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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.sys.ibm.pc.games:26758 rec.games.misc:39281 news.answers:4622
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!xn.ll.mit.edu!ames!data.nas.nasa.gov!taligent!apple!warren
- From: warren@Apple.COM (Chris Warren)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games,rec.games.misc,news.answers
- Subject: ADMIN: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games - Frequently Asked Questions - Read before posting
- Summary: This file should be read by anyone who wishes to post to the
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.games news group. It contains the following:
- 1 a list of frequently asked questions about games
- for the IBM PC and compatabiles,
- 2 Glossary of terms used by comp.sys.ibm.pc.games
- 3 Compilation of the most common bugs in games
- 4 Compilation of the most common hint requests
- Keywords: questions,hints,faq,info
- Message-ID: <75627@apple.apple.COM>
- Date: 15 Dec 92 22:42:35 GMT
- Reply-To: warren@apple.com
- Followup-To: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games
- Organization: Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA
- Lines: 1128
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Archive-name: pc-games-FAQ
- Last-Modified: 1992/10/15
- Posting Frequency: Once a week
- NOTE cross-posting
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------- comp.sys.ibm.pc.games -------------------------
- ----------------------------- FAQ in 4 Parts -----------------------------
- --------------------------- Rev date 10/15/92 ----------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contents:
- Note: if you want to skip to a later part of this document search for the
- string "Part <n>" where n is 1 to 4. On UNIX, using rn or more
- type "/Part <n>" (example "/Part 4:" to go to the section on Game Spoilers)
- Part 1: General Questions
- The folowing questions are covered in part 1. You can search for the
- coresponding number with your editor if you want to skip to that question
- On UNIX, using rn or more type /<number>: (example "/4:")
- 1: What is comp.sys.ibm.pc.games?
- 2: What should I be aware of when posting to comp.sys.ibm.pc.games?
- 3: What are all these other game groups?
- 4: What is a Spoiler?
- 5: How should I post a spoiler?
- 6: How do I FTP?
- 7: Where can I download public domain games.
- 8: Where can I get hints/solutions to games?
- 9: Where can I get cracks and or cheats for various games?
- 10: Which sound board should I buy?
- 11: Where to get the Sound Site Newsletter?
- 12: Where can I get music players/music files/music editors/songs/etc.
- for my pc's music card?
- 13: What is the difference between the Sound Blaster and the
- Sound Blaster Pro?
- 14: My 386/33 and Sound Blaster seem incompatible. I get garbled music
- when playing Ultima6/SSI games/etc. What's wrong?
- 15: Where can I get Infocom games? Can somebody mail me a copy
- (since they're out of business anyway (Is that legal?) What
- happened to them anyway?
- 16: Where can I Buy/Get support for games?
- 17: How do I get a particular game to best run under OS/2?
- Part 2: Glossary
- Did you ever wonder about the meaning of IMHO, CoAB, LSL5, or any of
- the other acronyms that fly fast and furious in this group, look here
- for info.
- Part 3: FAQ -- Game Bugs
- Compilation of the most common bugs in games. They are arranged
- by game and are by no means comprehensive but they should help people
- who get stuck in areas of poor game design or just plain difficulty.
- Part 4: FAQ -- Game Spoilers
- Compilation of the most common spoiler problems. They are arranged
- by game and are by no means comprehensive but they should help people
- who get stuck in areas of poor game design or just plain difficulty.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Administrivia/Soapbox:
- Hello, here is your friendly neighborhood FAQ [person, sacrafical lamb,
- lemming, ??? :]
- Welcome to the new group!
- There are still a few questions I need answers for.
- Please email me additions, corrections, or whatever and I will incorporate
- them in the next version.
- This FAQ will be posted every week or so. For the time being,
- this will crossposted to rec.games.misc for purposes of smoothing
- the transition to the new group.
- Cheers
- Chris Warren (editor without cause)
- ------------------------ Part 1: General Questions -----------------------
- 1: What is comp.sys.ibm.pc.games?
- A: This group arose out of rec.games.misc. For some time, that group
- had been dominated by discussions of MSDOS games. This has proved
- confusing to new people, and tended to starve out non MSDOS,
- non computer oriented traffic.
- The charter of this group is to provide a forum for the discussion
- of games for the IBM PC or compatible machines. This is not just
- limited to MS-DOS, but extends to OS/2, Windows and anything else
- which can run on an IBM PC compatible.
- For example (not comprehensive):
- o Discussion of upcoming games
- o Discussion of software companies
- o Discussion of current and past games
- o Requests for help
- o Hints and spoilers
- o Personal sales and trading of games. Not for commercial sales
- or piracy. Any risk assumed is your own.
- o Discussion of locations of new demos and ftp sites
- Certain games have their own newsgroup. These include the
- games: Corewar,Empire, Hack, Moria, and Rogue. See question
- three for more details. Questions pertaining to one of those games should
- be posted to that group, and possibly here if it is of general
- enough interest.
- Also certain games that come out on the PC tend to migrate to other
- platforms, so this group can serve as a resource for people
- with questions about those games as well.
- 2: What should I be aware of when posting to this comp.sys.ibm.pc.games?
- When you post an article there a few things you can do to make life
- easier for others.
