InfoWH:This window displays information about Trynth.|MAuthor: David Jones|M 160 Hazelwood Drive|M St.Albans|M Herts. AL4 0UZ
InfoWH10:This copy of Trynth is registered to %0.|MIf you're friends want copies please give then the unregistered version, thanks.
InfoWH99:Trynth is Shareware, and so you may copy the complete application to your friends.|MIf you like Trynth why not register. See the Manual text file.
SaveWH:This window allows you to save the current game to a file.
SaveWH3:Drag this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file.
SaveWH2:This show the filename for this data. If it is not a full pathname, drag the icon into a directory display.
SaveWH1:Click here to save the data with the current filename. If it is not a full pathname, you must drag the icon to a directory first.
MainWH:This window shows the known universe.|MClick SELECT on a blob to show Planets details.|MWindow title shows current side.
ManPWH:This window shows brief details on the planet under the pointer.|MShows total number of ships to arrive in next 4 turns, which sides they belong. Ratio of bars reflects ratio of ships they own.|MShips can be directly dragged here.
ManPWH0:Name of planet under pointer.
ManPWH1:Number of ships on the planet.
ManPWH2:Number of ships which are 1 turn away from this planet.|MThey will arrive at the end of this turn.
ManPWH3:Number of ships which are 2 turns away from this planet.
ManPWH4:Number of ships which are 3 turns away from this planet.
ManPWH5:Number of ships which are 4 turns away from this planet.
ManPWH7:The number of turns which ships will take to get to this planet, from the world highlighted in the World Window.
ManPWH8:Click SELECT to finish your sides go.
ManPWH9:Click SELECT to finish this turn, and start the next.
ManPWH10:Sides flag for current owner of planet under pointer.
ManPWH11:Name of side which owns planet under pointer.
StatWH:This window shows statistics for each side.|MClick MENU for different statistical windows.|MPretty snazzy!
OrdWH:This window shows details for each outstanding Movement Order.|MClick SELECT over a planet to show details in the World window about it.
WorWH:This window shows details for one World.
WorWH1:This is the name of the World.|MClick SELECT and type in a new name, RETURN to enter it.
WorWH4:This is the X position of %0 on the Main window.
WorWH6:This is the Y position of %0 on the Main window.
WorWH8:This is the amount of resources %0 makes each turn.|MThis will increase after each turn.|MTen of these makes one ship.
WorWH9:This is the flag for the %1 side.
WorWH12:Click SELECT to move all ships to the defensive pool.
WorWH13:This is the planets ship defensive pool.|MShips can be made available for journeys by transfering them to the icon on the right.|MClick SELECT to directly set the value.
WorWH14:Click SELECT to move one ship from the transfer pool to the defensive pool.
WorWH15:Click SELECT to move one ship from the defensive pool to the transfer pool.
WorWH16:This is the planets ship transfer pool.|MDrag with SELECT to the destination planet.|MThis can instigate an attack, or bloster your forces on another planet.|MThe length of journey depends on the distance.
WorWH17:Click SELECT to move all ships to the transfer pool.
WorWH18:This shows the rough details of any ship arrivals at %0.|MEach successive circle out from the planet shows the ships arriving at the following turn.
GraphWH:This window shows totals for each side during the course of the game.|MClick MENU to choose between totals of ships, resources, or planets.
BatWH:This window shows the results of battles.|MClick SELECT over OK button once battle is complete, to continue game.
BatWH1:This is the unfortunate world which is being battled over.|MClick SELECT and type in a new name, RETURN to enter it.
BatWH5:Name of the defending side.
BatWH8:Name of the attacking side.
BatWH6:Number of defenders ships at start of battle.
BatWH9:Number of attackers ships at start of battle.
BatWH7:Number of defenders ships at present.
BatWH10:Number of attackers ships at present.
BatWH12:Click SELECT to continue.
BatWH13:Click SELECT to speed up computation of battle, only result is shown.
BatWH14:Flag of the current owners of the planet.
SortWH:This window shows all the planets in order of the number of ships at that planet.|MClick SELECT over a planet to show details in the World window about it.
SideWH:This window shows the statistics for the %0 side.|MClick MENU to choose a further side to investigate.
SideWH1:This is the name of the side.
SideWH6:This shows the total number of ships belonging to %0.
SideWH7:This shows the total number of resources belonging to %0.
SideWH8:This shows the total number of planets belonging to %0.
SideWH9:This is the flag for the %0 side.
SideWH11:This shows the type of player controlling the actions of %0.
SideWH13:This shows the relative position of %0 with respect to all other sides.
NGameWH:This window allows you to select the number of planets, and number of sides to be used in the game.
NGameWH2:This shows the number of sides in the game.|MTheir names and type of player are shown below.
NGameWH3:Click SELECT to decrease the number of planets in the Trynth universe.
NGameWH4:Click SELECT to increase the number of planets in the Trynth universe.
NGameWH6:This shows the number of planets within the Trynth universe.|MEach side starts with 1 planet. All the other planets belong to the passive Neutral side.
NGameWH7:Click SELECT to decrease the number of sides in the game.
NGameWH8:Click SELECT to increase the number of sides in the game.
NGameWH9:Click SELECT to choose random players for non-human sides.
NGameWH10:Click SELECT to start the game with these sides, and number of planets.
NGameWH13:Drag a Trynth saved file here to load it.|MNote that you can NOT load a saved game once the game is started for good.
NGameWH11:Click SELECT to change the player of the side under the pointer.|MAll players other than "Human" are controlled by the computer.
NGameWH14:Click SELECT to quit Trynth.
NGameWH19:Extent of the Trynth Galaxy.
NGameWH23:Width of the Trynth Galaxy.
NGameWH25:Height of the Trynth Galaxy.
NGameWH27:Number of resources and ships which all controlled planets start with.
NGameWH29:Maximum number of resources which a planet can contain.|MA planets resources can be reduced after a battle there.
NGameWH31:Number of resources which are created at each controlled planet each turn.
NGameWH33:Neutral planets start with a random number of resources and ships, from 1 to ths value.
NGameWH34:Click SELECT to restore values to their default values.
NGameWH35:Click SELECT to set the current values as those which are set when Trynth is next loaded.|MThe details are stored: <Trynth$Choices>
NGameWH36:Yes this software is Shareware. If you like it why not show your approval.
DiagWH:This window shows the "thinking" for some computer sides.
WinWH:This window shows the winner...
# Help text Menus
IBarMH0:Move the pointer right to see information about Trynth.
IBarMH1:Click SELECT to load the Trynth manual.
IBarMH2:Move the pointer right to get a save box for this game.
IBarMH3:Click SELECT to quit Trynth.
GraphMH0:Click SELECT to show details of ship totals during game in Graph window.
GraphMH1:Click SELECT to show details of resource totals during the game in Graph window.
GraphMH2:Click SELECT to show details of planet totals during the game in Graph window.
StatsMH0:Click SELECT to display the History Graph window.
StatsMH1:Click SELECT to display the Sorted Planets window.
StatsMH2:Click SELECT to display the Side Information window.
SideMH:Click SELECT to show details of the %0 side.
SideMH0:Click SELECT to automatically show details of the current side.
MainMH0:Click SELECT to finish your sides go.
MainMH1:Click SELECT to finish this turn, and start the next.
MainMH2:Click SELECT to display the Statistics window.
MainMH3:Click SELECT to display the Orders window.
MainMH4:Click SELECT to display the Diagnosis window.|MThis provides information on some computer players "thinking".