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WimpSWIVe 0.05 (30 Oct 1995)
NewerLook needs to trap Wimp_ SWIs in order to provide its new error
windows. The only official way to trap SWIs is to trap the SWI hardware
vector, but even this is not recommended. It takes much code to implement
properly in *all* circumstances (about 30K of source code in Desktop Hacker),
and can slow the machine down, quite considerably when there are multiple
It is, however, possible to trap Wimp_ SWIs by providing another module
with the same SWI chunk and names. This method is much quicker and easier,
but it is - as Iæll happily admit - rather dodgy. One of the problems is
that only one module can do this at a time. So if NewerLook had a module
that used this method, it wouldnæt work properly when another program tried
to do the same thing. (And you know some program will.)
Thus, I have separated the trapping code from the action code (which resides
in another module), and released this module separately. It can manage SWI
claims and releases dynamically, a bit like vectors. Actually, quite a lot
like vectors. You can use it in your own programs if you like. Hereæs how.
Because WimpSWIVe uses the Wimpæs SWI chunk, it cannot provide its own
SWIs. Instead, it communicates using a Wimp SWI, namely Wimp_RegisterFilter.
Here is the WimpSWIVe specification for Wimp_RegisterFilter.
| Wimp_RegisterFilter
| (SWI &400F5)
| Used by the Filter Manager to register or deregister a filter
| OR used to register SWI claims and releases with WimpSWIVe
On entry: | R0 = reason code:
| &49575357 (öWSWIò) for WimpSWIVe operation (see below)
| anything else for filter operation (see RISC OS 3
| Programmersæ Reference Manual, page 3-224)
| R1 = SWI word:
| bits 0-5 : offset in SWI chunk of SWI to claim/release
| bit 6 : ignore bits 0-5 and claim all Wimp_ SWIs
| bits 7-29: undefined, leave unset
| bit 30 : high priority if set, else low priority
| bit 31 : claim if set, else release
| R2 = value to be passed in R12 on entry to code
| R3 = address of SWI pre-trapping code, or 0 if none needed
| R4 = address of SWI post-trapping code, or 0 if none needed
On exit: | Registers preserved
Interrupts: | Interrupts may be enabled
| Fast interrupts may be enabled
Processor: | Processor is in SVC mode
Reentrancy: | SWI is not re-entrant
Use: | In WimpSWIVe usage, this SWI is used to claim or release SWIs.
| The pre-trapping code specified is called before the SWI is
| called, and the post-trapping code afterwards.
| High-priority pre-code is called before low priority pre-code.
| (And high-priority post-code is called after low priority
| post-code.) This is important because one piece of pre-code
| could intercept a SWI call before another bit got a look in.
| You should use high-priority code for monitoring and register-
| altering code. If your pre-code is at all likely to intercept
| a SWI, you must use low-priority code. In effect, low-priority
| code is Écloseræ to the real SWI.
| Pre-trapping code conditions:
| On entry: R0-R8 = registers passed to SWI
| R9 = offset into chunk of SWI called
| R12 = value specified when RegisterFilter called
| R13 = full, descending stack
| R14 = return address
| On exit: R0-R8 = may be altered to change effect of SWI
| R9 = preserved, or -1 to intercept SWI
| Pre-trapping code is entered in SVC mode, with interrupts
| disabled. If R9=-1 on exit, the SWI is not called. Instead,
| any outstanding post-code is called, and the caller is returned
| to with the supplied R0-R8 and PSR flags. An error may be
| signified by pointing R0 to an error block and setting the V
| flag on return as normal, when intercepting. (See footnote 1.)
| If more than one client has claimed a SWI, it is the earliest
| claimantæs pre-trapping code that is called last - new
| claimants take priority (though high-priority always beats low-
| priority, of course). If interception occurs, any post-trapping
| code for claims where the pre-trapping code (if any) has
| already been executed are also executed. In effect, you are
| guaranteed that you will get a post-trap event if you have had
| a pre-trap. (See footnote 2.)
