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!Pushy II
By R - Fred - W
FishNet Software
What you've got here is a (another) puzzle game.
Push the boxes onto the crosses which someone's drawn on
the floor.
Remember that you can't push a box if there's something
solid on the other side of it.
An extra complication "new with Pushy II": you also have
to push balls onto crosses, and they don't stop moving
till they hit something.
Running !PushyII puts an icon on the icon bar.
It's got a small menu if you want to alter the screen mode
the game runs in, but basically clicking on the icon with
"select" starts the game off.
Controls on the in-game menu screen(s) are:-
CURSOR up/down to choose an item.
RETURN (or SPACE) to select it.
(ESC also quits to Risc Os)
In the game:-
CURSOR keys to move around & push things.
Stop pressing cursor keys for pause (!)
ESC abandons the level to retry/quit altogether.
-I think I've got the levels at a trickier level than Pushy I,
(Although they're still relatively simple...)
largely due to the "ball pushing" stuff allowing massive
complications. If you think you can do better, start working
with Tydirium (the map editor) and send me the results!
EVERY level is possible with time to spare. I know. I've
My high score during testing: 8516
(should be beatable fairly easily)
PushyII was written on a RiscPC-600, with oodles of RAM &
VRAM, but with a non-Acorn 50-Hz capable multisync monitor.
It's also been tested on an A3000, RiscOs 3.1, 50Hz only.
It should be fine on just about any machine/monitor
combination. Even an A4. I think.
It is NOT guaranteed to work on RiscOs 2.
Pushy II contains "Strong-ARM-unfriendly" code.
(As did Pushy 1)
However P2 also contains a strong-arm detector & some
work-around code, so it should be OK.
Trouble is, at time of writing, I've got no way of
checking it! If Pushy II goes horribly wrong with Strongarm,
write & let me know, ok?
Screen modes that Pushy II supports:-
RiscPC modes:
(1) 640 * 400, 24 bit, using gorge 24 bit graphics.
This mode isn't one of the set that comes with the machine,
but if you've got MakeModes, I'd recommend you make it.
Why? Because it's a hi-res 24 bit mode that fits in 1Mb
of VidRam, that's why. Go for it: The difference between
this and Acorn's "640*352" mode is AMAZING in the desktop.
Also, If you've got 2Mb of VRAM, then the game will "flip-
screen" for optimum smoothness.
Remember folks, misuse of "MakeModes" can hurt your
monitor. What I did was get the 640*480 mode, change it
to 400 high, and then tweak the line rate until it was
in the middle of a region with no red numbers.
Trouble is, I can't tell you the figures, 'cos I don't
use an Acorn-standard monitor.
(2) 640 * 480, 24 bit.
...If you don't fancy using MakeModes...
It's an Acorn-standard mode, but unfortunately, needs 2Mb of
VidRam to run. The "extra" 80 lines are all set to black.
(3) 640 * 400, 256 colours,
...using fairly-gorge hi-res 256 colour graphics
Again, this needs you to use MakeModes.
(4) 640 * 480, 256 colours.
All Risc PC's should manage this.
Non-RiscPC modes:
(5) Mode 28: 640 * 480, 256 colours, VGA/Multisync only
...using the fairly-gorge hi-res 256 colour graphics
NB: I've tried this on an A3000, and it's WAY too slow!
-So in practice, this is Arm3 only, I'm afraid! (It'll
also flicker during disc access when loading from floppy)
(6) Mode 13: 320 * 256, 256 colours. Lo-res, 50Hz TV mode
...using the so-so lo-res 256 colour graphics.
Plot: (for those who insist on them)
Once again, The future of purple-blobby-kind is in your
The purple blobby creatures had all left the warehouse,
because the sound of juggernauts delivering packing cases
had got on their nerves too much, and had taken refuge in
a toy shop, building their houses of bricks ('cos they all
knew their pig stories)
Unfortunately, the evil toyshop owner has decided that there
are vermin in the toy cupboards, and has laid poisonous...
err... well... packing cases, if you must know, in order to
eliminate the problem.
Anyway, you've got to get these glowing boxes onto the cross
shaped things, which will neutralise the poisonous effect and
save purple-blobby-kind as we know it.
Almost forgot: Some of the nasty poisonous rat-killer stuff
isn't in packing cases at all. It's been unpacked, perhaps,
and is round, and keeps going once you've pushed it.
You've got to get those onto the crosses as well. And it's
not enough just to roll them over a cross, it's got to STOP
on one.
Shift all the cases (and balls) and you will, once more,
have saved the lives of countless purple blobby things, and
will be rewarded with...
...With another text message I'm afraid.
Oh, and possibly a high score.
Have fun!
Other FishNet product:
...available from a PD library near you...
(Or from the FishNet web site - address below)
PUSHY - The box-pushing puzzle game. (Datafile Cat24,GA059,CD3)
FIRE - The big yellow wobbly thing in the fireplace,
presented as a (Risc-PC only) demo. (Datafile PDCD3)
PUSHY II - You've got it in your hot little hands right now...
TYDIRIUM - The Risc-OS desktop game-map editing tool.
(Due out any day now. It was going to be bundled with PushyII
but it's been kinda delayed...)
Boring Legal Stuff:
This program is FREEWARE
By which I mean...
Anyone can take a copy of it.
Anyone can give it to anyone else.
*** And you are encouraged to do so! ***
They can even charge for the disk and the postage!
But I retain the copyright, ok?
If you mod the code, even just the !Run...
(a) Make a note here so's anyone who gets a copy from
then on knows about it.
(b) Let me know, so future versions (and future products) can
work without needing to be modded.
This software is provided 'as is'. Using it is entirely at
your own risk. If asked, I will deny ever having written
this software. Etc, Etc.
You must know the PD legal gubbins by now...
Don't go changing things and try to pass it off as your
own work. It's not big, or indeed clever.
And Finally:
In case of...
Problems getting it to work on your system,
Objective criticism,
Suitcases of banknotes,
Or just plain curiosity.
email: rfredw@argonet.co.uk
WWW: http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/rfredw/
or write to...
R Williams,
16, Bradwell Lane,
Cannock Wood,
Nr Rugeley,
WS15 4RW