ñH0 ñPThis program is ⌐Matthew Hambley 1993. It is also, however P.D. My program (!Insert) may be copied at will as long as no profit is made from it. Non of the files contained within the !Insert directory may be altered or deleted and no new ones may be added (this includes P.D. companies). If you change any of the files let me know by sending a disc with the new version on it (and any other PD you may have kicking around). I will return your disc with an official version number.
The files in the !Insert application should be:
!Help -> !Run
ñH2The program
ñH0 ñPO.K. thats the boaring bit out of the way. !Insert is a text macro utility. It allows a number of short phrases to be stored and then inserted at the text cursor (caret) when required. It should save wear and tear of finger tips if there are a number of phrases you often use.
ñPThe program was initialy writen to help with my R.P.R. (this will only make sense to those fermiliar with the Scotish Examination Boards' Higher English course) That is why the default macros are the names of the different books in the most exelent 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' series.
ñH2Yes but how do I use it?
ñH0 ñPSimply type in the phrases you want in the alloted spaces. They must be no longet than 42 characters long. Then you start writing what ever it is you are writing and when you want to use one of the macros simply click on the 'Type' icon next to the coressponding macro.
ñPCouldn't be simpler could it? (This is a rhetorical question and dosn't require an answer)
ñPNew for version 1.20, <Ctrl><Shift> f5 - f9 now corespond to the appropriate macros. Why dosn't it use <Ctrl><Shift> f1 - f5 I hear you ask. Simple, Edit uses <Ctrl><Shift> f1 to expand tabs so there is a bit of a clash there.
ñH0 ñPThe program will produce certain error messages under certain coditions. These should be self explanitary but here is a bit of explination just in case.
Number Message Meaning
100 Can't load a directory You have attempted to drag a directory
to the !Insert window and it can't cope
with directories.
101 Can't load an application Same as above but with an application.
102 Wrong file type You have draged a file that is not a
text file onto the !Insert window. The
program can't deal with non text files.
103 Not a macro file You have draged a text file to !Insert
but it doesn't have an identifying
string so it didn't came from !Insert
in the first place.
104 I am already typing You have clicked on a type icon while
!Insert is already in the middle of
typing another string.
105 I don't want to type into myself
The caret is placed in the !Insert
window. Remove it.
106 The caret has not been positioned
The caret is not in any window on the
desktop. you will have to put it in
one before !Insert will work.
107 Data not saved. Realy exit?
You have altered the text since the
last save. You now have the chance
to save it before the program is
ñH1WARNING: Read on at your own risk. After this line comes the techno-talk
ñH0 ñPThis program simply places characters in the keyboard buffer on null events. Not very clever I know but I don't know of a different way. I got the original concept from a program called !BuffStuff by Roland Cleaver.
ñH1RELAX: All those non technicaly minded people can start reading again.
ñH0 ñPI would like to thank the following without whome this application would naver have been written: RISC User and in particular Lee Calcraft for his 'Mastering the Wimp' course and Roland Cleaver whose !BuffStuff application gave me the keyboard stuffing routine. 'Archimiedes Operating System' by Dabs Press was also very useful.
ñH0 v1.00 - The first version, quite good even though I do say so myself.
v1.10 - Wow. Now you lucky people with RISCOS 3 should get solid drags.
The carret is also removed from the window when Return is keyed.
v1.20 - Hot keys implamented. <Ctrl><Shift> f5 - f9 should do the job.
v1.30 - Lots of tidying up. The filename is of a loaded file is now the
default name in the save box. Arrow keys now move between
the writable icons. If return is pressed data is marked as
infirm and an asterisk is shown on the title bar. If you try
to exit with infirm data you will be warned. Spaces can not be
entered into the save box.
v1.31 - Sorted out a major bug that arose during the previous amendments.
v1.32 - Another horrendous bug fixed.
ñH2If I do want to tinker mith your program how can I contact you?