- a) Subject Headers: Note the following is voluntary. It is being
- suggested because it will make everyone's life easier if people
- use it. However if you don't use it, the net.police are not
- going to haul you away (or flame you away:)
- On the other hand, please use it and people will thank you forever,
- or at least until their local newsfeed runs expire.
- Use an all caps prefix followed by a colon to indicate
- the type of message. This allows others to quicky find your
- article if it pertains to a particular topic. Here is a list of common
- prefixs. [feel free to suggest others or changes]
- HELP: Message asking for help in a game.
- Replies to these messages can often contain SPOILERS.
- SPOILER: A message which gives something away about a game and
- doesn't fall under HELP:
- BUG: Message about a bug in a game, how to get arround a
- particular bug, how to get patches to fix bugs, etc.
- TECHHELP: Message asking for help in getting a game to run on your
- machine.
- UPCOMING: Message talking about an upcomming game
- REVIEW: Message reviewing a particular game
- 4SALE: Posting for personal sales or trading of games or
- game wanted. Not for commercial sales or piracy.
- Any risk assumed is your own.
- WANTED: A message posted by someone who is looking for something.
- ADMIN: Administrative and group info type stuff.
- The FAQ falls under this category
- MISC: Misceleneous topic
- FLAME: Message whose primary purpose is to vent one's spleen.
- If you don't use a heading, then at least please use an indication of
- the game that you are talking about in the subject line. For example
- for Civilization use a header like CIV: so people who don't care about
- Civilization can ignore the message. Also try to use the same header
- that other people use.
- In any event, subject line should be indicative of the contents of
- the message. Please don't post something with a vague title like
- "Question" or "Info wanted"
- b) Understand about SPOILERS. See question 4.
- c) While it is OK to talk about removing copy protection for legitimate
- owners of games. It is NOT cool to talk about how to pirate software,
- or to post requests for pirated copies of software.
- There sometimes can be a fine line between these two so care should be
- taken with respect to these areas. It is all too easy to start
- a flame war... (he runs for cover)
- 3: What are all these other game groups?
- A: bit.listserv.games-l -- This newsgroup is mostly for MS-DOS games,
- but since many people on bitnet have access
- to only bit.listserv.games-l you'll see all
- kinds of posts from Amiga questions to
- Nintendo questions.
- comp.sys.amiga.games -- Amiga specific games
- comp.sys.mac.games -- Macintosh specific games
- rec.arts.int-fiction -- Covers interactive fiction (generalized
- term that includes adventure games) from
- the standpoint of developing int-fiction
- as a new literary genre. For implementors
- of int-fiction more than players.
- rec.games.corewar -- Group for Core War, CRobots and other
- games that involve programming.
- rec.games.design -- General game design issues. Currently
- focuses on non computer based roleplaying
- games. Could be of interest to designers of
- CRPGs (Computer Role Playing Games)
- rec.games.frp -- Covers mostly non computer RPGs
- rec.games.mud -- Multi-User Dungeon
- rec.games.mud.lp Cool multiplayer Zork type games
- that you can hook onto over the internet.
- You text adventure type should check this,
- if you like the idea of playing in a zork
- game with other people where you can
- help build the universe!
- rec.games.pbm -- Discussion of play-by-mail games.
- rec.games.pinball -- Discussion of pinball, both for players
- of coin-op pinball games and pinball
- collectors.
- rec.games.programmer -- Discussion of the implementation and
- programming of computer games of all types.
- rec.games.rpg -- Unofficial newsgroup that is a visceral clone
- of rec.game.frp and a source of major
- irritation [read flamewars] for all involved.
- be a net.person.good and use rec.games.frp :)
- [follow up this topic on alt.flame]
- rec.games.vectrex -- Discussion of the discontinued Vectrex
- vector graphics home game system.
- rec.games.video -- Discussion of dedicated home video game systems
- (i.e. Nintendo, Genesis) and the dedicated
- video game market in general. Computer games
- are occasionally discussed, especially those
- for older computers (i.e. Commodore 64,
- Atari 8-bit, Apple II).
- rec.games.video.arcade -- A group for discussion of arcade games
- (in arcades). They discuss old classics
- as well as current games.
- rec.games.netrek, -- discussion about realtime, multiplayer
- alt.games.xtrek space combat games Netrek and Xtrek.
- [ PLEASE add to this list and/or the above descriptions ]
- 4: What is a Spoiler?
- A: Anything that gives away information about a game, which could hurt
- a player's enjoyment of a game. It comes from "Spoil the Surprise."
- In this context it usually refers to the solution to a puzzle, or
- a description of the ending animation sequence for a game.
- Most people get really *pissed* if you post a spoiler with out a
- Example of a Spoiler [made up by Bryon Daly]
- This comes from *no* game (yet:)
- Hey guys:
- In Kazoos Of Doom, I just used the +3 Accordion Of Boredom to kill the
- guard and solve the riddle. Now I'm stuck on how to get down to the next
- level...
- 5: How should I post a spoiler?
