3DEMO.ZIP 3Demo 1.0 (B.C.Ives; $0) is a simple demo that displays 3-D, rotating objects. Pascal source code included.
3DLIB17F.ZIP 3DLIB v1.7 TurboPascal 3D graphic objects lib/animation pkg.
ANIVGA12.ZIP VGA sprite animation unit for TP >=6.0, v1.2
ASYNC203.ZIP Async Communications Library for Turbo Pascal. Version 2.03. Includes all Pascal and Assembler source. Enjoy!
BBSKIT20.ZIP BBKit v2.0c - Newest version straight from author! Pascal routines to help construct a BBS from scratch! Supports baud rates up to 115,200 baud!
BP7_OS2.ZIP This package patches the Borland Pascal 7.0 c library, allowing you to write 16-bit OS/2 prmodes and even Presentation Manager!
BPL70N12.ZIP Borland-Pascal 7.0 Runtime Libary Update Release 1.2 05-20-1993 A collection of fast replacement libraries for your Turbo Pascal 7.0 / Borland Pascal 7.0 compiler. A real mode library (TURBO.TPL) A DOS protected mode library (TPP.TPL), and a Windows library (TPW.TPL).
BTP20.ZIP BTP 2.0, John Leon, $25. Is a TP unit that makes it easy to use Btrieve. It now works with TP7.
BTV200.ZIP Btv.pas is an object oriented Turbo Pascal 6.0,7.0 programming interface for Novell's Btrieve database manager. BTV.PAS works with DOS, MS Windows, and DOS protected mode programs. Btv.pas supports all Btrieve functions through V5.15. New to Btv.pas 2.0 is support for extended operations.
DVGCRT10.ZIP CRT Unit replacement for Turbo Pascal.
ENTRT101.ZIP Turbo Pascal unit to implement data-entry fields for standard data-types. Author U/L.
EPB233.ZIP Ed's Pascal Beautifier (EPB) v2.33: formats Pascal source code in a consistent form, with fully automatic indentation.
FLXKEY10.ZIP Turbo Pascal Unit to create/read encrypted program registration-keys. Supports TP 4.0 through to TP 6.0. Easy to use. Samples. Shareware.
GIFDOC5.ZIP Unit to decode and encode GIFs.
HCN305.ZIP HALCYON v3.05 - Turbo Pascal source code to access dBase files. Allows reading and updating of dBase III .DBF, .DBT, and .NDX files. For dBase IV, the .DBF and .DBT files may be updated. Source will compile in TP 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, Real, Protected, and Windows. Will work in a network environment. Product of Griffin Solutions. Shareware; $89.95
JPDOOR32.ZIP TP5.5 and TP6 unit for writing powerfull RA1.11, QuickBBS 2.62 doors
JUL_CNV.ZIP Pascal unit to allow conversion between string type date and julian longint values for easy date calculation,-, ,/). VERY HANDY!
LIGHTPEN.ZIP TP-Lightpen Unit V1.0 Turbo Pascal Units To Allow You To Use A Lightpen In Your Programs Ideal For Laptops, Drawing Programs, Menus, Games And Many More IdealFor Laptops/Notebooks.
MSET.ZIP Set any video mode from DOS w\src
NCE3D.ZIP NCE3D v2.6 - 3D graphics functions and procedures for Turbo Pascal. Developed at the University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
PARSER20.ZIP Parser/TP v2.0: a recursive decent expression parser unit for Turbo-Pascal.
PASTI_94.ZIP Borland Pascal Technical Informaiton files (1994 only) If you only want the most recient then dl this.
PASWIZ15.ZIP Pascal Wizard Library v1.5 for Turbo Pascal and compatibles. BCD math, mouse, joystick, kbd, music, string and math extensions, equipment info, equation solver, archive directories. By Tom Hanlin.
PAS_0793.ZIP Pascal Code Snippets From Fido Pascal Echo.
PAS_ALL.ZIP Turbo Pascal Technical information files direct from Borland.
PAVT150.ZIP Pavatar50 Add Avatar, Ansi, & Vt-52 Emulations To Your Turbo/Borland Pascal Programs. Now 30-40% Faster, Fixes Bugs, Adds Ansi Music And Adlib Sound Support.
PCL4P40.ZIP Personal Communications Lib for Pascal v4.0. Supports Xmodem/Ymodem/Zmodem, 16550, etc.
PROTENG.ZIP Protocol engine for TP 5 & 6. Includes a terminal program.
PRPAS.ZIP PrettyPascal 1.0 is intended for Pascal programmers to help make program files more legible by spacing operators, procedure calls, & control guards, and by reformatting the code to a specified style and indentation preference. PrettyPascal is a great tool for programmers who have to maintain or review Pascal programs developed by others. Shareware ($30) from Invariant Software.
PULL70B.ZIP Pull - is a set high performance pull-down menu utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0.
QWIK71.ZIP Eagle Performance Software's high speed units for BP7 (Dos & DPMI) and TP7. Direct screen writes and reads. No OOP required. Very good.
