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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.ai.neural-nets:8664 news.answers:4240
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!ira.uka.de!uka!prechelt
- From: prechelt@i41s14.ira.uka.de (Lutz Prechelt)
- Newsgroups: comp.ai.neural-nets,news.answers
- Subject: FAQ in comp.ai.neural-nets -- monthly posting
- Supersedes: <nn.posting_720242283@i41s14.ira.uka.de>
- Followup-To: comp.ai.neural-nets
- Date: 28 Nov 1992 03:17:01 GMT
- Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Lines: 1609
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 2 Jan 1993 03:18:03 GMT
- Message-ID: <nn.posting_722920683@i41s14.ira.uka.de>
- Reply-To: prechelt@ira.uka.de (Lutz Prechelt)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: i41s18.ira.uka.de
- Keywords: questions, answers, terminology, bibliography
- Originator: prechelt@i41s18
- Archive-name: neural-net-faq
- Last-modified: 92/11/13
- (FAQ means "Frequently Asked Questions")
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Anybody who is willing to contribute any question or
- information, please email me; if it is relevant,
- I will incorporate it. But: Please format your contribution
- appropriately so that I can just drop it in.
- The monthly posting departs at the 28th of every month.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is a monthly posting to the Usenet newsgroup comp.ai.neural-nets
- (and news.answers, where it should be findable at ANY time)
- Its purpose is to provide basic information for individuals who are
- new to the field of neural networks or are just beginning to read this
- group. It shall help to avoid lengthy discussion of questions that usually
- arise for beginners of one or the other kind.
- and
- This posting is archived in the periodic posting archive on
- "pit-manager.mit.edu" [] (and on some other hosts as well).
- Look in the anonymous ftp directory "/pub/usenet/news.answers",
- the filename is as given in 'Archive-name:' header above.
- If you do not have anonymous ftp access, you can access the archives
- by mail server as well. Send an E-mail message to
- mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu with "help" and "index" in the body on
- separate lines for more information.
- The monthly posting is not meant to discuss any topic exhaustively.
- Disclaimer: This posting is provided 'as is'.
- No warranty whatsoever is expressed or implied,
- especially, no warranty that the information contained herein
- is correct or useful in any way, although both is intended.
- >> To find the answer of question number <x> (if present at all), search
- >> for the string "-A<x>.)" (so the answer to question 12 is at "-A12.)")
- And now, in the end, we begin:
- ============================== Questions ==============================
- (the short forms and non-continous numbering is intended)
- 1.) What is this newsgroup for ? How shall it be used ?
- 2.) What is a neural network (NN) ?
- 3.) What can you do with a Neural Network and what not ?
- 4.) Who is concerned with Neural Networks ?
- 6.) What does 'backprop' mean ?
- 7.) How many learning methods for NNs exist ? Which ?
- 8.) What about Genetic Algorithms ?
- 10.) Good introductory literature about Neural Networks ?
- 11.) Any journals and magazines about Neural Networks ?
- 12.) The most important conferences concerned with Neural Networks ?
- 13.) Neural Network Associations ?
- 14.) Other sources of information about NNs ?
- 15.) Freely available software packages for NN simulation ?
- 16.) Commercial software packages for NN simulation ?
- 17.) Neural Network hardware ?
- 19.) Databases for experimentation with NNs ?
- ============================== Answers ==============================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A1.) What is this newsgroup for ?
- The newsgroup comp.ai.neural-nets is inteded as a forum for people who want
- to use or explore the capabilities of Neural Networks or Neural-Network-like
- structures.
- There should be the following types of articles in this newsgroup:
- 1. Requests
- Requests are articles of the form
- "I am looking for X"
- where X is something public like a book, an article, a piece of software.
- If multiple different answers can be expected, the person making the
- request should prepare to make a summary of the answers he/she got
- and announce to do so with a phrase like
- "Please email, I'll summarize"
- at the end of the posting.
- The Subject line of the posting should then be something like
- "Request: X"
- 2. Questions
- As opposed to requests, questions are concerned with something so specific
- that general interest cannot readily be assumed.
- If the poster thinks that the topic is of some general interest,
- he/she should announce a summary (see above).
- The Subject line of the posting should be something like
- "Question: this-and-that"
- or have the form of a question (i.e., end with a question mark)
- 3. Answers
- These are reactions to questions or requests.
- As a rule of thumb articles of type "answer" should be rare.
- Ideally, in most cases either the answer is too specific to be of general
- interest (and should thus be e-mailed to the poster) or a summary
- was announced with the question or request (and answers should
- thus be e-mailed to the poster).
- The subject lines of answers are automatically adjusted by the
- news software.
- 4. Summaries
- In all cases of requests or questions the answers for which can be assumed
- to be of some general interest, the poster of the request or question
- shall summarize the ansers he/she received.
- Such a summary should be announced in the original posting of the question
- or request with a phrase like
- "Please answer by email, I'll summarize"
- In such a case answers should NOT be posted to the newsgroup but instead
- be mailed to the poster who collects and reviews them.
- After about 10 to 20 days from the original posting, its poster should
- make the summary of answers and post it to the net.
- Some care should be invested into a summary:
- a) simple concatenation of all the answers is not enough;
- instead redundancies, irrelevancies, verbosities and
- errors must be filtered out (as good as possible),
- b) the answers shall be separated clearly
- c) the contributors of the individual answers shall be identifiable
- (unless they requested to remain anonymous [yes, that happens])
- d) the summary shall start with the "quintessence" of the answers,
- as seen by the original poster
- e) A summary should, when posted, clearly be indicated to be one
- by giving it a Subject line starting with "Summary:"
- Note that a good summary is pure gold for the rest of the newsgroup
- community, so summary work will be most appreciated by all of us.
- (Good summaries are more valuable than any moderator ! :-> )
- 5. Announcements
- Some articles never need any public reaction.
- These are called announcements (for instance for a workshop,
- conference or the availability of some technical report or
- software system).
- Announcements should be clearly indicated to be such by giving
- them a subject line of the form
- "Announcement: this-and-that"
- 6. Reports
- Sometimes people spontaneously want to report something to the
- newsgroup. This might be special experiences with some software,
- results of own experiments or conceptual work, or especially
- interesting information from somewhere else.
- Reports should be clearly indicated to be such by giving
- them a subject line of the form
- "Report: this-and-that"
- 7. Discussions
- An especially valuable possibility of Usenet is of course that of
- discussing a certain topic with hundreds of potential participants.
- All traffic in the newsgroup that can not be subsumed under one of
- the above categories should belong to a discussion.
- If somebody explicitly wants to start a discussion, he/she can do so
- by giving the posting a subject line of the form
- "Start discussion: this-and-that"
- (People who react on this, please remove the
- "Start discussion: " label from the subject line of your replies)
- It is quite difficult to keep a discussion from drifting into chaos,
- but, unfortunately, as many many other newsgroups show there seems
- to be no secure way to avoid this.
- On the other hand, comp.ai.neural-nets has not had many problems
- with this effect in the past, so let's just go and hope... :->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A2.) What is a neural network (NN) ?
- [anybody there to write something better?
- buzzwords: artificial vs. natural/biological; units and
- connections; value passing; inputs and outputs; storage in structure
- and weights; only local information; highly parallel operation ]
- First of all, when we are talking about a neural network, we *should*
- usually better say "artificial neural network" (ANN), because that is
- what we mean most of the time. Biological neural networks are much
- more complicated in their elementary structures than the mathematical
- models we use for ANNs.
- A vague description is as follows:
- An ANN is a network of many very simple processors ("units"), each
- possibly having a (small amount of) local memory. The units are
- connected by unidirectional communication channels ("connections"),
- which carry numeric (as opposed to symbolic) data. The units operate
- only on their local data and on the inputs they receive via the
- connections.
- The design motivation is what distinguishes neural networks from other
- mathematical techniques:
- A neural network is a processing device, either an algorithm, or actual
- hardware, whose design was motivated by the design and functioning of human
- brains and components thereof.
