INFOBAR:The Information Bar.|MShows messages and Information.
BARICON:WebsterS Icon|M\Sopen the main \w, or bring it to the top.
TOOLS:This is the Tool \w.
TOOLS0:Back to the Previous URL.
TOOLS1:Goto the Home URL.
TOOLS2:Back to the Next URL.
TOOLS3:Reload the current URL.
TOOLS4:Activity Indicator. Click when it's Coloured or Moving to Stop to current page load!|MWhen Stopped and Grey it opens the 'Goto URL' window.
TOOLS5:\Sopen the History List.
TOOLS6:\Sview Current Documents Source Text.
TOOLS7:\Sopen the Hot List.
TOOLS8:\Sprint this page (Not yet implemeted)
TOOLS9:\Sadd this page to the HotList
TOOLS10:Messages Appear Here.
TOOLS11:\Sto Search the Page for some Text.
TOOLS12:If Pushed Inline images will be loaded.|MClick with Adjust to load the images on the current page.
MAIN0:Click on any hilighted Text or Picture to follow the URL shown in the tool \w.|MOr Click Adjust to perform operations on a link or image.
HOTLIST0:Double click with \s to Goto the URL under the Pointer. Using \a also closes the \w.
HISTORY0:Double click with \s to Go back the URL under the Pointer. Using \a also closes the \w.
CHOICES0:\Sset Cache values.
CHOICES1:\Sconfigure Fetchers.
CHOICES2:\Sdefine how HTML is decoded.
CHOICES3:\Sdefine the look of lists.
CHOICES4:\Sdefine how the main window works.
CHOICES5:\Sdefine the image viewer.
CHOICES6:\Schange Miscellaineous Choices.
CHOICES7:\Sdefine External Pathways.
CHOICES8:\Sdefine if HTML Extensions are decoded.
CHOICES0.:\Wfor setting Cache values.
CHOICES0.0/CHOICES0.1/CHOICES0.2/CHOICES0.3:Defines the number of files held in the Disc Cache.
CHOICES0.4/CHOICES0.5/CHOICES0.6/CHOICES0.7:Defines the number of images held in the Image Cache.|mThis is held in memory.
CHOICES1.:\Wfor configuring Fetchers.
CHOICES1.0/CHOICES1.1/CHOICES1.2:The method being defined.
CHOICES1.3:If Selected this method is ignored.
CHOICES1.4:If Selected the 'Standard fetcher' is used.|MThese are separate Applications that listen for specific messages.
CHOICES1.5:If Selected the command below is called.
CHOICES1.6:The command called for this method|M%0 is replaced with the hostname, %1 with the path and %2 with the destination filename (Values in brackets are Method specific).
CHOICES1.8/CHOICES1.9/CHOICES1.10:The WimpSlot the command above is run with. In K bytes.
CHOICES1.12:If Selected this Method will cause an edit window (Suitable for saving to a Mailer) will to opened.
CHOICES1.13:If Selected this Method will cause a Save window (Suitable for dragging to a Mailer) will to opened.
CHOICES1.14:If Selected the Extended URL protocol of the 'Standard fetchers' is used.|MThese are separate Applications that listen for specific messages.
CHOICES1.17:When selected if the first call of the above fails, the command in the field below is run and the call made again.
CHOICES12:If Selcted this method opens an Edit \w|MReally designed for the 'mailto' method.
CHOICES13:If Selected this methos will open a save window containing the complete URL.
CHOICES2.:\Wfor defining how HTML is decoded.
CHOICES2.1:If Selected Inline images should be shown,|Motherwise the ALTernateive text is shown (If any).
CHOICES2.3:If Selected Links will be underlined.
CHOICES2.2/CHOICES2.5:The Colour that links are shown in.
CHOICES2.4:If Selected Horizontal Rules will always be thin and Solid. (Not in 3D)
CHOICES2.6:If Selected the HTML Extensions implemented by Netscape will be decoded.
CHOICES2.7/CHOICES2.8:The Colour that links you have visited (i.e. those in the Cache) are shown in.
CHOICES2.9:If Selected loading is slower but you see the page faster.
CHOICES3.:\Wfor defining the look of lists.
CHOICES3.8:If Selected Ordered lists use Letters and numbers,|Motherwise lists will use only numbers.
CHOICES3.0/CHOICES3.1/CHOICES3.2/CHOICES3.3:How much a list is indented from the current left margin.
CHOICES3.4/CHOICES3.5/CHOICES3.6/CHOICES3.7:The gap between the list indicator (The number or dot) and the List Value.|MAlso the indent for the Data part of Definition lists.
