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File List  |  1994-09-09  |  15.0 KB  |  208 lines

  1. La Coleccion II.  Sep. 94.  Walnut Creek CDROM.
  2. DOS: Health & Medical Programs
  3. path: \dos\health\ 
  4. -----------------------------------------------
  5. Name           Size      Date    Description
  6. ============ ========  ========  ==============
  7. AHG.ZIP        332880  02-11-93  Alternative health guide. Suggestions for a  
  8.                                | healthier way of life - point and click      
  9.                                | (mouse?) and graphics (.PCX) interface.
  10. BDA320.ZIP     262318  04-21-94  BETTER DIET ANALYZER, VERSION 3.2 <ASP>      
  11.                                | Powerful, easy nutritional analysis.- The    
  12.                                | Better Diet Analyzer offers instant nutrition
  13.                                | information on more than 1,400 foods, plus   
  14.                                | long-term record keeping for your complete   
  15.                                | diet and weight. Track calories, fats,       
  16.                                | cholesterol, protei n, carbohydrates and     
  17.                                | sodium.
  18. BIO20.ZIP       38213  07-27-93  Calculates your Bio-Rhythm for any day
  19. BREADS8.ZIP     45668  01-03-94  BREAD RECIPES - 152 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  20. CHEESE8.ZIP    108717  01-03-94  CHEESE RECIPES - 366 MEAL-MASTER v8.00       
  21.                                | Format
  22. CHOCOLA8.ZIP    99386  01-03-94  CHOCOLATE RECIPES - 259 MEAL-MASTER v8.00    
  23.                                | Format
  24. DESSERT8.ZIP   138902  01-03-94  DESSERT RECIPES - 479 MEAL-MASTER v8.00      
  25.                                | Format
  26. EXRCAL10.ZIP    30344  07-07-92  ExerCal v1.0: calculates how many calories   
  27.                                | you are burning due to exersize.
  28. EXRECIPE.ZIP    49889  07-17-92  Large Collection of Exotic Recipes From All  
  29.                                | Over The World.
  30. FIT3.ZIP       102494  09-05-92  Fitness tests with suggestions and reports.
  31. FMATE26.ZIP    264970  05-13-93  FitnessMate ver.2.6 VGA multiuser multisport 
  32.                                | fitness activity diary relational performance
  33.                                | evaluation tool for elite athletes &         
  34.                                | regulargals & guys. VGA 640x480 graphics     
  35.                                | required. Go Beyond Best... with FitnessMate!
  36.                                | 05/13/1993 release. AVOCATION TECHNOLOGIES   
  37.                                | Copr.1992-93
  38. FOODHAZ.ZIP    346292  02-01-92  Public domain program about foods that are   
  39.                                | hazardous to your health.
  40. FSCNVT21.ZIP   215982  06-06-93  From Scratch - recipe processor for Windows  
  41.                                | Conversion utility - REQUIRES FSCR21.ZIP.    
  42.                                | Converts recipes from Meal Master,           
  43.                                | Compu-Chef, Micro Kitchen Companion (All     
  44.                                | versions). Creates text files from Recipes,  
  45.                                | mailmerge files to allow formatting recipes  
  46.                                | using Word Perfect or Word for Windows.      
  47.                                | Allows you to share recipes with other From  
  48.                                | Scratch users. ASP Shareware.
  49. HEARTSMT.ZIP    51700  07-29-92  Heart Smart is a program that allows you to  
  50.                                | monitor your food intake and calculate the   
  51.                                | amount of fat, cholesterol, and calories in  
  52.                                | your meal; items can be added, edited, and   
  53.                                | deleted to the food list; context sensitive  
  54.                                | help; keyboard or mouse.
  55. HERBPW2.ZIP    356954  05-28-94  HERB POWER v2.0 The ultimate guide to the    
  56.                                | power of herbs. This Spectacular, colorful,  
  57.                                | and user friendly program will teach what you
  58.                                | need to know about natures medicines, and how
  59.                                | it will effect your live. Among the many     
  60.                                | features you'll discover is a full           
  61.                                | description of each herb. This includes      
  62.                                | cultivation, cooking, medical uses with the  
  63.                                | latest research findings and remedies, beauty
  64.                                | secrets, and other herb uses.
  65. I_DV1.ZIP       65802  03-15-92  Guide to Illness and Disorders - v1.0 Access 
  66.                                | symptoms, causes, treatment of over 400      
  67.                                | illnesses and disorders. Shareware Mailed by 
  68.                                | Emerald Coast Software.
  69. MAINDSH8.ZIP   145261  01-03-94  MAIN DISH RECIPES - 468 MEAL-MASTER v8.00    
  70.                                | Format
  71. MCOOK135.ZIP   294557  04-23-94  MicroCook v1.35 <ASP> Recipe database program
  72.                                | for DOS from NORSKi Software. Easy to use    
  73.                                | menus and editors with full mouse support.   
  74.                                | 2000+ recipes per database and number of     
  75.                                | databases only limited by disk space. ASCII  
  76.                                | Export and Import. Import Meal-Master(tm)    
  77.                                | ASCII recipes. Duplicate recipe checking.    
  78.                                | Powerful searches in index and database. Mark
  79.                                | recipes as deleted in Index or editor. 250   
  80.                                | recipes included. Work great in Windows too.
  81. MEALER.ZIP       9610  08-29-92  An edit utility for MealMaster 6.30 and      
  82.                                | higher. This little prog will allow you to   
  83.                                | type in your favourite recipe without        
  84.                                | worrying about MM's format requirements as   
  85.                                | Mealer does it! Released to the Public Domain
  86. MEAT8.ZIP       65454  01-03-94  MEAT RECIPES - 221 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  87. MENTE.ZIP        6306  02-03-93  Spanish text about psycoimmunology and AIDS.
  88. MM2155RE.ZIP   594909  02-01-92  2100+ Meal Master format recipes.
  89. MM80B.ZIP      199894  01-01-94  MEAL-MASTER v8.00 - Sophisticated and easy to
  90.                                | use recipe manager! Excellent search,        
  91.                                | shopping list, index, rescale, and print     
  92.                                | features. Supports English and Metric        
  93.                                | measures, including automatic conversion, and
  94.                                | decimal or common fractions. Very flexible!  
  95.                                | Unequalled export/import support, includes   
  96.                                | conversion program for other popular recipe  
  97.                                | formats. Dos application; also runs great in 
  98.                                | a Window under Windows or DesqView!
  99. MMCANUCK.ZIP    43895  04-04-93  Meal Master Canadian recipes version 7 or    
  100.                                | greater required. A wide sampling of recipes 
  101.                                | from all over Canada indicating the diversity
  102.                                | of Canadian regional cooking. Enjoy it, eh..
  103. MMDES.ZIP        5185  04-06-92  Meal Master format desert recipes.
  104. MMICE.ZIP       25184  08-18-93  Ice cream recipes in meal master format.
  105. MMIRISH1.ZIP     6497  02-26-93  Meal Master - Irish Recipes Just in time for 
  106.                                | St. Patrick's Day Several Irish Soda Bread   
  107.                                | recipes.
  108. MMIRISH2.ZIP     2423  02-26-93  Another collection of good Irish recipes just
  109.                                | in time for St. Patricks. These are among the
  110.                                | favorites of ny family. Wife from Tipperary. 
  111.                                | You'll really love the coffee
  112. MMMENU8G.ZIP    94316  03-21-94  MMENU v.8g. Collection of Utility programs   
  113.                                | for Meal-Master version 8. Includes          
  114.                                | compression, duplicate checking,             
  115.                                | alphabetization and conversion of other      
  116.                                | formats. Please backup your files before     
  117.                                | using compression.
  118. MMOVOLAC.ZIP    14387  09-17-93  Meal Master Ovo-lacto Vegetarian Recipes     
  119.                                | (include eggs & cheese). Compiled from the   
  120.                                | contribtions of many but special thanks must 
  121.                                | be given to Mark Satterly. V.7 or greater    
  122.                                | required.
  123. MM_BRIT.ZIP     46300  09-25-93  Meal Master recipes from the British         
  124.                                | periodical, Country Living in Meal Master    
  125.                                | format. Compiled by Karen Mintzias v.7 or    
  126.                                | greater required.
  127. MM_THAI.ZIP     28918  09-14-93  Meal Master Thai recipes. Originally compiled
  128.                                | by Michaela Pantke in Usenetrec.food.recipes.
  129.                                | Requires v.7 or great of Meal Master.
  130. MM_VEGAN.ZIP   237688  09-17-93  Meal Master Vegan Vegetarian recipes. Created
  131.                                | by the contributions of many, both special   
  132.                                | thanks must be given to Mark Satterly. V.7 or
  133.                                | greater required.
  134. MYF452.ZIP     342579  03-24-94  MYF v4.52 <ASP> MYF is a complete food       
  135.                                | manager designed for food manufacturers,     
  136.                                | institutional food planners and cooks,       
  137.                                | restaurant managers, bakers, dietitians,     
  138.                                | diabetics, and the home shopper. Its use is  
  139.                                | easy enough for the novice, yet comprehensive
  140.                                | enough for the professional. MYF tracks cost,
  141.                                | protein, carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol,    
  142.                                | fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, food 
  143.                                | exchanges, and %RDI. Outputs NLEA Labels.
  144. OSGBRD.ZIP      55508  09-17-93  Bread recipes from the Ohio State Grange     
  145.                                | Cookbook in Compu-Chef format.
  146. OSGCDY.ZIP      18230  09-17-93  Candy recipes from the Ohio State Grange     
  147.                                | Cookbook in Compu-Chef format.
  148. OSGCKY.ZIP      39379  09-22-93  Ohio State Grange Cookbook - Cookies         
  149.                                | Colletcion of recipes from the 1966 cookbook 
  150.                                | put out by the grange for cookies. In        
  151.                                | CompuChef format & will import to MealMaster.
  152. OSGFRZ.ZIP      31433  09-17-93  Frozen dessert recipes from the Ohio State   
  153.                                | Grange Cookbook in Compu-Chef format.
  154. OSGPIE.ZIP      39929  09-17-93  Pie recipes from the Ohio State Grange       
  155.                                | Cookbook in Compu-Chef format.
  156. OSGSOU.ZIP      11159  09-24-93  Ohio State Grange Cookbook - Soups Collection
  157.                                | of soups from the 1966 cookbook put out by   
  158.                                | the grange. CompuChef format/MM importable.
  159. PNBTR.ZIP        8947  07-24-93  Peanut Butter Recipes In MM Format.
  160. POT_HEAL.ZIP    14352  04-30-93  Research information on the health effects of
  161.                                | using marijuana. Dispels most of the myths by
  162.                                | outlining many recent government and         
  163.                                | university studies. Very accurate and        
  164.                                | objective.
  165. REC0685.ZIP      9472  10-05-93  Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Paella.
  166. REC0699.ZIP      4546  10-06-93  Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Fondue  
  167.                                | Recipes.
  168. REC0822.ZIP      4827  10-15-93  Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Medieval
  169.                                | and Anglo Saxon Recipes.
  170. REC0823.ZIP     12538  10-15-93  Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Biscotti
  171.                                | (LONG).
  172. REC0883.ZIP      9016  10-20-93  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Cheesecakes of the  
  173.                                | Net List (BIG!) 3/3.
  174. REC0884.ZIP     10828  10-20-93  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Cheesecakes of the  
  175.                                | Net List (BIG!) 2/3.
  176. REC0885.ZIP     12578  10-20-93  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Cheesecakes of the  
  177.                                | Net List (BIG!) 1/3.
  178. RUNSPREA.ZIP    14300  10-04-93  Tim's Lotus (c) Runners' Program v1.00 A     
  179.                                | specialized Lotus 123 (v2.1) spreadsheet     
  180.                                | forpeople who run. You enter Distance and    
  181.                                | Time,it calculates pace, averages and        
  182.                                | totaldistance (either miles or               
  183.                                | kilometres),averages, graphs at the touch of 
  184.                                | a button.Easy-to-use and almost goof proof.  
  185.                                | On-linehelp. FREE.
  186. SAUCES8.ZIP     45616  01-03-94  SAUCE RECIPES - 178 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  187. SLIM303B.ZIP   618736  11-11-93  SLIMMER Rev 3.03b. Diet tracker helps you set
  188.                                | your weight & calorie goals, then tracks your
  189.                                | daily wt, cal, chol, fat, prot, carboh, fiber
  190.                                | sodium, and potass for over 1200 items.      
  191.                                | Graphresults in mono, CGA, EGA or VGA.       
  192.                                | Requires a hard disk w/1.5 meg, 300k RAM, and
  193.                                | DOS 3.0 or higher. Shareware w/ a 30-day     
  194.                                | unlimited trial of database editor. PKUNZIP  
  195.                                | SLIM303B.ZIP,then run GO.EXE to install. Run 
  196.                                | S303.EXE tostart the SLIMMER program.
  197. WCCB101M.ZIP   170925  05-29-94  Wine Connoisseur's Cookbook v1.01M: contains 
  198.                                | recipes featuring wine as an ingredient for  
  199.                                | appetizers, salads, soups, main entrees, and 
  200.                                | desserts; each recipe includes ingredients,  
  201.                                | preparations, suggested wines, & accompanying
  202.                                | foods; req mouse; David C. Guardia/G & G     
  203.                                | Publishing Company.
  204. WORK10.ZIP      57788  04-30-92  WORKOUT! V1.0: pgm that's design to help you 
  205.                                | with your health goals; analysis of aerobics 
  206.                                | weight, calories and sysmmetry are included; 
  207.                                | mouse/mono/CGA/EGA/VGA support; sound.