All this program does is to put a window above the task manager icon that
reminds you how to shut down. When you shut down it will park the heads on your
hard disc. This program is ideal for installation in a hard disc !BOOT
file. That's all I can say about its operation.
Please excuse my coding. This is my first successful WIMP application so I am still not a particularly competant wimp programmer. Watch out for the machine code version which I am going to (hopefully) write soon. This should be shorter so that I can fit it in 8K which will be better for 1Meg users.
History :-
1.00 - The First BASIC version. It has sertain problems but these aren't to bad.
1.10 - Added the shut down window with an exit icon. (31.08.1992)
1.20 - Added the reset function. I got the code for the reset from a game, 'Kaptain Konflict'. If anyone can tell me what it doese I would be very interested. (05/09/1992)
If, for some strange reason, you should wish to contact me I can be found at: