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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.groupware:1588 news.answers:4611
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!usenet
- From: david@ruc.dk (David Stodolsky)
- Newsgroups: comp.groupware,news.answers
- Subject: Introduction to comp.groupware (Periodic informational Posting)
- Supersedes: <groupware-intro_723276131@athena.mit.edu>
- Followup-To: comp.groupware
- Date: 15 Dec 1992 18:59:52 GMT
- Organization: Roskilde University
- Lines: 321
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Distribution: world
- Expires: 12 Jan 1993 18:59:02 GMT
- Message-ID: <groupware-intro_724445942@athena.mit.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
- Summary: Guidelines for posting to the Usenet newsgroup comp.groupware.
- Keywords: CSCW, orgware, group, interactive, shared, environments
- X-Last-Updated: 1992/10/06
- Archive-name: groupware-intro
- Last-modified: 1992/10/6
- Version: 1.2
- Please read carefully:
- Any article posted to comp.groupware uses a minimum of ten hours of
- readers' time. Do not post test messages to comp.groupware (see section
- 5 below).
- This article is posted automatically every 14 days to introduce the
- group to the more than one thousand new readers that have subscribed
- during that period.
- ---------------- Contents (and revision information) ------------
- Sections in this article (Revised in last modification)
- 0. Groupware is software and hardware for shared interactive
- environments. (Revised ordering of paragraphs)
- 1. Set your distribution to "world".
- 2. Sign your article.
- 3. Comp.groupware is being archived. (Revised)
- 4. If you are posting copyrighted work...
- 5. Authors should refer to "Guidelines for posting on Usenet"...
- (Revised)
- 6. When you reply to a message, do not change the subject line...
- 7. Comp.groupware is read by over 47,000 people.
- ------------ End of Contents (and revision information) ----------
- 0. Groupware is software and hardware for shared interactive
- environments.
- The term "environment" includes software and hardware that sets the
- context for interaction. Hardware can include specially designed
- furnishings and architectural spaces that are considered integral to
- correct utilization of a given software application. A groupware
- application may require a specific organizational environment to
- function as expected. More powerful applications can adapt to, or
- overcome limitations of, their environments.
- The term "interactive" is used to indicate that time constraints are
- managed by the system. Many groupware applications appear to support
- real-time interaction. Others merely enforce deadlines that can span
- weeks. In either case, the technical limitations on the pace of
- interaction are made (to appear) negligible in terms of the objectives
- of the application. Systems that exclude reference to real time are not
- groupware applications.
- The term "shared" indicates that two or more participants interact with
- one another in such a manner that each person influences and is
- influenced by each other person. No upper limit in the number of
- participants is indicated, because mediated groups, as opposed to
- natural ones, can maintain joint awareness with very large numbers of
- persons. (Joint awareness is one way that "group" is defined.) An
- objective of some groupware applications is to increase the number of
- persons that can interact "as a group".
- Some definitions of groupware include the notion of a common goal. While
- all systems require some agreement among participants (at minimum that
- they should be jointly used), interactions can be predominately
- conflictual. Management of conflict is often a crucial feature of a
- groupware system. Vote collecting systems are an example.
- Definitions:
- Group - Two or more persons who are interacting
- with one another in such a manner that each person
- influences and is influenced by each other person
- (Shaw, M. E. _Group dynamics: The psychology of
- small group behaviour_. 1976, p. 11).
- Ware - 1 a) manufactured articles, products of art
- or craft.... b) an article of merchandise.... 3) an
- intangible item (as a service) that is a marketable
- commodity. (_Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary_,
- 1976, p. 1319).
- 1. Set your distribution to "world". Comp.groupware is delivered to all
- continents. Do not limit your chances for feedback by restricting
- distribution. Restricted distribution can cause confusion when people
- read responses to articles they have not seen. If you notice an article
- has a restricted distribution, inform the poster by mail.
- If you are restricted from posting to "world" by your administrator,
- request a change in your privileges, at least for this newsgroup. If
- refused, determine what your rights are in terms of appeal, based upon
- information available at your site. An alternative is to use the Net to
- find information and persons to contact concerning your rights.
- Try the newsgroups:
- comp.org.eff.news
- comp.org.eff.talk
- misc.legal.computing
- alt.society.civil-liberty
- alt.comp.acad-freedom.news
- alt.society.cu-digest
- A frequently asked questions file can be retrieved by sending email to:
- archive-server@eff.org,
- include the line "send caf-faq netnews.writing".
- Information about the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) can be
- requested from eff@eff.org. You can also retrieve information about EFF
- and its projects via anonymous FTP from ftp.eff.org.