- A: At minimum you should include the word SPOILER in your
- subject line and a line in your message that indicates that
- a Spoiler follows. One way to do this is as follows:
- ^L (control-L)
- 24 carriage returns
- <text of spoiler>
- Spoilers should definitely include a form-feed character (control-L)
- to avoid 'giving away' the secrets. Use of multiple CR's to support readers
- in window oriented environments like the Mac is recommended in addition to
- the control-L. Some people argue with justification that newsreaders that
- don't support control-L as a pause are broken, and some people argue that
- control-L doesn't make sense in a window environment, but spoilers should
- definitely have a ^L included to follow usenet conventions - and support
- workstation readers who may have large screens.
- Details of inserting a cntl-L / form-feed depend very much on one's
- system and/or editor - the following advice may not work for everyone or
- even a majority of people.
- On some UNIX systems (maybe others), you have to type the "escape" key
- to enter a control. The escape key is _not_ the esc. You type
- ^V then ^L, and the ^L will be entered into the text. Otherwise,
- just a ^L will clear the screen.
- 6: How do I FTP?
- A: First of all
- Those without FTP access should send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- with "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body to find out
- how to do FTP by e-mail.
- [Thanks to John Gordon and Stephen M. Smith for most of what follows]
- [We are assuming that you are on a UNIX machine. If you are using
- something else, you are on your own. Sorry :( ]
- Directions
- 1) From your system prompt, type "ftp <host-name>", where
- <host-name> is the name of the host machine that you are trying to get to.
- Example: "ftp cica.cica.indiana.edu". Note: In some cases you may not be
- able to use the name, you will have to use the IP address number. This
- number is 4 numbers separated by dots, i.e. "". If you have to
- do it this way, you would type "ftp". Presumably you can
- obtain the IP number from the same place you got the host-name.
- Or use the /usr/etc/nslookup command to find the IP number from a machine
- name.
- 2) When you connect to the host, you will have to enter a login
- and probably a password. Most sites support what is called "Anonymous FTP",
- this means that you enter "anonymous" as your login and then enter your
- real login as you password, i.e. "joe@comp.node.whatever". Some sites
- accept "ftp" as an anonymous login rather than "anonymous". I have heard
- that sysadmins rarely check what you entered for your password, but it is
- courteous to be truthful. NOTE: Most sites don't want you using anonymous
- FTP during prime-time, which is usually 7am-6pm *local* time.
- Note: Local time can often be hard to determine just from a site's name.
- You can use the command "telnet <site> daytime" or, failing that,
- "telnet <site> 13", will give the system time at <site>.
- 3) After you have successfully logged on, you can use "cd" and
- "ls", among other commands, to get where you want in the directory tree.
- 4) Once you are in the correct directory and know what files
- you want, you can use "get" to copy single files, i.e. "get file1.c",
- or "mget" to copy multiple files, i.e. "mget *.zip". NOTE: If the
- files you are copying are not plain-text files, i.e. compressed files,
- binary data files, etc. you will want to set the transfer mode to binary.
- You can do this by entering "type binary". "binary" or "tenex" may also
- work.
- 5) If you get stuck, you can type "help" or "?" and get a list
- of FTP commands that you can use. "man ftp" from your system prompt
- will also be helpful.
- 6) If any of the files you copied have a .Z, .shar, and/or
- .tar extensions, you will have to play around with the files a bit
- before you can use them. Check out the man pages for the commands
- "uncompress" (for .Z files), "shar" (for .shar files), and "tar"
- (for .tar files).
- 7) Software obtained this way will probably not have viruses,
- but you never know. Be careful out there. Note: I say that "it will
- probably not have viruses" because there is simply more "clean"
- software out there than there is "dirty" software, not because FTP
- is somehow inherently safer.
- Note: [thanks flee@guardian.cs.psu.edu]
- About ftping, what "binary" means is that the remote system is
- compatible with your system, and ftp will send an exact image of the
- file (Type I stands for Image). If, for example, both systems are
- Unix systems, then you can always use binary mode, even for retrieving
- text files. Binary mode will be a little faster, because the systems
- will not have to convert back and forth between local ascii and
- network ascii.
- Type tenex (L 8) is used to talk to DEC-10s and DEC-20s and other
- machines with 9-bit bytes. Machines with 8-bit bytes (which is nearly
- everyone else) need to specify the "L 8" type to send binary files to
- and from those machines.
- Of the ftp sites you list, I think WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL is the only
- host that needs type tenex.
- Example FTP session with Anotations
- > ftp wuarchive.wustl.edu
- Connected to wuarchive.wustl.edu.
- 220 wuarchive.wustl.edu FTP server (Version 6.11 Fri Aug 16 07:53:21 CDT 1991)
- Name (wuarchive.wustl.edu:myname): anonymous [enter "anonymous" or "ftp"
- for sign-on name]
- 331 Guest login ok, send e-mail address as password.
- Password: ["guest" usually works, otherwise put in your
- real email address for the password]
- 230-Welcome, archive user! This is an experimental FTP server. If you
- 230-have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to
- 230-root@wuarchive.wustl.edu. If you do have problems, please try using a
- 230-dash (-) as the first character of your password -- this will turn off
- 230-the continuation messages that may be confusing your ftp client.
- 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
- ftp> cd /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/demos [change to the appropriate directory
- with the "cd" command, and make sure
- your directory dividers are "/" not "\"]
- 250 CWD command successful.
