ISV Strong Games
Text File
259 lines
by Thomas Leonard
DeathBall is a game for between one and four players. Each player must
navigate a coloured ball through a selection of varied levels, the
object of each level being to collect a coloured bar, and then return
it to the ball's home position.
Speed note
ARM2 users may notice the game slowing down occasionally - if this
bothers you, turn off the music or the sound effects.
Risc PC users should turn off the cache before playing the game by
pressing F12 and typing:
*cache off
Remember to turn the cache on again when you have finished playing.
This can be achieved by pressing F12 and typing:
*cache on
Starting the game
DeathBall will run directly from the cover disc. Double-click on its
icon to open the DeathBall archive, and then double-click on
!DeathBall inside the archive window to run it. Leave the disk in the
drive while you are playing because the level sets are loaded as
needed. Alternatively, copy !DeathBall from the archive window to
your hard drive.
You should now see the options screen. Further help is available
through the scrolltext. Press F4 until the topic indicator shows the
topic you wish to read about.
You can select which set of levels you wish to play using F1 and F2.
Beginners should press F1 until 'Tutorial' appears, then select which set of
tutorial levels they want. If the set called 'Demo' is chosen, the
balls will complete the levels by themselves.
When you have decided which set to play, everyone who wants to play must
press their jump button.
Note: To play the team levels you will require at least two people, though
some of the levels are possible on your own if you are very skillful.
The keys are as follows:
Player Left Right Jump
Red Q W E
Blue B N M
Green [ ] \
Yellow 1 2 3 (on the keypad)
If you get stuck, you can kill yourself once by holding down all your keys
for one second.
The selected set will now be loaded and one level selected from it at
random (except for tutorial sets, which are played in order).
Playing the game
Collect your bar from the striped block and then return either to your
starting position (with the lives counter), or to a timer in your colour.
If you die you will be returned to your starting position with one
less life, until all your lives are lost. If you get home you will
have to wait for everyone else to finish.
Once everyone is home or dead, another level will be picked at random.
When you have completed every level in the set or everyone is dead,
you will be returned to the options screen to choose another set.
The following will cause you to die:
* Touching the yellow, blue or green electricity spiles when they are
turned on.
* Being popped by a spike when it is on.
* Running out of time.
Remember : Just because you are popping or suffering death by electric
shock, it doesn't mean you can't get home quickly or kill other
Remaining time is shown on most levels by a block of your colour with
a bar on one side. The bar slowly turns black as your time decreases.
If you stand on a time-zone (a picture of a clock), your time will
reduce faster. Levels without timer blocks still have time limits -
you just can't see them.
Other blocks have other effects such as making you jump, stick to the
ceiling or activating the spikes.
Switches are activated by hitting them. They will switch back after a set
time by themselves.
Some levels also have tokens on them. These are golden spinning diamonds
which affect the way your ball behaves. You can only have one token at a
time, and a letter appears on your ball to show you which token you have.
The tokens are as follows:
Letter Meaning
N Normal : You lose the token you were carrying.
J Big Jump : You can jump higher than normal.
S Shield : Protects against electricity and spikes.
L Levitate : Holding down jump makes you float upwards.
R Reverse : Reverses the left and right controls.
T Thrust : You can change direction in mid-air and you fall slowly.
H Horizontal : While holding down jump, you will never go down.
G Grip : Allows you to roll up and down vertical walls.
I Invisible : Your ball will switch between being visible and
invisible. You can still push people while invisible!
Configuing DeathBall (first copy DeathBall to another disk)
You can replace the music and the samples, and edit the levels in
DeathBall: Go into Deathball's directory by double-clicking on the
DeathBall icon with Shift held down.
To change the music, go into the 'Music' directory and save the new
music as 'DB_Music'. The music must be in ProTracker format.
To change the samples, go into the 'SoundFX' directory and save the
new sample(s) over the existing ones. (eg: to replace the 'Splosh'
sample, save the new sample as 'Splosh'). The samples must be in Arc
logarithmic format.
Editing the levels
Go into the 'Data' directory. The directories within 'Data' are the
categories selected in the game with F1. You may create your own with
'New directory' from the filer menu, or use the existing ones.
Each directory contains a selection of level sets. Make a new file
using Edit or similar. Each level must be in the following format:
Timer speed (0=Slow 9=Fast)
Level data (20 across by 16 deep)
A1234_¹_A ¼A
A_______A {{{{{ A
A_______Ad b A
A~~~~~~~A<<<< ###A
A ___ A
A B****A####?A A
A****B A __£A
A ² | A CCCrCA
A | A A
A c | AAA^AA!!!A
AAAAABa ³ }!!A
A } . }!!A
A } ._____}!!A
A5678} {_____}!!A
The word 'END' must go after the last level in the set.
You MUST have the following:
A starting position for each player (ie: 5, 6, 7 and 8).
A receiver for each transporter (¹ for a,² for b,³ for c and ¼ for d).
A bar block (£).
You MUST also make sure that:
Each line is 20 blocks long (turn off any 'strip spaces' features, and set
'background1' to be a different colour to 'background2', if your
editor supports this). There are 16 such lines per level, one timer
line and no lines between levels.
You should also try to do the following, to make the level look
Put wall blocks at the end of yellow and blue electricity. Contain
water in wall blocks.
The following block types are provided:
Space Normal background
! Lifting arrow (turns upside down if reverse gravity is used)
" Green electricity switch
# Sticky ceiling (turns upside down if reverse gravity is used)
' Green electricity
* Yellow electricity
+ Pinball square
- Solid time-zone
. Spike
1 Timer for 5
2 Timer for 6
3 Timer for 7
4 Timer for 8
5 Lives counter and starting position
6 Lives counter and starting position
7 Lives counter and starting position
8 Lives counter and starting position
: Spike switch
< Accelerate left
> Accelerate right
= Friction block (turns upside down if reverse gravity is used)
? Acceleration arrows switch
A Solid wall block
B Solid wall block (with slime, exactly the same effect as 'A')
C Solid wall block (looks similar to 'D')
D Fake wall block
F Floor which you can't jump on
The tokens have the same letters in the file as on the tokens.
W Waves (use above 'w')
^ Jump square (turns upside down if reverse gravity is used)
_ Background time-zone
a Transport to ¹
b Transport to ²
c Transport to ³
d Transport to ¼
i Yellow electricity switch
j Blue electricity switch
r Reverse gravity
u Up only (turns upside down if reverse gravity is used)
v Down only (turns upside down if reverse gravity is used)
w Water
x Low-gravity zone
{ Force left (constant speed)
| Blue electricity
} Force right (constant speed)
~ Ice (turns upside down if reverse gravity is used)
£ Bars
¤ Solid wall block (without sideways bounce)
¹ Receiver for a
² Receiver for b
³ Receiver for c
¼ Receiver for d
I suggest that you put new levels in a set by themselves to test them, and
then transfer them to your main set later.
If DeathBall reports an error when loading your levels, then the cause
could be one of the followng:
'Uknown block type'
You have used an unknown character in your levels
The line lengths are not 20 charaters each
You have the wrong number of lines per level
You have not put 'END' at the end of the set
You have not included the timer speed setting at the start of each level
'Redraw out of range'
Missing starting positions
Missing transporter receivers
You may have up to 40 levels per set.