- As a final resort, send a summary of your case to:
- Carl Kadie (kadie@eff.org)
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- 155 Second Street
- Cambridge, MA 02141, USA
- Tel.: +1 (617) 864-0665
- Fax: +1 (617) 864-0866.
- If you can send email off-site, you can post using a Usenet-news mail
- server. Email to "comp-groupware@ucbvax.berkeley.edu" is posted with the
- subject line of your letter becoming the subject line of the article.
- (Note: "." in the newsgroup name is written as "-".) This allows you to
- post to a newsgroup even if you have read-only access to Network News.
- 2. Sign your article. Each name should have one and only one user. If
- the article is a joint product, indicate this at the beginning and end
- of the article. Some news reading programs allow certain names to be to
- be automatically selected. Help the reader by using the same name at all
- times. This will improve the chances that people will read your
- articles.
- The signature should include complete name, address, and telephone
- number (this allows quick verification in case forgery is suspected).
- E-mail addresses ought to be included in the signature in case headers
- get munged. Another nice feature is geographical coordinates, so the
- time zone can be determined (useful in telephoning). The signature
- should be limited to four lines as is suggested practice on Usenet.
- 3. Comp.groupware is being archived. Selected discussions will be
- reprinted in the _Writings on Computer Science_ (_Datalogiske Skrifter_)
- working paper series available from the Institute of Geography,
- Socio-economic Analysis, and Computer Science, Roskilde University, Post
- Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark (ISSN 0109-9779-xx). Material
- appearing in the series can be published elsewhere.
- Authors will not be contacted individually before publication, but the
- draft will be posted to comp.groupware for comment and correction before
- being sent to the printer. All articles will be reproduced exactly as
- posted (headers may be included, and parts (e.g., data sets) may be
- moved to appendices and other changes making the articles more suitable
- for printing may be made).
- tvv@ncsc.org (Terry Myerson) began archiving comp.groupware 92.10.6.
- The archive is available by anonymous ftp from:
- avs.ncsc.org ( )
- in the directory:
- ~ftp/newsgroups/comp.groupware
- The archives are in mail folders named MONTH_YEAR.
- For example, to peruse all of the postings in the month of
- October, you could download the archive Oct_92, and execute
- % Mail -f Oct_92
- Articles from comp.groupware are also available by anonymous FTP from:
- gorm.ruc.dk
- in the directory:
- ~groupware/art/comp/groupware/
- Login as "anonymous" and give your user name as your password.
- Those without FTP access should send e-mail to:
- mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- with "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body to find out
- how to do FTP by e-mail.
- 4. If you are posting copyrighted work, indicate at the beginning of the
- article whether permission has been obtained. If you do not want an
- article reproduced, indicate this (e.g., Copyright - Net distribution
- only).
- 5. Authors should refer to "Guidelines for posting on Usenet" in the
- newsgroup "news.announce.newusers" to make sure they know to spell check
- their articles, etc. "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions",
- "Introduction to news.announce", "Hints on writing style for Usenet"
- available in the same newsgroup also contain information for new users.
- Do not post test messages to comp.groupware. There are special groups
- for testing. And tests should be as limited in their distribution as
- possible. This is basic information from "Guidelines for posting on
- Usenet". Posting of test messages inappropriately is considered abusive
- and will cause a loss of readership for your articles.
- Always use your Subject line to state the *topic* of your article as
- completely as possible (e.g., "Macintosh II voice-mail based real-time
- meeting software ready.", rather than "Meeting software"). Summary lines
- should indicate *what* your message says about the topic (e.g., "New
- meeting coordination software available via anonymous FTP"). Statements
- should always end with periods, questions with question marks
- (typically), and high energy, high impact declarations with exclamation
- points. These rules makes articles much easier for recipients to handle
- appropriately.
- If you ask a question, your subject line should include "question",
- "query", "(Q)" or should end with a "?". Questions should clearly
- explain your problem and surrounding issues. Otherwise, you will simply
- waste the time of those who want to help you. Tell people the kind of
- work you are doing or contemplating doing. This helps them provide the
- information you need. Indicate what efforts, if any, you have made thus
- far, and what information was found.
- Subject, Summary, and Keyword headers are scanned by many news reading
- programs, thus permitting readers to find your article easily. You will
- have your articles read more often if you select these carefully.
- 6. When you reply to a message, do not change the subject line or
- redirect follow-ups (unless you are changing the subject). Such changes
- make it harder for some news readers to follow the threads in a
- discussion. Include a "Summary" line which indicates specifically what
- your message says. This permits your article to be found even if it is a
- follow-up to an article with poorly chosen subject and keyword
- information.
