<h1><a NAME="bugs">Webster's Possible Enhancements</a></h1>
The following only applies to version <a href="versions/013.html">0.13</a>.
<h2><a NAME="enhancements">Enhancements</a></h2>
In no particular order.
<LI>Finish Decoding of <a href="http://home.netscape.com/assist/net_sites/tables.html">Table Tags</a>. (Priority)
<li>Add <a HREF="fetchers.html">fetchers</a> for Gopher, wais, etc. (I have written an http one for a Proper TCP/IP stack called, for the moment, <a href="freeweb.html">FreeWeb</a>).
<li>Finish Implementation of decoding forms (some tags are incomplete, i.e. textarea and imagemaps). Sending should now work if you can find a sender, see the <a href="FAQ.html#4">FAQ</a> documentation. (Both <a href="freeweb.html">FreeWeb</a> and ArcWebTCP should work)
<li>Trap fatal errors and close font handles.
<li>Get a Licence from Silicon Vision so I can distribute the compiled version. (Makes the archive 4 times larger though!)
<LI>Allow saving of the page and it's inline images in the <QUOTE>correct</quote> place (They are currently savable to one directory, but the HTML needs some editing to pick up the images).
<LI>Implement the uncommon <a href="http://home.netscape.com/">Netscape</a> tags and those of HTML3. (<font> etc.)
<LI>Implement printing. (Low priority as you can print by saving as a Draw file)
<LI>Multiple windows. This is fairly easy, but only one window could be decoded at a time due to the way the code works.
Please send bug reports to the <a HREF="author.html">Author</a> (But please read the page on <a href="bugs.html">Bugs</a> first), or fix the problem and just send the fix <img src="smiley">.