Kosovo Orphans' Appeal Charity CD
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___ _
/ _ \ _ __ __ _| | ___
| |_| | '_ \ / _` | |/ _ \
| _ | | | | (_| | | __/
|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |_|\___|
⌐ Richard Sharpe 1997
Angle is a simple application which will help children to learn about
estimating angles in an amusing way.
You open the main Angle window from the Icon Bar menu, clicking SELECT
on the Angle icon on the icon bar. A window will open with a pane at
the top and a largely blank space underneath.
On the left hand side of the pane are three buttons:
1. Pressing New game will randonly generate a new angle to estimate.
2. Pressing Clear will clear the contents of the writable icon on
the right hand side of the pane.
3. Pressing Settings will open the settings dialogue box which allows
the user to change various settings.
I think that these settings are fairly self explanatory but here is an
1. The Quadrants section allows you to choose the size of the angles
which will be presented to the student.
2. The number types section allows you to choose whether the angles
presented to the user are multiples of 1, 5 or 10.
3. The Settings section allows you to set whether a grid is shown,
whether the line which shows the start of the rotation is horizontal
or not, the width of the lines (wide lines are useful for children
with visual handicaps.) and you can also set the various colours
to ones of your choice.
Clicking on the Cancel button returns you to the default setting, the OK
button sets the new configuration until the application is quit and the Save
button sets a new default configuration.
On the right hand size are two icons:
1. A writable icon where you can type in your estimation forthe angle
displayed at present.
2. The OK button which confirms your guess.
When you make a guess you will be told whether your answer is correct,
too low or too high. If you are incorrect Angle will draw in your guess
so that you can alter it appropriately.
That's it really. If you have any problems please contact the author.
This application is FreeWare. I retain the copyright but you can give
it to whoever you want so long as you do not charge any money for it.
I hope it is useful. Any comments to me:
Richard Sharpe
5 Camberwell Terrace
Leamington Spa
CV31 1LP
Tel : 01926 772137
email: richard@camberwell5.demon.co.uk
If you found this aplication useful you may like to look at some of the other
applications that I have written:
This is is large graph plotting and data analysis package.
This application tells you all you may want to know about the Natural numbers.
This is a desktop arithmetic tables tester.
This solves large sets of simultaneous equations.
All of the above are available from A.P.D.L. or the DataFile P.D. libraries or
directly from the author..