CHOICES4.0:If selected Holding shift while dragging the main \w will keep it on screen.
CHOICES4.1:If selected the main \w can not be dragged off screen.
CHOICES4.2:If selected the Toggle size icon makes the \w the same width as the screen.
CHOICES4.3:If selected a single click on a link will follow it, otherwise two clicks are required.
CHOICES4.4:If Selected the Toolbar is shown at the top of the main \w.
CHOICES4.5:If Selected Holding SHIFT constrains the Main window to the screen.
CHOICES5.1:GIFs are decoded using this command. %0 is the source filename, %1 the required destination spritefile filename, %2 a suitable mode.|MAnything else is passed to the command.
CHOICES5.5/CHOICES5.6/CHOICES5.7:The Size of the WimpSlot for The Gif Decoder.|MZero means Gif Decoding is not Multitasking.
CHOICES5.3:JPEGs are decoded using this command. %0 is the source filename, %1 the required destination spritefile filename, %2 a suitable mode..|MAnything else is passed to the command.
CHOICES5.10/CHOICES5.11/CHOICES5.12:The Size of the WimpSlot for The JPEG Decoder.|MZero means JPEG Decoding is not Multitasking.
CHOICES6.0/CHOICES6.1/CHOICES6.2/CHOICES6.3:The number of items allowed in the History List.
CHOICES7.:This \w allows you to configure Pathways for Files fetched from the Internet.|MSee the Choices Documentation for more details.
CHOICES7.2/CHOICES7.3/CHOICES7.4:A Scrollable list the the Extensions/Filetypes Webster has been configured with.|MClick to select and change an entry.
CHOICES7.8:Enter a list of Extensions and Filetypes (starting with &, noleading zeros) and click on the 'NEW' button to add them to the list for known extensions.
CHOICES7.16:Click here after filling in the Field to the left to Add to the list of files that there are External viewers for.
CHOICES7.17:This is the list of Extensions/Filetypes that will caues the action below to occur, when a file of this type is fetched from the Internet.
CHOICES7.9:This Action means that the file is ignored (i.e. nothing happens)
CHOICES7.10:This Action means a 'Filer_Run' is performed on the fetched file.|MThis is like double clicking on it.
CHOICES7.11:This Action causes Webster to try and load the file it's self.|MWebster can cope with GIF, JPEG, XBM and Text files.
CHOICES7.14:This Action causes a Save box to be opened, allowing the fetched file to be saved for later use.
CHOICES7.12:This Action will cause the command in the field below to be called, with %0 replaced with the fetched files name.
CHOICES7.13:This is the command run when the 'command' action is seletced.|MThis can be partly filled in by dragging a file or Application to it.|M
CHOICES7.21:This action causes an 'ArcWeb_Render' message to be sent. Applications can pick this up and decide themselves what to do with the fetched file.
CHOICES7.18:Click here to delete to currently hilighted Extension/Filetype entry.
CHOICES7.19:Moves down the list to the left.|MHold down Shift to move faster
CHOICES7.20:Moves up the list to the left.|MHold down Shift to move faster
CHOICEBUT0:\Ssave the current choices.
CHOICEBUT1:\Sreload the saved choices.
CHOICEBUT2:\Sclose this Window.
CHOICEBUT/CHOICES/CHOICES?.:This \w selects which choices to Change.
FONT0/FONT8/FONT3/FONT4/FONT5:This group contains icons that allow you to change to Font the text is shown in.
FONT1:\TWeight that the example below is shown in.|MThis is usually Bold, Medium or Light.
FONT2:\TStyle the example below is shown in.|MThis is usually Bank or contains either Oblique or Italic.
FONT6:Click here to get a menu that allows you to change the Font, Weight and Style.
FONT7:\Tname of the font the example below is shown in.
FONT10:This is how the text will look in the icon if you apply your changes using the 'Apply' button below.
FONT11/FONT12/FONT23/FONT24:This group contains icons that allow you to change the size and aspect ratio of the font used.
FONT13/FONT15/FONT16/FONT17/FONT18/FONT19/FONT20/FONT21/FONT22:Click here to select the indicated font Height (in points)
FONT25:\Tcurrent height of the font.|MYou can change it using the arrows to the right, or by writing in a differant value.
FONT26:\Tcurrent aspect of the font.|MYou can change it using the arrows, or by writing in a differant value.|MValues 0 to 100 means the font is narrower than it is tall, 100+ means the font is wider than it is tall.
FONT27:Decreases the Font height.
FONT28:Increases the Font height.
