Labels:box | bulletin board | daily | reckoner | sky OCR: SYSTEM SPECS: 386DX or better Mb RAM 16 bit VLB-Video 2x Drive Sound Card (Optional) Mouse DOS Windows INSTALLATION: To install use Program Manager, select FILE then RUN select your CD drive and double click on SETUP EXE the root directory on the CD ROM Follow the on-screen instruction. EXAMPLE: DSETUP.EXE OTHER PRODUCTS AVAILABLE: The Executive Attache Two Faces Of The Dragon Clipart Coloring Book How T0 Buy Used Car "Craps' How to Play How To Maintain Used Car Scuba CD Vol. Knoodle CD Lore Of The Knights Interplanetary Explorer Johnny Reb Billy Yank Pirates Plunder SpECiAliZiNG iN uitiM INTERACTiVE edia EdUTAiNMENT ON Studios CD ROM 471 W LAMbERT Rc #104 BREA CAlifORNi 92621 TE1 714/256 7271 FAX: 714 1256- 7277 KuitiM CALifORNiA