- ftp> ls ["list" the contents of the directory;
- for a full description use "dir" or "ls -l"]
- 200 PORT command successful.
- 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
- hover.zip
- lemmings.zip
- vectdemo.zip
- swotl.unp.txt.Z
- 226 Transfer complete.
- 56 bytes received in 0.03 seconds (1.8 Kbytes/s)
- ftp> binary [for any file OTHER than a text file, change
- to binary transfer by entering "binary"; some
- sites use the word(s) "tenex" or "type L 8"
- instead of "binary"; to change back to make a
- text (ASCII) transfer enter the word "ascii"]
- 200 Type set to I.
- ftp> get hover.zip [enter "get (filename)" to transfer the file
- to your site from the remote site]
- 200 PORT command successful.
- 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for hover.zip (424060 bytes).
- 226 Transfer complete.
- local: hover.zip remote: hover.zip
- 424060 bytes received in 38 seconds (11 Kbytes/s)
- ftp> quit [enter "quit" or "bye" to leave the ftp session]
- 221 Goodbye.
- > [you are returned to your system prompt]
- 7: Where can I download public domain games.
- A: here are someplaces. [please post more]
- risc.ua.edu pub/games/pc PC games[?]
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu ??? Mac Software
- mac.archive.umich.edu ??? Mac Software
- msdos.archive.umich.edu ??? Dos Software
- Note: Last two are the same machine. Can be accessed by archive.umich.edu
- ftp.ulowell.edu msdos/Games Apogee games, some
- demos, misc
- stuff
- nic.funet.fi Major Europeen
- site for games
- grape.ecs.clarkson.edu everywhere MSDOS games
- Note: The stuff at this archive
- is rather jumbled up,
- and games can be found
- in many directories
- Here is a place to get demos for games:
- wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/demos.
- ftp.ulowell.edu /pub
- /msdos/Games/Demo
- Here are some random ftp sites that may have games
- aisun1.ai.uga.edu language processing, msdos
- iraun1.ira.uka.de ham-radio, msdos, internet
- mdaali.cancer.utexas.edu software, msdos, mac
- msdos.archive.umich.edu 03/01/91 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net
- novell.macc.wisc.edu msdos)
- procyon.cis.ksu.edu unix-pc, pd modula2, msdos,
- quiche.cs.mcgill.ca sites, msdos, bible, Hubble
- rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de msdos, unix, mathematics
- schizo.samsung.com networking sw, msdos, gifs,
- sirius.ucs.adelaide.edu.au modula 3, msdos, aus.aarnet
- vaxb.acs.unt.edu msdos, amiga, midi, network
- wuarchive.wustl.edu comp.sources.x, msdos,
- cc.sfu.ca msdos, mac
- csc2.anu.edu.au sun-fixes, RFCs, NCSA, msdos,
- doc.cso.uiuc.edu msdos (pcsig), mac
- f.ms.uky.edu mac, msdos, unix-pc
- garbo.uwasa.fi msdos, win3, ts-progs, unix,
- grape.ecs.clarkson.edu Opus BBS, msdos, graphics,
- iesd.auc.dk amiga, mac, msdos, myth
- mars.ee.msstate.edu msdos, amiga, mac, atari,
- meap.uta.edu msdos engineering/science sw
- msdos.archive.umich.edu msdos, mac
- mtsg.ubc.ca msdos, unix, amiga, os2
- orc.olivetti.com msdos fax netinfo rfc
- peace.waikato.ac.nz anu-news gnu msdos mac ncsa
- plains.nodak.edu apple, msdos, mac, amiga,
- shasta.scl.cwru.edu smail/pc, msdos, gif, packet
- sparky2.esd.mun.ca NewPet and QuikPlot msdos
- sumex.edu ??? Mac Software
- um.cc.umich.edu msdos, mac, apple, atari
- vega.hut.fi msdos, mac, Kermit, fusion
- vmtecmex.cem.itesm.mx amiga, msdos, gif
- vuwcom.vuw.ac.nz kermit, mac, msdos, vms
- wsmr-simtel20.army.mil msdos, unix, cpm, mac (tenex)
- NOTE: A simply massive ftplist can be downloaded from the Document Site:
- typhoon.Berkeley.EDU( in pub/Library
- This place has a lot of other documents also.
- 8: Where can I get hints/solutions to games?
- A: See Part 3 of the FAQ for Frequently Asked Hints/Bugs or use ftp,
- see below.
- Here are ftp sites [please post more]
- risc.ua.edu -- pub/games/solutions
- This is in the US, and it largely
- duplicates nic.funet.fi
- nic.funet.fi -- pub/misc/games.solutions
- This is in Finland, and it largely
- duplicates risc.ua.edu
- NOTE: when ftp'ing to nic.funet.fi
- you MUST enter your email address as
- the password in order to be able to
- access the appropriate subdirectories!
- Mark Jacobson provided the following additional sites using an archie search.
- No IP numbers were provided...
- faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de /mounts/cyber/cyber/pc/games/solutions
- hilbert.math.ksu.edu /pub/pc/games/hints
- sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de /pub/game_solutions
- There are no walkthroughs on the Internet for the following games.