- Please, do not post responses to articles you feel are inappropriate or
- abusive. (If you can not resist, consider alt.flame as an alternative
- newsgroup for your article [it has greater readership than
- comp.groupware]). If the author is not saying anything worth reading,
- enter the name in your "kill" file, and then no more of your time will
- be wasted by that person. If you feel that the author is saying
- something worth reading, but in an inappropriate way, respond by mail.
- Tell the author what you think is incorrect about the article. If
- possible, suggest how to accomplish the objective in an appropriate way
- (e. g., post to another newsgroup). If you have responded to a person by
- mail a few times without the desired effect, and you feel that the group
- as a whole could benefit by a solution to the problem, only then should
- you post an article. The nature of your article should be a suggestion,
- if possible, of how such problems can be avoided in the future.
- 7. Comp.groupware is read by over 47,000 people. Consider the cost to
- readers of any post. If even an obviously inappropriate article is
- distributed, one that just takes readers a few seconds to scan, and then
- skip or kill, the total time used is still large. With 36,000 readers, a
- post that takes an average of 1 second for each reader to deal with (i.
- e., examining the subject line) means a total of ten hours used (36,000
- seconds / 3,600 seconds/hour = 10 hours). If the article uses up an
- average of four seconds, then the total time expenditure is 40 hours,
- the equivalent of a work week. This is probably the minimum time
- expenditure on any article that is even selected for scanning. So, if
- you spend a week preparing an article and then post it to
- comp.groupware, there will be a balance between your time investment and
- that used by readers, even if they only scan your article and make no
- response. The lack of a separate feedback channel is an unfortunate
- deficiency in the Network News system as it is currently structured.
- This analysis should not discourage anyone from posting a simple
- question. Some of the most interesting and valuable exchanges in
- comp.groupware have resulted from such questions. However, authors must
- not make such requests unnecessarily. On the other hand, a carefully
- prepared article or a report of an extensive project may not receive any
- comment at all. This could mean that the article is clear and error
- free. It could also mean it was not of sufficient interest to anyone to
- be read in detail. What can be assumed is that it was seriously
- considered. This is a result of the currently low traffic level in
- comp.groupware and high quality of articles posted.
- If your email reply to an author fails, try again using information in
- the signature lines. An X.500 directory information server can be
- consulted to find a person's email address. Read the informational
- article, "How to find people's email addresses" (in the newsgroup
- "news.answers"), so you know to contact the postmaster at the site of
- the person you are trying to reach, and so on. Do not post a reply until
- you have tried to reach the author by telephone, facsimile, or paper
- mail. If these fail, ask yourself if getting the reply through is worth
- ten hours of readers' time. If so, post the message. Do not post a
- message asking a person to send you an email address, unless your letter
- must be kept private (If this is true, consider using encryption). If it
- is not of general interest, use only the person's name as the subject
- (e.g., "To: Foo Bar"). If other readers might find it interesting, also
- give full subject information.
- Similarly, do not broadcast requests for information you can obtain from
- a known source. Requests such as, "What are the contents of book Foo
- published by Bar" are not appropriate. This information can normally be
- obtained by a short telephone call and a few minutes of work by someone
- being paid to provide that service. Let's not deprive someone of a job
- and at the same time get comp.groupware readers fired because they are
- wasting all their time reading unnecessary articles :-).
- Post long articles as a single unit if they are less than 30,000
- characters. Otherwise, post separate sections as follow-ups to the
- first, breaking at meaningful places. This permits the sections to be
- treated as a single unit, thus minimizing expenditure of attention on
- the article. The cost of transmitting articles is negligible, so long
- posts that take one second to delete "cost" the same as short ones.
- Disregarding these considerations or a lack of self discipline in
- following them will result in defensive attention management. That is,
- certain authors will not be read at all by many readers or valuable
- discussions will take place by email instead of being posted. This would
- have the unfortunate effect of fractionating the joint awareness that
- permits the comp.groupware readership to function as a group. Thus, it
- is recommended that authors who prefer entertainment to rigor in their
- news reading, post to other newsgroups.
- -------
- This article compiled with assistance from numerous readers of
- comp.groupware.
- Corrections, comments, and suggestions to:
- David S. Stodolsky Messages: + 45 46 75 77 11 x 24 41
- Department of Computer Science Tel: + 45 31 95 92 82
- Bldg. 20.1, Roskilde University Center Internet: david@ruc.dk
- Post Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Fax: + 45 46 75 42 01