This choices window allows you to enable and Disable interpretation of HTML Tags that are currently None standard.
The options are as follows.
<dt>Allow background images
<DD>Allows a background image to be specified as part of the <a href="../codes.html#body">Body Tag</a>.
This slows down the display as no further decoding can occur until this images has been received. Some of the images improve the page, some do the exact opposite.
<DT>Allow Colour Changes
<DD>Also an extension to the <a href="../codes.html#body">Body Tag</a>, this time to allow the Foreground, Background and visted link colours to to changed. Often needed with background images so you can actually see the text.
<DT>Allow Document Refreshes
<DD>Allows The HTTP-EQUIV value <quote>Refresh</quote> in the <quote>Meta</quote> tag to force a reload of the document etc. at specific intervals. (See <a href="">????</a> for details).
<dt>Decode Tables
<dd>Allows Table tags to be decoded as specified in the HTML 3 and Netscape Specs. This is not a complete implementation, those tags implemented can be found in the <a href="../codes.html">documentation on HTML tags</a>.