- [Thanks to Carl Hommel for this info]
- Ultima 4
- Bards Tale II
- Eye of the Beholder (postscript maps available from someplace in Oz)
- Might & Magic I, III (hint books cost $12)
- The SSI "Gold Box" games (hint books cost $15)
- Pool of Radiance
- Curse of the Azure Bonds
- Secret of the Silver Blades
- Pool of Darkness
- Wizardry I - V
- An EotB walkthrough is the *most* frequently asked walkthrough question.
- Earn eternal fame by being the first to write/upload one!
- the following solutions had been uploaded to risc.ua.edu...
- directory /pub/games/solutions
- sol.elvira - Elvira
- sol.elvira2 - Elvira II
- sol.eob2 - Eye of the Beholder II
- sol.geisha - Geisha (not done by me)
- sol.iceman - Codename : ICEMAN
- sol.kol - Knights of Legend
- sol.lostinla - Les Manley II - Lost in L.A.
- sol.martianmemorandam - Martian Memorandum
- sol.mm3 - Might & Magic III
- sol.monkey - Secret of Monkey Island
- sol.monkey2 - Secret of Monkey Island II
- sol.uukrul - The Dark Heart of Uukrul
- sol.willy - The Adventures of Willy Beamish
- sol.wizardry6 - Bane of the Cosmic Forge (not done by me)
- sol.zyca - Legend of the Zyca
- 9: Where can I get cracks and or cheats for games?
- A: I appologize if the following gets a bit preachy but I think it
- is important to be clear about this newsgroup's attitude towards
- cracks and piracy given the wide distribution that this list gets.
- First of all, the administrators of this site [and your editor]
- see that these cracks are for the *legal* owners of software only.
- Don't use them for piracy. The readership of this newsgroup
- includes people who work in the software industry [myself included]
- and in particular people who work for the game companies providing
- us with the games we love to play. Sometimes they get a bit
- over zealous in trying to protect their livelyhood and we are
- forced to resort to cracks [and I get as pissed off as anybody
- about intrusive copy protection schemes). Being pissed off about
- copy protection however, does NOT make it right to steal their
- software.
- It should be noted that the distribution of cracks,
- patches, and cheats are legal as long as they do not contain
- ANY code from a copy righted program. It is however illegal to
- give out a cracked copy of a program to your friends (enemies
- or anyone for that matter).
- Some people believe that applying a patch may violate the
- "shrink wrap" license that comes with some software. It has been
- mentioned on this newsgroup that these "shrink wrap" licenses do
- not constitute a legal contract and have never been held up in court.
- This author will neither confirm or deny this. [I have always wanted
- to say that:)]
- The site:
- The games cracks area has been moved to
- ftp.uwp.edu:/pub/msdos/romulus
- There is also a mirror of ulowell there /pub/msdos/games
- 10: Which sound board should I buy?
- A: Read the sound site newsletter, which will tell you everything you
- ever wanted to know about sound*
- (* but were afraid to ask:)
- 11: Where to get the Sound Site Newsletter?
- A: The Sound Site Newsletter is posted monthly or bimonthly to
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.games, comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc, and comp.sys.mac.misc
- under the subject heading "Sound Newsletter #?". If possible,
- obtain a copy from one of those newsgroups.
- The editor for the newsletter is David Komatsu; he may be reached at one
- of the following three email addresses: sound@ccb.ucsf.edu,
- davek@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu, and komatsu@aludra.usc.edu. For back
- issues of the Sound Site Newsletter, obtain the latest copy and follow
- the directions given in it.
- 12: Where can I get music players/music files/music editors/songs/etc. for
- my pc's music card?
- A: Read the Sound Site Newsletter.
- 13: What is the difference between the Sound Blaster and the Sound Blaster
- Pro?
- A: [??? will this be in the Sound Site Newsletter?]
- 14: My 386/33 and Sound Blaster seem incompatible. I get garbled music
- when playing Ultima6/SSI games/etc. What's wrong?
- A: On some fast machines there are timing problems with certain game's
- software. Try turning off the cache or lowering the CPU speed.
- 15: Where can I get Infocom games? Can somebody mail me a copy (since they're
- out of business anyway (Is that legal?) What happened to them anyway?
- A: [Thanks to Dave Lebling (Infocom co-founder) for the definitive
- info on this]
- The Lost Treasures of Infocom is now available at Software ETC,
- Electronic Boutiques and other fine stores everywhere.
- $59.95 list, EB price is $54.95. 20 Infocom games included
- - all the Zork series, HHGTTG, etc. Whatta deal - less than $3.00 a game!
- Lost Treasures 2 is now out and contains 11 more games. It's been seen
- at Electronics Boutique for $38. 38/11 = $3.45 per game! The remaining
- Interactive Fiction Plus games are here (Trinity, Mind Forever Voyaging),
- but no Leather Goddesses I, and no more of the graphic Infocom games
- (Arthur, Shogun, Quarterstaff, Journey).
- In addition to The Lost Treasures, Activision recently released a sequel
- to Leather Goddesses of Phobos, written by Steve Meretzky. It's a
- hypercard-esque interface, not a text adventure. This was release under
- the Infocom label. Also under the Infocom label is a line of
- other non-text games (Battletech, etc).
