Below follows a Generic MadSoft General / Apocalypse license, it applys to !Stocks and it's sources.
Contrary to incorrect previous statements and what may or may not be said in the comments this program and source is freely modifiable, copyable, useable etc.. (In fact we actively encourage you to add bits, This is the best way it's going to get better) ie You can do what you like as long as;
1) You Credit me for it, that is Mark Daniel (The Mad Cow).
2) If you modify the code in any way we would like you to (and you must) send
us a copy, This will then be incorporated into the main if we like it.
3) If any commercial product is made using all or elements of this code then
We would like some form of royalties (A free copy of the software/Small
initial fee/large initial fee/Percentage on total sales/cuddly toy/whatever)
4) We would like to see anything you produce, This is not compulsory however
We would appreciate it.
5) We recommend you tell us that your using our software (send a message with
words to that effect to So we can
update you on new releases, website updates, answer questions etc. However
this is also not compulsory, but it does encourage me to develop it and
other apps.
6) If you've got loads of cash and you're a kind soul then you can send us some
money or anything else remotely useful or useless.
We hope you enjoy using !Network and if you have any problems at all don't hesitate to contact us.