ISV Strong Games
Text File
113 lines
--- SWERVE! ---
Race of The Luna Ticks
By Jason Williams 1992
Welcome to the 3rd generation Swerve! Helpfile. By now, I expect you to
have studied the other helpfiles, so we will begin a little snap-test.
Please put away your books and calculators.
Are we ready? Then we shall begin.
Where are the other helpfiles?
"They are in the swerve directory, sir!"
Well done. Jones. Go to the head of the class. Ok. Who can tell me how you
get to read them?
"OOh! Ooh! Me! Me!"
Yes, Stanford?
"You go to the menu option and choose 'delete', sir?"
No. That is wrong. Go to the headmaster and ask for 50 lashes.
"Yes sir."
Anyone else have any idea?
"Er... do you hold down SHIFT while you double-click the !Swerve icon, sir?"
Precisely, Farquhart.
And What are the helpfiles called?
"!Help003 and !Help004, sir"
Well done, Wooster.
Ok. Can anybody tell me, for bonus marks, why this helpfile is so weird?
"It's a tradition sir"
Yes... and?
"...and it's very old tradition. It's been going for days now."
"...and the author had to have something to do with his time rather than
adding features so he started writing a series of ridiculous helpfiles?"
You haven't been having help from your father with your homework have you,
"No sir. Not much sir".
Well. I'm glad to see that you've all been studying so hard.
Next week, we will start our project on Red Dwarf, so be sure not to miss
this week's episode...
P.S. Thanks to um... thingummybob... ah... the guy at the user group... um...
you know, the guy whose name I can never remember... for coming up with the
rather clever title of "Luna ticks".
P.P.S. Confused? Head ache? About to bin this program because you didn't
understand a word of the helpfile? Why not go and read to earlier helpfiles,
and find out what it's all about! There are some subtle clues in this helpfile
which may help you to find the other helpfiles, which have been cunningly
hidden behind a mask of intrigue and a directory.
P.P.P.S. I may have forgotten to mention a couple of things to those hackers
out there... Currently, the collision detection system looks for even numbered
colours, so white (colour 0), greys 2, 4, 6, and black (7) will kill you,
while odd numbered colours won't. It's supposed to kill you for any colour
above 8 but it doesn't seem to so I guess it's even-odd there as well...
This allows you to edit the craters to have some areas which will always kill
you, sometimes kill you (as in the darkest area on the small 'double crater'),
or never kill you (as in most of the craters).
To change the number of players or the speed, use the multitasking desktop
configuration utility known as !Edit - drag the !Run file to this utility,
and change the options you wish to, in true WYSIWYG fashion!
Also, if you want to alter the turn speed, you just need to unsqueeze the
!RunImage, and change the byte near 6980 from 10 (degrees) to the number of
degrees of turn you want per update... Quick and convenient, I think you'll
agree. Again, this is best accomplished with use of the desktop configuration
utility called !Edit.
Yep. You guessed it. This is a Real Mans' (tm) game!
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Adjusting the templates to do anything much other than
moving the initial window position would be a bad thing.
And also... Further to the other cunningly disguised helpfiles, there is
also a hidden bonus "easter-egg" in this application. It's been very
carefully hidden, but you'll be able to recognise it because of the
code-word "Bonus!" with which it is marked ;-)
Health department warning: Prolonged exposure to RISC OS Lib can cause lunacy
and baldness. As can be seen from the above HelpFile, this is not a reversible
process, though some advances have recently been made in the field of hair
restoration. RISC OS Lib: Just say NO!