RKPLUS33.ZIP RkPlus(tm) 3.3 Enhanced Registration Key Unit for Turbo Pascal(tm) 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 & 7.0; Turbo Pascal(tm) 1.0 & 1.5 for Windows(tm); Borland Pascal(tm) 7.0 (DOS Real, DPMI Protected & Windows modes) and Stony Brook Pascal+(tm). Supports multiple registration levels, limited use demo keys, custom encoding functions and direct EXE branding. Typeset manual & source code available. *** (c) 1991-93 Serious Cybernetics ***
RMOUSE11.ZIP TP6.0 mouse TPU (Graphic cursor in TEXT mode)
SCANH326.ZIP ScanHelp v3.26 Makes help files (.TEX/.TPH/.TXT/.HDF) from TP code (PDN).
SEARCHBM.ZIP Advanced Boyer-Morre Search for TP (works with array of char) Turbo Pascal.
SNAP31.ZIP StaNdArd Printer-Pascal (SNAP_P) DW3.1 <ASP> A Pascal with Objects pretty printer. Both DOS and Windows versions included. Major revision includes most requested features. Menu driven. Simple installation. Safe to use. DOS version is Turbo Vision. Optional dictionary gives control over the looks of names like "cmCancel" and "mfYesButton". Full control over block structure, indentation, margins. Includes batch mode.
SPX20.ZIP A grphics library for TP 6.0 and 7.0 programmers to write games in 320x200x256 Mode.
STREAM15.ZIP 23 different stream types for TP/BP/TPW
SVGAPAS.ZIP BGI driver for Turbo Pascal to use Super VGA up to 1024x768 256 color.
TOTDEM11.ZIP TECHNOJOCK'S OBJECT TOOLKIT v1.10 <ASP> - A sophisticated library of tools for Turbo Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can quickly and easily build programs sporting the latest interface style with pop-up dialog boxes, scroll-bars and stretchable/dragable windows. To display a sorted directory list in a moveable window, for example, takes just three lines of code. This file contains the demo programs- 1/3
TPCOM.ZIP Turbo Pascal 6.0 Support for Serial Port / Modem. This is a update of Wayne Conrad'scode to support the Serial Port with Pascal.
TPFORT18.ZIP TPFORT 1.8: Everything you need to use Microsoft Fortran 5.0/5.1 routines from Turbo Pascal 6.0. You can call Fortran from Pascal and vice versa. Supports recursion. Freeware.
TPLIB21.ZIP Turbo Pascal Library1 Library For Use With Tp 5.0 Or Greater. Free.
TPMUL330.ZIP MulAware 3.30 TP6 Unit for Multitaskers Make Your Programs Multitasker Aware! Supports OS/2, Windows, DESQview, TopView, TaskView, OmniView, DOS 5.0 Task Switcher, VMiX, & MultiDos Plus. Free from ABS.
TPSHAR10.ZIP ABS Share 1.00 - TP6 Unit for Share. Detects if Share is Loaded, supports Locking/UnLocking Regions of Files. Free from A.B.S.
TSPA3340.ZIP Timo Salmi's Turbo Pascal units collection v3.
TSPA3350.ZIP Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly 200 useful Turbo Pascal 5.0 routines for text-mode programs.
TSPA3355.ZIP Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly 200 useful Turbo Pascal 5.5 routines for text-mode programs.
TSPA3360.ZIP Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly 200 useful Turbo Pascal 6.0 routines for text-mode programs.
TSPA3370.ZIP Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly 200 useful Turbo Pascal 7.0 routines for text-mode programs.
TTTDEM51.ZIP TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10 <1/3> - An award winning library of tools for Turbo Pascal programmers. The main focus of the Toolkit is to give programs a professional and polished appearance. The Toolkit includes a host of menu building tools, sorted directory listings, full-screen data entry, window support, automatic mouse suport and much, much more! ** This file contains the demo files **
TVBUGSP1.ZIP Unofficial Bugs List Of Turbo Vision.
TVTOOL2.ZIP TV Tool Box V2.0 for Turbo Pascal 7.0 The TV Tool Box library enhances the Turbo Vision framework for Turbo Pascal. TV Tool Box includes formatted data entry with input masks, scrolling dialog boxes, dialog box field locking, check mark menus, string routines, 3D controls, 3D tool bars, iconizable windows, popup menus, virtual list boxes, slider controls, spin controls, and more. Shareware $40.00
UNIT6DIS.ZIP Disassemble TPascal 6.0 Units! Author Rick Bhatti.
UTIL178.ZIP UTILITY - Turbo Pascal * SOURCE CODE * including Save_Screen, Rebuild_Screen, Cursor Control, Full Screen Input, Date Routines, Set Border, Allow bright color backgrounds, All Shift Keys, Comma Routines, Drive Ready, Elapsed Time, Encryption, Fast Write to Screen, 43 Line mode, PopUp Windows, Print Screen, Random Numbers, Printer Ready, Read Screen, Reboot, Set Screen Attributes, Screen Off, Stuff Keyboard Buffer and MUCH MORE. From Gemini Systems as Shareware, must be registered.
VIRTMEM.ZIP Virtual Memory System For Turbo Pascal.
WGT_TP1.ZIP WordUp graphics library for 320x200x256 VGA mode.
WNDW70.ZIP Eagle Performance Software's high speed windowing screen units for BP7 (Dos & DPMI) and TP7. Fixed and virtual. No OOP required.
XTRADOS.ZIP Turbo Pascal 6.0 Unit that has some nice procedures and functions that the Dos Unitforgot!
ZMD6111B.ZIP ZModem interface TPU for ZModem TPascal (Beta).