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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu sci.astro:28934 sci.space:51988 news.answers:4375
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- From: leech@mahler.cs.unc.edu (Jon Leech)
- Newsgroups: sci.astro,sci.space,news.answers
- Subject: Space FAQ 06/15 - Constants and Equations
- Keywords: Frequently Asked Questions
- Message-ID: <constants_723318204@cs.unc.edu>
- Date: 2 Dec 92 17:43:30 GMT
- Expires: 6 Jan 93 17:43:24 GMT
- References: <diffs_723318039@cs.unc.edu>
- Sender: news@cs.unc.edu
- Followup-To: poster
- Organization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Lines: 173
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Supersedes: <constants_720641735@cs.unc.edu>
- Archive-name: space/constants
- Last-modified: $Date: 92/12/02 12:34:33 $
- This list was originally compiled by Dale Greer. Additions would be
- appreciated.
- Numbers in parentheses are approximations that will serve for most
- blue-skying purposes.
- Unix systems provide the 'units' program, useful in converting
- between different systems (metric/English, etc.)
- 7726 m/s (8000) -- Earth orbital velocity at 300 km altitude
- 3075 m/s (3000) -- Earth orbital velocity at 35786 km (geosync)
- 6378 km (6400) -- Mean radius of Earth
- 1738 km (1700) -- Mean radius of Moon
- 5.974e24 kg (6e24) -- Mass of Earth
- 7.348e22 kg (7e22) -- Mass of Moon
- 1.989e30 kg (2e30) -- Mass of Sun
- 3.986e14 m^3/s^2 (4e14) -- Gravitational constant times mass of Earth
- 4.903e12 m^3/s^2 (5e12) -- Gravitational constant times mass of Moon
- 1.327e20 m^3/s^2 (13e19) -- Gravitational constant times mass of Sun
- 384401 km ( 4e5) -- Mean Earth-Moon distance
- 1.496e11 m (15e10) -- Mean Earth-Sun distance (Astronomical Unit)
- 1 megaton (MT) TNT = about 4.2e15 J or the energy equivalent of
- about .05 kg (50 gm) of matter. Ref: J.R Williams, "The Energy Level
- of Things", Air Force Special Weapons Center (ARDC), Kirtland Air
- Force Base, New Mexico, 1963. Also see "The Effects of Nuclear
- Weapons", compiled by S. Glasstone and P.J. Dolan, published by the
- US Department of Defense (obtain from the GPO).
- Where d is distance, v is velocity, a is acceleration, t is time.
- For constant acceleration
- d = d0 + vt + .5at^2
- v = v0 + at
- v^2 = 2ad
- Acceleration on a cylinder (space colony, etc.) of radius r and
- rotation period t:
- a = 4 pi**2 r / t^2
- For circular Keplerian orbits where:
- Vc = velocity of a circular orbit
- Vesc = escape velocity
- M = Total mass of orbiting and orbited bodies
- G = Gravitational constant (defined below)
- u = G * M (can be measured much more accurately than G or M)
- K = -G * M / 2 / a
- r = radius of orbit (measured from center of mass of system)
- V = orbital velocity
- P = orbital period
- a = semimajor axis of orbit
- Vc = sqrt(M * G / r)
- Vesc = sqrt(2 * M * G / r) = sqrt(2) * Vc
- V^2 = u/a
- P = 2 pi/(Sqrt(u/a^3))
- K = 1/2 V**2 - G * M / r (conservation of energy)
- The period of an eccentric orbit is the same as the period
- of a circular orbit with the same semi-major axis.
- Change in velocity required for a plane change of angle phi in a
- circular orbit:
- delta V = 2 sqrt(GM/r) sin (phi/2)
- Energy to put mass m into a circular orbit (ignores rotational
- velocity, which reduces the energy a bit).
- GMm (1/Re - 1/2Rcirc)
- Re = radius of the earth
- Rcirc = radius of the circular orbit.
- Classical rocket equation, where
- dv = change in velocity
- Isp = specific impulse of engine
- Ve = exhaust velocity
- x = reaction mass
- m1 = rocket mass excluding reaction mass
- g = 9.80665 m / s^2
- Ve = Isp * g
- dv = Ve * ln((m1 + x) / m1)
- = Ve * ln((final mass) / (initial mass))
- Relativistic rocket equation (constant acceleration)
- t (unaccelerated) = c/a * sinh(a*t/c)
- d = c**2/a * (cosh(a*t/c) - 1)
- v = c * tanh(a*t/c)
- Relativistic rocket with exhaust velocity Ve and mass ratio MR:
- at/c = Ve/c * ln(MR), or
- t (unaccelerated) = c/a * sinh(Ve/c * ln(MR))
- d = c**2/a * (cosh(Ve/C * ln(MR)) - 1)
- v = c * tanh(Ve/C * ln(MR))
- Converting from parallax to distance:
- d (in parsecs) = 1 / p (in arc seconds)
- d (in astronomical units) = 206265 / p
- Miscellaneous
- f=ma -- Force is mass times acceleration
- w=fd -- Work (energy) is force times distance
- Atmospheric density varies as exp(-mgz/kT) where z is altitude, m is
- molecular weight in kg of air, g is local acceleration of gravity, T
- is temperature, k is Bolztmann's constant. On Earth up to 100 km,
- d = d0*exp(-z*1.42e-4)
- where d is density, d0 is density at 0km, is approximately true, so
- d@12km (40000 ft) = d0*.18
- d@9 km (30000 ft) = d0*.27
- d@6 km (20000 ft) = d0*.43
- d@3 km (10000 ft) = d0*.65
- Titius-Bode Law for approximating planetary distances:
- R(n) = 0.4 + 0.3 * 2^N Astronomical Units (N = -infinity for
- Mercury, 0 for Venus, 1 for Earth, etc.)
- This fits fairly well except for Neptune.
- 6.62618e-34 J-s (7e-34) -- Planck's Constant "h"
- 1.054589e-34 J-s (1e-34) -- Planck's Constant / (2 * PI), "h bar"
- 1.3807e-23 J/K (1.4e-23) - Boltzmann's Constant "k"
- 5.6697e-8 W/m^2/K (6e-8) -- Stephan-Boltzmann Constant "sigma"
- 6.673e-11 N m^2/kg^2 (7e-11) -- Newton's Gravitational Constant "G"
- 0.0029 m K (3e-3) -- Wien's Constant "sigma(W)"
- 3.827e26 W (4e26) -- Luminosity of Sun
- 1370 W / m^2 (1400) -- Solar Constant (intensity at 1 AU)
- 6.96e8 m (7e8) -- radius of Sun
- 1738 km (2e3) -- radius of Moon
- 299792458 m/s (3e8) -- speed of light in vacuum "c"
- 9.46053e15 m (1e16) -- light year
- 206264.806 AU (2e5) -- \
- 3.2616 light years (3) -- --> parsec
- 3.0856e16 m (3e16) -- /
- Black Hole radius (also called Schwarzschild Radius):
- 2GM/c^2, where G is Newton's Grav Constant, M is mass of BH,
- c is speed of light
- Things to add (somebody look them up!)
- Basic rocketry numbers & equations
- Aerodynamical stuff
- Energy to put a pound into orbit or accelerate to interstellar
- velocities.
- Non-circular cases?
- Atmosphere scale height for various planets.
- NEXT: FAQ #7/15 - Astronomical Mnemonics