| Post-trapping code conditions:
| On entry: R0-R8 = registers passed back from SWI
| R9 = offset into chunk of SWI called
| R12 = value specified when RegisterFilter called
| R13 = full, descending stack
| R14 = return address
| On exit: R0-R8 = may be altered to change perceived results
| PSR flags may be altered to change perceived results
| (for example to flag an error).
| Post-trapping code is entered in SVC mode, with interrupts
| disabled.
| If more than one client has claimed a SWI, it is the earliest
| claimantæs post-trapping code that is called first, subject
| to priority. (See footnote 2.)
| Remember that your post-trapping code may well be entered in an
| error condition. So check whether the V flag is set on entry,
| and return if it is (if you return with the S flag (MovS Pc,R14
| or LdmFd R13!,{...,Pc}^, the flags are unaffected). Never
| change the PSR flags by accident.
| Unlike OS_Claim, this SWI will not remove previous instances of
| claims with the same values. The release routine also only
| removes one instance of the values at a time.
| Claiming the Wimp_RegisterFilter SWI only traps the normal
| filter-based use of the SWI. Under no circumstances should you
| call Wimp_RegisterFilter with WimpSWIVe usage in your trapping
| code. If you really must claim or release a SWI when some other
| SWI is executed, use a CallBack to do it. (See the RISC OS 3
| Programmersæ Reference Manual, page 1-319.)
| Donæt post-trap Wimp_Poll(Idle) or Wimp_StartTask: itæs a bad
| idea. WimpSWIVe deals with it adequately, but there are all
| sorts of simply horrid implications. Trapping Wimp_Poll is
| easy anyway, using the old filter system.
| And finally, donæt use the Éclaim all SWIsæ flag unless you
| really want all the SWIs. Donæt use it for trapping a number
| of different SWIs, use many separate claims: the speed
| difference will be negligable, and you neednæt worry about
| Wimp_Poll. The Éclaim all SWIsæ flag is unlikely to be widely
| useful - a Wimp SWI logging program seems to be the only
| possible user.
Errors: | Bad value passed to WIMP in R0
| if WimpSWIVe is not loaded, the attempt to use this SWI in
| the WimpSWIVe manner will cause this error
| Bad WimpSWIVe release
| releasing a SWI you had not claimed generates this error
| No room in RMA
| is also possible but highly unlikely.
Footnote 1 - Re-entrancy issues:
Re-entrancy is nae problem if you only use pre-trapping or only use post-
trapping - you can either be re-entrant by using a stack to store stuff, or
prevent re-entering using a threaded flag (and unless you call a SWI, you
cannot be re-entered anyway). If you use both, but the post-code always does
the same regardless of the pre-code, youære all right too.
But if you use both at once and the action of post depends on something
that happened in pre (for example if you have pre to check the reason code
is worth bothering with in the post-trap code), it is slightly more complex.
Itæs quite possible that calling a Wimp SWI may cause another Wimp SWI to be
called, especially when you consider there can be many WimpSWIVe claimants.
SWI Wimp_Thing called
WimpSWIVe claimant 1 pre-traps SWI
Claimant 1 store data for SWI 1 in workspace
WimpSWIVe claimant 2 pre-traps SWI
Claimant 2 executes Wimp_Gubbins
Wimp_Gubbins causes Wimp_Thing to be called
WimpSWIVe claimant 1 pre-traps SWI
Claimant 1 stores data for SWI 2 in workspace
WimpSWIVe claimant 2 pre-traps SWI
Claimant 2 is threaded, and so does nothing
WimpSWIVe executes real SWI Wimp_Thing
WimpSWIVe claimant 2 post-traps SWI
Claimant 2 is threaded, and so does nothing
WimpSWIVe claimant 1 post-traps SWI
Claimant 1 performs action on results, dependent on workspace
which holds data for SWI 2
WimpSWIVe returns
WimpSWIVe executes real Wimp_Thing SWI
WimpSWIVe claimant 2 post-traps SWI
Claimant 2 does whatever it needs to with results
WimpSWIVe claimant 1 post-traps SWI
Claimant 1 performs action on results, dependent on workspace
which holds data for SWI *2*
WimpSWIVe returns
As you can see, there is a lot of scope here for things going wrong, and
horrible clashes where one WimpSWIVe program may make another go wrong,
potentially rather messily.