FONT29:Decreases the Font aspect.|MThe lower the value the narrower the font.
FONT30:Increases the Font aspect.|MThe higher the value the wider the font.
FONT32:Closes this \w without implementing your changes.
FONT33:Implements your changes to the appearance of the icons text.
FONT36:Saves any changes for the next reload.
FONT37:Apply any font changes you have made.
FONT?/FONT??:This \w allows you change the appearance of the Anti-Aliased text in the icon you are Altering.
STYLE:The HTML style that the you are changing.
BARMENU0:\Ropen the standard 'About this Program' Dialogue Box.
BARMENU1/BARMENU1.0:Opens a \w that changes how the application works.
BARMENU1.1:Opens the configuration \ws for all 'Fetcher applications'.
BARMENU2:Opens the Help files.
BARMENU3:Opens a \w to allow you change the Fonts pages are displayed with.
BARMENU4:Quit the Application.
MAINMENU0:\Rmove between pages (URL's)
MAINMENU0.0:Move back to the last page you viewed (If any)
MAINMENU0.1:Goto your 'Home' page.
MAINMENU0.2:Move Forwards in the History list (Only works after a 'Back')
MAINMENU0.3:Opens a window allowing you to enter a UTL to go directly to.
MAINMENU1:Miscelaineous Items.
MAINMENU1.0:Views the Source file that created this Page.
MAINMENU1.1:Sets the Home page to the current URL.
MAINMENU1.2:\Rselectively flushes the caches, or Select this option to flush all the caches.
MAINMENU1.2.0:Flushes just the in memory image cache (This also reduces the Applications memory usage)
MAINMENU1.2.1:Flushes the Disk based cache.
MAINMENU2:Reloads the current Page. (Images will be obtained from the Image Cache)
MAINMENU3:\Rsave parts of this Page or this \ws Position.
MAINMENU3.0:Save the current page (and it's images)
MAINMENU3.1:Saves the \ws current position.
MAINMENU3.2:Saves the Image you clicked Menu on (If any)|MYou could also double click with Adjust on an image.
MAINMENU4:\Rshow the History list or Hotlist.
HOTMENU0:Adds the current URL or page to the Hotlist.
HOTMENU1:Deletes the URL that is highlighted.
HOTMENU2:Edits the highlighted URL.
HOTMENU3:Sorts the List in one of serveral ways.
HOTLIST:Double Click to load the indciated Page (Or open another HotList).|MDrag to change the Order or to move from one list to another.
SEARCH1:The text to Search the page for.
SEARCH2:Closes this Search window.
SEARCH3:Finds the Next match on the page. (You can also do CTRL-N)
SEARCH4:Finds the First match on the page. (You can also press RETURN)
EDITHOT:This \w allows you to edit the Currently Hilighted Hotlist entry.
EDITHOT2:This is the Title of the Page to URL below takes you to.|MWhere the URL points to a Hotlist, this should be a name for that HotList.
EDITHOT5:Closes this \w.
EDITHOT6:Revert back to what the Title and URL were before you changed them.|M(Must be done before you press 'Change')
EDITHOT4:Changes the hilighted HotList Entry to the Shown Value.
EDITHOT3:This is the URL clicking on the HotList entry will take you to.|MIf the URL starts with an equals sign then the part after the equals is the Filename of another HotList. (Entering a Filename will create the list)
IMAGE0:Save the images you clicked on (if any)
IMAGE1:Loads the Images Clicked on, assuming it it not already shown.
QFONT:This \w allows you to quickly setup the fonts used to suit the screen size you use.
QFONT4/QFONT5:This is the Style for most of the fonts used.
QFONT6/QFONT7/QFONT8:This is the base size for most of the Fonts.|MEach HTML style has it's own size, but they can be assigned relative to this size.|MThis should be the smallest size you are comfortable with.
QFONT22:This is what the smallest of the most used fonts will look like at the size specified above.
QFONT12/QFONT513This is the Style for the Fixed Width fonts.|MThis style is used where alignment of text is important and to make things you type stand out.
QFONT15/QFONT16/QFONT17:This is the base size for Fixed Width Fonts.|MEach HTML style has it's own size, but they can be assigned relative to this size.|MThis should be the smallest size you are comfortable with.
QFONT23:This is what the smallest of the Fixed Width fonts will look like at the size specified above.
QFONT14:Closes this \w without changing any of the fonts (unless you have clicked on the Change button)
QFONT19:Opens a \w that allows you to define the exact font size and style for all the HTML styles.
QFONT18:Implements the changes you make in this window.