ISV Strong Games
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Text File
286 lines
Program : SPatience
Purpose : To (re)play patience?
Author : J.Horsnell BSc(Hons) MSc
Date : Oct 1992 (from June '92)
To play the game use the left button on the mouse.
Place the pointer over a card you wish to move and press the
button. Now move the card to its new position, if it's a
valid move the card will stay there, if not it will return
home. If you're not sure whether or not a card can go anywhere,
click on it (if the click-fly option is set, see the menu).
There are a few things about the application it may be good to know.
A: Auto fly off is temporarily suspended after an UNDO.
B: You may 'tweek' SPatience in a few ways using the environment variable
: The automatic moving of cards is 'tweek'able to one of three states.
All: allows all windows to move cards around regardless of mouse.
Pref: as 'All' but if mouse is over one, only that game will progress.
Only: Only the window in which the mouse is will progress.
This is done via the !Run file or via the menu entry 'state'.
: The speed of the animation of the cards is alterable.
C: A resignation is irreversible. This includes the UNDO feature (etc).
D: You may 'Deal' several times before deciding to play without fear of
that deal being recognised as a 'Played' game.
E: UNDO will not return the game to a 'fresh deal' position. Thus a
subsequent 'Deal' will increment the 'Played' counter.
The end of this file includes:
Defining card stacks
Other information
Error reporting
SPatience game description language
The script files are used to describe the format of patience stacks on
screen and their operation during game play.
Before we start here are a few notes:
The character '|' is used to denote a comment line.
The whole script file is case in-sensitive
Items shown here in square braces '[]' are optional.
'[]' followed by *n, means it my be repeated up to n times.
Each file can be used to describe only one game (currently).
Most errors in the file will cause the script to be abandoned.
Card indices start at zero.
The game area origin is at the top left of the window.
<exp> denotes an expression that will be evaluated using
the function Evaluate_Expression in RISC OS.
<str> denotes a character string with optional enclosing
double quotes. If included, the string will be used as-is,
If excluded, the string will be converted to lower case.
<f> denotes a flag.
<f>* denotes a sequence of flags.
Two identifiers have been defined (CW & CH) denoting recommended
stack separation in the x (CW) and y (CH) directions. They are
mnemonics for 'Card Width' and 'Card Height'.
Any text following the keyword END will be ignored, meaning lines like
'END STACK' and 'END DEFINE' are possible should you want to use them.
In the beginning there were three possible commands:
Only one script type is defined currently - 1.
All others will be prosecuted.
Only one data block type is defined currently - 1.
This is used to identify a saved game format.
- BEGIN <str>
Begins the definition of a patience window.
<str> is used as the window title.
This alters the command set being used to that following.
Across the face of the commands moved, THE GAME.
- FLAGS <f>*
The flags possible here are:
- ClickFly (off by default)
Activates a game toggle that allows the user to click on a
stack to initiate a search for somewhere else to put the
chosen card(s).
- AutoFly (off by default)
Another toggle to allow cards to search for new homes
without the user clicking first.
- AnimateFly (off by default)
When cards are travelling to a new home and this flag has
been used, the cards will travel in a series of step
giving the illusion of animation.
- Packs <exp> (1 by default)
How many card packs can be used. (1 to 6 inclusive).
- Width <exp> (1200 by default)
Total width of the playing area. (window width)
- Height <exp> (1800 by default)
Total height of the playing area. (window height)
- ZeroToWin <exp>
Defines an expression (up to 100 characters long) that
will be evaluated after a players move to indicate the
winning of the game by the player. Evaluation of zero
indicates a win. To aid this there are two tokens that
may be used:
EMPTY$<exp> - the number of empty stacks that have an
ID of <exp>
CARDSIN$<exp> - the total number of cards in stacks that
have an ID of <exp>
- Score <exp> , <exp>
Places in the window a box containing four values:
Played: total number of these games played so far
Won: total number of these games won so far
Lost: total number of these games lost so far
Streak: number of games played since the last game lost
Used to begin the definition of a card stack.
See later 'Defining card stacks'.