- Most neural networks have some sort of "training" rule
- whereby the weights of connections are adjusted on the basis of
- presented patterns.
- In other words, neural networks "learn" from examples,
- just like children learn to recognize dogs from examples of dogs,
- and exhibit some structural capability for generalization.
- Neural networks normally have great potential for parallelism, since
- the computations of the components are independent of each other.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A3.) What can you do with a Neural Network and what not ?
- [preliminary]
- In principle, NNs can compute any computable function, i.e. they can
- do everything a normal digital computer can do.
- Especially can anything that can be represented as a mapping between
- vector spaces be approximated to arbitrary precision by feedforward
- NNs (which is the most often used type).
- In practice, NNs are especially useful for mapping problems
- which are tolerant of a high error rate, have lots of example data
- available, but to which hard and fast rules can not easily be applied.
- NNs are especially bad for problems that are concerned with manipulation
- of symbols and for problems that need short-term memory.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A4.) Who is concerned with Neural Networks ?
- Neural Networks are interesting for quite a lot of very dissimilar people:
- - Computer scientists want to find out about the properties of
- non-symbolic information processing with neural nets and about learning
- systems in general.
- - Engineers of many kinds want to exploit the capabilities of
- neural networks on many areas (e.g. signal processing) to solve
- their application problems.
- - Cognitive scientists view neural networks as a possible apparatus to
- describe models of thinking and conscience (High-level brain function).
- - Neuro-physiologists use neural networks to describe and explore
- medium-level brain function (e.g. memory, sensory system, motorics).
- - Physicists use neural networks to model phenomena in statistical
- mechanics and for a lot of other tasks.
- - Biologists use Neural Networks to interpret nucleotide sequences.
- - Philosophers and some other people may also be interested in
- Neural Networks for various reasons.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A6.) What does 'backprop' mean ?
- [anybody to write something similarly short,
- but easier to understand for a beginner ? ]
- It is an abbreviation for 'backpropagation of error' which is the
- most widely used learning method for neural networks today.
- Although it has many disadvantages, which could be summarized in the
- sentence
- "You are almost not knowing what you are actually doing
- when using backpropagation" :-)
- it has pretty much success on practical applications and is
- relatively easy to apply.
- It is for the training of layered (i.e., nodes are grouped
- in layers) feedforward (i.e., the arcs joining nodes are
- unidirectional, and there are no cycles) nets.
- Back-propagation needs a teacher that knows the correct output for any
- input ("supervised learning") and uses gradient descent on the error
- (as provided by the teacher) to train the weights. The activation
- function is (usually) a sigmoidal (i.e., bounded above and below, but
- differentiable) function of a weighted sum of the nodes inputs.
- The use of a gradient descent algorithm to train its weights makes it
- slow to train; but being a feedforward algorithm, it is quite rapid during
- the recall phase.
- Literature:
- Rumelhart, D. E. and McClelland, J. L. (1986):
- Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the
- Microstructure of Cognition (volume 1, pp 318-362).
- The MIT Press.
- (this is the classic one) or one of the dozens of other books
- or articles on backpropagation :->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A7.) How many learning methods for NNs exist ? Which ?
- There are many many learning methods for NNs by now. Nobody can know
- exactly how many.
- New ones (at least variations of existing ones) are invented every
- week. Below is a collection of some of the most well known methods;
- not claiming to be complete.
- The main categorization of these methods is the distiction of
- supervised from unsupervised learning:
- - In supervised learning, there is a "teacher" who in the learning
- phase "tells" the net how well it performs ("reinforcement learning")
- or what the correct behavior would have been ("fully supervised learning").
- - In unsupervised learning the net is autonomous: it just looks at
- the data it is presented with, finds out about some of the
- properties of the data set and learns to reflect these properties
- in its output. What exactly these properties are, that the network
- can learn to recognise, depends on the particular network model and
- learning method.
- Many of these learning methods are closely connected with a certain
- (class of) network topology.
- Now here is the list, just giving some names:
- 1. UNSUPERVISED LEARNING (i.e. without a "teacher"):
- 1). Feedback Nets:
- a). Additive Grossberg (AG)
- b). Shunting Grossberg (SG)
- c). Binary Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART1)
- d). Analog Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART2, ART2a)
- e). Discrete Hopfield (DH)
- f). Continuous Hopfield (CH)
- g). Discrete Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM)
- h). Temporal Associative Memory (TAM)
- i). Adaptive Bidirectional Associative Memory (ABAM)
- j). Kohonen Self-organizing Map (SOM)
- k). Kohonen Topology-preserving Map (TPM)
- 2). Feedforward-only Nets:
- a). Learning Matrix (LM)
- b). Driver-Reinforcement Learning (DR)
- c). Linear Associative Memory (LAM)
- d). Optimal Linear Associative Memory (OLAM)
- e). Sparse Distributed Associative Memory (SDM)
- f). Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM)
- g). Counterprogation (CPN)
- 2. SUPERVISED LEARNING (i.e. with a "teacher"):
- 1). Feedback Nets:
- a). Brain-State-in-a-Box (BSB)
- b). Fuzzy Congitive Map (FCM)
- c). Boltzmann Machine (BM)
- d). Mean Field Annealing (MFT)
- e). Recurrent Cascade Correlation (RCC)
- f). Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
- 2). Feedforward-only Nets:
- a). Perceptron
- b). Adaline, Madaline
- c). Backpropagation (BP)
- d). Cauchy Machine (CM)
- e). Adaptive Heuristic Critic (AHC)
- f). Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN)
- g). Associative Reward Penalty (ARP)
- h). Avalanche Matched Filter (AMF)
- i). Backpercolation (Perc)
- j). Artmap
- k). Adaptive Logic Network (ALN)
- l). Cascade Correlation (CasCor)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A8.) What about Genetic Algorithms ?
- [preliminary]
- [Who will write a better introduction?]
- There are a number of definitions of GA (Genetic Algorithm).
- A possible one is
- A GA is an optimization program
- that starts with some encoded procedure, (Creation of Life :-> )
- mutates it stochastically, (Get cancer or so :-> )
- and uses a selection process (Darwinism)
- to prefer the mutants with high fitness
- and perhaps a recombination process (Make babies :-> )
- to combine properties of (preferably) the succesful mutants.
- Some GA discussion tends to happen in comp.ai.neural-nets.
- Another loosely relevant group is comp.theory.self-org-sys.
- Perhaps it is time for a comp.ai.ga, comp.theory.ga or maybe comp.ga
- There is a GA mailing list which you can subscribe to by
- sending a request to GA-List-Request@AIC.NRL.NAVY.MIL
- You can also try anonymous ftp to
- ftp.aic.nrl.navy.mil
- in the /pub/galist directory. There are papers and some software.
- For more details see (for example):
- "Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimisation and Machine Learning"
- by David Goldberg (Addison-Wesley 1989, 0-201-15767-5) or
- "Handbook of Genetic Algorithms"
- edited by Lawrence Davis (Van Nostrand Reinhold 1991 0-442-00173-8) or
- "Classifier Systems and Genetic Algorithms"
- L.B. Booker, D.E. Goldberg and J.H. Holland, Techreport No. 8 (April 87),
- Cognitive Science and Machine Intelligence Laboratory, University of Michigan
- also reprinted in :
- Artificial Intelligence, Volume 40 (1989), pages 185-234
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A10.) Good introductory literature about Neural Networks ?
- 0.) The best (subjectively, of course -- please don't flame me):
- Hecht-Nielsen, R. (1990). Neurocomputing. Addison Wesley.
- Comments: "A good book", "comprises a nice historical overview and a chapter
- about NN hardware. Well structured prose. Makes important concepts clear."
- Hertz, J., Krogh, A., and Palmer, R. (1991). Introduction to the Theory of
- Neural Computation. Addison-Wesley: Redwood City, California.