- Check out the stuff from Legend Entertainment. It's the closest thing
- to the old Infocom stuff around now. (Titles include Spellcasting 101 and
- 201, Timequest, and Frederik Pohl's Gateway).
- Infocom never went out of business. It went deeply into debt to
- develop a database product (named Cornerstone) that was a commercial
- flop. It went shopping for a merger and found Activision, which
- later changed its name to Mediagenic. What did happen is that
- in May of 1989 Mediagenic closed down the "real" Infocom in
- Cambridge, MA, and laid (almost) everyone off. All the releases
- up through Zork Zero, Shogun, Journey, and Arthur were developed
- in Cambridge.
- [Nathan Torkington writes]
- Infocom were bought by Mediagenic, and are now simply a label under
- which games are released. The most recent Infocom releases are
- graphical adventures.
- UK readers will be happy to learn that the games are available from
- Virgin Mastertronic (a budget software house in the US). I'll include
- a copy of my personal FAQ on how to get the games from Mastertronic.
- [Dave Lebling writes]
- Mediagenic licensed the UK rights to the games to Virgin Mastertronic
- about two years ago.
- Mediagenic went nearly bankrupt, was taken over by outside investors,
- and taken through a so-called "pre-packaged Chapter 11 bankruptcy" in
- January, 1992. As part of that process, they changed their name back
- to Activision, moved from Silicon Valley down to LA, and recently
- merged with a company owned by the investors (called The Disc
- Company).
- [Nathan Torkington writes]
- Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" adventure game
- is being reissued by Virgin Mastertronic. Their advertisement in
- the Aug/Dept 1991 "XS NRG" magazine (hey, it's not mine! - I wouldn't
- buy something with that tacky a title) shows the covers to
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Zork I
- PlanetFall
- Wishbringer
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- Zork II
- Zork III
- Enchanter
- Sorcerer
- Deadline
- and the text reads:
- Ten good reasons to use your imagination
- Classic infocom interactive fiction is back -- at an
- irresistible price.
- Available on PC, Amiga & ST : #9.99 (# == British pound)
- INFOCOM from Mastertronic
- For further information please contact:
- Customer Services
- Virgin Mastertronic Ltd
- 16 Portland Road
- London W11 2LA
- Tel: 071 - 727 8070
- I hope this helps. Remember that if you write to them asking how to
- order the game, it would be a good idea to let them know how much you
- enjoy interactive fiction (text adventures). That way they may
- (re?)release more ..
- 16: Where can I buy/get support for games?
- A: "Where to get..."
- Electronic Boutique has a toll-free order line. (800) 800-0032.
- [AmEx/MasterCard/VISA, personal check, Money Order].
- CompuAdd has a toll-free order line. (800) 627-1967.
- [Discover/MasterCard/VISA, certified check, Money Order].
- Egghead has toll-free order line. (800) 347 5400.
- [I assume major credit cards. Check? Money Order?]
- [can someone who is outside the US send me info on getting games]
- [internationally]
- "Game Maker Support"
- A number of game companies have BBS systems that their customers
- can call to leave technical support questions, get updated game
- versions, find out product information, etc. The ones I've
- signed on to in the last month are:
- Accolade (408) 296-8800
- Microprose (301) 785-1841
- Origin (512) 328-8402
- Sierra (209) 683-4463 (*)
- (*) Hints for most of their games available online!
- Other useful BBS numbers:
- DAK (are we talking deals???) (818) 715-7153
- Logitech (mice, etc) (415) 795-0408
- Thanks sgil@netcom.netcom.com (Steve Gilbert) for this info
- 17: How do I get game X to best run under OS/2 2.0?
- A: [thanks to Stephen M Smith for this info]
- FTP to ftp-os2.nmsu.edu ( and download the file
- named games10.txt (the '10' is the version number and will change
- of course). It will be located in one of the /pub/os2 sub-
- directories; try /pub/os2/2.0/info first. This info file has
- general tips that give optimum DOS settings for best game
- performance and a specific games section that lists games in
- alphabetical order and provides hints for running each game
- under OS/2. If you do not have FTP access, check the gaming
- groups or comp.os.os2.apps to see if a copy has been posted there,
- or send an email note to smsmith@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu and
- request a copy.
- -------------------------- Part 2: Glossary -------------------------------
- Note: Any time I use series in a description, it means that the word is
- usually followed by a number (sometimes a roman numeral)
- i.e. KQ5 or KQ V is King's Quest 5, the fifth installment of Kings Quest.
- Adlib Adlib -- A brand of Sound Card
- AD&D Advanced Dungeons
- & Dragons -- See rec.games.frp
- AG Adlib Gold -- Fancer version of Adlib that competes
- better with Sound Blaster
- AOTP Aces of the Pacific -- Military aerial combat game
- BotCF Bane of the Cosmic Forge
- (Wizardry VI) -- Part of the Wizardy series by Sir Tech
- BT Bards Tale -- A fantasy roleplaying series
- from Electronic Arts
- BTW By The Way -- Expression used by net.people
- CGA Color Graphics Adapter -- Old style graphics adapter from IBM.