There are two things you can do about it. Perhaps the best is to store a
Écountæ of post-traps to ignore. This count should be zero initially, and
should be incremented first when your pre-trap code detects that post-
trapping should do something effective. It should also be incremented every
time the pre-trap code is entered with the count non-zero. The post trap code
then checks the count on entry. If the count is zero, it returns doing
nothing. If the count is one or greater, the count is decremented. If the
count is one exactly one, the effect of the post-trap is activated. Thereæs
an example of this in the EigenSysInfo source.
This is fine normally, but it makes the trapping code only affect the first
SWI to be affected (the "outermost" affected SWI). If you want to be truly
re-entrant, youæd have to store values on the stack to indicate whether to
post-trap on each call. And you couldnæt use the SVC stack, so youæd have to
use a private stack. And youæd have to revert to the above behaviour if the
stack was filled up. Therefore, I donæt reckon itæs worth bothering with,
especially as allowing true re-entrancy opens the door to recursive problems
(Wimp_Thing calls Wimp_Gubbins calls Wimp_Thing calls Wimp_Gubbins etc.) too.
Sorry about the complexity of this footnote. Relax. You donæt need to
bother about all this horrid stuff, usually. :-)
Footnote 2:
Your post-trap code will only be called if the SWI does return. This might
not happen if the SWI is one that doesnæt return (but I canæt think of any
Wimp_ SWIs that donæt), or if a serious error happens. The latter should
never happen in a perfect system, but bugs happen and the SWI being trapped
might branch through zero or something. With the Wimp, though, a crash at
this stage often means there is something very wrong with the whole desktop
and everything is going to die anyway, so your module failing to post-trap
is unlikely to annoy the user much. :-)
This module is supplied with some example programs:
- 3DErrorWindow. This is a useful module that replaces the WIMPæs error
windows with its own Risc PCable 3D ones (it needs 3DErrorWindow$Path to
point to a directory containing Templates and Messages - you can find one
in Sources.ErrorWind) using pre-trapping (usually with interception). The
windows could do with the NewerLook Étitlejointæ sprite in the wimp pool,
along with the Risc PC error system sprites. Note that this is an OLD
VERSION of 3DErrorWindow, which you should not actually use - get
NewerLook for the fullest, newest version. This, however, is a better
example of how to use WimpSWIVe, as it is less complicated than the
latest version.
- EigenSysInfo. This is a pretty useless one that changes Wimp_ReadSysInfo
2 always to return 24 or 22, and return the latter if Log2YEig<2 (the
WIMP returns 22 if Log2YEig==Log2XEig, which is silly). It also goes
Ébeepæ if the Wimp returned a different value to it (try mode 22 and the
like). Itæs not particularly great because most programs donæt take any
notice of ReadSysInfo (partly because of its aforementioned bobbinsness)
but it shows you how to pre-trap and post-trap SWIs at the same time (as
in footnote 1).
The source for these programs, along with the full source to WimpSWIVe and
some resources for 3DErrorWindow are to be found in the Sources directory.
However, these programs require BAX to be loaded for them to compile. BAX is
DoggySoftæs Basic Assembler Extension, which provides all ARM3, ARM6, FPA10
and coprocessor instructions, along with many useful pseudo-instructions.
You can get BAX from good PD libraries and Arcade, Digital Databank and
Furzefield Hq BBSs. Itæs essential for Basic assembler programmers!
If you use this module in a program, be sure to RMEnsure version 0.04 or
later - versions 0.01 and 0.02 are NewerLook quick releases with bugs in
post-trapping, and version 0.03 does not feature high-priority SWI trapping,
as well as sometimes entering pre-code with interrupts enabled.
This module is freeware. Free free to distribute and use. To contact me -
for praise, to suggest new bits to add, or (heaven forbid) to report a bug,
please write to:
Andrew Clover,
7 Blackhorse Crescent,
HP6 6HP.
Or phone me on 01494-431916, send a fax on 01494-675878, send some email to
ajc@doggysft.demon.co.uk or even telex on 83675 Brit G.