config.nos:Filing system error while saving settings
config.nof:No configuration file specified
win.not:Window template '%s' not found
poss.none:Oh dear. Either Possum is not running or there's a bug which means I don't know its task handle.
poss.toomany:There are too many Possums!
# Help messages Select to make Possum live in the
settings.csc2:corner of the screen.
settings.1:<> top left <settings.csc2>
settings.2:<> top right <settings.csc2>
settings.3:<> bottom right <settings.csc2>
settings.4:<> bottom left <settings.csc2>
settings.6:This is the display type used by Possum
settings.7:Click Select to open a menu of display types which Possum can use
settings.8:This icon determines whether Possum displays leading zeroes in its day field when necessary|MIf ticked Possum will display leading zeroes|MIf not ticked Possum will display leading spaces
settings.9:If this icon is ticked then Possum displays the time to the millennium in your timezone.|MIf not ticked then Possum displays the time to the millennium at Greenwich.
settings.10:Tick this icon if the millennium will occur during daylight saving time in your neck of the woods.
settings.11:Tick this item if you consider the first year of the millennium to be, for example, 2001 instead of 2000.
settings.12:Click Select to close this window without changing Possum's settings.
settings.13:Click Select to change Possum's current and default settings.
settings.14:Click Select to change Possum's current settings leaving its defaults unchanged.