Both <a HREF="images.html">inline images</a> and Pages are cached on disk. Inline images are actually cached in memory as well.
<h2><a name="Disc">The Disc Cache</a></h2>
<LI>The disc cache is kept at <Webster$CacheDir>, which is set in the applications !Run file.
<lI>The Cache is controlled by the <quote>Disc Cache Size</quote> value in the <quote>Caches</quote> section of the Choices windows.
<li>Values above 1 create a cache with that many entries (The default is 10).
<LI>If you create a directory in the cache directory called '0000' (four zeros) then you can have a maximum of 5929 cache entries rather than the normal 77.
<li>The Cache IS recorded over reloads of the Application, But deleting files manually from the cache will <em>not</em> cause problems.
<li>The Cache space is reallocated on a least recently used basis.
<li>As both images and Pages are recorded (in original form) in the Cache you may want to make it quite large (30 or more) but this will of course take up lots of disc space.
<LI>Clicking on the Reload icon or selecting the Reload Menu option will re-fetch the page but <em>NOT</em> the images (If you Click with Adjust on the Button <em>Both</em> Page and images will be fetched).
<LI>Flushing the Disc Cache does not delete any file, it just Clears the record of what's in the Cache.
<LI>Webster never deletes file from the Cache until they are about to be over written.
<h2><a name="Memory">The in Memory Cache</a></h2>
<lI>This Cache is controlled by the <quote>Image Cache time</quote> value in the <quote>Caches</quote> section of the Choices windows.
<li>Only inline images are cached in memory. (and the current page of course!)
<li>Each image is cached (as a sprite file) for, by default, 5 pages after it was last used. (or until you clear the cache)
<li><em>There is no limit to the memory Cache apart from the amount of memory free.</em>
<br>If Memory runs out the page load will fail. To 'fix' this Flush the image cache and reload the page.
<dd>Both caches are <quote>cleared</quote> when the select the 'Flush Cache' <a HREF="menus.html">Menu</a> option. Or they can be cleared individually.
<hr><address><a href="author.html>Andrew Pullan</a>, 8th May 1995</address>