- Comments: "My first impression is that this one is by far the best book on
- the topic. And it's below $30 for the paperback."; "Well written, theoretical
- (but not overwhelming)"; It provides a good balance of model development,
- computational algorithms, and applications. The mathematical derivations
- are especially well done"; "Nice mathematical analysis on the mechanism of
- different learning algorithms"; "It is NOT for mathematical beginner.
- If you don't have a good grasp of higher level math, this book can
- be really tough to get through."
- 1.) Books for the beginner:
- Aleksander, I. and Morton, H. (1990). An Introduction to Neural Computing.
- Chapman and Hall. (ISBN 0-412-37780-2).
- Comments: "This book seems to be intended for the first year of university
- education."
- Beale, R. and Jackson, T. (1990). Neural Computing, an Introduction.
- Adam Hilger, IOP Publishing Ltd : Bristol. (ISBN 0-85274-262-2).
- Comments: "It's clearly written. Lots of hints as to how to get the
- adaptive models covered to work (not always well explained in the
- original sources). Consistent mathematical terminology. Covers
- perceptrons, error-backpropagation, Kohonen self-org model, Hopfield
- type models, ART, and associative memories."
- Dayhoff, J. E. (1990). Neural Network Architectures: An Introduction.
- Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York.
- Comments: "Like Wasserman's book, Dayhoff's book is also very easy to
- understand".
- McClelland, J. L. and Rumelhart, D. E. (1988).
- Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing: Computational Models of
- Cognition and Perception (software manual). The MIT Press.
- Comments: "Written in a tutorial style, and includes 2 diskettes of NN
- simulation programs that can be compiled on MS-DOS or Unix (and they do
- too !)"; "The programs are pretty reasonable as an introduction to some
- of the things that NNs can do."; "There are *two* editions of this book.
- One comes with disks for the IBM PC, the other comes with disks for the
- Macintosh".
- McCord Nelson, M. and Illingworth, W.T. (1990). A Practical Guide to Neural
- Nets. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (ISBN 0-201-52376-0).
- Comments: "No formulas at all( ==> no good)"; "It does not have much
- detailed model development (very few equations), but it does present many
- areas of application. It includes a chapter on current areas of research.
- A variety of commercial applications is discussed in chapter 1. It also
- includes a program diskette with a fancy graphical interface (unlike the
- PDP diskette)".
- Orchard, G.A. & Phillips, W.A. (1991). Neural Computation: A
- Beginner's Guide. Lawrence Earlbaum Associates: London.
- Comments: "Short user-friendly introduction to the area, with a
- non-technical flavour. Apparently accompanies a software package, but I
- haven't seen that yet".
- Wasserman, P. D. (1989). Neural Computing: Theory & Practice.
- Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York. (ISBN 0-442-20743-3)
- Comments: "Wasserman flatly enumerates some common architectures from an
- engineer's perspective ('how it works') without ever addressing the underlying
- fundamentals ('why it works') - important basic concepts such as clustering,
- principal components or gradient descent are not treated. It's also full of
- errors, and unhelpful diagrams drawn with what appears to be PCB board layout
- software from the '70s. For anyone who wants to do active research in the
- field I consider it quite inadequate"; "Okay, but too shallow"; "Quite
- easy to understand";
- "The best bedtime reading for Neural Networks. I have given
- this book to numerous collegues who want to know NN basics, but who never
- plan to implement anything. An excellent book to give your manager."
- 2.) The classics:
- Kohonen, T. (1984). Self-organization and Associative Memory. Springer-Verlag:
- New York. (2nd Edition: 1988; 3rd edition: 1989).
- Comments: "The section on Pattern mathematics is excellent."
- Rumelhart, D. E. and McClelland, J. L. (1986). Parallel Distributed
- Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition (volumes 1 & 2).
- The MIT Press.
- Comments: "As a computer scientist I found the two Rumelhart and McClelland
- books really heavy going and definitely not the sort of thing to read if you
- are a beginner."; "It's quite readable, and affordable (about $65 for both
- volumes)."; "THE Connectionist bible.".
- 3.) Introductory journal articles:
- Hinton, G. E. (1989). Connectionist learning procedures.
- Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 40, pp. 185--234.
- Comments: "One of the better neural networks overview papers, although the
- distinction between network topology and learning algorithm is not always
- very clear. Could very well be used as an introduction to neural networks."
- Knight, K. (1990). Connectionist, Ideas and Algorithms. Communications of
- the ACM. November 1990. Vol.33 nr.11, pp 59-74.
- Comments:"A good article, while it is for most people easy to find a copy of
- this journal."
- Kohonen, T. (1988). An Introduction to Neural Computing. Neural Networks,
- vol. 1, no. 1. pp. 3-16.
- Comments: "A general review".
- 4.) Not-quite-so-introductory literature:
- Anderson, J. A. and Rosenfeld, E. (Eds). (1988). Neurocomputing:
- Foundations of Research. The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
- Comments: "An expensive book, but excellent for reference. It is a
- collection of reprints of most of the major papers in the field.";
- Anderson, J. A., Pellionisz, A. and Rosenfeld, E. (Eds). (1990).
- Neurocomputing 2: Directions for Research. The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
- Comments: "The sequel to their well-known Neurocomputing book."
- Caudill, M. and Butler, C. (1990). Naturally Intelligent Systems.
- MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts. (ISBN 0-262-03156-6).
- Comments: "I guess one of the best books I read"; "May not be suited for
- people who want to do some research in the area".
- Khanna, T. (1990). Foundations of Neural Networks. Addison-Wesley: New York.
- Comments: "Not so bad (with a page of erroneous formulas (if I remember
- well), and #hidden layers isn't well described)."; "Khanna's intention
- in writing his book with math analysis should be commended but he
- made several mistakes in the math part".
- Levine, D. S. (1990). Introduction to Neural and Cognitive Modeling.
- Lawrence Erlbaum: Hillsdale, N.J.
- Comments: "Highly recommended".
- Lippmann, R. P. (April 1987). An introduction to computing with neural nets.
- IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Magazine. vol. 2,
- no. 4, pp 4-22.
- Comments: "Much acclaimed as an overview of neural networks, but rather
- inaccurate on several points. The categorization into binary and continuous-
- valued input neural networks is rather arbitrary, and may work confusing for
- the unexperienced reader. Not all networks discussed are of equal importance."
- Maren, A., Harston, C. and Pap, R., (1990). Handbook of Neural Computing
- Applications. Academic Press. ISBN: 0-12-471260-6. (451 pages)
- Comments: "They cover a broad area"; "Introductory with suggested
- applications implementation".
- Pao, Y. H. (1989). Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (ISBN 0-201-12584-6)
- Comments: "An excellent book that ties together classical approaches
- to pattern recognition with Neural Nets. Most other NN books do not
- even mention conventional approaches."
- Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E. and Williams, R. J. (1986). Learning
- representations by back-propagating errors. Nature, vol 323 (9 October),
- pp. 533-536.
- Comments: "Gives a very good potted explanation of backprop NN's. It gives
- sufficient detail to write your own NN simulation."
- Simpson, P. K. (1990). Artificial Neural Systems: Foundations, Paradigms,
- Applications and Implementations. Pergamon Press: New York.
- Comments: "Contains a very useful 37 page bibliography. A large number of
- paradigms are presented. On the negative side the book is very shallow.
- Best used as a complement to other books".
- Zeidenberg. M. (1990). Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence.
- Ellis Horwood, Ltd., Chichester.
- Comments: "Gives the AI point of view".
- Zornetzer, S. F., Davis, J. L. and Lau, C. (1990). An Introduction to
- Neural and Electronic Networks. Academic Press. (ISBN 0-12-781881-2)
- Comments: "Covers quite a broad range of topics (collection of
- articles/papers )."; "Provides a primer-like introduction and overview for
- a broad audience, and employs a strong interdisciplinary emphasis".
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A11.) Any journals and magazines about Neural Networks ?
- [to be added: comments on speed of reviewing and publishing,
- whether they accept TeX format or ASCII by e-mail, etc.]
