Labels:ascent | sky | spume | tor OCR: J212H TWARE BAN SOFTWARE ot Atlanta Georgia Bringing you the next wave of soltware home business ant play trademark The BAN Pubishing use Copyrighte 1994 Multicom Publishing Inc The graphics unadvertised stills video, private sound, home MFT JUSTA -206 622 PHONE 30pm P.S.T 5530 CAL MADE WITL lex All and other programs rights on this including disr but ma onh not limited to, bo used foi duplication ir whole orin part: broadcast by any rentalor loan circulation for profit: use of graphics, the stills video sound or tex elements of this within othe works and MUITICOM right to distribute the contents of this disc in whole in part in any form other QUESTIONS? MACWFIX Publishing than the origina CD disc are by the copyright holder SOETWARE 01990 Vutticon WITI rrights means rental program othor M ...