- FOUNDATION (a typical patience stack type)
Same as a stack but with various flags etc overridden:
DeepCheck, JoinSS__, PaintLast,
AppendOneOnly, AutoClick, AutoFly
FIRST 1, MAX 13, DragUpTo 0, JoinOffset 1
The stack is also marked as a foundation meaning they
will get preference when cards are click-flown.
- FOR <identifier> = <int> TO <int>
A simple loop definition.
Must be incrementative.
Nesting up to ten levels is possible.
<identifier>'s can be up to 19 characters long.
Any longer will cause a lot of 'Unkown operand' errors.
Ends a FOR loop.
And THE GAME said "Let there be stacks".
Defining card stacks
This is effectively another command set and includes:
X <exp>
the X coordinate of the stack origin
Y <exp>
the Y coordinate of the stack origin
First <exp> [ , <exp> ]
defines a range of card numbers that can be put on an empty stack
1-13 denote Ace to King
0 denotes any cards
MAX <exp>
the maximum number of cards a player may put on this stack
This has a upper-bound of 208 cards (4 packs).
ID <exp>
an identifier used to identify a group of stacks.
NB: this must not be zero.
DragUpTo <exp>
defines an expression similar to that of 'ZeroToWin' above but
indicates the maximum number of cards a player may drag from this
JoinOffset <exp>
an integer indicating what cards may be added together to form a
stack (see also the RotateJoin flag later).
1 means a TWO may be placed on an ACE
-1 means the opposite.
DealTo <exp1> , <exp2>
if this stack is clicked by the player, <exp2> cards will be dealt
to all stacks with an ID of <exp1> unless this stack is empty, in
which case the reverse will be true (ie, <exp2> will be taken
TakeFrom <exp>
overrides the 'taking from' part of 'DealTo' to take cards from
stacks with an ID of <exp> instead
Deal <exp> [ , <exp1> ]*8
Deal <exp> cards to this stack for a new game.
Cards with an index value of <exp1> etc. will be toggled from face
down to face up etc.
For example:
Deal 10 , 2 , 4 , 8
means deal ten cards,
cards 0 & 1 will be face down
cards 2 & 3 will be face up
cards 4...7 will be face down
cards 8 & 9 will be face up
Flags <f>*
Defines a number of stack flags.
Where flags of conflicting types are used, the last used wins.
- ShallowCheck (default)
when joining two stacks, only check cards at the intersection
- DeepCheck
check all cards being appended with their neighbours
- RotateJoin (off by default)
Kings and Aces may be appended if allowed by other rules above.
(depends also on the value of JoinOffset)
- JoinSS__
only cards with the same suit may be appended
- JoinDS__
only cards with a different suit....
- JoinDSSC
cards with a different suit but the same colour....
- Join__DC (default)
cards with a different colour....
- Join__SC
cards with the same colour....
- PaintLast
when painting the stack on screen only paint the last card
- PaintDown (default)
paint all cards downwards from the stack origin
- PaintLeft
paint all cards left towards the origin
- PaintRight
paint right from the origin
- PaintBack
paint only one card back (if any)
- PaintCount
as PaintBack but indicates how many cards are remaining
- AutoFly (off by default)
when auto fly is initiated, this stack can accept the cards
- ClickFly (off by default)
when click fly is initiated, this stack can accept the cards
- AppendOneOnly (off by default)
only allows one card at a time to be appended to a stack
- useful for foundations where only one card is normally added.
- NoAutoFly,NoClickFly,AppendAny
reverses the above
Other useful information
When using click or auto fly off routines, note that the destination
is chosen with a preference for those stacks that were defined first.
Excluding the current home of the selected cards.
PI to sixteen decimal places is: 3.1415926535897932
When declaring a stack as being able to receive AutoFly cards, it
is a good idea to also ensure that the DragUpTo total is zero.
I won't tell you why, find out for yourself.
Don't admit a thing, there's nothing they can do.
When storing the current game state, don't save it over the original
script file, that can be a realy stupid thing to do.
Games load faster if they are stored as a saved game instead of scripts
but they use around 5-20 times the average 1k file size of script files.
An ARM3 is realy useful. (Cache that ram!)
Error reporting
Just in case there are one or two things i've overlooked...
1..Create a saved game before the offending operation if possible.
2..Write down what you do to cause the error to happen.
3..Place both in an envelope, seal it and burn it....