Invenzioni E Inventori 1: Lavoro E Vita Quotidiana
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Text File
331 lines
on correggi
put "INIZIO ****"
go "menu"
put "FINE ****"
on cursore
set lab to the labellist
if offset("menu",lab)>0 then
go "menu"
set mar to marker(0)
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("cursor 4",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("global",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor 4"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set str to str1 & "cursor 4 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to str
put "NON inserisco cursor 4 in VIAGGIO - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco CURSOR 4 in Menu perchΦ giα presente"
end if
if offset("cursor -1",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("end"&return,str)
if off1=0 then set off1 to offset("end",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor -1"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set new_str to str1 & "cursor -1 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to new_str
put "NON inserisco cursor -1 in MENU - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco cursor -1 in MENU perchΦ giα presente"
end if
put "Attenzione - Il marker MENU NON Φ presente"
end if
if offset("articolo",lab)>0 then
go "articolo"
set mar to marker(0)
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("cursor 4",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("global",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor 4"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set new_str to str1 & "cursor 4 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to new_str
put "NON inserisco cursor 4 in articolo - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco cursor 4 in articolo perchΦ giα presente"
end if
set mar to mar+1
go to frame mar
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("cursor -1",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("end"&return,str)
if off1=0 then set off1 to offset("end",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor -1"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set new_str to str1 & "cursor -1 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to new_str
put "NON inserisco Cursor -1 in articolo - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco Cursor -1 in articolo perchΦ giα presente"
end if
put "Attenzione - Il marker ARTICOLO NON Φ presente"
end if
if offset("viaggio",lab)>0 then
go "viaggio"
set mar to marker(0)
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("cursor 4",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("global",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor 4"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set new_str to str1 & "cursor 4 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to new_str
put "NON inserisco cursor 4 in VIAGGIO - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco cursor 4 in VIAGGIO perchΦ giα presente"
end if
set mar to mar+1
go to frame mar
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("cursor -1",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("end"&return,str)
if off1=0 then set off1 to offset("end",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor -1"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set new_str to str1 & "cursor -1 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to new_str
put "NON inserisco Cursor -1 in Viaggio - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco Cursor -1 in Viaggio perchΦ giα presente"
end if
put "Attenzione - Il marker VIAGGIO NON Φ presente"
end if
if offset("principio",lab)>0 then
go "principio"
set mar to marker(0)
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("cursor 4",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("global",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor 4"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set new_str to str1 & "cursor 4 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to new_str
put "NON inserisco cursor 4 in p.s. - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco cursor 4 in p.s. perchΦ giα presente"
end if
set mar to mar+1
go to frame mar
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("cursor -1",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("end"&return,str)
if off1=0 then set off1 to offset("end",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco cursor -1"
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set new_str to str1 & "cursor -1 " & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to new_str
put "NON inserisco Cursor -1 in p.s. - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco Cursor -1 in p.s. perchΦ giα presente"
end if
put "Attenzione - Il marker PRINCIPIO NON Φ presente"
end if
go "menu"
on corr_testo
set num_can to 0
set num_cast to 0
set nome to ""
go "articolo"
repeat with x=1 to 48
set y to the castnum of sprite x
if y>0 and y<1000 then
if offset ("testo",the name of member y)>0 then
set num_can to x
set num_cast to y
set nome to the name of member y
end if
end if
end repeat
put num_can,num_cast,nome
set nome_hi to ""
set num_hi to 0
repeat with x =num_cast -30 to num_cast +30
if offset("testo",the name of member x) and x<> num_cast then
set nome_hi to the name of member x
set num_hi to x
end if
end repeat
put num_hi,nome_hi
if num_hi <>0 and nome_hi <>"" then
set mar to marker(0)
set mar to mar+2
go to frame mar
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("castnum",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("go to",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inseriscoset the cast num ..."
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set str to str1 & "set the castnum of sprite " & num_can & " to " & num_hi & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to str
put "NON inserisco set the castnum in ARTICOLO - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco set the castnum in ARTICOLO perchΦ giα presente"
end if
put "NON trovo l'hi-lite dell'icona testo"
end if
on corr_ps
set num_can to 0
set num_cast to 0
set nome to ""
go "principio"
repeat with x=1 to 48
set y to the castnum of sprite x
if y>0 and y<1000 then
if offset ("pri_s",the name of member y)>0 then
set num_can to x
set num_cast to y
set nome to the name of member y
end if
end if
end repeat
put num_can,num_cast,nome
set nome_hi to ""
set num_hi to 0
repeat with x =num_cast -30 to num_cast +30
if offset("pri_s",the name of member x) and x<> num_cast then
set nome_hi to the name of member x
set num_hi to x
end if
end repeat
put num_hi,nome_hi
if num_hi <>0 and nome_hi <>"" then
set mar to marker(0)
set mar to mar+2
go to frame mar
set num_script to the framescript
set str to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("castnum",str)=0 then
set off1 to offset("go to",str)
if off1>0 then
put "modifico la script ",num_script," ed inserisco set the castnum..."
set str1 to char 1 to off1-1 of str
set str2 to char off1 to length(str) of str
set str to str1 & "set the castnum of sprite " & num_can & " to " & num_hi & return & str2
set the scripttext of member num_script to str
put "NON inserisco set the castnum in P.S. - ERRORE"
end if
put "NON inserisco set the castnum in P.S. perchΦ giα presente"
end if
put "NON trovo l'hi-lite dell'icona p.s."
end if