<h3>Features of Webster version <a href="versions/013.html">0.13</a>.</h3>
<li>This program allows you to View HTML format files from a local disk. As well as HTML files from machines on the internet (See <A HREF="fetchers.html">Fetchers</a>).
<LI>Standard URLs are used thoughout. i.e. these files would work on the Web! URLs are <a HREF="urltrans.html">Translated</a> as required.
<LI>Supports <A HREF="fetchers.html">fetcher applications</a> for internet access. (Some Simple <A HREF="fetchers.html">fetchers</A> for <a href="http.html">HTTP</a>, EMail (<a href="nbmail.html">NewsBase</a> and <a href="fetchers.html#examples">ReadNews</a>), <a href="fetchers.html#examples">Telnet</a> and <a href="fetchers.html#examples">FTP</a> URLs, for use with TCPIP are provided. (As is my first attempt at a <a href="FreeWeb.html">fetcher for real TCP/IP stacks</a>)
<li>Everything obtained using a <a HREF="fetchers.html">Fetcher</a> is <a href="caches.html">cached</a> on Disk. Inline images are also Cached in memory for speed.
<LI><quote>Webster</quote> style Fetchers are ru as required.
<LI><quote>Standard</quote> Fetchers can be run <a href="fetchers.tml#run">when they are first needed</a>.
<LI>Decoding of pages is fully interactive, so you can watch a page appearing. The amount of interactiveness is fully configurable via the <a href="choice/decoding.html">Decoding</a> section of the <a href="choices.html">Choices</a> windows.
<LI>Decodes Most <a HREF="codes.html">HTML Tags</a> as used in <a href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/NCSAMosaicHome.html">NCSA Mosaic</a> and <A HREF="http://home.netscape.com">Netscape</a> on which it is loosely based.
<LI>Some of the more useful Netscape specific <a HREF="codes.html">HTML extensions</a> are also implemented. (Centering etc.)
<li>Displays inline XBM, GIF, JPEG and Sprite <A HREF="images.html">images</a>.
<LI>The Converter for each Images type is User Configurable. (And can also be forced to MultiTask, Via the <a href="choice/inline.tml"><quote>InLine Viewers</quote></a> Section of the <a href="choices.html">Choices Windows</A>)
<LI>All images are <A href="caches.html">cached</a> (and savable by double clicking them with Adjust) as sprites to speed up displaying of pages containing already used images.
<LI>Sprites can be taken from Files (where the default is to use the first image or the filename can be suffixed by a hash and an image name) or the WimpSprite pool. (By prefixing the image name with a Hash).
<LI>Pages can be saved in several formats. (via the windows submenu on the <A href="menus.html">Main menu</a> or by pressing F3 when the Main window has the Input Focus)
<LI>As a Draw file.
<LI>As a plain Text file.
<LI>As a file for the text and each image.
<li>This Window is expandable to full screen size by dragging the <quote>Resize box</quote> or clicking on the <quote>Toggle Size</quote> box.
<LI>You can control how the window behaves using the <a href="choice/window.html"><Quote>Window</quote></a> section of the <a href="choices.html">Choices windows</a>.
<LI>What is done with Fetched files is fully configurable via the <a href="extview.html">External Viewers</a> Configuration option.
<LI>Has <a href="keyboard.html">Keyboard ShortCuts</a> for many of the common functions.
<LI>RISC OS 3.00 Compatible (or so I'm told!)
<li>Works from <a href="install.html#ReadOnly">ReadOnly</a> fileytems when <a href="install.html">installed</a> correctly. (See <a href="install.html#ReadOnly">Installation Info</a>).
<LI>All fonts used are user Configurable as is much of the formatting. (See <a href="file://localhost/Resources:$/Apps/!Help/!Run">Online Help</a> and the Documentation on the <a href="choices.html"><quot>Choices</quote> Windows</a>).
<LI>You should use the RISC OS <a href="file://localhost/Resources:$/Apps/!Help/!Run"><quote>!Help</quote></a> application to get details on what the contents of the <a href="choices.html">choices windows</a> mean.
<LI>The toolbar can be fixed at the Top or Bottom of the Main Window (Via the <a href="choice/window.html"><quote>Window</quote></a> Section of the <a href="choices.html">Choices Windows</a>).
<LI>Most Windows have online Help available via the RISC OS <a href="file://localhost/Resources:$/Apps/!Help/!Run">!Help</a> Application.
<LI>The contents of all Writable Fields can be <quote>Cut</quote> (Whole contents) and </quote>Pasted</quote> using control <a href="keyboard.html">keys</a>.
<LI>Visited Links can be identified by a differant colour (By default the collour is the same as that for unvisited links, but you can change this in the <a href="choice/decoding.html"><quote>Decoding</quote></a> section of the <a href="choices.html">Choices windows</a>).
<LI>System Variables can be used to point links to files as can pseudo Filing systems. (e.g. <a href="file://localhost/%3cWebster$Dir%3e/!Help">file://localhost/%3cWebster$Dir%3e/!Help</a> and <a href="file://localhost/Webster:!Help.html">file://localhost/Webster:!Help.html</a>, Both Point at Webster's !Help/html file when the link is followed)
<LI>Now read the page on <a HREF="bugs.html#known">Known Bugs</a> please. This tells you about Known problems and <a HREF="bugs.html#reporting">How to report bugs</a>.
<li>For more Information on changes since the last version, you should read the latest <a HREF="history.html">History files</a>.
<P>Points to Note
<LI>HTML is displayed in a window using icons.
<LI>Source code supplied (Hard to do otherwise, it being written in BASIC)
<li>Uses Standard RISC OS Editors and <a href="choice/external.html">Viewers for External files</a>.
<LI>The default font selections (Those used when no <Webster$Choices>.Fonts file exists) do not have any fixed width fonts.
<li>Configuring should be done via <a href="choices.html"><quote>Choices</quote> Windows</a> (with instant effect) and the <quote>Edit Fonts</quote> Windows (Where a page reload is required)
<address><A HREF="author.html">Andrew Pullan</A>, 4th January 1996</address>