<h1><a NAME="usage">The XBM to Sprite Decoder</a></h1>
XBM Decoding is now an external Application to simplify the development of faster Decoders.
This Decoder is currently written in Basic and Will only Multitask with the aid of RISCOS's <quote>TaskWindow</quote> command.
The command line required is as follows
<Webster$Dir>.XBM2Spr 18 %0 %1
This provides images suitable for High resolution displays. If all the lines in the image are not clear on your monitor, you can change the <quote>18</quote> (Which is the sprite mode used) in the Command line to </quote>4</quote>, this will produce larger XBM images.
<address><a HREF="author.html">Andrew Pullan</A>, 1st June 1995</address>