# Message file for HardBack (Backup) correct at 1.622 (23 Aug 95)
WimpTitle:HardBack (Backup)
SerNo:Serial no. 100
RegVer:Demo Version
ErrorTitle:HardBack (Backup)
Count:Counting ...
IcDoing:In use
# Error messages
UkROv:Unknown RISC OS version. Double click on the !Backup icon.
RO2plus:HardBack needs RISC OS 2 or later
MoreRAM:Backup needs more memory
NoMoreRAM:Unable to allocate RAM
LittleRAM:HardBack (Backup) is short on memory (file buffers = approx %0k) - backup operations will be slow. To increase the memory, drag the red HardBack (Backup) bar in the Task Manager to the right.
ErrMsgLnco:The 'LongNoCompressOver' value in the Messages file is clearly wrong. Please ensure it is a suitable value (over 100 is sensible).
MenuFull:Menu too long. You can't add any more items onto this list.
TooManyIt:This window cannot take more than %0 items. %1 will be ignored.
EndBackup:Are you sure you want to end the backup in progress?
CorrFile:A HardBack resource file is corrupt, or is missing. Make sure you run Backup by double clicking on !Backup. If you cannot obtain an uncorrupted copy from anywhere else, send a disc and ú1 to the author.
BackDead:This backup operation has been aborted at the request of the user.
BackErr:An error has occurred during the backup procedure (%0). Unfortunately this means it will have to end now.
QuitErr:An error caused the backup in progress to be abandoned.
NoSpace:Not enough space on this disc. Please insert an alternative disc %0 in drive %1
OKForm:Error: %0. Format disc?
BadForm:Format failed - disc error perhaps?
ContDisc:Error: %0. Do you want to continue using this disc?
DrvError:Error from drive %0: %1
NotBlank:Disc is not blank - Erase contents?
NoSrc:Source object does not exist
NoDest:Destination drive invalid - it must be in the form adfs::0.$
BadDest:Invalid destination
NotFC:Destination is not a FileCore filing system (eg ADFS, RAMFS, SCSIFS etc.)
BaDPath:Invalid destination pathname
BDErr:Error in creating BackupDate - is source write protected/read only?
CantArc:Can't archive file '%0' (%1)
AccVio:Access violation with %0
BadSkOp:Invalid stack operation.
BadSFile:Error when reading file (%0) at script file line %1
TooMany:Too many %0 items
UkKey:Unknown keyword '%0'
UkScript:This script file (revision %0) has been created by a later version of HardBack. This version cannot read it.
BadScType:The filetype for script files is not known - please ensure HardBackD$Filetype is correct.
# Messages
Finished:Finished: Source (%0)%1 copied to %2 (total of %3) in
SaveAs1:To save, drag the icon to a directory display
NoName:Before you can save, you must enter a name into the white box
FormDisc:Please wait: Formatting disc %0 in drive %1
AltDisc:Insert alternative disc %0 in drive %1
TooOld:File %0 too old: %1
NoFCopy:File %0 not to be copied
NoDCopy:Directory %0 not to be copied
DirEmpty:Directory %0 is empty
NoCopy: %0 not to be copied
ImgEmpty:Image %0 is empty
InsEnd:Please insert disc %0 to finish archiving.
ReInsDisc:Please re-insert disc %0 in drive %1
# Window/icon help
HiconwA:\THard Disc Backup icon.|MClick SELECT on this to start a backup.|MClick MENU to obtain information or quit the application.
HiconwB:\THard Disc Backup icon.|MClick SELECT on this to display a window showing the progress of the backup operation.|MClick MENU to obtain information or quit the application.
HinfowGen:This \w displays information about HardBack
Hinfow11:\Sopen a file giving details on how to register with the author.
Hmainw6:This displays how far the backup operation has progressed.
Hmainw8:This displays the approximately how long the rest of the backup will take.
Hmainw19:This displays the average compression rate for the backups so far.
Hmainw11:This displays the current disc number.
Hmainw20:This displays the estimated number of discs this backup will use.
Hmainw17:This shows the file currently being backed up.
Hmainw16:This displays various messages from the backup operation.
Hmainw13:\Shalt the backup operation in progress.
HmainwA14:\Sresume to backup operation.
HmainwB14:\Spause the backup operation.
HmainwGen:This \w displays information on the backup in progress.
Hprefs4:\Sreset these values to those held in the program.
Hprefs0:\Supdate the copy of these values stored in the program.
Hprefs1:\Sstart the backup operation.
Hprefs2:\Sforget these settings, revert to the previous ones and close the \w.
Hprefs3:Drag a script file here to set the options accordingly.|MIf you hold down CTRL, the contents of the selected and ignored windows will be merged with those listed in the file.