- A. Dedicated Neural Network Journals:
- =====================================
- Title: Neural Networks
- Publish: Pergamon Press
- Address: Pergamon Journals Inc., Fairview Park, Elmsford,
- New York 10523, USA and Pergamon Journals Ltd.
- Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3, 0BW, England
- Freq.: 6 issues/year (vol. 1 in 1988)
- Cost/Yr: Free with INNS membership ($45?), Individual $65, Institution $175
- ISSN #: 0893-6080
- Remark: Official Journal of International Neural Network Society (INNS).
- Contains Original Contributions, Invited Review Articles, Letters
- to Editor, Invited Book Reviews, Editorials, Announcements and INNS
- News, Software Surveys. This is probably the most popular NN journal.
- (Note: Remarks supplied by Mike Plonski "plonski@aero.org")
- -------
- Title: Neural Computation
- Publish: MIT Press
- Address: MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street Cambridge,
- MA 02142-9949, USA, Phone: (617) 253-2889
- Freq.: Quarterly (vol. 1 in 1989)
- Cost/Yr: Individual $45, Institution $90, Students $35; Add $9 Outside USA
- ISSN #: 0899-7667
- Remark: Combination of Reviews (10,000 words), Views (4,000 words)
- and Letters (2,000 words). I have found this journal to be of
- outstanding quality.
- (Note: Remarks supplied by Mike Plonski "plonski@aero.org")
- -----
- Title: IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks
- Publish: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Address: IEEE Service Cemter, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ,
- 08855-1331 USA. Tel: (201) 981-0060
- Cost/Yr: $10 for Members belonging to participating IEEE societies
- Freq.: Quarterly (vol. 1 in March 1990)
- Remark: Devoted to the science and technology of neural networks
- which disclose significant technical knowledge, exploratory
- developments and applications of neural networks from biology to
- software to hardware. Emphasis is on artificial neural networks.
- Specific aspects include self organizing systems, neurobiological
- connections, network dynamics and architecture, speech recognition,
- electronic and photonic implementation, robotics and controls.
- Includes Letters concerning new research results.
- (Note: Remarks are from journal announcement)
- -----
- Title: Journal of Neural Network Computing,
- Technology, Design, and Applications
- Publish: Auerback Publishers
- Address: Auerback Publishers, 210 South Street, Boston, MA 02111-9812
- Tel: (800) 950-1216
- Freq.: Quarterly (vol. 1 in Summer 1989)
- Cost/Yr: $145 in USA
- Remark: 3 to 5 in-depth articles per issue; Bookshelf Section which
- provides a several page introduction to a specific topic
- (e.g. feedforward networks) and a list of references for further
- reading on that topic; Software Reviews. Good quality, but a little
- expensive for personal subscriptions. I got my corporate library
- to buy it so I wouldn't have to.
- (Note: Remarks supplied by Mike Plonski "plonski@aero.org")
- -----
- Title: International Journal of Neural Systems
- Publish: World Scientific Publishing
- Address: USA: World Scientific Publishing Co., 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck,
- NJ 07666. Tel: (201) 837-8858; Eurpoe: World Scientific Publishing
- Co. Pte. Ltd., 73 Lynton Mead, Totteridge, London N20-8DH, England.
- Tel: (01) 4462461; Other: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.,
- Farrer Road, P.O. Box 128, Singapore 9128. Tel: 2786188
- Freq.: Quarterly (Vol. 1 in 1990?)
- Cost/Yr: Individual $42, Institution $88 (plus $9-$17 for postage)
- ISSN #: 0129-0657 (IJNS)
- Remark: The International Journal of Neural Systems is a quarterly journal
- which covers information processing in natural and artificial neural
- systems. It publishes original contributions on all aspects of this
- broad subject which involves physics, biology, psychology, computer
- science and engineering. Contributions include research papers,
- reviews and short communications. The journal presents a fresh
- undogmatic attitude towards this multidisciplinary field with the
- aim to be a forum for novel ideas and improved understanding of
- collective and cooperative phenomena with computational capabilities.
- (Note: Remarks supplied by B. Lautrup (editor),
- "LAUTRUP%nbivax.nbi.dk@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU" )
- Review is reported to be very slow.
- ------
- Title: Neural Network News
- Publish: AIWeek Inc.
- Address: Neural Network News, 2555 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 299, Atlanta, GA
- 30339 USA. Tel: (404) 434-2187
- Freq.: Monthly (beginning September 1989)
- Cost/Yr: USA and Canada $249, Elsewhere $299
- Remark: Commericial Newsletter
- ------
- Title: Network: Computation in Neural Systems
- Publish: IOP Publishing Ltd
- Address: Europe: IOP Publishing Ltd, Techno House, Redcliffe Way, Bristol
- BS1 6NX, UK; IN USA: American Institute of Physics, Subscriber
- Services 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797-2999
- Freq.: Quarterly (1st issue 1990)
- Cost/Yr: USA: $180, Europe: 110 pounds
- Remark: Description: "a forum for integrating theoretical and experimental
- findings across relevant interdisciplinary boundaries." Contents:
- Submitted articles reviewed by two technical referees paper's
- interdisciplinary format and accessability." Also Viewpoints and
- Reviews commissioned by the editors, abstracts (with reviews) of
- articles published in other journals, and book reviews.
- Comment: While the price discourages me (my comments are based upon
- a free sample copy), I think that the journal succeeds very well. The
- highest density of interesting articles I have found in any journal.
- (Note: Remarks supplied by brandt kehoe "kehoe@csufres.CSUFresno.EDU")
- ------
- Title: Connection Science: Journal of Neural Computing,
- Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Research
- Publish: Carfax Publishing
- Address: Europe: Carfax Publishing Company, P. O. Box 25, Abingdon,
- Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, UK. USA: Carafax Publishing Company,
- 85 Ash Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748
- Freq.: Quarterly (vol. 1 in 1989)
- Cost/Yr: Individual $82, Institution $184, Institution (U.K.) 74 pounds
- -----
- Title: International Journal of Neural Networks
- Publish: Learned Information
- Freq.: Quarterly (vol. 1 in 1989)
- Cost/Yr: 90 pounds
- ISSN #: 0954-9889
- Remark: The journal contains articles, a conference report (at least the
- issue I have), news and a calendar.
- (Note: remark provided by J.R.M. Smits "anjos@sci.kun.nl")
- -----
- Title: Concepts in NeuroScience
- Publish: World Scientific Publishing
- Address: Same Address (?) as for International Journal of Neural Systems
- Freq.: Twice per year (vol. 1 in 1989)
- Remark: Mainly Review Articles(?)
- (Note: remarks by Osamu Saito "saito@nttica.NTT.JP")
- -----
- Title: International Journal of Neurocomputing
- Publish: ecn Neurocomputing GmbH
- Freq.: Quarterly (vol. 1 in 1989)
- Remark: Commercial journal, not the academic periodicals
- (Note: remarks by Osamu Saito "saito@nttica.NTT.JP")
- Review has been reported to be fast (less than 3 months)
- -----
- Title: Neurocomputers
- Publish: Gallifrey Publishing
- Address: Gallifrey Publishing, PO Box 155, Vicksburg, Michigan, 49097, USA
- Tel: (616) 649-3772
- Freq. Monthly (1st issue 1987?)
- ISSN #: 0893-1585
- Editor: Derek F. Stubbs
- Cost/Yr: $32 (USA, Canada), $48 (elsewhere)
- Remark: I only have one exemplar so I cannot give you much detail about
- the contents. It is a very small one (12 pages) but it has a lot
- of (short) information in it about e.g. conferences, books,
- (new) ideas etc. I don't think it is very expensive but I'm not sure.
