_Wolfe <Irving_Wolfe@happy-man.com>                                ......
  275. iwj@cam-orl.co.uk (Ian Jackson)                                          ......
  276. J Lee Jaap <J.L.Jaap@larc.nasa.gov>                                      ......
  277. jamesm@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Mark James)                                     ......
  278. bagend!jan@gatech.edu (Jan Isley)                                        ......
  279. John Bartol <jbart@jbartol.zadall>                                       ......
  280. jbettis@cse.unl.edu (jeremy bettis)                                      .... .
  281. Juergen Christoffel <jc@slim.gmd.de>                                     ......
  282. John DiMarco <jdd@cdf.toronto.edu>                                       ......
  283. jduncan@jupiter.nmt.edu (John Duncan)                                    ......
  284. jgm@cs.brown.edu (Jonathan Monsarrat)                                    ......
  285. jh@nbn.com (John Harkin)                                                 ......
  286. jhawk@panix.com (John Hawkinson)                                         ....
  287. "Jonathan I. Kamens" <jik@pit-manager.MIT.EDU>                           ......
  288. James Mathiesen <JIM@BROWNVM.brown.edu>                                  ......
  289. jjf@dsbc.icl.co.uk (J J Farrell)                                         ......
  290. Jay Maynard <jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu>                               ......
  291. jms@tardis.Tymnet.COM (Joe Smith)                                        ......
  292. <joel@postgres.berkeley.edu>                                             ......
  293. Johann.Tonsing@ee.up.ac.za                                               ......
  294. john@iastate.edu                                                         ......
  295. Lord Yak Da Hairy <johny@cogs.sussex.ac.uk>                              ......
  296. Jonathan Gowland <jonog@g2syd.genasys.com.au>                            ......
  297. jra@barracuda.wti.com (Jim Atkinson)                                     ......
  298. jrb4599@usl.edu (Blackwell James R)                                      .....
  299. kaminski@netcom.com (Peter Kaminski)                                     ......
  300. "Neeran M. Karnik" <karnik@cs.umn.edu>                                   ......
  301. karsten@tfl.dk                                                           ......
  302. Kelly Derek Deyoe <kdeyoe+@cmu.edu>                                      ......
  303. echelon!kees@relay.nluug.nl (Kees Hendrikse)                             ......
  304. kmc@netcom.com (Kevin McCarty)                                           ... ..
  305. konrad@mace.cc.purdue.edu (Bill Konrad)                                  ......
  306. Karleenus Schwartz Davis <ksdavis@silver.ucs.indiana.edu>                ......
  307. leo@ph.tn.tudelft.nl                                                     ......
  308. lhdsy1!lhdsy1.lahabra.chevron.com!shc@uunet.UU.NET                       ......
  309. linimon@lonesome.com (Mark Linimon)                                      ......
  310. Lisa Bjarke <lisa@wilbur.dfrf.nasa.gov>                                  ......
  311. lwv26@cas.org (Larry W. Virden, x2487)                                   ......
  312. Danny Schwendener <macman@bernina.ethz.ch>                               ......
  313. Magnus Olsson <magnus@thep.lu.se>                                        ......
  314. Jeff Makey <makey@VisiCom.COM>                                           ......
  315. Marc.Desrochers@BRI.NRC.CA                                               ......
  316. markus@mwhh.hanse.de (Markus Witt)                                       ......
  317. marthag@athena.mit.edu                                                   ......
  318. matwood@labhp13.cs.utah.edu (Mark Atwood)                                ......
  319. mbm@dsbc.icl.co.uk (Malcolm Mladenovic)                                  ......
  320. Dan McDonald <MCDONALD@dallas.sil.org>                                   ......
  321. mcgregoa@COGNOS.COM (Alayne McGregor)                                    ......
  322. Martha Gunnarson <mg@wpi.edu>                                            .. ...
  323. mgfrank@avernus.com (Marc G. Frank)                                      ......
  324. Magnus Holmberg <mho@stacken.kth.se>                                     ......
  325. mhpower@Athena.MIT.EDU                                                   ......
  326. Michael.Shields@p1638.f349.n109.z1.fidonet.org (Michael Shields)         ......
  327. Martin Merry <mjm@hplb.hpl.hp.com>                                       ......
  328. Michael Quinn <MJQUINNUCC.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu>                         ......
  329. mmt@RedBrick.COM (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS)                                  ......
  330. Monty Solomon <monty@proponent.com>                                      ......
  331. mphbj639@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu (Stephen Cristol)                          ......
  332. muir@cogsci.Berkeley.EDU (David Muir Sharnoff)                           ......
  333. Melissa Wauford <mwauford@UTKUX1.UTK.EDU>                                ......
  334. Helge Nareid <nareid@due.unit.no>                                        ......
  335. neilb@scs.leeds.ac.uk                                                    ......
  336. Ommund Oegaard <oegaard@itk.unit.no>                                     ......
  337. "M. Otto" <OTTO@vaxb.acs.unt.edu>                                        ......
  338. Peter Craig <P.S.Craig@durham.ac.uk>                                     ......
  339. pa@appmag.com (Pierre Asselin)                                           ......
  340. pae@stortek.com (Phil Earnhardt)                                         ......