HprefsGen/HpreflGen:This \w allows you to choose how you want the backup to be performed.
Hprefl0:Drag the source object to this box or type in the pathname for it here.|MTo choose the parent of an object, drag it here holding down CTRL.
Hprefl4:Either type in the destination in the white box or click on the icon to the right to provide a list of possible options.
Hprefl32:\Sbring up a menu with a number of possible destinations.
Hprefl8:This area contains options that change various things about the backup.
Hprefl10:Choose this to allow you to choose which objects to backup and to ignore the source.
Hprefl12:\Sbring up a \w containing the selected objects.
Hprefl11:Choose this to allow you to choose which objects not to backup.
Hprefl13:\Sbring up a \w containing the objects to ignore.
Hprefl14:Choose this to only backup objects saved after a certain date.
Hprefl15:Choose this to only backup objects that have been modified since the last backup.
Hprefl16:Choose this to only backup objects saved after the date specified.
Hprefl18:Here enter the date the backup is to start from in the form 12/11/65. Drag a file or directory here to set the date and time to when it was created.
Hprefl19:Here enter the time the backup is to start from in the form 13:45:04. Drag a file or directory here to set the date and time to when it was created.
Hprefl34:Choose this to only backup files of the types shown by clicking the icon to the right.
Hprefl33:\Sbring up a menu showing the types of file that will be backed up.
Hprefl25:Choose this if you want the product of the backup to be compressed.
Hprefl30:Choose this if you want to write a BackupDate file to the source directory.|MThis means you can do incremental backups with the last backup option.
Hprefl29:These options determine how image files (eg PC partitions, ArcFS 2 archives etc) will be treated under Risc OS 3 and above.
Hprefl35:Choose this to backup image files as one file and backup the contents verbatim.|MThis means that you will not be able to retrieve the contents individually, but when restored the result will be identical to the original.
Hprefl36:Choose this to backup image files as a directory and then backup the contents individually.|MThis means you will be able to retrieve the contents individually, but not restore the file as it was before.
Hprefl37:Choose this to ignore image files altogether.
Hprefl7:This area allows you to optimise the way that HardBack (Backup) operates.
Hprefl26:Choose this to prevent trying to compress files of certain types.|MClick on the icon to the right to display a menu listing them.
Hprefl31:\Sbring up a menu showing the types of file not to be compressed.
Hprefl27:Choose this to set the compression buffer size to that shown in the box to the right.
Hprefl28:Here enter the compression buffer size in kilobytes.
Hprefl22:Choose this to prevent trying to compress files under the size shown in the box to the right.
Hprefl23:Here enter the size in bytes under which no files should be compressed.
Hprefl38/Hprefl39:This area allows you to control the way that errors during the backup procedure are dealt with.
Hprefl40:Choose this if you don't want HardBack to warn you about errors concerning individual files, such as 'Disc error xx at ....'. If it is not selected a window will appear to warn you. See the manual for more information.
Hnotif1:Click \s here when you have completed the action specified in the box above.
HnotifGen:Carry out the action specified in the box then click Continue.
Hquery1:Click here if you agree with the statement in the box above.
Hquery2:Click here if you do not want the statement above to go ahead.
HqueryGen:Decide whether you want the statement in the box to proceed and if so click OK otherwise click No/Cancel.
Hseli0Gen:Drag objects here that you want to backup. If you want to remove an object click menu and select Remove item.
Hseli1Gen:Drag objects here that you do not want to backup. If you want to remove an object click menu and select Remove item.
Hsaveb0:\Ssave the file under the name in the white box.
Hsaveb1:Here enter the name you want to save the file under.
Hsaveb2:To save, drag this icon to a directory viewer.
HsavebGen:This \w allows you to save your preferences as a script file.
# Menus/Menu help
MHiconw0:\Rsee information about this program.
MHiconw1:\Squit HardBack (Backup).
MHdesti0:\Schoose this as the destination
MRemIt:Remove item(s)
Mselig0-1:Remove all
MClrSel:Clear selection
MHseli00/MHseli10:\Sremove this item from the list.
MHseli01/MHseli11:\Sremove all the items from the list.
MHseli02/MHseli12:\Sdeselect all items which have been selected.
MHonlyt0:\Stoggle whether files of this type are backed up.
MHonlytE:Enter a filetype you want to backup.
MHnotty0:\Stoggle whether files of this type are not compressed.
MHnottyE:Enter a filetype you don't want to compress.
MSaveDef:Save as default
MHprefs0:\Rsee information about this program.
MHprefs1:\Rsave these settings as a script file.
MHprefs2:\Ssave the current options as those to be chosen when you next start Backup.
MHprefs3:\Squit HardBack (Backup).
MHstopm0:\Send the backup operation. This may render the output files unreadable.