- (Note: remark provided by J.R.M. Smits "anjos@sci.kun.nl")
- ------
- Title: JNNS Newsletter (Newsletter of the Japan Neural Network Society)
- Publish: The Japan Neural Network Society
- Freq.: Quarterly (vol. 1 in 1989)
- Remark: (IN JAPANESE LANGUAGE) Official Newsletter of the Japan Neural
- Network Society(JNNS)
- (Note: remarks by Osamu Saito "saito@nttica.NTT.JP")
- -------
- Title: Neural Networks Today
- Remark: I found this title in a bulletin board of october last year.
- It was a message of Tim Pattison, timpatt@augean.OZ
- (Note: remark provided by J.R.M. Smits "anjos@sci.kun.nl")
- -----
- Title: Computer Simulations in Brain Science
- -----
- Title: Internation Journal of Neuroscience
- -----
- Title: Neural Network Computation
- Remark: Possibly the same as "Neural Computation"
- B. NN Related Journals
- ======================
- Title: Complex Systems
- Publish: Complex Systems Publications
- Address: Complex Systems Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 6149, Champaign,
- IL 61821-8149, USA
- Freq.: 6 times per year (1st volume is 1987)
- ISSN #: 0891-2513
- Cost/Yr: Individual $75, Institution $225
- Remark: Journal COMPLEX SYSTEMS devotes to the rapid publication of research
- on the science, mathematics, and engineering of systems with simple
- components but complex overall behavior. Send mail to
- "jcs@complex.ccsr.uiuc.edu" for additional info.
- (Remark is from announcement on Net)
- -----
- Title: Biological Cybernetics (Kybernetik)
- Publish: Springer Verlag
- Remark: Monthly (vol. 1 in 1961)
- -----
- Title: Various IEEE Transactions and Magazines
- Publish: IEEE
- Remark: Primarily see IEEE Trans. on System, Man and Cybernetics; Various
- Special Issues: April 1990 IEEE Control Systems Magazine.; May 1989
- IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems.; July 1988 IEEE Trans. Acoust.
- Speech Signal Process.
- -----
- Title: The Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
- Publish: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
- Address: London, New York, Philadelphia
- Freq.: ? (1st issue Jan 1989)
- Remark: For submission information, please contact either of the editors:
- Eric Dietrich Chris Fields
- PACSS - Department of Philosophy Box 30001/3CRL
- SUNY Binghamton New Mexico State University
- Binghamton, NY 13901 Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001
- dietrich@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu cfields@nmsu.edu
- -----
- Title: The Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- Publish: Cambridge University Press
- Remark: (Expensive as hell, I'm sure.)
- This is a delightful journal that encourages discussion on a
- variety of controversial topics. I have especially enjoyed reading
- some papers in there by Dana Ballard and Stephen Grossberg (separate
- papers, not collaborations) a few years back. They have a really neat
- concept: they get a paper, then invite a number of noted scientists
- in the field to praise it or trash it. They print these commentaries,
- and give the author(s) a chance to make a rebuttal or concurrence.
- Sometimes, as I'm sure you can imagine, things get pretty lively. I'm
- reasonably sure they are still at it--I think I saw them make a call
- for reviewers a few months ago. Their reviewers are called something
- like Behavioral and Brain Associates, and I believe they have to be
- nominated by current associates, and should be fairly well established
- in the field. That's probably more than I really know about it but
- maybe if you post it someone who knows more about it will correct any
- errors I have made. The main thing is that I liked the articles I
- read. (Note: remarks by Don Wunsch <dwunsch@blake.acs.washington.edu>)
- -----
- Title: International Journal of Applied Intelligence
- Publish: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Remark: first issue in 1990(?)
- -----
- Title: Bulletin of Mathematica Biology
- -----
- Title: Intelligence
- -----
- Title: Journal of Mathematical Biology
- -----
- Title: Journal of Complex System
- -----
- Title: AI Expert
- Publish: Miller Freeman Publishing Co., for subscription call ++415-267-7672.
- Remark: Regularly includes ANN related articles, product
- announcements, and application reports.
- Listings of ANN programs are available on AI Expert affiliated BBS's
- -----
- Title: International Journal of Modern Physics C
- Publish: World Scientific Publ. Co.
- Farrer Rd. P.O.Box 128, Singapore 9128
- or: 687 Hartwell St., Teaneck, N.J. 07666 U.S.A
- or: 73 Lynton Mead, Totteridge, London N20 8DH, England
- Freq: published quarterly
- Eds: G. Fox, H. Herrmann and K. Kaneko
- C. Journals loosely related to NNs
- ==================================
- (Must rank alongside Wolfram's Complex Systems)
- IEEE ASSP Magazine
- (April 1987 had the Lippmann intro. which everyone likes to cite)
- (Vol 40, September 1989 had the survey paper by Hinton)
- (the Boltzmann machine paper by Ackley et al appeared here in Vol 9, 1983)
- (Vol 28, March 1988 contained the Fodor and Pylyshyn critique of connectionism)
- (no comment!)
- (several good book reviews)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A12.) The most important conferences concerned with Neural Networks ?
- [preliminary]
- [to be added: has taken place how often yet; most emphasized topics;
- where to get proceedings ]
- A. Dedicated Neural Network Conferences:
- 1. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
- Annually in Denver, Colorado; late November or early December
- 2. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
- co-sponsored by INNS and IEEE
- 3. Annual Conference on Neural Networks (ACNN)
- 4. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)
- Annually in Europe(?), 1992 in Brighton
- Major conference of European Neur. Netw. Soc. (ENNS)
- B. Other Conferences
- 1. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
- 2. Intern. Conf. on Acustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
- 3. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
- 4. [Vision Conferences?]
- C. Pointers to Conferences
- 1. The journal "Neural Networks" has a long list of conferences,
- workshops and meetings in each issue.
- This is quite interdisciplinary.
- 2. There is a regular posting on comp.ai.neural-nets from Paultje Bakker:
- "Upcoming Neural Network Conferences", which lists names, dates,
- locations, contacts, and deadlines.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A13.) Neural Network Associations ?
- [Is this data still correct ? Who will send me some update ?]
- 1. International Neural Network Society (INNS).
- INNS membership includes subscription to "Neural Networks",
- the official journal of the society.
- Membership is $55 for non-students and $45 for students per year.
- Address: INNS Membership, P.O. Box 491166, Ft. Washington, MD 20749.
- 2. International Student Society for Neural Networks (ISSNNets).
- Membership is $5 per year.
- Address: ISSNNet, Inc., P.O. Box 15661, Boston, MA 02215 USA
- 3. Women In Neural Network Research and technology (WINNERS).
- Address: WINNERS, c/o Judith Dayhoff, 11141 Georgia Ave., Suite 206,
- Wheaton, MD 20902. Telephone: 301-933-9000.
- 4. European Neural Network Society (ENNS)
- 5. Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS)
- Address: Japanese Neural Network Society
- Department of Engineering, Tamagawa University,
- 6-1-1, Tamagawa Gakuen, Machida City, Tokyo,
- 194 JAPAN
- Phone: +81 427 28 3457, Fax: +81 427 28 3597
- 6. Association des Connexionnistes en THese (ACTH)
- (the French Student Association for Neural Networks)
- Membership is 100 FF per year
- Activities : newsletter, conference (every year), list of members...
- Address : ACTH - Le Castelnau R2
- 23 avenue de la Galline
- 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez
- Contact : jdmuller@vnet.ibm.com
- 7. Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingenieur (NSI)
- Biology & Computer Science
- Activity : conference (every year)
- Address : NSI - TIRF / INPG
- 46 avenue Felix Viallet
- 38031 Grenoble Cedex
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A14.) Other sources of information about NNs ?
- 1. Neuron Digest
- Internet Mailing List. From the welcome blurb:
- "Neuron-Digest is a list (in digest form) dealing with all aspects
- of neural networks (and any type of network or neuromorphic system)"
- Moderated by Peter Marvit.
- To subscribe, send email to neuron-request@cattell.psych.upenn.edu
- comp.ai.neural-net readers also find the messages in that newsgroup
- in the form of digests.
