if voidp(gAvailbleInv) then set gAvailbleInv = #All
if (gActiveQTVRhandler <> empty) and not voidp(gActiveQTVRhandler) then
set gActiveQTVRhandler = empty
end if
startProgessBar (4 )
if voidp(gQTVRpath) then set gQTVRpath = the pathname
if the machinetype = 256 then set gSNDpath = the pathname & "Media\Snds\"
else set gSNDpath = the pathname & "Media:Snds:"
set gInventorVisited = [0,0,0]
MoveBar( 5 )
set gObjectCastLists = the text of cast "orderListOfObjectCastLists"
set gActorListMgrObj = mInit(script "ActorListMgrParent")
MoveBar( 5 )
mSetUp ( gActorListMgrObj )
MoveBar( 5 )
set rQTNavMgrCastList = value(line 1 of gObjectCastLists)
MoveBar( 5 )
set gQTNavMgr = mInit (script "rQTNavMgr", rQTNavMgrCastList, gQTpath, gSndPath)
MoveBar( 5 )
set gCompileMode = FALSE
set gBellCastIndexlst = [:]
set gGallerylCastIndexlst = [:]
set gEdisonCastIndexlst = [:]
set gWattCastIndexlst = [:]
MoveBar( 5 )
set gGeneralCastIndex = value( the text of cast "General Cast INDEX" )
set gInventorOrder = [#Edison,#Bell,#Watt,#Gallery]
set gMstrPictIndex = [#Edison:value( the text of cast "Edison Pict Index"),#Bell:value( the text of cast "Bell Pict Index"),#Watt:value( the text of cast "Watt Pict Index"),#Gallery:value( the text of cast "Gallery Pict Index")]
MoveBar( 5 )
set DatabaseMgrCastLst = value(line 4 of gObjectCastLists)
set gDataBaseMgrObj = mInit ( script "DatabaseMgr",DatabaseMgrCastLst)
MoveBar( 5 )
set MainDBCast = getprop( gGeneralCastIndex, #MainDBs)
set whatCastindex = [:]
set gActiveInventor = #edison
set gEHSobjIndexedLst = mCreateDataPacks (gDataBaseMgrObj, getprop(MainDBCast,#Edison))
MoveBar( 5 )
--/ compile
if gCompileMode then
set the text of cast "Edison Pict Index" = string ( whatCastindex )
set gEdisonCastIndexlst = value( the text of cast "Edison Pict Index")
end if
set whatCastindex = [:]
set gActiveInventor = #bell
set gBHSobjIndexedLst = mCreateDataPacks (gDataBaseMgrObj, getprop(MainDBCast,#Bell))
MoveBar( 5 )
set whatCastindex = [:]
set gActiveInventor = #watt
set gWHSobjIndexedLst = mCreateDataPacks (gDataBaseMgrObj, getprop(MainDBCast,#Watt))
MoveBar( 5 )
set whatCastindex = [:]
set gActiveInventor = #gallery
set gGHSobjIndexedLst = mCreateDataPacks (gDataBaseMgrObj, getprop(MainDBCast,#Gallery))
MoveBar( 5 )
set gMstrObjIndexedLst = [#Edison:gEHSobjIndexedLst,#Bell:gBHSobjIndexedLst,#Watt:gWHSobjIndexedLst,¼
set gAreaManagerObj = mInit(script "AreaManagerObject", gInventorIndexNum)
MoveBar( 5 )
set InterfaceCastList = value(line 3 of gObjectCastLists)
MoveBar( 5 )
set gInterfaceMgrObj = mInit(script "Interface Mgr Parent", InterfaceCastList, gQTpath)
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
-- set QTVR rollover text
set gModeManager = mInit ( script "modeMangerParent")
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
set gUtilityObj = mInit( script "Utility Parent")
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
set gScoreEventObj = mInit(script "Score Event Object")
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
set gJournalObj = mInit(script "Journal Object")
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
set gPatentObj = mInit(script "Patent Object Script")
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
MoveBar( 5 )
set gGalleryMgr = mInit( script "GalleryMgr Parent")