  341. Paul Wells <pfw@wellserv.gwinnett.COM>                                   ......
  342. Phil.Richards@prg.ox.ac.uk                                               ......
  343. phoffman@holonet.net (Paul E. Hoffman)                                   ......
  344. pierre@kaboom.PRPA.Philips.COM (Pierre Uszynski)                         ......
  345. prc <prc@gec-mrc.co.uk>                                                  ......
  346. Paul W Schleck KD3FU <pschleck@cwis.unomaha.edu>                         ......
  347. Pirawat Watanapongse <pw@cacs.usl.edu>                                   ......
  348. Joshua Randall <randall-joshua@YALE.EDU>                                 ......
  349. ron c carman <rccarm00@mik.uky.edu>                                      ......
  350. red@uhura.neoucom.EDU (Richard E. Depew)                                 ......
  351. rei2!fox@uunet.uu.net                                                    ......
  352. rhb@mstr.hgc.edu (Roger H. Brown)                                        ......
  353. rich@boreas.whoi.edu (Richard Pawlowicz)                                 ......
  354. Richard.Mathews@West.Sun.COM (Richard M. Mathews)                        ......
  355. rick@crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu (Richard H. Miller)                         ......
  356. rissa@world.std.com (Patricia O Tuama)                                   ......
  357. rnichols@ihlpm.att.com (Robert K Nichols)                                .
  358. roder@cco.caltech.edu (Brenda J. Roder)                                  ......
  359. roger@prosun.first.gmd.de (Roger Holst)                                  ......
  360. romero@stat.tamu.edu (Ron Romero)                                        ......
  361. Eric Rossing <rossing@cs.hope.edu>                                       ......
  362. rowan@rigel.EPM.ORNL.GOV (Tom Rowan)                                     ......
  363. rrl@oclc.org (Ralph Levan)                                               ......
  364. rsk@gynko.circ.upenn.edu (Rich Kulawiec)                                 ......
  365. rthomson@dsd.es.com (Rich Thomson)                                       ......
  366. rtw@mtuxj.att.com                                                        ......
  367. rv@cs.brown.edu (rodrigo vanegas)                                        ......
  368. rwhitby@research.canon.oz.au (Rod Whitby)                                ......
  369. Sam.Falkner@Central.Sun.COM (Sam Falkner)                                ......
  370. sarel@ford.ee.up.ac.za (Sarel Lugtenburg)                                ......
  371. sartin@88OPEN.ORG                                                        ......
  372. Saul Tannenbaum <SAUL_SY@hnrc.tufts.edu>                                 ......
  373. scott@zorch.sf-bay.org (Scott Hazen Mueller)                             ......
  374. shrdlu@willow.sdd.trw.com (Lynda L. True)                                ......
  375. simona@panix.com (Simona Nass)                                           ......
  376. sjsmith@cs.UMD.EDU (Stephen Joseph Smith)                                ......
  377. Seth the Lesser <slb22@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu>                           ......
  378. Jason Hunsaker <SLHW4@CC.USU.EDU>                                        ......
  379. slootman@evs2.uia.ac.be (Wim Slootmans)                                  .  ..
  380. Marc Moorcroft <smarry@zooid.guild.org>                                  .  . .
  381. sp0mikpa@edit.his.se (Mikael Parknert)                                   ......
  382. sridhar@asuvax.eas.asu.edu (Sridhar Venkataraman)                        ......
  383. srogers@tad.eds.com (Steve Rogers)                                       ......
  384. Stefan Linnemann <Stefan.Linnemann@cri.leidenuniv.nl>                    ......
  385. Stephan Niemz <stephan@sunlab.ka.sub.org>                                ......
  386. Stephen Hebditch <steveh@orbital.demon.co.uk>                            ......
  387. stu@valinor.mythical.com (Stu Labovitz)                                  ......
  388. tam@pythia.itkp.uni-bonn.de                                              ......
  389. Morten Tandle <tandle@pvv.unit.no>                                       ......
  390. tim@animal.gcs.co.nz (Tim Frost)                                         ......
  391. Timothy VanFosson <timv@ccad.uiowa.edu>                                  ......
  392. tjn@iastate.edu                                                          ......
  393. tom_limoncelli@Warren.MENTORG.COM                                        ......
  394. tony@microware.co.uk (Tony Mountifield)                                  ......
  395. tonyd@ssc60.sbwk.nj.us (Tony DeBari)                                     ......
  396. "Tony (T.) Rice" <trice@bnr.ca>                                          ......
  397. Tim Pierce <twpierce@unix.amherst.edu>                                   ......
  398. UHAH013@VAX.RHBNC.AC.UK                                                  ......
  399. wangc@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Carol Wang)                                      .  ...
  400. werner@cs.utexas.edu (Werner Uhrig)                                      ......
  401. werner@SOE.Berkeley.Edu (John Werner)                                    ......
  402. wirzeniu@cc.helsinki.fi (Lars Wirzenius)                                 ......
  403. wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl (Willem Jan Withagen)                                  ..
  404. wombat@nfinit.enet.dec.com                                               ......
  405. (The Crossjammer) <xjam@cork.CS.Berkeley.EDU>                            ......
  406. "Yvonne Y. Yang" <yyy2t@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU>                         ......
  407. -- 
  408. Jonathan Kamens                                         jik@MIT.Edu
  409. MIT Information Systems/Athena              Moderator, news.answers