- 2. Usenet groups comp.ai.neural-nets (Oha ! :-> )
- and comp.theory.self-org-sys
- There is a periodic posting on comp.ai.neural-nets sent by
- srctran@world.std.com (Gregory Aharonian) about Neural Network
- patents.
- 3. Central Neural System Electronic Bulletin Board
- Modem: 509-627-6CNS; Sysop: Wesley R. Elsberry;
- P.O. Box 1187, Richland, WA 99352; welsberr@sandbox.kenn.wa.us
- Available thrugh FidoNet, RBBS-Net, and other EchoMail compatible
- bulletin board systems as NEURAL_NET echo.
- 4. Neural ftp archive site funic.funet.fi
- Is administrating a large collection of neural network papers and
- software at the Finnish University Network file archive site
- funic.funet.fi in directory /pub/sci/neural
- Contains all the public domain software and papers that they
- have been able to find.
- ALL of these files have been transferred from FTP sites in U.S.
- and are mirrored about every 3 months at fastest.
- Contact: magi@funic.funet.fi or
- magi@utu.fi (my home university address)
- 5. USENET newsgroup comp.org.issnnet
- Forum for discussion of academic/student-related issues in NNs, as
- well as information on ISSNNet (see A13) and its activities.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A15.) Freely available software packages for NN simulation ?
- [This is a bit chaotic and needs reorganization.
- A bit more information about what the various programs can do,
- on which platform they run, and how big they are would also be nice.
- And some important packages are still missing (?)
- Who volunteers for that ?]
- 1. Rochester Connectionist Simulator
- A quite versatile simulator program for arbitrary types of
- neural nets. Comes with a backprop package and a X11/Sunview
- interface.
- anonymous FTP from cs.rochester.edu (
- directory : pub/simulator
- files: README (8 KB)
- (documentation:) rcs_v4.2.justdoc.tar.Z (1.6 MB)
- (source code:) rcs_v4.2.justsrc.tar.Z (1.4 MB)
- ftp (retina.cs.ucla.edu)
- Name: sfinxftp
- Password: joshua
- directory: pub/
- files : README
- sfinx_v2.0.tar.Z
- Email info request : sfinx@retina.cs.ucla.edu
- 3. NeurDS
- request from mcclanahan%cookie.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com
- simulator for DEC systems supporting VT100 terminal.
- OR
- anonymous ftp gatekeeper.dec.com []
- directory: pub/DEC
- file: NeurDS031.tar.Z ( please check may be NeurDSO31.tar.Z )
- 4. PlaNet5.7 (also known as SunNet)
- ftp (tutserver.tut.ac.jp)
- pub/misc/PlaNet5.7.tar.Z
- or
- ftp (boulder.colorado.edu)
- pub/generic-sources/PlaNet5.7.tar.Z (also the old PlaNet5.6.tar.Z)
- A popular connectionist simulator with versions to
- run under X Windows, and non-graphics terminals
- created by Yoshiro Miyata (Chukyo Univ., Japan).
- 60-page User's Guide in Postscript.
- Send any questions to miyata@sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp
- anonymous ftp ( genesis.cns.caltech.edu )
- Register first via telnet genesis.cns.caltech.edu
- login as: genesis
- 6. Mactivation
- anonymous ftp from bruno.cs.colorado.edu []
- directory: /pub/cs/misc
- file: Mactivation-3.3.sea.hqx
- 7. CMU Connectionist Archive
- There is a lisp backprop simulator in the
- connectionist archive.
- unix> ftp b.gp.cs.cmu.edu (or
- Name: ftpguest
- Password: cmunix
- ftp> cd connectionists/archives
- ftp> get backprop.lisp
- 8. Cascade Correlation Simulator
- There is a LISP and C version of the
- simulator based on Scott Fahlman's Cascade Correlation algorithm,
- who also created the LISP version. The C version was created by
- Scott Crowder.
- Anonymous ftp from pt.cs.cmu.edu (or
- directory /afs/cs/project/connect/code
- files cascor1.lisp (56 KB)
- cascor1.c (108 KB)
- 9. Quickprop
- A variation of the back-propagation algorithm developed by
- Scott Fahlman. A LISP and C version can be obtained in the
- same directory as the cascade correlation simulator above. (25 KB)
- 10. DartNet
- DartNet is a Macintosh-based Neural Network Simulator. It makes
- full use of the Mac's graphical interface, and provides a
- number of powerful tools for building, editing, training,
- testing and examining networks.
- This program is available by anonymous ftp from
- dartvax.dartmouth.edu [] as
- /pub/mac/dartnet.sit.hqx (124 KB)
- Copies may also be obtained through email from bharucha@dartmouth.edu.
- Along with a number of interface improvements and feature
- additions, v2.0 is an extensible simulator. That is,
- new network architectures and learning algorithms can be
- added to the system by writing small XCMD-like CODE
- resources called nDEF's ("Network Definitions"). A number
- of such architectures are included with v2.0, as well as
- header files for creating new nDEF's.
- Contact: sean@coos.dartmouth.edu (Sean P. Nolan)
- 11. SNNS
- "Stuttgarter Neuronale Netze Simulator" from the University
- of Stuttgart, Germany.
- A luxurious simulator for many types of nets; with X11 interface:
- Graphical topology editor, training visualisation, etc.
- ftp: ifi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de []
- directory /pub/SNNS
- file SNNSv2.1.tar.Z OR SNNSv2.1.tar.Za[a-d] ( 826271 Bytes)
- manual SNNSv2.1.Manual.ps.Z (1041375 Bytes)
- SNNSv2.1.Readme ( 7645 Bytes)
- 12. Aspirin/MIGRAINES
- Aspirin/MIGRAINES 6.0 consists of a code generator that builds neural network
- simulations by reading a network description (written in a language
- called "Aspirin") and generates a C simulation. An interface
- (called "MIGRAINES") is provided to export data from the neural
- network to visualization tools.
- The system has been ported to a large number of platforms.
- The goal of Aspirin is to provide a common extendible front-end language
- and parser for different network paradigms.
- The MIGRAINES interface is a terminal based interface
- that allows you to open Unix pipes to data in the neural
- network. This replaces the NeWS1.1 graphical interface
- in version 4.0 of the Aspirin/MIGRAINES software. The
- new interface is not a simple to use as the version 4.0
- interface but is much more portable and flexible.
- The MIGRAINES interface allows users to output
- neural network weight and node vectors to disk or to
- other Unix processes. Users can display the data using
- either public or commercial graphics/analysis tools.
- Example filters are included that convert data exported through
- MIGRAINES to formats readable by Gnuplot 3.0, Matlab, Mathematica,
- and xgobi.
- The software is available from two FTP sites:
- CMU's simulator collection on "pt.cs.cmu.edu" (
- in /afs/cs/project/connect/code/am6.tar.Z".
- and UCLA's cognitive science machine "ftp.cognet.ucla.edu" (
- in alexis/am6.tar.Z
- The compressed tar file is a little less than 2 megabytes.
- 13. Adaptive Logic Network kit
- Available from menaik.cs.ualberta.ca. This package differs from
- the traditional nets in that it uses logic functions rather than
- floating point; for many tasks, ALN's can show many orders of
- magnitude gain in training and performance speed.
- Anonymous ftp from menaik.cs.ualberta.ca []
- unix source code and examples: /pub/atree2.tar.Z (145 KB)
- Postscript documentation: /pub/atree2.ps.Z ( 76 KB)
- MS-DOS Windows 3.0 version: /pub/atree2.zip (353 KB)
- /pub/atree2zip.readme (1 KB)
- 14. NeuralShell
- Availible from FTP site quanta.eng.ohio-state.edu
- ( in directory "pub/NeuralShell", filename
- "NeuralShell.tar".
- 15. PDP
- The PDP simulator package is available via anonymous FTP at
- nic.funet.fi ( in /pub/sci/neural/sims/pdp.tar.Z (0.2 MB)
- The simulator is also available with the book
- "Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing: A Handbook of
- Models, Programs, and Exercises" by McClelland and Rumelhart.