- This was used for ancient games
- [I think it was 320x200 with 4 colors]
- CIV Civilization -- "Conquer the world" simulation game
- CoAB Curse of the Azure Bonds -- Computer based AD&D game from SSI
- EGA Extended Graphics Adapter -- Previous generation of graphics adapter,
- used for most of older games.
- (includes a 320x200 16 color mode,
- which was the old standard for games)
- EOB,EoB Eye Of the Beholder -- mouse based AD&D game from SSI
- FAQ Frequently Asked ?s -- Self-explanatory
- FTP File Transfer Protocol -- Tool used to transfer files between
- two machines (usually UNIX machines)
- IMHO In My Humble (or Honest)
- Opinion -- Expression used by net.people
- IMNSHO In My Not So
- Humble/Honest Opinion -- Expression used by net.people
- LSL Leisure Suit Larry -- Siera Online adventure game series
- LTOI Lost Treasures of Infocom -- Collection of the classic text
- adventures by Infocom (see Q14 for
- more info about Infocom)
- M&M Might and Magic -- A fantasy roleplaying series by
- New World Computing
- KQ King's Quest -- Siera Online adventure game series
- PBM Play By Mail -- Game (often RPG) that is played by mail
- PBEM,PBeM Play by Email -- Game (often PRG) that is played by EMail
- PC Personal Computer -- Usually implies "IBM-PC compatible"
- POD,PoD Pools of Darkness -- Computer based AD&D game from SSI
- POR,PoR Pool of Radiance -- Computer based AD&D game from SSI
- RTM Read The Manual -- Phrases used by people who don't have
- RTFM Read The F_CKIN Manual the time/patience/desire to help those
- who have a question. This editor
- personally dislikes this because it
- sends the message Read the Manual
- Stupid. Some things are not always
- clear to others and they have as much
- a right to ask their questions as we
- have to ask ours.
- SB Sound Blaster -- A brand of Sound Card
- SQ Space Quest -- Siera Online adventure game series
- SSI Strategic Simulations Inc -- A game company that makes the AD&D
- computer games, among others.
- SSB Secret of the Silver
- Blades -- Computer based AD&D game from SSI
- SWOTL Secret Weapons of
- the Luftwafe -- World War 2 aerial combat game.
- U Ultima -- A fantasy roleplaying series by Origin
- UW Ultima Underworld -- "Virtual reality"ish dungeon exploring
- game by Origin.
- VGA Video Graphics Array -- Current graphics adpater "du jour"
- of the game companies. It is required
- for newer games that use 256 colors at
- 320x200
- SVGA Super VGA -- higher resolution 256 color modes that
- come on 3rd party graphics cards
- (includes 640x480,800x600,and 1024x768)
- see comp.sys.ibm.cp.hardware for more
- info
- WOLF3D Castle Wolfenstien 3d -- "Virtual reality"ish shoot the NAZIs
- game. (shareware)
- WC Wing Commander -- Popular space flight simulator series
- from Origin
- Wiz Wizardy -- A fantasy roleplaying series by
- Sir Tech
- [Please post additions and corrections]
- ---------------------------- Part 3: Game Bugs ----------------------------
- This section cover some common game bug situations. It contains no Spoilers
- other than where a bug in the game prevents the player from finding out the
- info.
- Might and Magic III
- Sierra Games (General)
- Leisure Suit Larry 5
- Monkey Island
- Ultima 6
- Spellcasting 101
- Eye of the Beholder
- Wing Commander 1
- Wing Commander I,II cheat
- Might and Magic III
- Q: Why does brother Zeta never talk to me, even though I have visted
- brother Delta, who told me to go see him.
- A: This is a bug in the game. Zeta is supposed to tell you that you
- can find the shell on day 99. Also Zeta is the last of the brothers.
- Q: What is the magic number that lord might wants in the Arachnoid
- Caverent?
- A: [I don't remember the #. Someone please post]
- There is a bug in the game, that makes it [nearly] impossible to compute
- the number based on the clues, and besides, it's tedious. If you wait
- til later (nothing really depends on this quest), you will come across
- the answer elsewhere.
- Sierra Games (General)
- Q: I have several games from Sierra (and the associated company Dynamix),
- e.g. King's Quest V, Stellar 7, etc. When I install these programs
- with sound set to sound blaster (I have a version 2.0 sound
- blaster--not pro) my system hangs. If I set them to adlib board then
- they seem to work fine but I guess I am potentially missing out on any
- digitised sound effects. I had the same problem with Martian Memorandum
- but its manual gave instructions on how to change the interrupt from 3
- (used on older sound blaster boards) to 7 (used on newer boards --
- and what mine uses as reported by TEST-SBC). This change fixed
- things up perfectly. [What can I do?]
- A: I had the same problem with both Martian Memorandum and the Sierra games.
- I solved the problem with Martian Merorandum the same way as you. As
- for the Sierra games, when I talked to their tech support they indicated
- that there was no difference between Addlib mode and SB mode (I'm not
- sure about Dynamix however.) So I don't think you're missing much.
- [Andrew Klossner writes]
- This is true for some games, untrue for others. In Space Quest IV, there
- is a tangible difference between the sounds produced in Adlib mode and
- Soundblaster mode. Jet engine hisses and lightning bolts sent chills
- up my spine in SB mode but sounded like muffled instruments in Adlib
- mode. And that memorable fragment of digitized sound before the final
- encounter is Soundblaster-only.
