notreg:This copy of the program has not been registered properly. Contact SEMERC.
noroom:I need some more memory. Please delete some stamps, or remove other applications to make more space.
undoroom:There is not enough memory for the undo operation to work with this picture. If you need undo, please remove other stamps or applications to make more space.
filenotfnd:File not found. Sorry.
getoutfast:I'm sorry, but something has gone wrong internally: try and save your work, quit the program and reload it.
baddefpath:The directory where Dazzle pictures are saved cannot be found. The picture has not been saved.
changemode:The colours in your picture will appear incorrectly unless you change to a different screen mode. I can try to do this automatically if you wish.
chmodeact:Change mode
clearscr:Do you really want to throw your picture away? (It can always be brought back using the undo tool.)
clearact:Throw it away
nochwrite:I cannot save your choices. Is the disc full, or write protected?
newchname:Please select a choices file from the menu and try again.
wipech:Do you really want to delete the choices file, '%s'?
wipeact:Delete file
loadaction:Load picture
noloadroom:There is not enough memory to load this picture. Please remove other stamps or applications to make space and then try again.
deldefault:You can't delete the default choices file. Load a different file, choose this file from the list, and then try again.
reallyquit:There %s %d file%s unsaved. Do you really want to quit?
colours:2,4,16,256,32 thousand,16 million
printbusy:The printer is currently printing something else. Please try again when it has finished.
pdnotfnd:In order to print, you must load the !Printers application.
newpic:If you create a new picture, you will lose what you have drawn. Do you really want to create a new picture? (This cannot be undone.)
newpicact:New picture
reallyload:Your picture has not yet been saved. Do you really want to load a new one? (This cannot be undone.)
nodrvmss:not present
demosave:You cannot save with this demonstration. For a full version, please contact SEMERC on (0161) 6274469.
demoprint:You cannot print with this demonstration. For a full version, please contact SEMERC on (0161) 6274469.
dienow:Thank you for trying the Dazzle demonstration. For more information, or to purchase the package, please contact SEMERC on (0161) 6274469.
delact:Delete stamp
delalact:Delete stamps
delstamp:Do you really want to delete the stamp? (This cannot be undone.)
delallstp:Do you really want to delete all the stamps? (This cannot be undone.)
FSInofsi:Please open the directory containing !ChangeFSI and then try again.
FSInoscrp:Please open the directory containing !Scrap and then try again.
FSIfail:Dazzle was unable to load the picture.
#Dazzle 2 stuff
mkdefon:Define >>
mkdefoff:<< Define
papdef:Reset to defaults
filewin:Open Pictures file window
status:Name of current tool
palcurcol:Current colour
palbup2:Decrease transparency
palbdown2:Increase transparency
cycdir1:Cycle 'start to end', 'start to end'
cycdir2:Cycle 'start to end', 'end to start'
cycstart:Blend end colour to current colour
cycend:Blend start colour to current colour
flipx:Flip X
flipy:Flip Y
tandf:Tile & Flip
whitetrans:Make white transparent
plotmono:Stamp using current colour
fillstat:%s, %s
fillstatA:changing the colour in one area
fillstatB:changing the colour everywhere
fillstatC: with stamp
fillnost:Select a stamp to use for the fill, and then try again.