- MIT Press, 1988.
- Comment: "This book is often referred to as PDP vol III which is a very
- misleading practice! The book comes with software on an IBM disk but
- includes a makefile for compiling on UNIX systems. The version of
- PDP available at nic.funet.fi seems identical to the one with the book
- except for a bug in bp.c which occurs when you try to run a script of
- PDP commands using the DO command. This can be found and fixed easily."
- 16. Xerion
- Xerion is available via anonymous ftp from
- ftp.cs.toronto.edu in the directory /pub/xerion.
- xerion-3.0.PS.Z (0.9 MB) and xerion-3.0.tar.Z (1.1 MB) plus
- several concrete simulators built with xerion (about 0.3 MB each,
- see below).
- Xerion runs on SGI and Sun machines and uses X Windows for graphics.
- The software contains modules that implement Back Propagation,
- Recurrent Back Propagation, Boltzmann Machine, Mean Field Theory,
- Free Energy Manipulation, Hard and Soft Competitive Learning, and
- Kohonen Networks. Sample networks built for each of the modules are
- also included.
- Contact: xerion@ai.toronto.edu
- 17. Neocognitron simulator
- An implementation is available for anonymous ftp at
- [] tamsun.tamu.edu as /pub/neocognitron.Z.tar
- The simulator is written in C and comes with a list of references
- which are necessary to read to understand the specifics of the
- implementation. The unsupervised version is coded without (!)
- C-cell inhibition.
- 18. Multi-Module Neural Computing Environment (MUME)
- MUME is a simulation environment for multi-modules neural computing. It
- provides an object oriented facility for the simulation and training
- of multiple nets with various architectures and learning algorithms.
- MUME includes a library of network architectures including feedforward,
- simple recurrent, and continuously running recurrent neural networks.
- Each architecture is supported by a variety of learning algorithms.
- MUME can be used for large scale neural network simulations as it provides
- support for learning in multi-net environments. It also provide pre- and
- post-processing facilities.
- The modules are provided in a library. Several "front-ends" or clients are
- also available.
- MUME can be used to include non-neural computing modules (decision
- trees, ...) in applications.
- The software is the product of a number of staff and postgraduate students
- at the Machine Intelligence Group at Sydney University Electrical
- Engineering.
- The software is written in 'C' and is being used on Sun and DEC
- workstations. Efforts are underway to port it to the Fujitsu VP2200
- vector processor using the VCC vectorising C compiler.
- MUME is made available to research institutions on media/doc/postage cost
- arrangements. Information on how to acquire it may be obtained by writing
- (or email) to:
- Marwan Jabri
- Sydney University Electrical Engineering
- NSW 2006 Australia
- marwan@sedal.su.oz.au
- These are packages for Learning Vector Quantization and
- Self-Organizing Maps, respectively.
- They have been built by the LVQ/SOM Programming Team of the
- Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Computer and
- Information Science, Rakentajanaukio 2 C, SF-02150 Espoo, FINLAND
- There are versions for Unix and MS-DOS available from
- cochlea.hut.fi ( in
- /pub/lvq_pak/lvq_pak-2.1.tar.Z (340 kB, Unix)
- /pub/lvq_pak/lvq_p2r1.exe (310 kB, MS-DOS self-extract archive)
- /pub/som_pak/som_pak-1.1.tar.Z (246 kB, Unix)
- /pub/som_pak/som_p1r1.exe (215 kB, MS-DOS self-extract archive)
- For some of these simulators there are user mailing lists. Get the
- packages and look into their documentation for further info.
- If you are using a small computer (PC, Mac, etc.) you may want to have
- a look at the Central Neural System Electronic Bulletin Board
- (see Answer 14)
- Modem: 509-627-6CNS; Sysop: Wesley R. Elsberry;
- P.O. Box 1187, Richland, WA 99352; welsberr@sandbox.kenn.wa.us
- There are lots of small simulator packages, the CNS ANNSIM file set.
- There is an ftp mirror site for the CNS ANNSIM file set at
- me.uta.edu ( in the /pub/neural directory. Most ANN
- offerings are in /pub/neural/annsim.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A16.) Commercial software packages for NN simulation ?
- [preliminary]
- [who will write some short comment on each of the most
- important packages ?]
- The Number 1 of each volume of the journal "Neural Networks" has a list
- of some dozens of commercial suppliers of Neural Network things:
- Software, Hardware, Support, Programming, Design and Service.
- Here is a naked list of names of Simulators running on PC (and, partly,
- some other platforms, too):
- 1. NeuralWorks Professional 2+
- 2. AIM
- 3. BrainMaker Professional
- 4. Brain Cel
- 5. Neural Desk
- 6. Neural Case
- 7. Neuro Windows
- 8. Explorenet 3000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A17.) Neural Network hardware ?
- [preliminary]
- [who will write some short comment on the most important
- HW-packages and chips ?]
- The Number 1 of each volume of the journal "Neural Networks" has a list
- of some dozens of suppliers of Neural Network support:
- Software, Hardware, Support, Programming, Design and Service.
- Here is a list of companies contributed by xli@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk:
- 1. HNC, INC.
- 5501 Oberlin Drive
- San Diego
- California 92121
- (619) 546-8877
- and a second address at
- 7799 Leesburg Pike, Suite 900
- Falls Church, Virginia
- 22043
- (703) 847-6808
- Note: Australian Dist.: Unitronics
- Tel : (09) 4701443
- Contact: Martin Keye
- HNC markets:
- 'Image Document Entry Processing Terminal' - it recognises
- handwritten documents and converts the info to ASCII.
- 'ExploreNet 3000' - a NN demonstrator
- 'Anza/DP Plus'- a Neural Net board with 25MFlop or 12.5M peak
- interconnects per second.
- 2. SAIC (Sience Application International Corporation)
- 10260 Campus Point Drive
- MS 71, San Diego
- CA 92121
- (619) 546 6148
- Fax: (619) 546 6736
- 3. Micro Devices
- 30 Skyline Drive
- Lake Mary
- FL 32746-6201
- (407) 333-4379
- MicroDevices makes MD1220 - 'Neural Bit Slice'
- Each of the products mentioned sofar have very different usages.
- Although this sounds similar to Intel's product, the
- architectures are not.
- 4. Intel Corp
- 2250 Mission College Blvd
- Santa Clara, Ca 95052-8125
- Attn ETANN, Mail Stop SC9-40
- (408) 765-9235
- Intel is making an experimental chip:
- 80170NW - Electrically trainable Analog Neural Network (ETANN)
- It has 64 'neurons' on it - almost fully internally connectted
- and the chip can be put in an hierarchial architecture to do 2 Billion
- interconnects per second.
- Support software has already been made by
- California Scientific Software
- 10141 Evening Star Dr #6
- Grass Valley, CA 95945-9051
- (916) 477-7481
- Their product is called 'BrainMaker'.
- 5. NeuralWare, Inc
- Penn Center West
- Bldg IV Suite 227
- Pittsburgh
- PA 15276
- They only sell software/simulator but for many platforms.
- 6. Tubb Research Limited
- 7a Lavant Street
- Peterfield
- Hampshire
- GU32 2EL
- United Kingdom
- Tel: +44 730 60256
- 7. Adaptive Solutions Inc
- 1400 NW Compton Drive
- Suite 340
- Beaverton, OR 97006
- U. S. A.
- Tel: 503 - 690 - 1236
- FAX: 503 - 690 - 1249
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -A19.) Databases for experimentation with NNs ?
- [are there any more ?]
- 1. The nn-bench Benchmark collection
- accessible via anonymous FTP on
- "pt.cs.cmu.edu"
- in directory
- "/afs/cs/project/connect/bench"
- or via the Andrew file system in the directory
- "/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/connect/bench"
- In case of problems email contact is "nn-bench-request@cs.cmu.edu".
- The data sets in this repository include the 'nettalk' data, the
- 'two spirals' problem, a vowel recognition task, and a few others.
- 2. UCI machine learning database
- accessible via anonymous FTP on
- "ics.uci.edu" []
- in directory
- "/pub/machine-learning-databases"
- 3. NIST special databases of the National Institute Of Standards
- And Technology:
- NIST special database 2:
- Structured Forms Reference Set (SFRS)
- The NIST database of structured forms contains 5,590 full page images
- of simulated tax forms completed using machine print. THERE IS NO REAL
- TAX DATA IN THIS DATABASE. The structured forms used in this database
- are 12 different forms from the 1988, IRS 1040 Package X. These
- include Forms 1040, 2106, 2441, 4562, and 6251 together with Schedules
- A, B, C, D, E, F and SE. Eight of these forms contain two pages or
- form faces making a total of 20 form faces represented in the
- database. Each image is stored in bi-level black and white raster
- format. The images in this database appear to be real forms prepared
- by individuals but the images have been automatically derived and
- synthesized using a computer and contain no "real" tax data. The entry
- field values on the forms have been automatically generated by a
- computer in order to make the data available without the danger of
- distributing privileged tax information. In addition to the images
- the database includes 5,590 answer files, one for each image. Each
- answer file contains an ASCII representation of the data found in the
- entry fields on the corresponding image. Image format documentation
- and example software are also provided. The uncompressed database
- totals approximately 5.9 gigabytes of data.
- NIST special database 3:
- Binary Images of Handwritten Segmented Characters (HWSC)
- Contains 313,389 isolated character images segmented from the
- 2,100 full-page images distributed with "NIST Special Database 1".
- 223,125 digits, 44,951 upper-case, and 45,313 lower-case character
- images. Each character image has been centered in a separate
- 128 by 128 pixel region, error rate of the segmentation and
- assigned classification is less than 0.1%.
- The uncompressed database totals approximately 2.75 gigabytes of
- image data and includes image format documentation and example software.
- NIST special database 4:
- 8-Bit Gray Scale Images of Fingerprint Image Groups (FIGS)
- The NIST database of fingerprint images contains 2000 8-bit gray scale
- fingerprint image pairs. Each image is 512 by 512 pixels with 32 rows
- of white space at the bottom and classified using one of the five
- following classes: A=Arch, L=Left Loop, R=Right Loop, T=Tented Arch,
- W=Whirl. The database is evenly distributed over each of the five
- classifications with 400 fingerprint pairs from each class. The images
- are compressed using a modified JPEG lossless compression algorithm
- and require approximately 636 Megabytes of storage compressed and 1.1
- Gigabytes uncompressed (1.6 : 1 compression ratio). The database also
- includes format documentation and example software.
- More short overview:
- Special Database 1 - NIST Binary Images of Printed Digits, Alphas, and Text
- Special Database 2 - NIST Structured Forms Reference Set of Binary Images
- Special Database 3 - NIST Binary Images of Handwritten Segmented Characters
- Special Database 4 - NIST 8-bit Gray Scale Images of Fingerprint Image Groups
- Special Database 6 - NIST Structured Forms Reference Set 2 of Binary Images
- Special Database 7 - NIST Test Data 1: Binary Images of Handprinted Segmented
- Characters
- Special Software 1 - NIST Scoring Package Release 1.0
- Special Database 1 - $895.00
- Special Database 2 - $250.00
- Special Database 3 - $895.00
- Special Database 4 - $250.00
- Special Database 6 - $250.00
- Special Database 7 - $1,000.00
- Special Software 1 - $1,150.00
- The system requirements for all databases are a 5.25" CD-ROM drive
- with software to read ISO-9660 format.
- Contact: Darrin L. Dimmick
- dld@magi.ncsl.nist.gov (301)975-4147
- If you wish to order the database, please contact:
- Standard Reference Data
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- 221/A323
- Gaithersburg, MD 20899
- (301)975-2208 or (301)926-0416 (FAX)
- 4. CEDAR CD-ROM 1: Database of Handwritten
- Cities, States, ZIP Codes, Digits, and Alphabetic Characters
- The Center Of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR)
- State University of New York at Buffalo announces the availability of
- CEDAR CDROM 1: USPS Office of Advanced Technology
- The database contains handwritten words and ZIP Codes
- in high resolution grayscale (300 ppi 8-bit) as well as
- binary handwritten digits and alphabetic characters (300 ppi
- 1-bit). This database is intended to encourage research in
- off-line handwriting recognition by providing access to
- handwriting samples digitized from envelopes in a working
- post office.
- Specifications of the database include:
- + 300 ppi 8-bit grayscale handwritten words (cities,
- states, ZIP Codes)
- o 5632 city words
- o 4938 state words
- o 9454 ZIP Codes
- + 300 ppi binary handwritten characters and digits:
- o 27,837 mixed alphas and numerics segmented
- from address blocks
- o 21,179 digits segmented from ZIP Codes
- + every image supplied with a manually determined
- truth value
- + extracted from live mail in a working U.S. Post
- Office
- + word images in the test set supplied with dic-
- tionaries of postal words that simulate partial
- recognition of the corresponding ZIP Code.
- + digit images included in test set that simulate
- automatic ZIP Code segmentation. Results on these
- data can be projected to overall ZIP Code recogni-
- tion performance.
- + image format documentation and software included
- System requirements are a 5.25" CD-ROM drive with software to read ISO-
- 9660 format.
- For any further information, including how to order the
- database, please contact:
- Jonathan J. Hull, Associate Director, CEDAR, 226 Bell Hall
- State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260
- hull@cs.buffalo.edu (email)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- That's all folks.
- ========================================================================
- Acknowledgements: Thanks to all the people who helped to get the stuff
- above into the posting. I cannot name them all, because
- I would make far too many errors then. :->
- No ? Not good ? You want individual credit ?
- OK, OK. I'll try to name them all. But: no guarantee....
- (in alphabetical order of email adresses, I hope)
- S.Taimi Ames <ames@reed.edu>
- anderson@atc.boeing.com
- Kim L. Blackwell <avrama@helix.nih.gov>
- Paul Bakker <bakker@cs.uq.oz.au>
- Yijun Cai <caiy@mercury.cs.uregina.ca>
- L. Leon Campbell <campbell@brahms.udel.edu>
- David DeMers <demers@cs.ucsd.edu>
- Denni Rognvaldsson <denni@thep.lu.se>
- Wesley R. Elsberry <elsberry@cse.uta.edu>
- Frank Schnorrenberg <fs0997@easttexas.tamu.edu>
- Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@maya.isis.org>
- gaudiano@park.bu.edu
- Glen Clark <opto!glen@gatech.edu>
- guy@minster.york.ac.uk
- Jean-Denis Muller <jdmuller@vnet.ibm.com>
- Jonathan Kamens <jik@MIT.Edu>
- Luke Koops <koops@gaul.csd.uwo.ca>
- William Mackeown <mackeown@compsci.bristol.ac.uk>
- Peter Marvit <marvit@cattell.psych.upenn.edu>
- Yoshiro Miyata <miyata@sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp>
- Jyrki Alakuijala <more@ee.oulu.fi>
- mrs@kithrup.com
- Michael Plonski <plonski@aero.org>
- [myself]
- Richard Cornelius <richc@rsf.atd.ucar.edu>
- Rob Cunningham <rkc@xn.ll.mit.edu>
- Osamu Saito <saito@nttica.ntt.jp>
- Ted Stockwell <ted@aps1.spa.umn.edu>
- Thomas.Vogel@cl.cam.ac.uk
- Ulrich Wendl <uli@unido.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
- Matthew P Wiener <weemba@sagi.wistar.upenn.edu>
- Bye
- Lutz
- --
- Lutz Prechelt (email: prechelt@ira.uka.de) | Whenever you
- Institut fuer Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation | complicate things,
- Universitaet Karlsruhe; D-7500 Karlsruhe 1; Germany | they get
- (Voice: ++49/721/608-4317, FAX: ++49/721/694092) | less simple.