- Leisure Suit Larry 5
- Q: What happened to Leisure Suit Larry 4?
- A: According to a newsletter(or game mag) I read somewhere, after
- completing LSL3, the author swore he would never do a part 4.
- So as a man of the highest moral caliber *grin*, he kept his word
- and did part 5 instead.
- Another answer is: it appears in the game Space Quest IV, so they had
- to roll the release number when they built LSL 5.
- Monkey Island
- Q: I can't get this game to run with Soundblaster (in Adlib mode) on my
- fast (33MHZ 486) machine.
- A: try running in 8MHZ mode. There is a bug that makes their Adlib driver
- fail on the fast machine.
- Ultima 6
- Q: I'm trying to install Ultima 6 for the Soundblaster. How do I do it?
- A: Choose Adlib and use all its default values. It will work fine.
- Q: What if I did the above and the music still doesn't sound right?
- A: Then you are in the same situation as the editor was. He called Origin
- and they told him to get the CMS chipset. He did this and played the
- game in CMS mode.
- Spellcasting 101
- Q: I have Spellcasting 101, for my IBM but I have a SoundBlaster Pro sound card.
- The packaging with S101 says that the game only uses the adlib sound card
- but only when you have run SOUND.COM.
- A: When you installed S101, it put the file SB_SOUND.COM in your S101
- directory. This is the program to run before starting S101.
- [thanks to Sam Fineberg for this info]
- Thanks to Andrew Robinson I found sound.com included in an ad-lib demo
- called dpdemo. This is available on nic.funet.fi among other places in
- the directory /pub/msdos/sound/adlib. The file is called dpdemo.lzh.
- Included in this archive is the original ad-lib sound.com driver.
- This worked perfectly with my SoundBlaster.
- Please take note of case as most of these machines are case sensitive.
- I found that for this file to work, the Soundblaster board has to be set to
- the default address (0220H).
- Eye of the Beholder
- Q: Where can I obtain maps for the different levels?
- A: They are available as .gif files at wuarchive.wustl.edu in
- /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS. The file names are level-01.gif through
- level-12.gif.
- brolga.cc.uq.oz.au (, in directory /pub/eob.
- This site is in Australia.
- The EOB maps were removed from wuarchive.wustl.edu.
- But someone just (12/18/91) posted the following note in
- bit.listserv.games-l:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- I've just uploaded the maps for Eye of the Beholder 1 to the ftp
- site wuarchive.wustl.edu in the directory MSDOS_UPLOADS under
- the filename eobmaps.zip.
- (path \pub\MSDOS_UPLOADS)
- The twelve maps have been PKzipped into one file. Just do a binary
- ftp get on the file eobmaps.zip. When PKunzipped, it will explode into
- the twelve separate maps.
- If you have any trouble with this file and blame it on the original
- at the ftp site, please let me know so I can check and see if I did
- something wrong.
- Wing Commander 1
- Q: Where can I get the wc.exe with the joystick fix?
- A: It was at wuarchive.wustl.edu in /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS. It was called
- wc1joyfx.zip. [can someone tell me where it is now?]
- Wing Commander I,II
- Q: What is the alt-del cheat in Wing Commander I [thanks Bill Poitras]
- A: The alt-del cheat is part of a mode that origin put in the Wing Commander
- games. you start the game wc Origin
- sm2 Origin
- wc2 Origin
- And when you hit Alt-Del, the targetted ship explodes. Lock is not
- neccessary. If you hit Alt-Ins, then all the enemy fighters blow up, but
- not capital ships. If you start the executable up with -k Origin, then
- your ship is invicible!!!
- ---------------------------- Part 4: Game Spoilers ----------------------------
- This section contains common spoiler/bug/cheat questions for certain games.
- Games covered are:
- Might and Magic III
- Lemmings
- [We may want to break this off into a separate FAQ -- SPOILERS]
- This section is for commonly asked questions about particular games, that
- haven't or will never make it to the hint/solutions area. Feel
- free to post or email me updates and addtions to this list. Also let me
- know when walkthroughs become available so I can delete them from here.
- We should try keep these to 2-4 questions per game.
- Might and Magic III
- Q: What goes up and down but never moves?
- Q: What turns everything around but does not move?
- Lemmings
- Q: How do I get a lemming to turn round?
- A: [thanks Adrian Hurt]
- Make the lemming dig vertically, until the top of his head is level with
- the floor from which he started digging. Then make him build. The pit
- which he has just dug should be small enough that he can get out of it
- without being a climber, but large enough that he doesn't keep building
- over the side - the ladder will hit the side, then he will stop building
- and turn round.
- Q: How do I complete Tricky Level 23?
- A: [thanks Adrian Hurt]
- Use both bashers to get through the big barrier in the middle - two bashers
- work faster than one. Once some lemmings are in the pit on the right of the
- barrier, make one a climber. Just before this lemming gets to the exit,
- turn him round as described above. Then make him a miner, so he digs a
- diagonal tunnel into the pit, up which the other lemmings can go to the
- exit.
- [Others?]